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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT| Rerolling is over 9000

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Sometimes I hate this game. Turles has a 50% chance to stun, last I check and yet he failed in all three slots? Bullshit. Usually hell stun in one of the three, but this time lolnop forcing me to use another Senzu. On the bright side one more Jamba medal(even though I don't got him yet lol). Then onto Tao. Also baba has been so nice with Gregory medals, in the past couple weeks I went from having 80ish to 600. I think I'm set for awhile :D. I was running low.


"damn it I didn't get anything I wanted from the GT banner global sucks. I'm going Japan only."

*pulls a single on int banner*



also holy fuck at that new teq grown gotenks card. need


Bleh, tried a few times and couldn't beat Tao's SS event. Mostly because after Janemba/Vegeta's Dokkan events, I'm hurting for support items.

Gonna spend some time trying to get the AGL Vegeta to drop, because why not? Swap between that and gem farming should keep me plenty busy


For the Metal Cooler event, do Cooler kills on the lower difficulties count towards the kill 1000 Metal Cooler rewards? I'm thinking I might focus on that on lower difficulties to level up some of my lowbies so I am more prepared for the strikes to come.


For the Metal Cooler event, do Cooler kills on the lower difficulties count towards the kill 1000 Metal Cooler rewards? I'm thinking I might focus on that on lower difficulties to level up some of my lowbies so I am more prepared for the strikes to come.

They do, I kept grinding the last stage's Normal mode.

I don't know if the other enemies that appear on some stages count, though. I made sure to just kill Metal Coolers.
Crap. I got zero AGL stunners :/. I might grind out his drops then do gems since it's near done and I'm more interested in those guys since they might not repeat


Neo Member
For Tao, I use 2 x Golden Frieza , SA10 AGL SSJ3 Goku and that's it.
Senzu / Usher / Oorlong Green / Orlong Blue.
Nuke his butts => Over 1.5M damage. Effective LOL
For Tao, I use 2 x Golden Frieza , SA10 AGL SSJ3 Goku and that's it.
Senzu / Usher / Oorlong Green / Orlong Blue.
Nuke his butts => Over 1.5M damage. Effective LOL
I aint got a Golden Freiza. Is there a reason two have two? Does those three have really good increase to attack links or something?
Three Dokkan medals away from SSJ3 Vegeta now. Down to 8 King Ox's and 10 King Yenma's to get me through it. Used my Icarus and Whis items now so these last 3 will be cutting it close. I wish it didn't have the charge limit since I could easily gem my way through the last few then.


Am I understanding how this SA15 thing works? You get a character to SA10 then Dokkan awaken them, the get another of the same character to SA5 and Dokkan them, the finally voltron the two together and have an SA15? Does this work with any card or certain ones? I'm grinding out Taos now and leveling my blue team to try to grab his awakenking medals and am curious how many I should go for.


Am I understanding how this SA15 thing works? You get a character to SA10 then Dokkan awaken them, the get another of the same character to SA5 and Dokkan them, the finally voltron the two together and have an SA15? Does this work with any card or certain ones? I'm grinding out Taos now and leveling my blue team to try to grab his awakenking medals and am curious how many I should go for.

Yeah that's it.

Only specific Super Strike characters can do it, and I believe they will be required for the future LR Goku event.

This Tao, Jackie Chun that's still on, PHY Mecha Frieza and King Cold, Vegeta, King Vegeta, Android 16, Mighty Mask, and a couple others I don't remember (Trunks and Paikuhan, maybe?

Some we still haven't had on Global, but all the events will likely return whenever LR Goku comes along.

edit: you can also go the 50% route and Dokkan the SA10 character, but keep the SA5 one as an undokkaned SSR, which means you only need 7 medals.

But 50% means there's a risk of failing and having to re-farm those 5 characters again, which is why a lot of people prefer just grinding 7 extra medals. The drop rates are usually terrible and you can end up spending more stamina than just going for the extra 7 medals.


Any AGI nuker be it SSG or SSG Blue Goku can take him out if paired with two golden Friezea's. I'm sure other nukers are nearly as good or useful.


I had no nukers and it was still easy. "Gogeta and the Stunners" should be my band name.

In the meantime, with a few tweaks I kinda found my groove in the Vegeta event and have been able to beat it 4 times in a row (after only 1 successful attempt in my first 6).

Next week we're supposed to have another Tournament, right? Or maybe it will be delayed so it's not too close to the previous one.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I had no nukers and it was still easy. "Gogeta and the Stunners" should be my band name.

In the meantime, with a few tweaks I kinda found my groove in the Vegeta event and have been able to beat it 4 times in a row (after only 1 successful attempt in my first 6).

Next week we're supposed to have another Tournament, right? Or maybe it will be delayed so it's not too close to the previous one.

It's coming on Thursday and it's about the normal time. The reason it's so close to the previous is because last tournament got held off on by a week.


It's coming on Thursday and it's about the normal time. The reason it's so close to the previous is because last tournament got held off on by a week.

I thought maybe they'd postpone it a few days / a week due to that previous delay.

Cool, hope the reward's a bit better this time.
Finally got the 777 gem Gohan. Trying for the rest
-6 level attempts later-

Not a single. Damn. Pilaf!

Namco you bastards! Where have you taken my Pilaf?!

I need all the characters except STR Gohan & STR Krillin, and 1 Elder Kai.


Tao at SA8. Two more to go! Then to try his super strike. The blue team I have been leveling on his z-hard isn't doing too well against even that version so I gotta modify it. If I can successfully take him down I'll grind the rest of his cards to get the SA15 I guess. Then maybe I'll try my hand at Janemba.


Damn me for being lazy. I always end up grinding those super strikes at the last moment -_-. Im guessing these super strikes will come back once Lr goku shows up?


Anyone think I can nuke Tao if I run a team with SSGS TEQ Goku, GT Goku from the recent event, and a friend TEQ SSGS Goku? Or will it only work with an AGL nuking team.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Anyone think I can nuke Tao if I run a team with SSGS TEQ Goku, GT Goku from the recent event, and a friend TEQ SSGS Goku? Or will it only work with an AGL nuking team.
Yeah it'd work. Probably be harder if you are forced to take a hit and won't be able to block it with an agl
Anyone think I can nuke Tao if I run a team with SSGS TEQ Goku, GT Goku from the recent event, and a friend TEQ SSGS Goku? Or will it only work with an AGL nuking team.

Those 3 units are about 65 cost alone. You need to get 3 more AGL that cost 10 each roughly so be careful.


That feeling when you try and raise your TEQ SS Vegeta's SA with farmed AGI Dokkan event Vegeta's and fail THREE TIMES IN A ROW. :(

Why? Why must a 50% chance to max out my SA fail so many times in a row? I'm so tired of farming this event.


Was hanging out with my friend and he pulled down STR SSJ3 Vegeta on the banner multi summon right in front of me. Had to try and swim in his wake a little so I rolled l. No rainbow, no Super Saiyan, BYE GUYS heart stopped! and came home with the same STR SSJ3 Vegeta, AGL SSR Kid Buu, and the new PHY SSJ Kid Trunks.

Now if only my collection was robust enough to bring down the Vegeta event regularly enough to Dokkan him. Back to getting those last 4 Jackie Chuns


My playstyle has changed so much since Super Strikes. Before I would have scoffed at the young bulma event for Support items. Now, I waste all my stamina in it to replenish my Ushers/Yenmas. Feels good to get 10 Golds on a board


My playstyle has changed so much since Super Strikes. Before I would have scoffed at the young bulma event for Support items. Now, I waste all my stamina in it to replenish my Ushers/Yenmas. Feels good to get 10 Golds on a board

Yeah, i've been doing that mission all day.

Btw, does anyone know if the next batch of Baba shop items will still use Gems or will it change to something else? I'm trying to decide whether to grind a few more or not.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
It gives high quality items like Ghost Ushers, King Yemmas, etc. and there's a lot of capsules per level, so if you don't have any other events to do / medals to get, i'd say go for it.

I just started so there's always 900 other things to do for me :)


Are we scheduled to get any new/old events this week? I know tourney in a few days, but in the mean time, anything on the radar?


I just started so there's always 900 other things to do for me :)


Well, the items are definitely good but you're probably better off focusing on other stuff first (like grinding the 3xp story missions to bring your rank and stamina up. I think this will go away next week)
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