I think it's more a vocal minority thing. I mean, if you read threads, no one likes Superman or Captain America.
Whaaa..? Henry Cavill Superman is hated, but Chris Evans Cap is liked overall...
I think it's more a vocal minority thing. I mean, if you read threads, no one likes Superman or Captain America.
The ritual tires you out to the point you can't fly, unless you're the one getting the powerup. They'll have no energy. It would be a huge blow to U7 if they drained Gohan's and Vegeta's energy.Just realized, idk if someone posted this.
To get into SSG you need 5 other Saiyans to make that ritual around another Saiyan. Remember all Saiyans from U6 are there and Vegeta with Gohan.
Also, next episode is U6 Hit and Goku vs some of the U11 opponents...
Yep, U6 and U7 are uniting forces.
Why does he need the ritual again when he was already shown to not need it?
In Dragon Ball, you don't disappear when you die unless your soul is destroyed. So to them, there is a different between living a long life and dying vs. living a long life, dying, and then getting erased in a century. In there case, whether they live a long life or a short one, or rather they exist for another 1000 years really doesn't matter since their very existence is blinked out. At least with Goku they have a remote chance of not suffering that fate vs. it's going to happen it's just a matter of when.
Let me put it in another way. If you had the chance to save yourself from an illness, but you have a high risk of dying from it vs. letting the illness take its course and live for another year, which one is more worthwhile to you? This is a personal question that has no right or wrong answer, but most would usually chose the course where they can prolong their life even if failure meant death instead of just sitting back and waiting for the end. This is especially true in Dragon Ball where almost everyone has a warrior's mentality in that they don't believe quietly waiting for the end even if they're promised several more years and will chose to fight even if the odds of succeeded are nonexistence or that they would have lived longer if they didn't resist.
And as you said, you're injecting a personal belief system in a show that has a clear cut way the afterlife works. So personal belief shouldn't be a factor. The people in Dragon Ball, quite frankly, are not thinking 'we're could have existed for 1000 more years or it wasn't for Son Goku'. Everyone agreed that Zen'o was going to wiped them eventually and their ire towards Goku is more petty since he's friend with Zen'o. Only the trio from U9 had any real justified anger and that was mostly Goku's 'I don't give a damn' attitude about everything. Fans being mad at Goku also ignores that the people more at fault here are the gods since the reason why the mortal levels are low because the gods haven't been doing their jobs. So the narrative that 'Goku 'rob' people out of 1000 years' seems really crazy when the narrative should be 'why the hell aren't the gods doing their freaking jobs', especially with Beerus who did nothing when he fellow gods were being slaughtered by Buu and even trapped one of his equals in a sword.
Drew another sketch based on the ending scene from 103:
When? It expired in BOG but it was implied the power remained. I dont remember him transforming to SSG after that in Super.
Bergamo is so random there lol.
Bergamo is so random there lol.
They Part 1 Jojo swole now?
Universe 7's top 3 goesI'm ready for some Frieza action. Golden Frieza is likely a top 5 strongest fighter.
More like Goku=Frieza=/>Vegetables, ignoring kaiokenUniverse 7's top 3 goes
Yeah this is how it is I'm pretty sureMore like Goku=Frieza=/>Vegetables, ignoring kaioken
Not according to one of the super writers that said goku is the strongest on the team, and freeza=gokuignoring kaioken vegeta is stronger than goku.
That was ignoring kaioken, goku didn't use it against Freeza...*ignoring kaioken*.
Why would Goku even need to go SSG while Beerus said Goku made the SSG power his own once Goku faught Beerus in base..?
That was ignoring kaioken, goku didn't use it against Freeza...
Maybe going SSJG allows him to heal and regain stamina?Why would Goku even need to go SSG while Beerus said Goku made the SSG power his own once Goku faught Beerus in base..?
The SSG form has certain benefits Blue and base don't have.Why would Goku even need to go SSG while Beerus said Goku made the SSG power his own once Goku faught Beerus in base..?
Lmao he is strongest with an without it , why would the writer say Goku is the strongest, and freeza is equal to him if he was incorporating kaiokenwho cares if he didn't use it against freeza. Goku is the strongest with kaioken, not without.
Why would Goku even need to go SSG while Beerus said Goku made the SSG power his own once Goku faught Beerus in base..?
Bergamo is so random there lol.
Should have been replaced with Jiren.
Goku has the power of being the lead on his sideIn every single instance thus far in Super where vegeta has trained hard and goku hasn't, Vegeta has been stronger.
Vegeta trained in the timechamber before ToP, Goku didn't.
In every single instance thus far in Super where vegeta has trained hard and goku hasn't, Vegeta has been stronger.
Vegeta trained in the timechamber before ToP, Goku didn't.
Exactly my man.In every single instance thus far in Super where vegeta has trained hard and goku hasn't, Vegeta has been stronger.
Vegeta trained in the timechamber before ToP, Goku didn't.
Exactly my man.
We don't know yet how strong is Vegeta now after his last solo training. He may have learned a technique similar to KK or has a new form, we have to wait and see his progress, but he´s definitely as strong as Goku now and maybe stronger.
Btw, what's with that tittle change? it's awful.
Seems like they're about equal since Goku believe Vegetables could take care of Frieza if need be
we got a new baby in town boyz
He is usually equal with goku these days, never stated to be stronger though
I agree I don't like this title too, but I didn't like the one before either lol
That was before he met with Freeza and learned Freeza powered up
Is "her" just referring to Videl or Pan?
Not anymore.
.... SSG has healing ability...?
I swear my opinion on Super had just started to turn around and then I read this crap.
Yes it does something else besides look different and hit better
Indeed. It gives the art teams narrative justification to not show adequate battle damage.