Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
What did you get this time?Someone on Reddit just posted this pull....
Why can't I ever be remotely this lucky?
What did you get this time?Someone on Reddit just posted this pull....
Why can't I ever be remotely this lucky?
AGL frieza from discount summon
dont mind if i do! makes the vegeta fight much easier
rest was pure trash
edit: 2 multi summons and best ones i got = agl frieza and kid trunks phy
Got dupe AGL G Frieza and Tarble from the discount. Yay I guess...
Congrats, you three.FINALLY! RNG stops being a little b**** and gives me a "Bye guys!" First time! This is an awesome pull on the discount banner! All new SSR units
I'm not pulling until Super Vegito turns up. I'm resisting all these discount and return banners because I want that game breaking easy mode.What did you get this time?
Then don't whine around other's good pulls.I'm not pulling until Super Vegito turns up. I'm resisting all these discount and return banners because I want that game breaking easy mode.
I'm not pulling until Super Vegito turns up. I'm resisting all these discount and return banners because I want that game breaking easy mode.
What are recommended units for the Vegeta event? What kind of team is best to take along?
Hm, I don't have Gogeta but do have some TUR Gogeta friends. I've got AGL Golden Frieza too.Gogeta and AGL units. You can nuke with Frieza or Cell but better with Frieza since typing. First is TEQ SSJ3 Vegeta so kill him fast and make sure you don't eat damage from him with an AGL unless its Golden Frieza.
For the 2nd fight its STR SSJ3 Vegeta and you have to kill him in 18 hits. So 6 rotations maximum while trying not to die to his hits lol.
That sounds so so wrong....Still salivating over kid trunks n janemba.
Hm, I don't have Gogeta but do have some TUR Gogeta friends. I've got AGL Golden Frieza too.
Might end up going the Big Ass Hope nuke route, but I was hoping to avoid that since I don't think I have enough Ki change items for all the medals I need.
10 for my TEQ Vegeta
10 for if I ever get the STR Vegeta
Plus three I think for the LR Androids coming? Guess I can wait on those though since the event will likely rotate back in once the Androids hit global.
They're good but pretty samey. Goten is notable because he is one of the few AGL with Prepared for Battle that hits hard as wellwhats so good about goten and trunks ? i dont see anything special
Nah it was like 5-6 and people were bitching it wasn't 15 or whateverDid 4 Summon:
- Discount => Bye Guys ! Getting excited ! New TEQ Bardock - Pretty happy with that
- Then I decided to do singles - A multi worth of it => Got nothing
- 1 multi => Rainbow text !! SSJ3 !! Whooot Whooot !!! Got Dupe Buff PHY Trunk => Me crying
- Do another one . SSJ2 , no rainbow ... First card is Dupe AGL SSJ2 Goku... I am done ... Then I just click to go through the crappy R ... In the middle ... SSJ3 STR Vegeta ... aaaaah Feels good !!! Did a little dance then moved on with my life ahahah
I need to farm 20 medals since I have the TEQ as well, I was able to beat him twice fairly easily so that's a relief !
I am done pulling until Xeno, I am not sure I will do the GT Nuker, I remembered the rate being awful in JPN , like 3% If I recall ?
Nah it was like 5-6 and people were bitching it wasn't 15 or whatever
That does sound wrong. LolThat sounds so so wrong....
So many solid summons on the Vegeta banner! Gotta stay strong though. Gotta wait for Super Vegetto. I've got him on JPN, and his power is just too great to pass up. Gratz on the amazing pulls though, folks!
I keep hearing about this guy, but I don't know much because I just started. Do we have any ETA?
Lol my mind forgot it was September for a second and reverted all the way back to June. So I was like "Nov/Dec? I'll have so many stones by then!". I got super excited because I thought I'd be able to do like three pullsNov/Dec timeframe.
Can't beat Vegeta so i'm going back to gem and xp farming.
Man this Dokkan Goku fight is kicking my ass. I'm guessing I just don't have the right units for it. I just can't survive his attacks.
got a ssgss goku teq ?
You could try an focus on getting Paikuhan to super. He greatly lowers opponents attackNegative. Don't have many teq. I only have, SSR-wise: Maijin Vegeta, SS Goku (limitless strength), the GT Goku, Piccolo, and Paikuhan, as far as SSR go.
I will do a pull to get him now. No worries.
You could try an focus on getting Paikuhan to super. He greatly lowers opponents attack
Do you have Gogeta or someone like that that can provide damage?
got a ssgss goku teq ?
Janemba kicked my ass. I hate when I use my Super Gotenks and the enemy gets to go first and just ults. I know I can use baba but I like using Super Gotenks to avoid having to use support items when I don't absolutely have to.
Don't have any AGL SSJ? One of them is enough to tank a hit from his first form, about 34k iirc
Hm, I don't have Gogeta but do have some TUR Gogeta friends. I've got AGL Golden Frieza too.
Might end up going the Big Ass Hope nuke route, but I was hoping to avoid that since I don't think I have enough Ki change items for all the medals I need.
10 for my TEQ Vegeta
10 for if I ever get the STR Vegeta
Plus three I think for the LR Androids coming? Guess I can wait on those though since the event will likely rotate back in once the Androids hit global.
You could try an focus on getting Paikuhan to super. He greatly lowers opponents attack
Do you have Gogeta or someone like that that can provide damage?
His second form is what rekt me, lol. First form was fine
Cooler banner ssr ssj goku phy has 50% stun chance.Hm. Are there any huge chance stunning PHY types? OR should I just use Turles? His stuns would be handy. I'm also thinking of using Buu lead for that delicious 70% hp increase and a Super Gotenks to suppress the ults. I also have a SSG Goku Agl for that first phase with Gogeta as a friend. And a SSJ White-Hot Goku since someone mentioned using him. Not sure what other character I should place though. Are there any PHY units like Krillin or Android 16 who have -50% damage taken when guard is activated?