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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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My normal ping is 170-190 because I can only play on US East as a south american, because every single SA server is utter shit for northen SA countries.
At least you can play. Currently using my phone's internet because my new ISP is too shit and are 20 days late on setting up my connection
Ehh... the number of hours you put into a game are meaningless if you aren't actively setting out to learn new things, and adapting to situations as they appear. I recommend watching pro games from player perspectives, or mechanic guides from channels like Relax You're Fine. You won't become a pro just by playing a game a lot, and conversely, just because you're stagnating doesn't mean you'll be garbage forever. It does take a bit of a time investment that not everyone wants to make though, which is understandable.

No I know this, I just don't have a lifestyle that lends itself to becoming good and I don't really care enough to become good at this point. I'm the kind of person who becomes mediocre at lots of things instead of good at a few things.
Going in on people just leaves them more frazzled, more frustrated, and less receptive to what you have to say in the future because they respect you less and because you hurt them.

Great post but that part in particular is super true when it comes to DOTA.

Whenever I'm in a pub and one guy starts flaming a teammate, do they honestly expect that person to play better now? They probably aren't thinking and are just knee jerk flaming but that's what the result is.

This game is hard enough without people you don't know riding your ass. You'll get such a better performance out of people if you point out the mistake and move on.


It is a damn twitch meme, no one is telling hylian to kill himself or half the actual shit you will get blasted at you in a normal solo que game. If you cannot deal with little jests and taunts do you curl up in a ball and visit your happy place?

I get you want to look down on Hylian from your glass house but want to hide it,so you mask it with your holier than thou post about defending Hylian who is incapable of defending himself in your opinion. Hylian can defend himself just fine, if anything he should of been a defense attorney for his ability to defend crazy shit and would have been good at it.

So let Hylian fight his own battles and most of this shit is in jest, ie. Vade worst
slarder ever true
, kappy shaker.


if it was in a one time thing its something else, but its not, half the time he posts people are piling on.

also how am I looking down at hylian? by actually telling the people that are constantly badgering him to fuck off? no one gives a shit when he say's people are dog piling on him, since he has said so several times,and it doesn't stop.

how about you just don't be an asshole to another member of the community, its not that hard.


I agree with this post. However,

with regard to the bolded: part of the issue with flaming in dota 2 is that people aren't "lifetime friends" or even "real life acquaintances". The fact is most of us are strangers. You guys don't know me from Adam when it all comes down to it. You don't know why I like posting here, what color the interior in our Rolls Royce is, or what I'm doing tonight. All you really know about me is that I'm a black guy, a slightly above average player who likes to entertain himself with discussion here and I try to be helpful and friendly. Oh and that I like going to The International. I am perpetually, obnoxiously friendly not because it's some sort of "fake posturing" but because I've learned in life (the life that none of you are actually privy to) that roasting people and making them feel like shit is generally not an effective way to get the desired reaction and improvements out of people. Wrapping helpful instruction in love and respect, talking to people how you'd like to be spoken to is how that's done. You sell more lemonade with some sugar mixed in.


Jokes aside, i guess we've learned all different things. Im not the kind that i flame teammates in games (i tend to zzz often though, hence my name), but i understand from where it can come from and in general i try to make people realize that no matter what you've had to do with in your day, the other person may have had worse and that may have reflected in their attitude in the game, saying something they may regret a second later and as such you shouldn't really get hung over every little thing said in a game.

I think we all try to improve the life of whose are around us more or less. Maybe to you it's more a matter of spreading positivity (i'm vastly simplyfying here don't hate me). To me, it's more of a matter of convincing people that the things have the worth you give them. Flaming and getting hung upon flaming are two attitudes that stem from the same root: giving too much weight to a thing that has (unless you're RTZ) 0 consequences on your actual life. We're talking about a video game and some people are actually getting angry over it, which actually sorta perplex me.

As a final note, i'm pretty sure i'm one of the oldest duder here if not the oldest
soon 29

Love and Peace and may you all have a sniper in your game triple killing ur team at 10 mins
Great post but that part in particular is super true when it comes to DOTA.

Whenever I'm in a pub and one guy starts flaming a teammate, do they honestly expect that person to play better now? They probably aren't thinking and are just knee jerk flaming but that's what the result is.

This game is hard enough without people you don't know riding your ass. You'll get such a better performance out of people if you point out the mistake and move on.

When some idiot last picks WK and says "me jungle" when we have enigma on our team
Excuse me but I have the right to flame him as I will.


I live literally 5-10 minutes away from the physical location of the USE servers.

But the FIOS routing on the East Coast is such a clusterfuck that I still get something like 70-100 ms ping to it.


Those last pages were a fucking rollercoaster, we should have patch craves more often, most interesting topic on the internet tbqh (peace tobe)
Random veil fact: since the debuff's visual effect doesn't show up on illusions and isn't purged by normal dispells, veil is the perfect item to keep track of the real phantom lancer.

you saw that video too? ;)

I'm glad so few people apparently did; I've won 14 of my last 15 PL games. The hero is way more of a pubstomping monster than riki/clinkz/etc. because people just don't know how to deal with him.



Jokes aside, i guess we've learned all different things. Im not the kind that i flame teammates in games (i tend to zzz often though, hence my name), but i understand from where it can come from and in general i try to make people realize that no matter what you've had to do with in your day, the other person may have had worse and that may have reflected in their attitude in the game, saying something they may regret a second later and as such you shouldn't really get hung over every little thing said in a game.

I think we all try to improve the life of whose are around us more or less. Maybe to you it's more a matter of spreading positivity (i'm vastly simplyfying here don't hate me). To me, it's more of a matter of convincing people that the things have the worth you give them. Flaming and getting hung upon flaming are two attitudes that stem from the same root: giving too much weight to a thing that has (unless you're RTZ) 0 consequences on your actual life. We're talking about a video game and some people are actually getting angry over it, which actually sorta perplex me.

As a final note, i'm pretty sure i'm one of the oldest duder here if not the oldest
soon 29

Love and Peace and may you all have a sniper in your game triple killing ur team at 10 mins

People say this all the time and act like you can just automagically make these things mean nothing. The fact is they do to some people, so in general you just shouldn't in the first place.


you saw that video too? ;)

I'm glad so few people apparently did; I've won 14 of my last 15 PL games. The hero is way more of a pubstomping monster than riki/clinkz/etc. because people just don't know how to deal with him.

u arent a irl dota player if u cant win without having 2 use a pubstomp hero lel

win with cm first lel


honest to god, the spirit of PopGAF lives on in this thread. the way everyone just drags each other by the wig is LIFEGIVING! no wonder so many of us naturally GRAVITATED to this community and this game

im so glad i made it in time to witness this holy mess. ICONIC!



Random veil fact: since the debuff's visual effect doesn't show up on illusions and isn't purged by normal dispells, veil is the perfect item to keep track of the real phantom lancer.

I had a game the other day where the other team had a PL disconnect late game, but they kept microing him. The real ones had the players name on them and the fake ones said "unknown_index" on them in white.


Update 4:
  • Updated Burrow sound effect
  • Added sound to Mud Golem's Boulder
  • Updated Macropyre sound duration
  • Updated Adaptive Strike sound
  • Updated Shrapnel delayed impact sound
  • Fixed various sound related bugs
  • Updated Lifestealer animations for Assimilate and Eject
  • Fixed various item tooltip total costs
  • Fixed Fatal Bonds not healing Warlock with Octarine Core
  • Fixed Time Lapse sometimes failing to work on allies
  • Fixed Geomagnetic Grip silence duration being wrong
  • Fixed Laser visual effect with Scepter
  • Fixed cases where baen's abilities could appear in the wrong order
  • Fixed Wraith King Scepter interaction with Reaper's Scythe
  • Fixed Adaptive Strike triggering Linken's Sphere and Lotus Orb multiple times
  • Fixed Break disabling Moonlight shadow
  • Solar Crest and Medallion of Courage now share cooldown
  • Fixed Break causing Rocket Barrage to do no damage
  • Various tutorial fixes
  • Fixed various bugs with Combined Wards
  • Updated Splinter Blast tooltip
  • Fixed various bugs with Assimilate
  • Fixed multiple Moon Shards stacking bonus night vision
  • Fixed Wraith King Scepter interaction with Shallow Grave
  • Fixed Alt Clicking with Octarine Core and Guardian Greaves
  • Toggeling between ward types no longer breaks channeling
  • Ward miss behavior now extends to missing on the source rather than only due to terrain
  • Updated the Cast behavior code (wasn't active in previous Test update)
  • Fixed Wraith King Scepter interaction with Ice Blast
  • Fixed the previous update causign Silver Edge to be unreliable in when it procs
  • Fixed various bot bugs
  • Fixed a gold exploit with Wards
  • Morphling's Hybrid now follows the same rules as Rubick's Spell Steal when it expires
  • Morphling's Hybrid no longer casts Aghanim's granted abilities from the cloned unit
  • Fixed Eclipse Scepter Sound
  • Fixed Eclipse Scepter not ending when the target dies
  • Fixed various other minor issues with Eclipse Scepter
  • Fixed UI not showing an error when attempting to incorrectly cast Moon Shard on allies
  • Fixed Alchemist's Scepter having a global range
  • Fixed various UI issues with Lifestealer's Scepter upgrade
  • Fixed beign able to cast Assimilate on non-heroes
  • Fixed Assimilate allowing an allied hero to continue channeling teleport
  • Fixed Nyx dying while burrowed
  • Fixed Wraith King Scepter interaction with Primal Split
  • Fixed Manaburn and Impale range indicators
  • Fixed using items in Snowball
  • Fixed Unburrow giving Magic Stick charges
  • Fixed Meepo clones being able to restore mana with Guardian Greaves
  • Fixed Silencer's last word tooltip
  • Fixed Wraith King Scepter interaction with Meepo
  • Fixed Boots of Travels not obeying require stop option
  • Fixed bots with Magic Wand
  • Fixed a Lotus Orb crash
  • Fixed Lotus Orb allowing you to steal Rubick's Spell Steal
  • Fixed Lotus Orb interaction with Blink Strike charges
  • Fixed various bugs where the position of Morphling wasn't the same as the Hybrid
  • Fixed Scepter Duel not obeying the 2000 range limit
  • Fixed various bugs with Nightmare End
  • Fixed various bugs with heroes dying under Wraith King's Scepter
  • Updated sound for Alchemist giving Scepter to an ally
  • Fixed various Item Quality labels on new items
  • Fixed Blink Strike and Demonic Purge adding counter buffs to units that reflect them
  • Fixed Paralyzing Cask not reflecting
  • Toss and Snowball can now be reflected


As a final note, i'm pretty sure i'm one of the oldest duder here if not the oldest
soon 29

Love and Peace and may you all have a sniper in your game triple killing ur team at 10 mins

You're an old man and still is way better at Dota than I am, where have I gone wrong in my life?


honest to god, the spirit of PopGAF lives on in this thread. the way everyone just drags each other by the wig is LIFEGIVING! no wonder so many of us naturally GRAVITATED to this community and this game

im so glad i made it in time to witness this holy mess. ICONIC!


Satch why dont u use Asami in your avatar. This guy is lame. It's cool that Bud Bundy voices him though.

Also im 30yo, play with 160ms ping and rekt scrubs like members of Hill Trolls no problemo.


you saw that video too? ;)

I'm glad so few people apparently did; I've won 14 of my last 15 PL games. The hero is way more of a pubstomping monster than riki/clinkz/etc. because people just don't know how to deal with him.

Aye, he really is a monster and so much fun to play. Looking to diversify my now bog standard treads - aquila - diffusal - manta - skadi - satanic, perhaps getting earlier lifesteal and yasha for improved farming?

I had a game the other day where the other team had a PL disconnect late game, but they kept microing him. The real ones had the players name on them and the fake ones said "unknown_index" on them in white.

Interesting bug, wonder if that applies to all illusion heroes?


Satch why dont u use Asami in your avatar. This guy is lame. It's cool that Bud Bundy voices him though.

i lost a bet, so i have to wear this avatar for a year. i have 8 months left................

asami was my fav character though and mako was my least favorite so this hurts :'(

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I've been spamming all random religiously the past few days. No way am I braving ranked or solo all pick with people spamming troll/sniper for ez mmr gains
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