Human Trashcan
it cost me all my zeni but who cares? there's no use for zeni besides awakening characters. That's literally what it's for.
Arales drop rate is about 10%, then feeding her to a different Arale has only a 50% chance to work after that unless awaken them. Could take a long time if you're trying to up the SA on all of them.
Also I ended up pulling even though I said I wouldn't. Got the 2 of the AGL Arale I wanted, along with the STR one and Obotchan. Since it's a real drain to up the SA on these Arales I may not do STRs for a while, if I pulled the PHY one I'd probably go for it though.
Hell yeah! Finally beat Boss Rush Super 3 with my mono Super AGL team. Eat a fat one, Angel SSJ3 Goku!
For AGL team, bring SSJ4 Vegeta, SV, Golden Freeza and Whis. The free heals from Whis along with these three tanking should do the job.
Congrats. What was your deck made up of? I've tried mono AGL but it never seems to cut it. Got extremely close with mono STR and a rainbow SSJ4 Goku friend but my AGL deck should be easier to stay alive with.
He's like the 4th hardest hitting Super AGL character in my roster, plus he links well with Shocking Speed and all that.Grats! interesting choice bringing Beerus. Was that just to link with Whis or do you have him fairly beefed up?
When I first heard of the Boss Rush I was like "how on earth is that even possible". This was before I knew how broken the potential system was. Now I'm sitting here with Broly like... bring it on.
Knowing that I have PHY Arale, and that my current best team is mono AGI with SV, SSJ3 gokus (adult and kid), TEQ Ssj3 Gotenks, a god evolved ssb goku and another SSJ basic Goku.
Should I pull a multi on one of the current banners? Or Wait for the next ones ?
Triangles make Tien's super is pretty baller
Save your stones. The only good AGI units you can pull are SSB Vegeta and Arale but you don't really need them from the sound of it and there are good banners coming soonish.
I have a feeling that I should be able to get a decent rainbow team with those but I always come back to the mono agi, can't seem to get some sufficient damage with rainbow.
A guy with three eyes shooting beams out of his hand while flying.Triangles make squares.
I have a feeling that I should be able to get a decent rainbow team with those but I always come back to the mono agi, can't seem to get some sufficient damage with rainbow.
Anything I'm missing ?
Isn't Zamasu a rainbow boosting lead ?You kinda don't have a rainbow boosting lead until you dokkan Arale. So automatically a Super Vegito led team will easily outclass your rainbow even though he's not even dokkan'd lol.
His links are shit, and giving only 2 Ki you'd better have some godlike Ki links.Isn't Zamasu a rainbow boosting lead ?
Ki+2 and 20% atk def ( not amazing, but should work ).
Isn't Zamasu a rainbow boosting lead ?
Ki+2 and 20% atk def ( not amazing, but should work ).
His links are shit, and giving only 2 Ki you'd better have some godlike Ki links.
I mean sure, it works. But I guess I'm answering the future question of "why do I keep going back to mono agl?"
And yeah, I guess that's because your mono agl lead outclasses zamasu by a ton. Plus for mono agl you would get another SV, which means you have 2 characters that tank and add counter damage. While having an SV friend would sorta gimp your zamasu team, and then you have to find a rainbow lead friend too since SV friend wouldn't really work (which kinda sucks at least from what I can see on my list).
If you insisted on working towards a rainbow team, PHY Arale would be the biggest payout in the end with a farmable immense damage super (if you have the patience) and a bigger boost when/if you can get the dokkan medals. That's all just IMO though. What you have still works if you want to make it work, I just wouldn't call it ideal.
Great explanation, thx !
Makes sense. I won't have the patience to awaken arale so I'll stick to improving my mono agl team. The SSJ goku in it really isn't on par with the others, so I'll try to find a better one first !
Great explanation, thx !
Makes sense. I won't have the patience to awaken arale so I'll stick to improving my mono agl team. The SSJ goku in it really isn't on par with the others, so I'll try to find a better one first !
Yeah, haven't tried it yet (45sta of my 65-ish is a lot) and in my experience everything that is above 30sta is a bit too hard for now. Will try it though.If you can beat the event you should definitely dokkan Arale as she goes from a so-so unit to a fantastic unit.
1 stamina bar with no arale or Goku, then first run with the second gave me:
Single pulled for another Broly because of that luck, and guess what?!!!!!!R Drum
77 Arale medals, done! Now I begin the terrible path to get Phy's SA to 10. These drops have... not be kind to me. At SA 4 now, highly debating just spending the items/supreme kai medals to awaken them first. But we'll cross that road when we get to a more crunch time later in the month
Pulled PHY Arale. Isn't she one of the best units in the game?
Aside from that, how do you pronounce her name? Ah-rahl-ay?
Mix a Teq R Goku in there.Broly needs to stop being so stubborn about his SA ups. Its like a kid that won't take his cold medicine.
Mix a Teq R Goku in there.