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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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Sniper with repel is broken.

Gyro works well as a support early, and with all that tower gold, you'll have no problems transitioning into a carry. I'm 5-0 with him in this event.
Same thing for jugg.

I still don't see warlock as a great pick, he needs solo exp to be relevant.

You need to kill sniper early which is possible if they have undying or just tanky heros. I always have a very weak lane but people seem to be awful at diving in the early parts of the game and I end up getting either first blood or 2 kills. Jugg is only good for going behind everyone then ulting the sniper or back hero then using wrath of god into global silence. Gyro is pretty good too with the tower flak and the beast will follow the missle till it follows its target.

Warlock doesnt need solo exp, a standard dual lane with warlock means he'll be level 4 by the time the YB arrives, in which case he'll have 2 points in bonds and 2 points in slow. YB comes up and you bond their beast + 1-2 heros and then just slow from the back, you'll get your exp from won teammfights.

Beat snipers with omni on their teams as well. Really just overwhelmed them from start and they can't do anything. I'm meaning having 3 towers pushed with first beast. Really didn't give the snipers any time to play smart at all.

One guy on a YB team picked LC and it was legit. LC can heal and speed up the attack speed of the beast. Also troll is decent to take down other towers where the beast isn't at.
I found heros that focus on keeping the beast alive to be terrible picks, you simply need to work around the beast split pushing or as just a giant tank for you, you dont need overwhelming odds because you already have tower flak and you need to get dual wins to get strong but since everyone is always going to be 5 man its not worth it.

we lost yesterday to a team with a sniper on it that also had the world's most annoying nightstalker

no exaggeration, the guy deserves some kind of award for services in the pursuit of being an annoying dota player

shadowblade, phase boots, using his ult just to escape, he was pretty much impossible to pin down

NS is very legit in this mode since YB comes out at night, the ulti vision makes fighting very scary for them even when they have beast and when NS gets aghs sniper can freely seige T3 towers without having to shrapnel.

Dont stress

Its a stupid P2W mode

I know cause i P2W and am 7 wins 2 losses

We beat a team that had 2 level 2 combats, 2 level 2 supports and 1 level 3 speed and they lost pretty easily. They had undying and bristle and I even had to shoot down 3 tombstones at one point, the game is 75% based on picks and play rather than money. My team only had one person above 10k points at 14k, rest arent ever higher than maybe 7k which is normal points + the daily bonus, we noticed teams just love wasting points alot during fights.

If sniper is being an issue in your games, pick qop and gank him, a scream with shadow strike will take him down to like 150 hp just once. Once you get aghs you can kill him every fight, repel wont save him and they wont be able to fight you and the beast at the same time.
Rat strats are also really effective from what I have seen.

yep, I've won/lost a few games with ratters

a few days ago we had a DP and she was doing great but the rest of us.... not so much; we basically just held out while she farmed a bloodstone, refresher, and bots and even though they got our mid lane barracks she would just TP to their base and destroy things while we defended

smart trolls do the same thing


Corporate Apologist
Would building a bot to do guild invites be useful at all? I could maybe set up a web portal and you could just plug in the steamID and it would send out an invite.


HellRaisers getting stomp'd


I've been complaining about no drops for months and now with YB I've gotten like 14 sets and outside of a necro one I think they all suck ass. I've been checking out a lot of sets and there like 5 or 7 in total that I think look good, I should just shut up and buy them instead of hoping for drops or a trade but it seems like a dangerous path.

Swedish people in dota are barely one step abowe Russians IMO.

Post them here if you'd like to see you can grab something better. I make offers to people but no one wants my sets :(.


In Year Beast I got the Legendary Abaddon set Arsenal of the Demon Vessel(untrabeable but giftable)looking for either Blessings of Lucentyr or Vestments of the Fallen Princess sets(also untradable but giftable) for gift trade.

Legendary for legendary.
PM me if interested.


Corporate Apologist
Oh yeah, last night err queued for all pick by mistake instead of year beast, I insta-abandond so we could queue for the right mode.

Should I feel bad?

The M.O.B

Is it just me or is Slark op at the moment? Hate Slark and Void.

If your team is lacking lockdown it's a wrap.

And if they do have lockdown, a timely dark pact means it's still a wrap.

Best thing is to pick a doom/bs/AA or just make sure getting to level 6 is slow and painful for slark

And no reason people shouldn't be tp'ing out when they get caught out. Pre-basher


Post them here if you'd like to see you can grab something better. I make offers to people but no one wants my sets :(.
I'll put up what I have when the event is over, maybe someone will consider trading something good for multiple sets =I I guess I could just unpack them and use item recycling but only play solo and know of maybe 50 heroes so I have no idea when my team would have gotten off a good draft so predicting stuff is hard. If I do have something you want I'll probably trade it, did it once with someone here even though I wasn't that hot about the set but it's better someone gets something they want instead of sitting on stuff I'm not gonna use.

I really feel that Necro is as broken/more broken than pre nerf Jugg

If you can go mid and get a 10 minute treads + mek your team is almost unstoppable for the next 15 minutes

Spam heals and mek in fights till youre at 1/2 mana. Ulti a support on low HP. Regen back to full mana with Sadist. Spam more heals. Win fights with sheer sustain

I have solo carried so many games with aghs refresher Necro. Hero is stupid. Glad people stopped playing his as a support
I have only played Necro in least played but is he considered a good mid hero? Even in games where we have a clear support I've gotten plenty of verbal abuse for even thinking of last hitting creeps or not suiciding myself in the quest for first blood =/


relies on auto-aim
Dusa gud hero
beat this guy in my YB game


I don't get how people like this exist, bloodstone scepter shadowblade every single game? I remember I played with a TA and Tiny that went shadowblade, I checked their DB's and its something they've been doing since they started playing dota :/
53% WR so it clearly works
I have only played Necro in least played but is he considered a good mid hero? Even in games where we have a clear support I've gotten plenty of verbal abuse for even thinking of last hitting creeps or not suiciding myself in the quest for first blood =/
Get fast levels for heal/sadist, quick mek, walk around killing everything and healing whole team, push all towers down, Ulti carry dead for 90 seconds. Pretty good. Always a threat.


relies on auto-aim
Boat buff MVP. That shit is dumb with Dusa jesus christ. Have like 6k eHP.
I'm not that proud since I fucked up early game super hard.


I need one more Year Beast victory for that damn courier - I think I have tried 8 times now, and lost every single one.

I'm really bad at this game.
I hate it when teammates pick spirit breaker.

They never get level 6 before trying to gank... and always feed or get the lane they try to gank killed.

Last game spirit breaker is lvl 4 and 0-4 after 14 minutes
What are you doing man, go level...

And then when they do hit 6 they charge from the other side of the map (if they're lucky to not charge over a ward the situation they're chaging into has changed 95 percent of the time)
Please spirit breaker players, tp close and charge from there... and for gods sake focus on getting 6 and only gank when your ult is up.


6 times I've been able to be online during a Year Beast window, 3 actual games played. 1 where the Dota 2 network was down and now 2 where I was stuck at finding match through the entire duration.


I can't win this shit no matter how hard I try anymore

I want to earn my jadehorn and I only have two more wins but now it seems impossible to win
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