Human Trashcan
So far I just used the strongest chars in a rainbow team.
There's your biggest mistake. Mono teams are stronger atm because rainbow teams only give 50% boost per leader, mono 120%, and it makes a huge difference.
For SSJ4 Gogeta, use a mono INT team.
Gogeta leader
Rage Trunks
Ultimate Gohan
SSJ Goku (orb changer)
blank, you can kind of insert whoever else. Janemba to block maybe
friend Gogeta or LR Gohan
assuming your Gogeta is SA10 it shouldn't be an issue at all.
For Omega, mono Super STR
SSJ4 Goku leader
SSJ3 GT Goku
SSJ Trunks GT
SSJ2 Gohan
SSJ Gotenks
SSJ Goku GT for another GT link because why not
friend SSJ4 Goku
keep one SSJ4 with the SSJ3 and the other with Trunks and this will be a cakewalk, GT link decimates Omega, especially since he's PHY to boot in his last phase.