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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

I might be still a little unexperienced in DOTA but, why isn't support Morphling a thing?

I mean, the hero comes with a 3 second stun at 900 cast range on a 10 second cooldown alongside a blink that doubles as early game aoe damage. It seems like it would be extremely easy to gank with him. Plus, if the game goes for a long time, he could transition to carry.

The only problem I could see is mana issues, but Ring of Aquilla, Soul Ring, and Arcane Boots would pretty much alieviate most of those problems, and they're all mostly cheap.


I think I'm going to try to learn to play DOTA, but I have no idea where to start. I played the tutorials a while back (I'll probably have to replay them), but other than that, what should I do to prepare? What terms should I know that the tutorial won't teach me? Are there unspoken rules when it comes to dealing with other players?

Any help would be appreciated, because it all seems really intimidating (especially considering some of the things I've heard about the community). Oh, and sorry if this isn't the right place for this, I didn't know where else to put it.



I just tried to connect to two matches, and couldn't load into either. Then, when the loading screen just sits there for three minutes and eventually quits the second time, I realize I have to go through six fucking low prio games and was assigned an abandon.

Is there any way to contest this bullshit? I didn't even get the option to load into either match.
lol we were losing.
lag hit... I shadow shamaned straight down mid to grab racks...bought sceptor...got megas gg
i should feel bad but dont
dont think other team cared as they all dc'd through the lag spikes
would you join it steven
stevewinwood stack is already a team
I think I'm going to try to learn to play DOTA, but I have no idea where to start. I played the tutorials a while back (I'll probably have to replay them), but other than that, what should I do to prepare? What terms should I know that the tutorial won't teach me? Are there unspoken rules when it comes to dealing with other players?

Any help would be appreciated, because it all seems really intimidating (especially considering some of the things I've heard about the community). Oh, and sorry if this isn't the right place for this, I didn't know where else to put it.

Once you've played the tutorial (which people will say is of varying usefulness) you are probably best off just watching videos and reading guides. Those can get you only so far though so it's never too early to just jump in head first and just make mistakes. After a game read up some more about the specifics of what you ran into and rinse and repeat. It'll be tons of that.

If you have a friend who plays you should try and tag along with him for a bit so he can teach you the ropes 1 on 1 which is the easiest way by far.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Hylian7 Giantbomb team つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Won't be having a team in the tournament.

However I will be casting in it again. I look forward to seeing the GAF teams and others in there. Good luck guys!



Hero-specific MMR would be a lot more relevant in my opinion. It is difficult to enforce in practice since players are matched before they choose which hero they want to play.

A workaround to make global MMR relevant would be a ranked matchmaking only for Random Draft or All Random modes.

jesus ranked solo is fucking lottery if u arent mid/carry

I have started playing Unranked Random Draft instead. The people there are a lot smarter, inclined to communicate in English and more polite. On the contrary, when I play Ranked All Pick, I often play with Russian or Turkish speakers, which makes it a bit hard to plan ganks, etc.



jesus ranked solo is fucking lottery if u arent mid/carry

Both lists almost full of carries, you two should be ashamed!
They changed them btw and now it´s basically giving you good performance for win rate only. My list is full of supports but i went 0:something with them as well.
I also don´t think that it´s lotto to support, Good supporting can win so many games.


Both lists almost full of carries, you two should be ashamed!
They changed them btw and now it´s basically giving you good performance for win rate only. My list is full of supports but i went 0:something with them as well.
I also don´t think that it´s lotto to support, Good supporting can win so many games.

It is not juste winrates, otherwise Lich would not be so high in my list.

Best hero player '12-'14

You have to sort it by performance first.


It is not juste winrates, otherwise Lich would not be so high in my list.

Then i don´t know what qualifies as a top support performance. Like i said i went deep negative in many support games but still ended up winning. How do they rate that? I play every hero and role around the same amount but somehow my supports are on top.


Both lists almost full of carries, you two should be ashamed!

Can't help if I'm way better carrying than supporting. It isn't a most played list.

Crystal Maiden 48/49
Venomancer 33/34
Enchantress 38/43
AA 11/8
Silencer 10/7
Dazzle 5/2
(not supp, but I don't even remember these games) Meepo 10/8

At least I'm near 50% with supp, my mid rate is abysmal. I usually win the lane but lose the game. Unless I'm playing mid that can farm fast/carry (QoP, SF, Troll).

Also, I usually play mirana supp. I don't like her as a carry.

The performance seems to be related to winrate + games played.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Is there a hotkey for buyback? I have accidentally bought back 2 times recently after having gone more than a year never doing it...


Then i don´t know what qualifies as a top support performance. Like i said i went deep negative in many support games but still ended up winning. How do they rate that? I play every hero and role around the same amount but somehow my supports are on top.

Performance is sorted by kda I assume , so maybe you got many assists?


Performance is sorted by kda I assume , so maybe you got many assists?

It is not even that. Otherwise mine would be 1) Spectre 2) Riki 3) Slark.

Come on, you have played 3430 games and you are showing us 10 heroes with at most 13 wins/losses each, so where are you 3170 other games? These are your worst heroes!

These are mine: if I want to lose the game for my team, I take one of these. Most useless heroes in pubs (solo queue), with a special mention for bounty hunter:

what are the good chests to use them on?

I'm quoting this because nobody has really answered the question, especially after the Emerald Dragon chests were patched (besides, why would you buy a $30 chest when you can get an arcana instead?)

So I'll ask it again: what are the best chests to use our last keys on? Or is it better to try to SELL SELL SELL? (probably because items are for cents and keys for $2 or so)

I'm not an econ wizard--I focus on actually playing the game--but I have 2 friends (one Chinese the other currently living in EU) who are trading experts. The Chinese guy had like 100+ keys on a mule account. I have yet to talk with my EU contact to see how he has been affected.


I'm quoting this because nobody has really answered the question, especially after the Emerald Dragon chests were patched (besides, why would you buy a $30 chest when you can get an arcana instead?)

So I'll ask it again: what are the best chests to use our last keys on? Or is it better to try to SELL SELL SELL? (probably because items are for cents and keys for $2 or so)

I'm not an econ wizard--I focus on actually playing the game--but I have 2 friends (one Chinese the other currently living in EU) who are trading experts. The Chinese guy had like 100+ keys on a mule account. I have yet to talk with my EU contact to see how he has been affected.

Why would you use your keys to open chests? Keys are a kind of currency, opening chests is gambling (and losing unless it is an emeral Perfect World chest).

They play him properly?

No way. I play him properly too.


I might be still a little unexperienced in DOTA but, why isn't support Morphling a thing?

I mean, the hero comes with a 3 second stun at 900 cast range on a 10 second cooldown alongside a blink that doubles as early game aoe damage. It seems like it would be extremely easy to gank with him. Plus, if the game goes for a long time, he could transition to carry.

The only problem I could see is mana issues, but Ring of Aquilla, Soul Ring, and Arcane Boots would pretty much alieviate most of those problems, and they're all mostly cheap.

I've said this as well, but my friends won't let me play it. In fact, I even constructed a Support Morphling Build a few months ago http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=252554883

The main problem is that you need to get quick levels early game in order to get max points in Adaptive Strike.


No way. I play him properly too.

So, because you seem to be struggling with him I decided to watch your most recent replay. A few friendly hints.

1. You went stout tango quelling blade starting items. The first two are fine, but quelling blade seems like a weird choice to me. In offlane you need more defensive items than last hitting, exp is more important than gold after all for BH. You had a lich with you tho, so it was not so bad.

2. This was more of a team thing, but noone went to secure top rune. If you are duel laning one of you should go up to get it. You would have got an illusion rune if you checked, which is very nifty for offlaners to lock camps and do a little scouting etc. Even solo it can be worth giving up some of your block to do it.

3. There is a nifty trick with BH during the laning phase. If you go invis and hit immediately you will still be in the fade time, but get the bonus damage from the shadow walk hit. This means you get the bonus damage on two hits, which is helpful for last hitting and for fighting early on. It only works with 1 or 2 levels tho as the fade time gets shorter with levels.

4. You disrupted a couple of pulls, good job! But then you kinda left the lane at level 3, despite being under no significant pressure from your opponents (they had no detection and you only used 2 tangos so far.) You then went all the way to bot rune, then started... pulling? I honestly wasn't sure what to make of this. BH can gank at level 3 if needed but you don't have to do it, and both the other lanes were pushed so there were no good targets. You should have just stayed to farm top.

5. You mill about for even longer. Get the 6 min rune bot, immediately feed those illusions to Tinker rather than scouting, sort of half gank him but don't really do much ( I put this on Lina for not responding tho, you had the right idea.) By the time you finally come across Lifestealer and kill him (which if you wanted to roam should have been your first place to check anyway, he was clearly jungling and you know a Lifestealer is gonna be fairly low) 5 mins have passed since you left your lane and you are now the lowest level on your team. This can't happen on BH, unless you are playing it in a coordinated team where you are meant to threaten with your presence like Pie did for C9. But you aren't Pie, and this ain't C9. That non-traditional approach isn't an option here. You need track so you can start your team snowball, and you are being very slow about it. Overall that 5 mins made it you seem very aimless, like you didn't what you needed to do.

6. You are maxing Shadow Walk. Bad idea. You don't need the low cooldown that bad yet, and you have eliminated the possibility to double tap as I described earlier, reducing your dps, not to mention level 1 shuriken and jinada mean your killing potential is not good at all.

7. 10 mins. You now have level 6 and phase boots, albeit like 4 mins after you should. You have like 200 gold, and you buy a circlet rather than a tp. Don't do this. You don't want to walk all the way back to lane, a tp is a way better option here than the tiny amount of stats. You go top and try to kill OD with Lich. Surprise surprise, your lack of damage from your skill build means he kills you before dying.

8. You gank OD and LS again as 4/5 this time, get a 2 for 1 trade. Could have gone better, Bristle's fault for dying tho. You still don't buy a tp. BUY TPS. At least you are getting track gold now.

9. Plenty of track kills top, you now seem to be getting more into the groove of things. Still, your teams cs is way lower than theirs, so they still have better net worth despite all these track kills. Comeback on tho?

10. At 17 mins you find lifestealer again, but he's full health. You track him, good, but also throw a spite shuriken, bad. That's just wasting mana. Can't afford that on BH.

11. You arrive a little late for a fight but get pickoffs on the edge. Alright I guess.

From here it's pretty standard stuff. Both teams group a lot, you play defensively as OD is balling out of control, you track in fights, hit when you can, pretty normal BH play. Buying sentries is a good habit, honestly I don't have much to say about the mid and late game, it was very basic tactically. One thing tho. You keep your quelling blade, presumably for dewarding, right up to the end. But if you are with your ranged teammates so much (you were), it's not worth hanging on to. I'm honestly not sure if I saw you buy a tp once.




Buy tps. That's the biggest thing I can tell you from that game.

As for BH tho, I have to say, that was potentially the perfect game for that hero. You had the perfect lane partner if you couldn't solo in Lich, because he is an excellent babysitter and you still get good exp with him, and you were against two squishy int heroes with no sentries, and a jungle Lifestealer who was practically begging to be killed. Then you would be a terror for Tinker if you got a good start, and you are also excellent vs Drow. If you played the first 10 mins right their whole team would have been in constant fear of you, either having to group as 5 all the time or risk you solo killing them and snowballing out of control. You should have been getting far more last hits in lane (especially with a QB) and stayed till level 6, at which point you could have killed LS solo, then killed Sky solo, then killed OD, honestly anyone was kill-able with level 6 and phase boots in 6 mins. And go for jinada or Shuriken max first. Which one is a point of much debate here, but don't max shadow walk. A value second point at most, you need burst. Don't waste you mana, it's very important on BH. Hopefully in future with better starts you can see how to play him more aggressively, other than almost solely a track machine.

That's all for now, hope it helps.


I might be still a little unexperienced in DOTA but, why isn't support Morphling a thing?

I mean, the hero comes with a 3 second stun at 900 cast range on a 10 second cooldown alongside a blink that doubles as early game aoe damage. It seems like it would be extremely easy to gank with him. Plus, if the game goes for a long time, he could transition to carry.

The only problem I could see is mana issues, but Ring of Aquilla, Soul Ring, and Arcane Boots would pretty much alieviate most of those problems, and they're all mostly cheap.
The three-second stun does little/no damage and you have the attack animation of cold molasses.
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