I does make sense when you get paired with players with "only" 100 hours of play time.
That's just going to happen bro. People have smurfs n shit. Matchmaking has to continually adjust based on the results of newer accounts, and I'd assume the system is a bit more volitale in figuring out their proper MMRs for awhile with younger accounts.
The solution here would be to make Ranked play unavailable for new accounts until they reach a certain level or a certain total of games played and I believe that's the case now. League of Legends does this by requiring people reach level 30 before being able to queue for Ranked. That's...idunno. Maybe 20-25 hours of play logged + 10 placement matches. So maybe Doto could raise the rank requirement to play ranked if people feel it's too low.
That said...it may disappoint you, but those people with "only 100 hours" are showing results consistently enough to pair them in a match with you. Best thing to keep in mind when trying to find reasons to believe that you're actually better than the people you're being matched with is this: there is a big pool of heroes in Dota 2. Like, more than 100. You're not good at all 100 of those heroes...and neither are the people you're being matched with. There are tens of thousands of potential friendly and enemy team comps...you haven't seen all of them and neither have they.
Often times in matches you see people get their asses kicked in, they selected a hero they have little experience on relative to other heroes in their pool. They may have reached your level of MMR playing Slark and Tidehunter exclusively. But in this match they decided or were forced to play someone they were less comfortable and experienced with. Like Lone Druid or Chen. They may be 4K MMR with Slark...but they're Potato MMR with Lone Druid. You got the Potato experience from them instead of the 4K experience.
Other times, people just aren't in the mood to play (mad about life, had a bad match the game before, GF didn't suck their dick today, whatever) and queue up anyway and play on tilt and just can't get out of their funk. You've done it too, you just didn't realize it. They get rolled over and you proclaim you're better than them. But then you check their history and see they actually tend to kick a lot of ass with that hero; they just had a bad game. Shit happens.
Point is, assuming someone's hours of play is indicative of their future performance is a poor way to analyze someone's potential. The real question is whether they're able to play one of their best heroes or not, whether your comp has enough lockdown and team fight, and how the team plays around their picks. You can bet your ass you stomped teams with some of those same guys/gals with "only 100 hours". And some of those Peruvians and Russians. You just didn't check their profiles because you weren't looking for justification for your anger.