Dead Prince
garath said:
lol @ heavy breathing.
garath said:
mr stroke said:WOW that looks clean as a babies ass.
Assuming PC version maxed all settings?
(what are your PC specs by the way)
Kintaro said:Delicious irony. I never seem to recall any reviews from 1up asking for console ports to be better for PC gamers...
Q8D3vil said:ok i regret not preordering it
but anyone know any site to buy collectors edition ( pc )
slasher_thrasher21 said:I feel perhaps these negative reviews come from people that simple are either tired of the fantasy genre, or just never liked them to begin with.
ShineALight said:Very funny. The price thing is a little funny too, since most people with gaming PCs spent more than the price of a 360 + $10 on theirs.
SnakeswithLasers said:Are there really only 3 starting classes and then 2 specialization options for each?
Didn't want to sift through the whole thread.
Y2Kev said:Why did GameSpot give the PS3 version a higher score than the 360 version?
Y2Kev said:Why did GameSpot give the PS3 version a higher score than the 360 version?
AlphaSnake said:Just took a look at the Xbox 360 version on a proper screen and while the texture detail in the PS3 game, is indeed a little bit sharper, the framerate of the X360 game is still what I prefer more. The game is pretty bland looking to begin with, so at this point, I don't care which version has better textures...I just want the best running game.
i like em physicalgarath said:It's not too late to pre-order the Steam Digital deluxe version. It unlocks in 2 hours.
ShineALight said:Very funny. The price thing is a little funny too, since most people with gaming PCs spent more than the price of a 360 + $10 on theirs.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Can anyone tell me if my graphics card can do anything but load the prerecorded video intro ?![]()
FrostuTheNinja said:I can't tell you how many reviews I've read where a game is lambasted for it's fantasy setting. Some people really do just want space marines and cowboys or something.
garath said:3 Starting classes, 4 specializations each, you can choose up to 2. One at level 7, one at level 14.
wonkyaddict said:Damn, this install is torturing me right now.
Off topic: Gamestop didn't charge me tax for the game or the MS points I bought today. Is this a new policy or something?
Here you go.SnakeswithLasers said:Thanks! Anyplace handy to see the list?
ShineALight said:Very funny. The price thing is a little funny too, since most people with gaming PCs spent more than the price of a 360 + $10 on theirs.
slasher_thrasher21 said:But again if someone is reviewing this and doesn't like fantasy games, thats like me reviewing a sports game, I hate sport games. Period. Just dont find them fun, doesn't mean they are shitty though. Yet I wouldn't dare review it. Just not my thing nor would it be fair. I'm biased against them.
wonkyaddict said:Damn, this install is torturing me right now.
Off topic: Gamestop didn't charge me tax for the game or the MS points I bought today. Is this a new policy or something?
edit: beatenSnakeswithLasers said:Thanks! Anyplace handy to see the list?
whatevermort said:Great! Now you can all read John Walker's excellent review from PC Gamer UK.
Oh, and if we're listing faults, one appalling gaff is the failure to change family members' skin colour if you roleplay a non-caucasian. My main protagonist, a black man, lived as a sort of reverse 'The Jerk', where no one mentioned that his mother, father and brothers were all white.
Y2Kev said:Why did GameSpot give the PS3 version a higher score than the 360 version?
On the flip side, the Xbox 360 version looks positively disappointing. Textures are highly compressed and colors are washed out, though the upside is that this version maintains a smoother frame rate than on the PlayStation 3, where things might get jittery when swiveling the camera around. The PlayStation 3 version features higher-quality textures than those on the Xbox 360, better color saturation, smoother facial animations, and shorter load times. Minor visual hiccups, like corpses that disappear and reappear, are a bit more common on the PS3, however. The PC version is the superior experience, but if you're choosing between the two console releases, the PlayStation 3 has the upper hand.
Jtyettis said:Nope, but my Gamestop had just got their shipment for them. So check around I'd say.
DeadGzuz said:Insomniac vindicated, graphics > frame rate?
DeadGzuz said:Insomniac vindicated, graphics > frame rate?
Y2Kev said:Reading reviews makes me sad I don't have a better PC. Console gamers = second class plebs confirmed![]()
Charles said:Wow, is that Collector's Edition available in Europe?
i glanced at it and yes even from my 6 hours in it looks like spoilersAbsoludacrous said:Any spoilers in the GT review? Sometimes they're pretty bad about that.
Jtyettis said:Which I don't really buy at all their argument there considering how much Kotaku poo pood on the PS3 version performance. Certainly not just jittery when swiveling camera like they try to argue. As has been stated by many others here plus all the pop-in. Performance matters.
garath said:It's pretty far down the list. google search gives me a couple sites worth looking at:
I'm going to have to say probably not playable. It seems to rank lower than the 6600gt min required card.
BattleMonkey said:I missed it when we took Kotaku above actual reviewers now as a higher standard. A new dawn on gaf has appeared!
Absoludacrous said:Any spoilers in the GT review? Sometimes they're pretty bad about that.
Hari Seldon said:So is it better to take 2 widely different specializations or 2 that complement each other? I was thinking Arcane Warrior as my first spec, then maybe Templar or Shapeshifter as my second one.
Jtyettis said:I've never had an issue with Kotaku. Only GAF. But more importantly we have actual people in here saying the same, which is greater than all.