Just added you, I'm Grieverer. Tried adding Aenslaed as well but his friend list is full.
Try again, I've cleared some space.
I think I'm have to buy all my essences, this dry spell is not going away. I think my total for last week was 4. This week so far is one
I have a feeling that when the Angels release, they'll run increased essence drop rate events for the Draco units. Can't hurt to wait and see.
I guess the biggest question is how big a upgrades are the boden.
Sorry meant angels.
Not big at all. They're actually pretty even, imo. Kamiel is pretty sought after because of her stun attack, and I'dsay she's better than Draco DC because of it, but that's it. The mage and healer might be a little better, but that's debatable.
Yea looked them up and having a hard time deciding, besides kamiel but I don't have a paladin so that makes it easy
Can you link the info you found on them? I'm curious too before I throw a ton of resources into making a second Draco.
Can you link the info you found on them? I'm curious too before I throw a ton of resources into making a second Draco.
Woooo! I now have 5214 points in Arena, and I can probably get that to 5500 before the week's over. Had to spend 288 tickets, which is about 140 more than I would to get into the top 5%, but I think the extra 40 rubies and 3 arena coins is worth that.
I actually had a really easy time today in the arena. My team is way stronger than last week, where even guys 5 levels below me would occasionally beat me. I've got Tiel and Blackaria, and everyone has pretty good gear on, so I had no trouble beating anyone sub-60 or without a full max SSS team. Feels good.
Not sure where JigsawX got his info, but I read it from this link.
So... that legend rogue says this:
Passive 2: One enemy perish everytime hell hawk is finishing the enemy.[Cooldown : 8 sec]
Now, I can't *possibly* be reading this correctly, but it sounds like it says that if Hellhawk kills an enemy, another enemy just straight up dies? Whaaat?
Wow I just did a double point challenge at only 5 wins into arena, and I got matched against someone with Draco Greysoul *and* Draco Brightspark both ULTIMATE. And I won... WTF
Just had a thought. Its going to be a long time until I make a Draco at this point. Unless... It only takes 5 right? Well I'm holding onto some nice SSS but maybe I should just say screw it and sac them. A bloodwind would be much more useful than extra good SSS right?
If I sac my non party SSS I can do it.
Ranger Kay
None are used in anything but labyrinth really. I wanted to max loki or whay to replace Farq on my team as I work toward bloodwind but frankly wouldn't it be better to have bloodwind? Dunno.
Anyone else having a hard time with essences? I haven't had one drop in so long it seems.
I stopped farming essences to level up my priest, because it seems like Priest is dominating the leaderboards against world boss. But yesterday I did like 10 dungeons during the 50% item drop rate bonus and got 2 essences. I'm sure it was just a freak accident, but it reminded me of those anti-farming measures that MMOs liked to employ to prevent people farming the same items over and over.
On the same boat, but I'm actually levelling up Warrior. All KR youtubes I've seen so far have Warriors running the World Bosses until the Paladin class gets released that is.
Hmmm I don't think I can take leveling up a third toon, but leveling up a priest would make sense since I can't get anything above a Viri. I was saving my next leveling experience for the paladin. But then again, I am spending my shoes on farming essences and getting nothing.
That's weird. I'm kind of confused what a warrior brings to the table against World Bosses? We have the ATK buff I guess, but that's it?
Yea that's the other reason. I wanted to continue farming essences but not be bored out of my mind. Having a fresh 55 to go through ch. 2 kind of solves that in a retarded kind of way. I figure it'll take about a week to get to 55. Started sunday, and I'm 27 already. And by the time the 60-65 grind comes out, I will have 3 characters to do it on, which should help since I'm sure there's going to be some new farmable essence type.
Plus there's always the 600 extra rubies you get, that's always nice.
The worst part is Normal mode and all those goddamn unskippable cutscenes. Ugh. Painful. Now that I'm through with that I can make some decent progress.
Edit: Do you not get a ruby reward for clearing Phoneix the first time? As part of the "Defeat a Powerful adversary" quest line? I dont' see it in my completed quest rewards. I added up 530 rubies total from clearing all the ch. 1 raids
It should. Why did they take out the 2 free premium summons for buying 10 summons? I have to hoard my rubies now![]()
Do you see it on your quest list? Because I don't
Hmmm I don't think I can take leveling up a third toon, but leveling up a priest would make sense since I can't get anything above a Viri. I was saving my next leveling experience for the paladin. But then again, I am spending my shoes on farming essences and getting nothing.
I think having 3 characters is perfect. Any more and you simply dont have the storage space to keep up with all the shared gear.
Hmmm I don't think I can take leveling up a third toon, but leveling up a priest would make sense since I can't get anything above a Viri. I was saving my next leveling experience for the paladin. But then again, I am spending my shoes on farming essences and getting nothing.
Hey don't sleep on Viri. She was my healer all the way to season 3, she can burst heal up to 100k hp with the right equipment. I just this week finally replaced her with Blackaria.
How viable is Shabelle in Season 3? She's like my only healer right now and I don't want to Diefy her.
Can you have Deathcrown and Draco Deathcrown on the same team? Or Brightspark and Draco Brightspark?
She is still top tier healer and if I had her I would not deify her. In fact in KR alot of arena teams would have 2 healers(draco/boden/angel and usually a Shabelle) that fact alone tells me people with Shabelle's in KR version also don't deify her cause she's still elite.
I am continuing to get 1 - 2 essences farming Hermit lake 9 every single day. Of course I am not getting the essences of the draco that I do have or dracos that I want, but that's another matter.
I thought I heard Mercedes is better than Shabelle in Season 3. Is that not true?
I recall the same. Something like higher levels having more HP not being 1 shotted and Mercedes having better skills or something. Not sure.
I've not gotten an Essence all day. Sigh.
I did however fix the annoying disconnect issue I've been having. Very happy because I was close to quitting the game because of it.
I did however fix the annoying disconnect issue I've been having. Very happy because I was close to quitting the game because of it.
Can you have Deathcrown and Draco Deathcrown on the same team? Or Brightspark and Draco Brightspark?
What was the problem?