Old Dota was something else looking back. I remember it used to be Sentinel (Radient) versus Scourge (Dire), in terms of what heroes you could pick at a given time, which had huge implications since Scourge was so ridiculously stacked in comparison - both in terms of hero selection and map layout. And you could straight up purchase other people items, which would happen once a person was six slotted. You could purchase Aegis, which was an actual item, and it came with three charges - which had huge implications considering Divine Rapier
And carriers had mana and skills (invulnerability), so you could do outlandish stuff like a flock of immune couriers with Dagons.
Used to be a lot of fun though. There used to be trees alongside the border of the entire map - all interconnected - so you could do stuff like tunnel behind the enemy's fountain and infinitely kill them with Pudge right when they spawn. And the amount of crevices in the map to trap people was mind boggling.