I reached the final story mission at around 55 hours, but for some strange reason I feel compelled to more or less complete all of the areas, despite almost none of the content in them being particularly interesting. I'm at around 75 hours now with just the Hissing Wastes left, and can't say anything particularly memorable has happened in that time. It's been a good podcast game, though! The mindless combat really facilitates that and the environments are pretty to look at, so there's that.
I think the game peaked for me with the ball at the winter palace.
The story missions after that were pretty bland, and I really dislike how they've treated the main villain as if he's some kind of harmless gimp after he was presented as such a badass in the beginning.
I think I'll tackle the final story mission and wrap this thing up in the next couple of days. I hope it brings a satisfying conclusion, but from the impressions I've read here, that may not be the case.
The zones tell the story. But you don't interact with it in a meaningful way. There are no choices to be made, no consequences for your actions. You just do what random NPC's and letters tell you to do. The Exalted Plains is an interesting window into the Orlesian Civil War but all you do is defeat undead, blow a horn and move onto the next camp to do the same. There is no 'big quest' to tackle, just a series of dull tasks to complete which are part of the overarching story of the zone.
Yeah. That's kind of my problem with the game. Everything seems to be of such little consequence and there are very few deep and involved story quests. It's not like they skimped on the budget, either. There's a boat load of quality voice acting. It's just used for other things.
Also, the whole Power system kind of fell apart for me around level 10. I've never been short of having enough Power to do anything since then, and now I have damn near 300 with nothing to spend it on. Maybe they should have upped the rewards for the bog-standard War Room missions (seriously, who needs 60 influence or 100 gold?) and made them all cost a certain amount of Power to embark on or something.