I mean Schreier isn't wrong when he said DEI isn't a factor whether it sells or not. Okay, maybe it's a small factor but not that big of a factor like some of you wanted it to be.
Dragon Age just sucks as a video game in many many areas and there's like 20 things on a list supporting that claim and DEI may just be one of those. So it's impact is relatively small. I've compiled a list a while ago in another thread.
I haven't done so for Outlaws but I'll do it here:
- dumb and broken AI (slightly fixed after the major patch but utterly broken when sales matter the most)
- non optional stealth missions (also fixed, but again, too late)
- mediocre stealth mechanics
- bodies can't be moved and have to be left where you struck them
- no character-arc/progression for the protagonist
- uninteresting activities/jobs with unsatisfying rewards (paint jobs... this is so typical video gamey and un-immersive, you sneak and break into a facility and in a chest you find... a paint job. how does that even work in-game-universe?)
- non-reactive environment with little interaction
- people not responding properly to things you do (which includes e.g. run over people)
- gameplay becomes repetitive and none of its cores are more than robust, only mediocre (the shooting, the racing, the melee combat, space combat); it's just serviceable and nothing is outstanding
- on PC late Steam release, again, release it what matters most
- bugs and glitches (some what fixed?)
- some image quality and performance issues (some what fixed? again, release it what counts the most for these games)
- Star Wars as a brand is flooded with products which may reduce desire to explore a new product because it lacks perceived "freshness", especially after a highly divisive and polarising new film trilogy
Obviously this list isn't as huge as for DA:V but I'd argue it's not as bad as DA.
Also this is not to say it can't be fun or has its moment (I like the faction loyality system which has actual gameplay consequences), but it does not excel in any of its areas. The "uglyfied" protagonist (I still can't comprehend how they could make such a beautiful actress look like this in-game...) is just a small point you might want to add to that list.
If you had a great product, DEI wouldn't matter that much. Even Elden Ring usés "body type A/B" and no one cares because it's irrelevant in the grandness of that game. If Geralt had been gay it wouldn't matter for TW3. At least that's my point of view.