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Dragon Age II |OT| The Revenge of Shit Mountain

Are any of you guys getting random disc read errors during the game? I would like to think my 360 isn't just starting to shit on me. I played other games to test it out and they seem fine. Now I've reached a point in the game where I try to travel somewhere to do a quest and it crashes at the same spot every time :(


360 here and no errors of any kind.

Anyway, loving the game so far. The game took me longer to warm up to than DAO but I just got to Act 2 and I really dig it. Very addictive and I like how unpredictable it can be sometimes. I really like how the characters are developing.
I had the game freeze on me one time (360), but no disc read errors. The game's running of my HDD, though.

Delio said:
I'm SOOO close to friendship with her and im in Act 3. The one i'm finding it hard to get anywhere is Fenris. I love the guy but my pro mage stance is driving him crazy yet i seem to randomly get friendship with him at the oddest times.
I decided to
keep that item she wanted to restore the Eluvian with (though I have a separate save where I did give it to her)
, so her friendship/rivalry status is now pretty much right in the center with me. I don't feel like taking her with me often, because I prefer Anders' healing abilities as a mage (while at the same time being able to whip out some serious ranged damage).

All my "main" party members (Anders, Aveline and Varric) have full friendship status. Isabela's partway there, since I often alternate between Aveline and her (though having Isabela with me requires me to be the tank). Fenris and Sebastian are pretty much at the same level as Merrill, but I almost never take 'em anywhere.

I really wish this game had more party member dialog. I also miss them staying in one place, like in DA:O. I often go to their safehouses, and they have nothing to say. They only start talking when they need something.


PS3 version here and no issues of any kind. Especially after having played DAO on the PS3 this is like being in heaven, performance wise. :p

Nose Master

Damned pirate girl needs to put out. This is bullshit!

I like being able to randomly hit on more or less anything that moves, though.
Nose Master said:
Damned pirate girl needs to put out. This is bullshit!

I like being able to randomly hit on more or less anything that moves, though.
She already did with me.
Though it didn't count as a romance, yet. :lol

That particular 'love scene' was pretty hilarious, though, in a good way. Way better than what they did for Origins or even Mass Effect.
Them stumbling into the room, throwing all their knives away, with that ridiculous music playing in the background, I was laughing hard. When the deed was done, the game even told me "New Item added to Inventory: Threads of the Eastern Seas" (which is Isabela's clothing). The clothing was nowhere to be found in my inventory, but I thought it was funny. :lol


Fuck,you people weren't kidding about performance. It runs like fucking SHIT on my geforce card(GTX260). I can't get over 20fps on DX11(And I can only use the DX10 settings in that). Even on DX9 it's kind of stutters and doesn't get over 30fps. WTF. :(


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Wtf? Ps3 versión freezing , 360 with disc errors, pc perfomance problems.
Come on bioware!



I managed to link my Sir Isaac armor with my OLD Bioware account that I'm not even using. Fuck. Anyone have a spare code?


So I updated my geforce drivers. I now get 20-30fps with no AA and no AF and ambient occlusion off. Fucking pathetic. It's also fucking jolty as all hell. I could max out DA:O easily with a smooth framerate.

i7 920, 6GB ram, GTX 260 and I can't run this decently. God dammit, Bioware.
Must be an nvidia issue, it runs smooth with SSAO on and the texture pack (no tesselation obviously because of my card) on my hd4870 512MB.
35-65 fps depending on area.

This is the kind of shit people using AMD cards have to deal with all too often:( It's annoying eh?

To clarify: I'm not gloating, just bitching about bad drivers slash devs not bothering to test their games on certain hardware.

edit : @ dennis: you can select dx11 mode, it will apply all the stuff that works on dx10 too.


SneakyStephan said:
edit : @ dennis: you can select dx11 mode, it will apply all the stuff that works on dx10 too.
DX11 is greyed out for me so I can't select it. I don't know why. I am using Vista Service Pack 2 as required and I even reinstalled the game but no luck



I'm quite happy with my Hawke after fixing her ridiculous cheeks.

Nighttime Kirkwall is pretty annoying, the fighting is just tedious there.
My 5770 gets me good performance on DX11 high settings most of the time. It can inexplicably drop below 20fps in some cutscenes, but most of the time it runs at 40-70fps.


lastplayed said:
I'm about 8 hours in and seriously losing motivation to keep playing. I just don't have any personal attachment to Hawke like I did with my DA:O character, and the quests seem so disjointed and pointless I just don't care any more.

I've gone from this:


...to trying to find the motivation to finish DA2. I'll keep trying I guess, it's a digital version so I'm stuck with it whether I like it or not.

I'm feeling ya...



Got the retail sig edition sitting at home, still need to start it, don't really have much gametime but after reading all this shit this last week I'm not really motivated to start...

What's most frightening atm is the PC performance, I've got a GTX580 so it isn't really tempting atm to check that I also get 5fps in DX11...

Hadoken said:
Someone at the Bioware forum suggest turning on triple buffering in the .ini file to make the game run smoother. So far it has worked for me.

Thx for that! Anyone try it?

Haunted said:
Reminds me of the broken Archery in the first one.

Yeah, and they NEVER fixed it because it was too much work rebalancing the difficulty modes, rather leave a core mechanic broken and pump out some new DLC and a sequel.

They supported NWN for 5 years I think after release and now they can't even fix something important like that...


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I also got a bug in Awakenings that mad enchanting impossible. I tried to reinstall it, I even tried to reinstall it when I got Windows reinstalled and still it was there.

When I got bug in Divinity II I just mailed my save to support and they fixed it in a day.


Sigh, now I have audio issues. I just got to Kirkwall and everyone's voice has an insane echo to it. I don't just mean a bit of one, it sounds like they are in a echo heavy tunnel. Surely that isn't how it's meant to be?
lastplayed said:
My 5770 gets me good performance on DX11 high settings most of the time. It can inexplicably drop below 20fps in some cutscenes, but most of the time it runs at 40-70fps.

definately a driver issue for nvidia, it needed a beta fix merely to be compatible with the game.
Haunted said:
Reminds me of the broken Archery in the first one.
Yup some game mechanics and abilities were broken in Origins as well. Good to see they learned nothing.

On the other hand shame about editing tools, so you know people who give a damn could actually fix the problems.


I normally pick a male in these games so I can follow the romance plot lines too but damn male hawke is a dull character so far. Shepard he ain't. I played female hawke for 10 minutes an like her more.

*sister dies*
Male Hawke: Oh damn...well at least father has company now. Lets move on

What an arsehole.


Sir Hamish said:
Just discovered Cone of Cold doesn't freeze enemies anymore, fuck this game. I think I'm going to play Origins again

How about reading the description? Your fault for picking it if you didnt want it... Plus you can respec.

Cone of Cold was pretty OP in Origins.
Erasus said:
Plus you can respec.

You can? thank god.
At least they put that in then, unlike the original where you needed the respec potion mod and pray that it wouldn't cock up your save.

Tiny little incentive to pick up the game again where I left off in a few weeks or so, just can't be bothered anymore right now, it's tiring to play.


evelyn is the most bland ass dumb brick character ever. i would get rid of her in a heart beat if i could find another decent tank

i miss alistar from the first game so much. DA2 characters are terrible, i dont give a shit about any of them


he's Virgin Tight™
45 minutes in. I kinda dig the new system though its basically just a new coat of paint. Geometry in this game is horrendous. Textures are a mixed bag, lighting ain't that bad. Graphics look sightly worse than Origins to be honest though character animations, cinematics, and specific models are much more better. Music is leaving a lot to be desired and voice quality is abysmal in the 360 version.

Really, the rocks when you first get to Kirkwall are a joke. Still! This is Dragon Age in the insides, just a few tweaks here and there. They should have left the menu system intact and not go the ME route but w/e. I am enjoying the game, though it hasn't yet taken hold of me like Origins did at first.


No bald cap? Lies!
Just beat it, almost exactly 44 hours as a male archer, did every quest save for like 3 minor ones. I wont lie, I loved this game. The characters were fantastic, the story was great and the combat was pretty damn fun most of the time save for some severe spikes. I really enjoyed the build up of the plot, Ive been wanting an RPG for a long long time to focus more on a characters life and personal struggles instead of just the typical save the world from horrible terrible doom that most games have from the very start, like DAO, and while the end of DA2 was also world altering/shattering stuff it was quite different from the norm and I found it be quite intriguing and novel. I think Bioware did a pretty good job building up to the finale, and I didnt find it at all lackluster or less epic than DAO's ending really.

Surprisingly I kind of got use to the new look to the elves and dont hate them so much anymore, some of them actually look pretty good, others not so much, but Im ok with it. The recycling of locals didnt bother me too much even though it was pretty prevalent, its not even close to ME1 levels of horribleness since these environments actually have a fair amount of detail and atmosphere to them and arent just square rooms with nothing in them but boxes.

I was really sad to the see the story end and there were a number of times where I wish they had gone deeper and expanded on stuff, especially in the beginning with the escape from Lothering and the first year in Kirkwall. Family dynamics werent as great as they could have been, but I still cared for my mother and sister despite it. But the companions were all basically fantastic, Sebastian being the weakest link in my opinion and even he was as good as most of the DAO cast.

I was also pretty fond of the quest design in this game, I liked always having something to do, and most of the quests were actually pretty interesting and had a decent amount of production to them all, unlike DAO quests which were basically all the terrible fetch quests, half of which took the entire game to complete.

All in all I am very pleased with the game and in the end I probably prefer it to DAO, though we'll see after I beat it a few more times since Ive beaten DAO 5 times now. I at least found its improvements and good qualities to far outweigh the bad and I cant wait for some DLC and hopefully Awakenings, or larger if were lucky, sized expansions.
I have to say, I absolutely loathe the way BioWare approached Boss Battles. I'm fighting
right now, and it's just goddamn annoying.

"Oh here, have an enemy with an insanely high health bar, in a tiny room with no exit. Oh, and you know what, we'll throw two greater Rage demons at you, too. Oh, you killed the Rage demons? Here, have four Abominations AND two other Rage Demons. Oh, and why not, a Revenant too. Still not dead? Here, have all the aforementioned again, in double the amount. I can just see by that pained expression on your face that you're having FUN!"


And then the fucking dog outlives everyone in the party, even better. :lol


Am I the only one who was reminded of the film "The 13th Warrior" with this game? Just the complete lack of characters backstory with a low-key plot and lots of violence (esp with the over-the-top blood splatters switched on).

Don't get me wrong, this game is completely inferior to DA:O in nearly every way other than the idea of a low key story, imo. I'm also loving the soundtrack... reminds me of Conan the Barbarian.
About 15 hours in right now on the 360 version, and I'm liking it quite a bit. There are some negatives certainly: the repetition of dungeon designes (not as bad as Mass Effect 1 though), the sidequests have grown kind of tedious (there's a huge amount, but only a few I'd call really good. fewer longer sidequests may have been better), lack of auto-attack (they say this was an accident and they're going to fix it, but I have my doubts), and some bugs here and there.

Still, I think Bioware is doing some good things with the game. I like voiced Hawke (stupid surname though). The dialogue wheel is fine, sure there may be less options than in DA1, but the options you could pick in one dialogue tree in DA1 would often lead to the exact same reponse, so it's not a huge loss.

The story and characters (so far) are pretty good for a bioware game. At least they're they're trying something different than the usual opening - 3-5 hub worlds - conclusion formula. Having one massive town for the story to take place in is fine, it reminds me of Quest for Glory.

I certainly see the criticism of it being Dragon Effect. I think we were deluding ourselves into thinking this series would be another BG2. That's never going to happen again...
Bioware please make another Infinity Engine game again, how much could it cost you? I'll buy it!

I am liking this game so far. Actually prefer it to ME2 so far, which I found a bit underwhelming. But I haven't finished it yet, so things could change.


Hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere but I probably missed it, but I just found out that the Black Emporium will apparently sell crafting resources you missed. I'm a little ways into Act 2 and found out last night I had missed two resources in Act 1. This morning I'm checking out what's new in the Emporium and they had both resources for sale, albeit not super cheap (one was about 13 gold, another 6). Still awesome though, and I hadn't seen anyone else mention that, and the guide doesn't say anything about it, but it doesn't list the Emporium as the location of any resources either so I'm fairly sure they did this to bail out stupid people like me :D
SailorDaravon said:
Hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere but I probably missed it, but I just found out that the Black Emporium will apparently sell crafting resources you missed. I'm a little ways into Act 2 and found out last night I had missed two resources in Act 1. This morning I'm checking out what's new in the Emporium and they had both resources for sale, albeit not super cheap (one was about 13 gold, another 6). Still awesome though, and I hadn't seen anyone else mention that, and the guide doesn't say anything about it, but it doesn't list the Emporium as the location of any resources either so I'm fairly sure they did this to bail out stupid people like me :D

I noticed this last night too. Definitely appreciated after ME2 where you could miss some upgrades and never fucking go back to those places to collect them.

The Black Emporium is just awesome in general.
Whoa shit did anyone do that dragon fight in the mines in act 3? Fucking crazy, they should have given alot more xp for beating him. It seems like enemy strength went way up in act 3 so far. Anyway for a game named Dragon Age there are very few actual dragons in this game and that lady that turned into one from the beginning has totally disappeared from the game.


No bald cap? Lies!
BoboBrazil said:
Whoa shit did anyone do that dragon fight in the mines in act 3? Fucking crazy, they should have given alot more xp for beating him. It seems like enemy strength went way up in act 3 so far. Anyway for a game named Dragon Age there are very few actual dragons in this game and that lady that turned into one from the beginning has totally disappeared from the game.

That battle was awesome for me. It was super long and crazy, I was literally down to just Hawke with like 30 health when I finally took that dragon down. Most intense battle in the game for me. I really liked it, it was tough but not overwhelmingly so like say the Ser Varnell fight when looking for the lost Qunari delegates. It was hard enough to always keep you on the edge but gave you just enough room to hold on a little longer. I was so close to dying at the end with no hope of healing or relief that when I finally shot off an assassinate shot and took him down it was the greatest feeling.

I wish there had been more fights like that in the game. As much as I liked the massive battles with dozens of enemies, there really could been more battles with just a single badass enemy and few if any others.
BoboBrazil said:
Whoa shit did anyone do that dragon fight in the mines in act 3? Fucking crazy, they should have given alot more xp for beating him. It seems like enemy strength went way up in act 3 so far. Anyway for a game named Dragon Age there are very few actual dragons in this game and that lady that turned into one from the beginning has totally disappeared from the game.

Yeah that was a huge pain in the ass fight but luckily they give it away that something bad is going to happen when you can see the giant open area ahead.

As if the boss itself wasn't hard enough, it went off screen 3 times to give me extra enemies to fight each time. I too hate how Bioware handled these bosses, if I didn't have 30 health potions I wouldn't have been able to do it >.<
Ickman3400 said:
Yeah that was a huge pain in the ass fight but luckily they give it away that something bad is going to happen when you can see the giant open area ahead.

As if the boss itself wasn't hard enough, it went off screen 3 times to give me extra enemies to fight each time. I too hate how Bioware handled these bosses, if I didn't have 30 health potions I wouldn't have been able to do it >.<

Yeah that was killing me, especially the 3rd time he went off screen and had me fight like 2 or 3 of the middle sized dragons . I just kept trying to keep my mages alive so they could shoot him when he went up to the ledge. Enduin, that was a great feeling when I did beat him. I couldn't believe I actually did it lol. When I went back to Hightown I took the mine from the guy, so does this actually pay out anything for me in game or earn me anything? I took half ownership with the same guy earlier and I never got a damn dime.
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