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Dragon Age II |OT| The Revenge of Shit Mountain


Rufus said:
Doesn't make them any less idiotic. I wanted to walk away more than anything instead, but I ended up picking the mages, if only because I was one myself. And then the end of the game happened.
Still cannot believe the idiocy of the whole set-up. A blood mage killed Hawkes mother and several other women for his perverse desires. That ought to be enough reason to make a choice on, but no, it's apparently not obvious enough, so let's bend the fiction over a table and make it laughably easy for mages to turn into abominations, so that there's no fucking way someone in their right mind could sympathize with them. To hammer it home even more, we'll have Orsino turn even if you chose the mages. He's also co-operated with the serial killer.
That's some narrative strength there, Bioware.

Agree 100%.

Also, you forgot Anders' genius plan in the final act as well. :D

Without hesitation I
stuck a dagger into his back when I was given the option. No way someone so stupid should be allowed to procreate.
ShockingAlberto said:
You know, for all the talk about how the dialogue wheel makes your intentions clear with the icons, am I the only one who often did not understand what a symbol was supposed to mean and just took a guess?

Like, someitmes it would be a star, or a piece of sage, or a gavel. But the gavel was different from the fist which was different from the swords even though they were all outlined in red.

I understood the comedy mask, understood that sage was friendly, and hearts meant what you'd think. Everything else was way more confusing than any dialogue choice I had in DA1.


I'm not sure I ever saw the "Lie" icon. Or if I did I never noticed it.
X-Frame said:
Agree 100%.

Also, you forgot Anders' genius plan in the final act as well. :D

Without hesitation I
stuck a dagger into his back when I was given the option. No way someone so stupid should be allowed to procreate.

Grey Wardens can't procreate I thought?
ThoseDeafMutes said:
True, I just thought Alastair said something about it back in DA1. Must have remembered wrong.
No he did say something. If you romanced Alister he brings up the fact that he has to sire a successor to the throne when he becomes king and it might not be a good idea for that child to come from two grey wardens.


Gamer @ Heart said:
BUT THEY HAD NO CHOICE! They where pushed to use it because they where accused of using it anyway!?

They hit you with that excuses hard. At least there are a few cases of nice mages, but not enough.

It almost seems like mages are indifferent to becoming abominations. I still haven't gotten over how much i hate this game.

16-Bit Heroics

Neo Member
I'd just like to report another glitch everyone. During my play-through the game skipped all of Act 4, after the penultimate Act 3, and went straight to the credits. Luckily it only happens under a specific set of parameters, which I have included below.

When you try to play the fucking game.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
sillymonkey321 said:
It almost seems like mages are indifferent to becoming abominations. I still haven't gotten over how much i hate this game.

DA2 Mage - "Oh, fuck. I burned my breakfast." DEMON FORM ACTIVATED!
Anders - "Despite the people in this party being the only mages who have not turned into demons, I somehow find fault with Templars who are distrustful of us. They're bigots, I tells ya! Angst!"


Nirolak said:

I'll agree with this if you agree to call Sony the devil for these two things, since it would be nice to establish a list of horrid publishers.

Source: http://www.giantbomb.com/uncharted-2-among-thieves-interview/17-1478/

Not only did Sony force them to insanely burn out trying to shove multiplayer into a giant singleplayer game in 18 months, now they're forcing them, on the same ridiculous schedule, to make a gigantic multiplayer mode. I'd like to note that this development schedule is actually a hell of a lot less than Dead Space 2 had also.

Source: http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/12/09/uncharted-3-first-look/

Yet for some reason people are always praising Sony as a great publisher. o_O

Lol I don't think Sony is a great publisher, but they do seems to showcase a better taste for creative or game with very good ideas behind them than most big publishers like Activision, Microsoft or EA (they want their games to appeal to the masses, but aren't clueless to quality). Bonus point for funding the games of Fumito Ueda. :]

I didn't play Crackdown 2, so how exactly was it rushed? It seemed to me that the new team behind the game just wasn't as good as the original.
WanderingWind said:
DA2 Mage - "Oh, fuck. I burned my breakfast." DEMON FORM ACTIVATED!
Anders - "Despite the people in this party being the only mages who have not turned into demons, I somehow find fault with Templars who are distrustful of us. They're bigots, I tells ya! Angst!"

What I hated was all the talk of how horrible the circle in Kirkwall is, how bad the living conditions are, how horribly they're mistreated. How this leads to their desperation and makes them more willing to give into a demon's offer of "help".

Then you NEVER GET TO SEE ANY OF THIS PLACE (other than like... the main hall/lobby type area at the very end of the game). You just pretty much have to take everyone's word for it. They could be holed up in a fancy mansion with monkey butlers for all I know.


Nirolak said:
Right, I agree.

I'd also suggest that adding multiplayer to Dead Space 2 was not EA.

However, no one can ever truly know, so we can argue any scenario we want should it fit our position. This is why I feel arguments about who added features never make any sense unless we have an actual statement indicating forced feature sets.

Perhaps, but I found this interview with one of the EA boss. Here's the interesting part of the interview:

What I learned from Mirror’s Edge is that you have to execute, you have to spend more time on a game to ensure it’s polished, and you need to have the depth and persistence of an online game.

First-person parkour across buildings is fun, but to be blunt, Mirror’s Edge’s’ execution fell short.

There were issues with the learning curve, the difficulty, the narrative, and then there was no multiplayer either. The key learning from us was that if you’re going to be bold with that kind of concept, you need to take it as far as it can go in development.

Dead Space was different. It made money for us, but didn’t hit expectations. We felt like we had an IP that struck a chord, and one that hit quality, but again it missed multiplayer modes. So when we re-worked Dead Space, we looked at how to make it a better idea, how do we make the story more engrossing, how do we build Isaac as a character, how do we make this game a success online.

And now we learn that Dragon age 3 might have multiplayer and there's rumors that Mass effect 3 could have it as well, hmm. It's also funny to hear him say that he learned that you need to award a game a proper amount of time to ensure it's polished while Dragon age 2 is an unpolished and rushed mess. :p


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
WanderingWind said:
DA2 Mage - "Oh, fuck. I burned my breakfast." DEMON FORM ACTIVATED!
Anders - "Despite the people in this party being the only mages who have not turned into demons, I somehow find fault with Templars who are distrustful of us. They're bigots, I tells ya! Angst!"
Anders is a horribly scripted character here. I actually liked his dark humor in Awakenings.

Didn't the trailers showcase Hawke's use of Blood Magic? I'm pro-Mage all the way. Suck it Templars! This game had us chasing sociopaths who use and don't use magic. I don't see why mages should be locked away simply because they could contact demons. (Insert BioWare Temps vs Mags.)

I want a DA game in Tevinter, so we learn more about the lore of magic and the old gods. I'm tired of Andraste. I like Orleis, but I don't want to visit.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Was it posted?


Brent Knowles on DA2 demo:

Some Good Things
I am impressed at how put together the demo is after such a short development cycle. It seemed mostly polished, only a couple minor glitches and whatnot. And these were major engine changes that occurred from DA:O to DA2. So, impressed at the time frame.

The world is still there, though the art has changed. I still felt a part of the Dragon Age ‘universe’ and that nothing of the canon set in place in the original has been tampered with. And that the original had been built upon. So that’s cool.

Some Not-So-Good Things (in my opinion)
I understand why the first fight was done using a ‘super powered’ character. I get it. But it almost made me stop playing the demo. I don’t know if its because I had read so much negativity in regards to the combat changes or what but that first fight was a button mashing nightmare with no tactics coming into play. I was pretty horrified to be honest, I just closed my eyes, smashed buttons, and I won.

Later as I played with a proper character, through proper progression, I understood what was going on. Certainly not tactical the way I’d define tactical but not a pure action game either.

Really DA2 is neither an action game or a tactical semi-turned based RPG (like BG2 was and to a lesser degree DA:O was). It falls in the middle somewhere and like anything that doesn’t really define itself it has the potential to alienate players at either end of the spectrum. It is difficult to make both styles of gameplay awesome in the same game.

As an action game it is not responsive enough (i.e., I was clobbered by the ogre even after I was on the other side of the map several times) and as a tactical game I really mostly only controlled one character unless it died… there was no need, at least in the demo, to control party members.

Other Points
Not choosing race is a Very Bad Thing and has everything to do with cinematic limitations — characters with different heights and sizes are difficult to build cinematic conversation for — as well the choice impacts the amount of dialog that needs to be written. But aliens and fantasy races are cool. Humans are boring (except my kids and my wife and some of you… you know who you are).

As for the dialog itself, its what I expected. Some of it is visually beautiful but interactive movies have never been the kinds of games I wanted to play. So kudos to the team for the great work but, as always, I kind of wish the huge effort I know it takes to build those cinematic experiences could be spent on gameplay.

Overall I was impressed, the team really put together a strong title in such a short period of time. I don’t think some of the changes needed to happen (especially if Dragon Age has sold as well as has been indicated) but only the marketplace will tell us whether it was the right or the wrong thing to do.

also comments there are good.


Fredescu said:
*kill named guy*
*see loot pile with named guys name on it, continue fighting last wave*
*cut scene begins just as the fight ends*
*game automatically warps to another location after the cut scene ends*
*location is no longer available due to it being a specific quest location*

Fuck you, game. Fuck you.

I'm 10 hours in and I've actually been enjoying it, but that shit is seriously infuriating.

When does this start happening? I'm about 8 hours in and haven't experienced that once... though it sounds like something I'd like to try and avoid if possible


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap

I think the worst "hilariously bad" situation was when you find the remains of an unfortunate Chantry sister in Darktown and is tasked to return her to the Chantry. When you do, Hawke literally gives a generic turn-in line; "I believe I've found something which belongs to you", and the Chantry guy indifferently replies "Oh yes, I wondered where I lost that, here's some gold."

Pretty obvious the whole deal was rushed indeed.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ok, now that's some interesting stuff:

don't know if you have checked the numbers but the new ones just came in.
About 1mil units sold in 2 1/2 wks. After week 1 it is about a 67% drop.

Not sure how much will change even with a patch since it has been declared DA2 is the new base for future releases with only a very small rpg part of Origins being included. Makes me sad. But I think this short post sums up the Origins fanbase pretty well:

I think a lot of the anger comes from the perception that the game is moving in a direction (good or bad) that leaves entrenched fans behind. People feel as though the Dragon Age series is "their" game, the game made for old-school CRPG players. Bioware has been a sort of home for these players, the one place where a fairly immersive RPG might be made. As Bioware takes the game in a new direction, it's like watching the taillights shrink in the distance as one's beloved drives away. That's where you get the hyperbolic emotion about the game. It's not seen as a "meh" game by those with emotional commitment--it's a betrayal, an abandonment.

So I suppose you'll finish up your to-do's over the next few weeks and play through the game to see just what the heck they did. Or not :p Your writing does sound like more fun.



Thanks for the numbers. Will have to dig around with old numbers to put them into context.

I definitely agree with the quote... Origins was definitely sold as 'here is the place for you to enjoy the type of game you like' with Mass Effect being the 'other type of game' that you may or may not enjoy. I really like diversification and worry over BioWare putting all their eggs into one basket but we'll see.

As for playing it ... once this novel is out of the house I have a bunch of stories to clean up and then onto the next novel.



Although it is very sad to see the direction they are taking, I can can understand that route being better if they need to cut their cost of development. I would hate to see a company go down the drain by jumping into an arena where there is the most competition and hope it works out.

Keep up with your writing, you are very good.



I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
and the final nail in the coffin:

Karstenaaen said:
As I understand it, DA2 was planned in 2008, or at least talks about DA2 happened in august-september 2008; long before anyonew knew the sales numbers for Dragon Age: Origins. I, too, have played the demo. And I do feel the dialogue wheel works well in the game. From the reviews, I've seen it seems that there are many re-used areas in the game.

It also seems that since there is no ancient evil, no secret order, no saving the world, it makes it a bit difficult to make the hero's journey. I'm not saying it can't be done, just that it is very difficult to do.

Brent Knowles said:
True... some of the changes would have already started by the time sales figures rolled in. And the move to voiced protagonist was inevitable... that's kind of BioWare's thing now.


X-Frame said:
Agree 100%.

Also, you forgot Anders' genius plan in the final act as well. :D

Without hesitation I
stuck a dagger into his back when I was given the option. No way someone so stupid should be allowed to procreate.

I swear to God, that event might have been the only time where I exclaimed "WHAT THE FUCK?!" out loud.
For God's sake, the Chantry sister probably could have resolved all of this without inciting a global war. But then Anders nukes the Chantry and is all like "HERP DERP MAGE INDEPENDENCE." Too bad this fucking dumbshit plan will drag mages OUTSIDE OF KIRKWALL into this conflict when countries Ferelden clearly shows that some Circles are treated alright, but just kept under close watch.

God damn, that plan still makes me absolutely angry.


MechaX said:
I swear to God, that event might have been the only time where I exclaimed "WHAT THE FUCK?!" out loud.
For God's sake, the Chantry sister probably could have resolved all of this without inciting a global war. But then Anders nukes the Chantry and is all like "HERP DERP MAGE INDEPENDENCE." Too bad this fucking dumbshit plan will drag mages OUTSIDE OF KIRKWALL into this conflict when countries Ferelden clearly shows that some Circles are treated alright, but just kept under close watch.

God damn, that plan still makes me absolutely angry.

That's what he wanted though. He wants absolute freedom, not nice slavery. His reasoning was perfectly, in an incredibly radical way, sound.


X-Frame said:
Also, you forgot Anders' genius plan in the final act as well. :D
God, yes. Not only is he a shadow of his former self, no, he's
a terrorist as well. Great.
I only wish someone other than Sebastian (who had the charisma of wet cardboard) called him on it. Didn't know you could
do more then send him away though. Tempted to look for a save before the explosions just to off him...
gdt5016 said:
That's what he wanted though. He wants absolute freedom, not nice slavery. His reasoning was perfectly, in an incredibly radical way, sound.
His reasoning is indeed sound. All the mages are now free to die at the hands of angry mobs.


subversus said:
I thought he was some insider whom Brent knows.
No, he's just a random dude.

Chartz lists 920k, which is the first number he's referring to, and the PAL week over week drop was a fairly standard 68%, which is the second number he's referring to.
gdt5016 said:
In his mind, if that's the price of freedom...
No no no, they achieve freedom by letting go of their earthly bonds. I am sure the templars are willing to oblige them in that.

Edit: There is actually more to it than that. But you have to romance Anders to find out.


Rufus said:
God, yes. Not only is he a shadow of his former self, no, he's
a terrorist as well. Great.
I only wish someone other than Sebastian (who had the charisma of wet cardboard) called him on it. Didn't know you could
do more then send him away though. Tempted to look for a save before the explosions just to off him...
Game should have autosaved right before Ander's plan goes into action.

I want to say that this game needed a neutral option all the way to the end,
especially since you end up fighting both sides anyway,
but the end result is the same regardless and I doubt a neutral stance would have changed anything either.


Finished Act II last night. Glad the story picked up a little, because side quest after side quest (even the quests that advance the story feel like side quests) was getting a bit old. I will say, however, that some parts did have impact, though maybe not in the best way.
I thought the whole "your mother had her head hacked off and stitched on someone else" was pretty upsetting, even sadistic. Same with "oh, by the way here's the head of the viscount."
This game seems a bit gorier than the first - I feel like in the first they'd cut away with the camera when people got killed in cinematics - and at times it feels a bit cheap or unnecessary, like they're just going for a reaction, especially because the writing usually isn't able to support the emotions for the scenes (in line with the anecdote above about turning in a sidequest that should get some sort of emotional response and getting the usual "oh, I was looking for that").

I'm finding the "wave after wave" combat design to be REALLY annoying. Yes, it adds difficulty, but not in a good way - it just makes things frustrating. I don't feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a tough battle, like, "I'm glad I was able to plan through that and come up with a way to kill everyone"; it's more like, "I'm glad I was lucky enough that the 10 enemies that popped up behind my mage in the third wave didn't kill him before he got off the heal spell". The toughest battle so far
final battle of the "Evil Tome" sidequest, where you fight waves of Revenants, Rage Demons and Abominations
was cheap as hell, and I only beat it by cheating the system back -
everybody ran back through the previous hallway so I could face enemies in small groups, and far enough so the last wave wouldn't spawn until I came back.

The masses of enemies you kill, human and darkspawn, are also bringing up issues similar to what people had with Uncharted 2 - where you leave this massive trail of bodies behind you, but the story can't explain or justify it. I mean, in the
templar fight underground, where you fight masses of fanatics
, I must have left 50+ dead humans in my wake, all presumably townspeople. No one bats an eyelash. I realize this was an issue with the first game as well, and with practically all games where you kill hordes of enemies, but I think the "throw constant waves of 10+ enemies at you" design just highlights the absurdity of it even more, especially because this is a more story-driven game that takes place in such a small location. Like, there's this one city where a group of four people has left hundreds of bodies, and no one thinks to comment on it.


jgwhiteus said:
The masses of enemies you kill, human and darkspawn, are also bringing up issues similar to what people had with Uncharted 2 - where you leave this massive trail of bodies behind you, but the story can't explain or justify it. I mean, in the
templar fight underground, where you fight masses of fanatics
, I must have left 50+ dead humans in my wake, all presumably townspeople. No one bats an eyelash. I realize this was an issue with the first game as well, and with practically all games where you kill hordes of enemies, but I think the "throw constant waves of 10+ enemies at you" design just highlights the absurdity of it even more, especially because this is a more story-driven game that takes place in such a small location. Like, there's this one city where a group of four people has left hundreds of bodies, and no one thinks to comment on it.
Actually, some of the sarcastic responses you can pick will bring this up but the person you're talking to will just laugh it off or ignore your comment entirely.


At least we wouldn't have to side with the crazies on either side. Both sides had good motivations, but the surrounding narrative just spun that off into ridiculousness to hammer the point home. Yes, we get it, the mages are dangerous. No need to make it piss easy to turn into an abomination when in the first game it looked like you had to put effort into actually learning how to use blood magic, actually make a pact with a demon and everything. Now it seems like at every second of their lives, there's a whole line of demons waiting for some duress to take over. As for actually using blood magic? Cut your finger, that's about all it takes. No pact with a demon needed. They took a piss all over the fiction in that regard.
And then there's Meredith. She was a paranoid zealot, which was OK until you noticed it's all she was. She had one or two throw away lines that showed some understanding
and she refused the 'Tranquil Solution', aka lobotomize every mage on principle
, but no, nobody pursues that in the narrative.
Just as nobody calls Orsino on admitting to having helped Quentin, the serial killer.
There obvious chances to humanize her, but instead she's
pushed even further into one-dimensional villain territory by being driven (even more) insane by the idol.
So, so, stupid.

There could have been some unique repercussions for neutrality, actually, but with what we got I'm pretty sure they couldn't have managed to find convincing reasons for shit to go wrong... The Witcher did the whole shtick of one man changing the events of history so much better, it's not even funny.
Rufus said:
There could have been some unique repercussions for neutrality, actually, but with what we got I'm pretty sure they couldn't have managed to find convincing reasons for shit to go wrong... The Witcher did the whole shtick of one man changing the events of history so much better, it's not even funny.
Hell the entire point of the game is to stay as neutral as you can and avoiding picking a side.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, I upgraded to a Sandy Bridge and this game still runs relatively poorly.

I built a new computer last night using a Sandy Bridge i5 2500k, but kept my old video card (HD 5870 1GB) and every other game I've tried so far (Crysis, Rift, Metro 2033, Just Cause 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood) has seen gigantic gains in performance. Dragon Age II? It still runs fairly sluggish. :(


You can be one yourself if you play mage and specialize as Spirit Healer.

Lostconfused said:
Hell the entire point of the game is to stay as neutral as you can and avoiding picking a side.
That's the 'true' path of the Witcher, anyway. If you stray, you actually end up tipping the scales in tangible ways. In DA2 there's no consequence to anything outside the cutscenes. You don't feel as influential as the game would have you believe. The last fight in particular is such a dick move in that regard...


If you think about it, the reason there are so many blood mages and so many of them turned into abominations are because they are pushed into it by the Templars. There doesn't seem to be any problems within the Elves concerning Blood Mages and Abominations(Merrill seems to be the exception).
tenchir said:
If you think about it, the reason there are so many blood mages and so many of them turned into abominations are because they are pushed into it by the Templars. There doesn't seem to be any problems within the Elves concerning Blood Mages and Abominations(Merrill seems to be the exception).

Well you only see like maybe 8 Dalish elves.

And yeah, the idea is that "they're desperate because of their treatment", but it's very poorly illustrated in the game. All you see are mages that already escaped or are trying not to be caught. You never see the mistreatment yourself. There's barely even any outright corrupt templars shown.
HadesGigas said:
Well you only see like maybe 8 Dalish elves.
tenchir said:
There doesn't seem to be any problems within the Elves concerning Blood Mages and Abominations(Merrill seems to be the exception).

The Dalish elf that joins you is a blood mage and made a deal with a demon. That's the only Dalish mage you see besides Marethari or whatever her name is. There is also Fenryel or whatever his name is and he goes off to Tevinter.

X-Frame said:
So being a Blood Mage is the only way that a Mage can't be countered by a Templar?
No Templars are protected against all magic. Mages need lyrium to power their spells but the Chantry has full control over lyrium distribution in Thedas. But blood magic is basically mages using their life force or life force of other living things to power their spells. Although some spells can only be performed using blood magic, like mind control.
Lostconfused said:
The Dalish elf that joins you is a blood mage and made a deal with a demon.

Yeah, so you see like two dalish mages (her and the keeper), 50%. That's still probably lower than the percentage of blood mages you see among Kirkwall mages.
X-Frame said:
So being a Blood Mage is the only way that a Mage can't be countered by a Templar?

Wouldn't say it's the only way, I mean some regular old magic would work fine if you caught them off guard, but yeah blood magic can do things that I don't think even the templars would be able to dispel like mind control, raising the dead, stuff like that.

Thuogh templars still have the "final solution" up their sleeves of making all mages tranquil. Don't think the logistics of how they do that was ever explained though.


tenchir said:
If you think about it, the reason there are so many blood mages and so many of them turned into abominations are because they are pushed into it by the Templars. There doesn't seem to be any problems within the Elves concerning Blood Mages and Abominations(Merrill seems to be the exception).
That's the ONLY reason I ended up siding with the mages, because the root of the problem was still the mage oppression by the chantry/templars but that was also the reason I was strongly hoping for some form of diplomatic solution via the chantry and the grand cleric. I'm not even a fan of the chantry in the DA universe but I found myself trying to work with the grand cleric to resolve the issue in a more peaceful manner (ditto with the act II conflict) and I knew Bioware wouldn't let you go purely diplomatic (seems only Bethesda allows for that) but the massacre that ensued was completely uncalled for.

Anders though... Throughout the entire game he is preaching about how the actions of a few shouldn't be paid for by the innocents and then turns into a complete hypocrite at the very last minute. All that good will built up for nothing.

Edit: As a side note, I do wish the game did take into consideration your own character being a blood mage. They would probably have to create a completely different story path for that but it would still be interesting to see.

Also, did anyone that played as a mage side with the templars? The game's story would probably be infinitely more enjoyable if they frequently took that into consideration.


X-Frame said:
Agree 100%.

Also, you forgot Anders' genius plan in the final act as well. :D

Without hesitation I
stuck a dagger into his back when I was given the option. No way someone so stupid should be allowed to procreate.

Well for me Anders represented my point of view on the whole Mage/Templar situation. I was quite shocked by what he did but at the same time I understood his actions. I see the Templar the same way as the religion of our world so the choice was easy to make. I do not approve violence in real life though. But between Anders and religious zealot Sebastian, the choice was easy for me.
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