WW skillbuild rectified: 4-1-1-1. That W is way too unreliable for a nuke, it's more of a farming skill. The projectile is super megaslow too. Unless you have like Magnus and Enigma on ur team, maxing Q earlier feel a much safer and stable build. 1 level early for the slow and then it's situational which to max first even if i think W better in most games.
Flight to deward, flight to escape, flight to chase, 1100 range 40% slow with that 30% pure damage nuke is just so good in teamfights. Her R is another overrated ulti that is basically a roar in 90% of the cases. Trying to wait and use it as an AoE ult just make for many fights with the ult still off CD.
Mobility items are her best items imho. I'm trying to juggle with the build. I've tried blink/force/Eul and i prefer eul as first item as of now. Blink is decent but trying to find the perfect ulti in teamfights is often just worse compared to spamming ice breaths from afar and using her ulti in a safer way.
If you go 4-1-1-1 I think you get Medallion and rotate to ganks. It's 1000 range btw. I still haven't tried this build yet, but it's on the list if I actually get levels and our lanes aren't being shit on.
WW is super flexible, if they have good push or pressure then you can go more into splinter. You are playing at higher MMR I'm sure so splinter probably isn't as reliable.
I got blink in one of my games vs SF/Sniper/Slark since I needed perfect ulti instead of going force first.
As you said Ult is basically a Roar in most cases. If I can get 2 carries hitting each other or carry to hit a good support to make sure they dont ulti it's worth it.
Can you explain Euls first more?
I'm still doing Tranq -> Force/SoulRing -> Force/Blink -> Vlads(If late) -> Euls/remaining mobility item/Refresher
(Blanked is Beast)
You're supposed to cast W from behind fog!
W a creep -> Q and fly over trees -> pew pew pew
But yes it comes down to what you want to do in the early game, whether maximizing burst or harass.
Yeah way more reliable that way. Radius is pretty decent assuming no blinks and if they have lower than 350 speed.
Why do people say that WW sucks at the laning phase? Her E offers lots of sustain, and whenever the enemy goes on my laning partner and tries to right-click them down, I can simply E them and then get the counter kill.
1 armor
475 range
285 MS
50s CD 120mana spell that deals 180dmg only at full hp.
A wave pushing spell that scales super well but sucks level 1/2 for costs and drains you in 3 casts (and can't even use 3 in a row in most cases, even then no mana for ult or a burn)
E is good early for sure
Extremely level dependent and can't do anything unless it's a kill lane where you use both slows at level 2/3.
Basically can't do anything at all that another can do better.