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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


I just don't really get what you guys want. They already told us they are trying to get it out before the end of the month. If it's not out, it obviously isn't ready. I'm sure they will release it when it is.

I don't see how a blog post saying, "it isn't ready yet, but we're working hard on it" is going to help much. We already know that...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The DOTA2 community just wants icefrog-senpai to notice them.
Manages whilst being a hell of a lot less a subject of intense fascination. Dude's basically the Bill Watterson of the genre, can you really begrudge him his privacy? Community managers can (and ought) be brought on.


Sure, community managers are for interfacing the community but Im still skeptical of the abilities of a guy like icefrog to actually manage something of the current scale of DotA2. It was one thing to curate a mod, its another thing to be in charge of things on like the third most active video game in the world.



Sure, community managers are for interfacing the community but Im still skeptical of the abilities of a guy like icefrog to actually manage something of the current scale of DotA2. It was one thing to curate a mod, its another thing to be in charge of things on like the third most active video game in the world.
Think he's doing fine as far as balance is going. The game has seemed to be in good hands. Communication is no question Valve's continual greatest failing, in which case I think the problem is less Icefrog and more an aspect of the company culture that isn't working anymore. Communication that didn't work too badly for say, Half-Life 1 or 2 doesn't scale for a game the size of Dota 2. A talented CM would probably do wonders for that problem.


Why don't you guys play other video games? What are you going to do if 6.82 never arrives? Do you have a contingency plan?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The contingency plan is that we push DrKirby into taking over the reins from Icefrog. If Valve doesn't accept our ultimatum, we'll migrate en masse to DotA WC3 to create our own utopian vision of DOTA, like Rapture in Bioshock.


Valve just shot themselves in the foot.

Spent thousands of $$$ on hats, merch and TI4 trip, yet this is how Valve treats its most loyal fanbase.

GabeN should publically apologize and release techies or I'm switching to LoL of legends

Everybody loves the international, but there are multiple instances of people on camera saying they got very little to almost no communication from valve about the international. "Talent" from the dota community getting little more then a notice that they're invited, with no other details. It's documented. The international is great, and I'm sure it's ridiculously hard to pull off, but it's not an example of good communication.
This man knows whats up. Agree with your whole post and want to add on the no communication part.

I spoke to the workshop artists at TI4 and asked whether they had any input on set prices and their thoughts on the sets-in-chest system. What I was told is that Valve does not communicate to the artists when their sets will be released or how much they would be priced at. That the creators preferred the old style of each set being sold separately and being priced according to the work on the set, but they can live with the current system as its way friendlier to the fanbase. Valve sometimes accepts sets but don't greenlight the extra effects and animations on certain sets, but allow them to others. This is probably done to keep Valve's own bullshit rarity tiers and arcana value intact, but why they allow them on some sets is beyond me.

Valve is failing to communicate with talent, fans and artists. This is one of the most well made games I've ever played, chock full of A+++ features and they are pretty much sitting on a goldmine, but they are taking the importance of communication for granted whereas other similar, less popular games have a good feedback loop with the community.


Corporate Apologist
The contingency plan is that we push DrKirby into taking over the reins from Icefrog. If Valve doesn't accept our ultimatum, we'll migrate en masse to DotA WC3 to create our own utopian vision of DOTA, like Rapture in Bioshock.
- Hitbox of Clockwerk's cogs decreased by 25
- Void given 5 less base agility
- 5ms on Razor
- March of the Machines changed from Universal to Magical Damage
- +25 range for Lina
- Decrease the cool down of Vacuum to 20 seconds.
- Minus 2 base int on Skywrath Mage
- Minus 3 Base Strength on Doom
- Phoenix and Terrorblade added to CM.
- Techies released

There you go, Patch done. Hope you enjoy.


- Hitbox of Clockwerk's cogs decreased by 25
- Void given 5 less base agility
- 5ms on Razor
- March of the Machines changed from Universal to Magical Damage
- +25 range for Lina
- Decrease the cool down of Vacuum to 20 seconds.
- Minus 2 base int on Skywrath Mage
- Minus 3 Base Strength on Doom
- Phoenix and Terrorblade added to CM.
- Techies released

There you go, Patch done. Hope you enjoy.

You forgot +1 cooldown to Vacuum.
I think we need to agree to disagree because nothing of what you wrote makes any sense to me.

You're right, the community around SC and diablo at launch was pretty shit, that's because they didn't even try with Starcraft, and they didn't make any effort towards the D3 community either until ROS launched. Which is right around the time popular opinion on the game changed for the better. Those tavern side chats are a new thing. You can look at the comments on those videos and see that they are effective. Lots of positive comments and few toxic ones.
With the Blizzard examples you're misattributing and overemphasizing the impact of developer communication. They did try really hard to communicate with the Starcraft community, and I think they sincerely thought that increasing developer visibility and interfacing with their community above and beyond their competitors was what was going to save SC2. Likewise they explained very clearly why they did the things they did in vanilla D3. SC2 fell into decline because their feature-set and usability was quite poor compared to LoL or DOTA, especially since it wasn't F2P, and no amount of communication was going to stop people from being disinterested in the game, especially with how toxic the community became. D3 was just burdened with terrible design decisions and now Blizzard needs to communicate that none of the people responsible for them still work on the game, but if real money auction house was still in I'm sure none of the comments would be positive (plus I'm sure a large majority of people that were disappointed with D3 will never come back).

Communication and talking to your community isn't helpful unless you're actually addressing the core problems at hand, and the core problem isn't that we don't know what's going on at Valve, it's because they announced more stuff at the International than they can feasibly put into the game within a reasonable time frame, and no amount of explanation will change that.

Everybody loves the international, but there are multiple instances of people on camera saying they got very little to almost no communication from valve about the international. "Talent" from the dota community getting little more then a notice that they're invited, with no other details. It's documented. The international is great, and I'm sure it's ridiculously hard to pull off, but it's not an example of good communication.
It's the best example of communication I can think of, it's probably the most effective piece of advertising and outreach for DOTA. It got a ton of content for people invested into the game, a ton of stuff to lure people back, and a huge dollar amount to guarantee it hits every single press outlet. It made sure everyone paid attention to DOTA for a month and made them a lot of money. Compare it to Blizzcon/WCS, or LCS, or EVE fanfest, etc. Communicating to casters is probably the least important thing they had to do, and it ended up being like a 2/10 on the scale of minor annoyances for like 12 people, so I don't know.

And it's really hard for me to believe that quarterly patch notes are more complicated or resource intensive (or better from a customers viewpoint) then weekly live streams with the developers. Which lots of other developers are already doing, there was a thing on twitch today with sucker punch playing their new infamous thing and talking about all the shit it in.

I mean, given the choice between a bullet point list of changes, and hearing the developer talk about and explain the changes, who chooses the bullet point list? I'm trying to make a distinction between what I personally like and what's actually effective, but I think in this case they're one and the same.

Explaining patch notes is a terrible mistake that I hope fewer and fewer devs make, and coming into DOTA and seeing that they know better was a massive relief. If you give justifications for patch notes, it just lets people argue over your reasoning rather than the actual substance of the change, and it's what crippled games like SC2 and the Netherrealms fighting games. Moreover, patch notes don't matter to the vast majority of people you're trying to reach, so Valve will try to package it with actual new content which is why people look forward to them. Patches always mean huge changes to the game with a lot of new stuff for the community to digest and figure out, so usually they're fun. Patches for SC2 were just a week of dread because it'll be nothing but name-calling and dumb arguments about winrates and death threats to the developers.

So if they had said nothing at all people would be more chill right now? We've talked about it in this thread already. Diretide happened when they didn't say anything, this is not as bad as diretide.
Go back and read their blog post about it. Their conclusion was that once people were mad no amount of communication was going to make a difference, and to assure people that there was a huge update on the way. Valve's takeway was to be more aware, not to be more transparent.

Okay, you're right. If they did a shitty status update it would be shitty. But imagine if they did a good status update. I think it would be better. Kirby already wrote it for them.

This is the kind of stuff they need to be doing, the kind of blog updates they make for CS:GO. I can't understand how you think that wouldn't be valuable or somehow worse then what we get now... which is basically nothing.

That is a shitty update, though. It tells the community nothing they don't already know, deflates the hype of the actual release, and provides nothing of value to people who don't already play every day. We all need to realize that we aren't the only recipients of any communication from Valve. Again, the actual problem is that Valve promised more than they could deliver in a timely manner and underestimated the community's hunger for new content, none of which can be resolved without providing that new content. Showing Techies at the all-star match and not making him immediately available was their mistake, not their failure to communicate their current docket with the community. I don't care what Valve thinks about x or y, or whether or not they know I'm mad, because it's not actual substance. I just want cool stuff and new content and I'll be excited when it comes.
I'm more then willing to coninue talking about this but maybe we should move to PMs because I'm sure everybody else is probably sick of it by now. Besides the updates going to be out any minute.
Sure, I agree.


The pick-any-hero-through-console abuse for CM is so nice. It really makes the game refreshing, I hope all the heroes are thrown into CM next patch


Before Valve finishes Techies or gives us a balance patch, they need to add more heroes to the Ability Draft pool.

Still so many good heroes are missing!


won my first ever naga siren game. AR is fun times. I got so into microing the split push that I didn't even realize they were mega'd.


- Hitbox of Clockwerk's cogs decreased by 25
- Void given 5 less base agility
- 5ms on Razor
- March of the Machines changed from Universal to Magical Damage
- +25 range for Lina
- Decrease the cool down of Vacuum to 20 seconds.
- Minus 2 base int on Skywrath Mage
- Minus 3 Base Strength on Doom
- Phoenix and Terrorblade added to CM.
- Techies released

There you go, Patch done. Hope you enjoy.



am I doin it right?
- Hitbox of Clockwerk's cogs decreased by 25
- Void given 5 less base agility
- 5ms on Razor
- March of the Machines changed from Universal to Magical Damage
- +25 range for Lina
- Decrease the cool down of Vacuum to 20 seconds.
- Minus 2 base int on Skywrath Mage
- Minus 3 Base Strength on Doom
- Phoenix and Terrorblade added to CM.
- Techies released

There you go, Patch done. Hope you enjoy.

- Minus 2 base int on Skywrath Mage *everytime he sees Vengeful Spirit* ftfy


4 times lost in a row ... I wonder why I keep playing

Up until last night I'd won 7 in a row. Life was great. The ladies loved me. I was at the biggest parties, travelling from New York to Paris to Tokyo, sipping on the finest champagne and laying back with the smoothest Cuban cigars.

Then I lost 2, and now I'm in self-imposed rehab. Hello, my name is Mono, I'm a Dotaholic.



if matt is right here...tomorrow...oh boy....the pitchforks

unless he means the balanced patch comes later and the "techies" patch comes first

where is 6.82
major LAN's Sept 5-7, 25-28, the Oct 8-9.
major Chinese holiday Sept 8 - Moon Festival items

I don't think the mods will let anything coordinated start from r/dota2

Why matt?



@sergiofruto: @Cyborgmatt Please don't release it on a rush. Take your time. Clean the code. I hate when there is an update and it's totally broken.

We know your secret now, Cyborgmatt.

...Or should I call you Icefrog?
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