Better than the cpp
Doubling the ram and vram
Yup, applerific
Sells team jackets, then disbands....
They weren't already dead?
Welp RIP Liquid
Looks like Team Tinker has a sponsor because of this section in the release.
Shoutout to Hotbid, Alex, Robin, Dario, Victor and my old teammates including both TC and Fluff. TC is a solid player and Fluff is a passionate individual.
I guess they dont want to pick up SNA? its basically old Liquid + USH
Liquid not tempted to pick up Team Tinker then?
NA is basically out of good teams if they don't go with SNA, maybe they could reach out to the community and see if they could build a team around DragonFist
Edit: Wait, didn't Mason say something about trying to make a new team? Maybe that could be something for Liquid to look in to.
NA is basically out of good teams if they don't go with SNA, maybe they could reach out to the community and see if they could build a team around DragonFist
Edit: Wait, didn't Mason say something about trying to make a new team? Maybe that could be something for Liquid to look in to.
From the release it sounded like Nazgul did not want to release Qojqva and Bulba but that is what the players wanted and another organization bought out the contracts.Liquid not tempted to pick up Team Tinker then?
There wasn't any private beta updates for 23h or 24h yesterday I think.
If it doesn't happen in the next 4-6 hours (I doubt it) - I don't think it's happening for at least 6-7 days.
Agree. Nobody is working on a holiday weekend. Fuck that.
I'd rather have a stable game over my long weekend than one that is jacked up because a target date needed to be met. Just saying...
Nope I don't think that's true. #TheHypeIsReal
Does anyone know where i can sign up for YOUPORN team? I'll make neogaf proud.
#neonerd, #USA1
It's totally true. First private beta updates were like a few hours from now yesterday.
Yeah, seems like today is the ideal day to get it out on the test client so they get lots of testing over the weekend and can come back with a list of bugs on Tuesday. If it's not today, then earliest will probably be next Thursday :/.
But yeah, the worst feeling ever would be if this patch hits next week and it's just techies + compendium rewards, with no 6.82. Because then we know we're completely fucked for at least 1-3 months as they'll pair 6.82 with whatever the next big update happens to be, and I legit can't handle another month of these picks. Might have to take a long break from dota as university starts back up.
it aint happenin bros, who wants to pack in some quality viper and razor games this weekend??????
Apropos of nothing, look at what comes up in Amazon results when you search for Dota 2:
Apropos of nothing, look at what comes up in Amazon results when you search for Dota 2:
Viper got me 200 mmr. If I learned Razor would I get 2000 mmr?
Viper got me 200 mmr. If I learned Razor would I get 2000 mmr?
NA is basically out of good teams if they don't go with SNA, maybe they could reach out to the community and see if they could build a team around DragonFist
Edit: Wait, didn't Mason say something about trying to make a new team? Maybe that could be something for Liquid to look in to.
yeah, hero is redic strong at the moment. Just ulti, plasma field as you run into team fights, link their right clicker and watch everyone melt. I like aquilla>treads>mek>aghs>whatever.
Razor feels unusually strong right now. So yea, you'll get some mmr from serial Razor picking.
yeah, hero is redic strong at the moment. Just ulti, plasma field as you run into team fights, link their right clicker and watch everyone melt. I like aquilla>treads>mek>aghs>whatever.
Because they saw my sexy picture of it. But It's $7, I think you should just buy it now if you want it.why did the invoker set raise in price
korea plz
Oh no, Team Tinker isn't the new Liquid ;_;
I guess there's a lot of new organizations coming in after they saw how big TI4 was
private beta updated again
Guys, TI4 just ended 37 days ago.
Guys, TI4 just ended 37 days ago.