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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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so you developed DDOS protection? or using something 3rd party? and why arent other teams using it, I think Cloud 9 might be interested
The guys are using the protection I gave other teams. Some players are just still not using it or are stuck on a static IP that has leaked before.


relies on auto-aim
I need help: I cannot win games even when I own with Bloodseeker, even when my teammates are actually somewhat good.

In almost every game I play in the trench 2K-2.5K these days, the team who picks more carry wins. There is no way we can punish their greed because it is too easy to farm all over the map, and there is always a possibility for them to play defensively and delay pushes until it is too late. Basically, here, Earth Spirit delayed the push by playing quite well, there was always one carry missing in one of the fights, and game is lost.

The only way I can win games with evenly skilled people these days is by picking PA or some stupidly strong carry. Game is not fun since deathball is not an option anymore. I don't want to pick stupid right-clickers every game.

You win by pushing high ground, shit is hard.


i don't understand how I keep getting teamed up with bad teammates. So many losses recently and there was no way it was caused by me (this time)
You win by pushing high ground, shit is hard.

Yup this. Once its time to go high ground (or once you think it is), you do well by doing an inventory check to see if your team has all the items it needs to do so.

BKBs on key heroes?
Manta (if applicable)?
Necros (if applicable)?
Wards if one can be snunk into their base's high ground?
All applicable lanes pushed?
AEGIS secured?
Team fight ults off cooldown (if applicable)?

At least some of these should be available. Otherwise, you're taking risks that could end in throws.

Chris R

Vacation request was approved. I’ll be at TI (if I’m not dead/incapacitated/ect).

That being said I do now have a SINGLE extra ticket that I will sell to a gaffer AT cost. I purchased it from the 2nd batch of tickets in part because I thought my brother might be interested in going. He turned me down so that means his ticket can be yours.


If you want to buy the ticket, please PM me. I’ll take PMs until Wednesday @ 7 PM PST. At that time I will randomize the names submitted and pick the first name. If that person no longer wishes to buy the ticket (or doesn't get back to me in a timely manner) I’ll go to the next name on the list and so forth.

The ticket cost $132.90 with the Ticketmaster fees. I’d like payment in the form of an Amazon gift card. I’m not 100% sure how the Ticketmaster transfer system works, and because of that the buyer was from the United States. If a digital transfer cannot be done I’ll mail you your ticket at my expense when they arrive in the mail.

I’d like it if the winner was a regular participant in the thread but don’t think that’s fair to people who might just not want to post in the thread, just be a regular poster. I just ask that the winner actually use the ticket, nothing more.

tldr; send me a PM by 7 PM PST on Wednesday if you want to buy a TI5 ticket at price and live in ‘murica. Random person will be contacted via PM after that.


so what did you guys get on the dotabuff personality quiz? :p

The Wise Thinker

Not everyone can pay such close attention to their team's mistakes and still have time to steal some farm. You're a wise unicorn in a world of ignorance. Sometimes people respond to you by pointing out your mistakes. They are amateurs; as if you didn’t know what you needed to be improving on.

You probably spend a ton of time reading about Dota 2 and understanding all of the little complexities and how they interact. More than one friend has relied on you to correct a misunderstanding about game mechanics. I mean it’s a wonder how they could even function without you.


relies on auto-aim
Yeah, but I cannot do it before minute 25 unless the game is really one-sided.
Your team looks pretty bad at pushing HG and theirs is pretty good at defending it so you need a BS pickoff on the map then a pickoff at thier base with bat so you fight 5v3 with Aegis / BKB to take a rax AFTER baiting a dusa ulti. For high success chance anyway.

Or get so fat on BS, ward their jungle + ancients, choke them out by just staying in their jungle until they are forced to fight you or starve.


I got:

The Great Strategist

The best thing about your playstyle is that you’re most likely to genuinely enjoy your Dota 2 games. When you’re not playing you’re thinking about playing. You’re more likely to initiate both a teamfight and a play session. Wait… why didn’t they go in with you? This team...

Mastering that balance between a team’s farm and pushing strategy is one of your great strengths. But lets confront the real issue… sometimes you can be annoying. Not everyone else could say that their signature move is to ping constantly. Lets not even address the times you’ve played with an open mic and tons of background music. You’re a Dota DJ.

the bolded was oddly fitting hue (the 2nd pragraph however is completely wrong). 100% my fault though. often forget the difference in mobility with the rest of my team.


I got:

The Great Strategist

The best thing about your playstyle is that you’re most likely to genuinely enjoy your Dota 2 games. When you’re not playing you’re thinking about playing. You’re more likely to initiate both a teamfight and a play session. Wait… why didn’t they go in with you? This team...

Mastering that balance between a team’s farm and pushing strategy is one of your great strengths. But lets confront the real issue… sometimes you can be annoying. Not everyone else could say that their signature move is to ping constantly. Lets not even address the times you’ve played with an open mic and tons of background music. You’re a Dota DJ.

the bolded was oddly fitting hue (the 2nd pragraph however is completely wrong). 100% my fault though. often forget the difference in mobility with the rest of my team.

lmao, my friend who always plays enigma...I always tell him "hey bud, not all of us have a blink dagger"


The Dota Knight

You try to be a good person, but the truth is everyone on your team finds you insufferable. It's not that they aren't listening to you; it's that they already muted you after 2 minutes in.

Be honest… at times you can be a micromanager. Sometimes you are a bit too detailed oriented for simple pubs to understand. One of your weaknesses is adaptability to unexpected situations, but when things do go as you planned it is masterful.

The real benefit of having you on the team is that sometimes the enemy hates you just as much as your teammates. If you can troll them enough to plant a seed of despair we may just win this game.

So that's why nobody ever responds to me in team chat!


Vacation request was approved. I’ll be at TI (if I’m not dead/incapacitated/ect).

That being said I do now have a SINGLE extra ticket that I will sell to a gaffer AT cost. I purchased it from the 2nd batch of tickets in part because I thought my brother might be interested in going. He turned me down so that means his ticket can be yours.


If you want to buy the ticket, please PM me. I’ll take PMs until Wednesday @ 7 PM PST. At that time I will randomize the names submitted and pick the first name. If that person no longer wishes to buy the ticket (or doesn't get back to me in a timely manner) I’ll go to the next name on the list and so forth.

The ticket cost $132.90 with the Ticketmaster fees. I’d like payment in the form of an Amazon gift card. I’m not 100% sure how the Ticketmaster transfer system works, and because of that the buyer was from the United States. If a digital transfer cannot be done I’ll mail you your ticket at my expense when they arrive in the mail.

I’d like it if the winner was a regular participant in the thread but don’t think that’s fair to people who might just not want to post in the thread, just be a regular poster. I just ask that the winner actually use the ticket, nothing more.

tldr; send me a PM by 7 PM PST on Wednesday if you want to buy a TI5 ticket at price and live in ‘murica. Random person will be contacted via PM after that.

+1 rep


Wow that's a really good test. There were several answers that were perfectly worded to what I would have answered non-multiple choice style


so what did you guys get on the dotabuff personality quiz? :p

The Wise Thinker

Not everyone can pay such close attention to their team's mistakes and still have time to steal some farm. You're a wise unicorn in a world of ignorance. Sometimes people respond to you by pointing out your mistakes. They are amateurs; as if you didn’t know what you needed to be improving on.

You probably spend a ton of time reading about Dota 2 and understanding all of the little complexities and how they interact. More than one friend has relied on you to correct a misunderstanding about game mechanics. I mean it’s a wonder how they could even function without you.

I don't like the question:

"On the all pick screen your teammate hovers over Techies. Do you..."

because "pick techies before them like you always do" isn't a response


I got:

The Great Strategist

The best thing about your playstyle is that you’re most likely to genuinely enjoy your Dota 2 games. When you’re not playing you’re thinking about playing. You’re more likely to initiate both a teamfight and a play session. Wait… why didn’t they go in with you? This team...

Mastering that balance between a team’s farm and pushing strategy is one of your great strengths. But lets confront the real issue… sometimes you can be annoying. Not everyone else could say that their signature move is to ping constantly. Lets not even address the times you’ve played with an open mic and tons of background music. You’re a Dota DJ.

the bolded was oddly fitting hue (the 2nd pragraph however is completely wrong). 100% my fault though. often forget the difference in mobility with the rest of my team.

same. 1 insight, 1 aggression.


The aegis was a shield in Greek mythology. Greek. A greek word. Greek does not have a soft g.

Nor does Latin, and it's from Latin that we get it (Αἰγίς in Greek becomes aegis in Latin). Most Greek words (especially ancient ones) come to us through Latin. But as often happens, the pronunciation shifted on incorporation into English.


Corporate Apologist
Dumb question, am I the only one who has people bitch when Clinkz is picked? Several ranked games people on my team raged that one of our team mates picked Clinkz, I don't get the hate. He fit the team, did ok in lane, one game they flat out won the game for us.
Got Humble Support, I guess that's right. Even though I'm not supporting most of the time I'll easily sacrifice my own game to get a win.

You know like playing roaming QoP when SOMEONE last picks Luna.
Wtf, I queue the other team is a stack (all the same clan name)
Guy on my team says 'let's dodge this stack'
and we disconnect and there is a button to queue again (no reconnect,nothing)
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