Am I understanding how this SA15 thing works? You get a character to SA10 then Dokkan awaken them, the get another of the same character to SA5 and Dokkan them, the finally voltron the two together and have an SA15? Does this work with any card or certain ones? I'm grinding out Taos now and leveling my blue team to try to grab his awakenking medals and am curious how many I should go for.
Yeah that's it.
Only specific Super Strike characters can do it, and I believe they will be required for the future LR Goku event.
This Tao, Jackie Chun that's still on, PHY Mecha Frieza and King Cold, Vegeta, King Vegeta, Android 16, Mighty Mask, and a couple others I don't remember (Trunks and Paikuhan, maybe?
Some we still haven't had on Global, but all the events will likely return whenever LR Goku comes along.
edit: you can also go the 50% route and Dokkan the SA10 character, but keep the SA5 one as an undokkaned SSR, which means you only need 7 medals.
But 50% means there's a risk of failing and having to re-farm those 5 characters again, which is why a lot of people prefer just grinding 7 extra medals. The drop rates are usually terrible and you can end up spending more stamina than just going for the extra 7 medals.