A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
I want to Jiren fly through it
That would be good if Caulifla didn't already do something similar. Nothing beats Cooler though
I want to Jiren fly through it
You mean herThat would be good if Caulifla didn't already do something similar. Nothing beats Cooler though
looks like you missed last week's episodeYou mean hergirlfriendstudent Kale
Did she finally unlock The Legendary Super Saiyan Godlooks like you missed last week's episode
She straight got SSB.Did she finally unlock The Legendary Super Saiyan God
Where did she focus her ki this time?She straight got SSB.
He'll probably just tank it and brush some dust off his shoulders.
Where did she focus her ki this time?
Koto is best fox girl.Now that there in your profile was an awesome announcer. We need her right now. Oh man.
Imagine how much it must suck to fight Goku. We're all getting annoyed about Kale's sudden power ups but Goku always just pulls something to make himself stronger than the strongest bad guy out of his ass every single time.
Imagine how much it must suck to fight Goku. We're all getting annoyed about Kale's sudden power ups but Goku always just pulls something to make himself stronger than the strongest bad guy out of his ass every single time.
???This is just the worst thing ever
She became True Golden Legendary Super Saiyan God Legendary Super Saiyan.Did she finally unlock The Legendary Super Saiyan God
Imagine how much it must suck to fight Goku. We're all getting annoyed about Kale's sudden power ups but Goku always just pulls something to make himself stronger than the strongest bad guy out of his ass every single time.
Will be hype but won't win the fight and will be up to the jobber squadKaio-Ken didn't beat Vegeta
SSJ was pretty much on par with 100% Freeza
Goku didn't unlock SSJ2 to beat Cell
SSJ3 couldn't beat Kid Buu
SSJ God didn't beat Beerus
SSJ Blue was weaker than Golden Freeza
Blue Kaioken couldn't beat Hit
Vegetto Blue ran out of time before doing any real damage to Zamasu
Limit Break SSJ beyond SSJ GOD SSJ??? we will see.
You can even see Goku's reaction before getting punched. That's pretty cool.
This is just the worst thing ever
that means cooler was too slow
It's the only redeeming thing about the movie besides its sweet sound track
The art is terrible, not to mention cooler is a terrible villain
Lol maybe his urge to fightI'm watching the current ending over and over again to try to understand what it means and I think that it means Goku will lose something important, maybe Gohan?
It's on a whole different league compared to the horrible DB Super Latam opening and ending songs. And it's weird that Toei Animation is the same company producing both SS Omega with such a good opening song in Latam Spanish (even though i don't know who handles the Latam dub) and the DB Super Opening and Ending songs, which are xtremely bad (while both DBZ Latam opening songs were so good).So LatAm got the 2nd Saint Seiya Omega Opening today and I feel its on a whole other plane of quality compared to Latino DBS
Maggie Vera <3
And the Opening 3 was great too: https://youtu.be/WoFEbZJR1JU
So my question is..these are both TOEI and Mexican dub studios, so why did TOEI was so careful with quality while dubbing the openings of a Saint Seiya spin-off with mixed reception while being so fucking awful with DBS Opening and specially endings 2 and 3??
DBS is your most successful show!
According to Garza his studio only handles the dub of the show and not the songs...but then why not simply use the same studio as SS for the songs?
Cooler just wanted to capitalize on the "omg freeza fight was awesome, here's more of the same" vibe.
Then Metal Cooler ;/
I honestly wish they used Coolers fifth form instead of golden for Frieza, would have been a cool throwback and I always thought it looked badass.
TFS Bane Cooler has completely replaced regular Cooler in my head, Bane Cooler is a great villain.
Now that I think about it, the first Cooler movie was weird because Cooler never stood a chance against Goku.
The second Goku went super saiyan it was over.
That's weird for a movie.
Also Goku saved a bird with his energy.
Most post SSJ movies were weirdly cagey about Goku popping Super Saiyan for...reasons.
Nice one, Lalo Garza!
today's LatAm Super episode:
Yooooo Bulma's sister's voice is actually Bulma's VA from the Buu saga/GT!
Nice one, Lalo Garza!
Vados' voice is still amazing. And lmao at Goku calling Monaka "Monica".
Aren't they the same VA?