When are we supposed to get the stream rewards?
They said early next week. I'm guessing after the next update goes live.
When are we supposed to get the stream rewards?
source : http://m.gamevilusa.com/forums/showthread.php?268569-Notice-iOS-Coupon-Code-Redemption-Policy-ChangeHello Bodens,
Due to the 08/30/15 Apple policy change we’re no longer able to feature a coupon code redemption system in-game.
While this may have caused some of you an inconvenience we’d like to assure you that even with the removal with the iOS Coupon Code redemption system we’ll still be issuing rewards during our Streams.
These codes will be delivered by using a different method (For an example, please see this thread.)
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank you for your understanding,
– The Dragon Blaze Team
Essennces only drop from bosses, jewels drop from everything. Doesn't seem like a problem to me
I combined for Caberra today. I really like her sheep utility but I reaaaallyyyyyyy need a Draco.
I'm currently ranked 13 in arena and there is about 2000 points worth of difference between me and 10th place. Even if the person in 10th place doesn't score any more points, which is unlikely to happen, I don't think it's reachable for my team. Most teams at this level all have Shabelle as the ally backup unit and I just don't have an answer to her. I can take out half of the enemy team before shabelle shoes up and she just revives all and they all end up wiping my team. I am running with a priest so it's not like me not taking any action will help my team kill slower.
The only counter against Shabelle I can think of is more firepower. And boosting my dracos ain't happening anytime soon.
Oh well, top 50 it is. And I am never inputting this much energy into arena ever again. Way too exhausting.
Trying to get some GB done, but no one's biting. Looking at the other Guild members, I can see why. It's pretty much just wapple and Jigsaw left. A bunch of inactives (some as long as 21 days), and the rest are not at a competitive level. Tbh, I don't recognize 90% of the names. Are they even on Gaf? Who's our new Guild leader? Seriously, the Gaf guild has all but fallen apart.
Trying to get some GB done, but no one's biting. Looking at the other Guild members, I can see why. It's pretty much just wapple and Jigsaw left. A bunch of inactives (some as long as 21 days), and the rest are not at a competitive level. Tbh, I don't recognize 90% of the names. Are they even on Gaf? Who's our new Guild leader? Seriously, the Gaf guild has all but fallen apart.
Come with us then, even garath went over to the other guild. It's called Nocturna and you can join whenever, plenty of room.
Daily GB on the other guild.
Ah I see, I thought you left the gaf guild. Some of us are in Nocturna if you wanna continue doing gb![]()
Ah I see, I thought you left the gaf guild. Some of us are in Nocturna if you wanna continue doing gb![]()
Lol, now look at their contributions. No way in hell you're getting top 10 in those guilds. The 300 rubies they get probably barely even covers the rubies they spend to get that high of a scoreNah, I was just kinda inactive the past 3 weeks because of vacation, though I might leave the guild now. I took a look at the rewards for the #1 guild, and the top 10 contributors get 300 rubies! That's roughly what I get from all my weekly rankings combined.
Lol, now look at their contributions. No way in hell you're getting top 10 in those guilds. The 300 rubies they get probably barely even covers the rubies they spend to get that high of a score
lol, you're right. It's probably some absurd amount that I'd have to spend hours and tons of tickets on to match.
@Yarri, is Nocturna top 5%? I really just want to get the costume.
Oh I was aware about the vacation. Well if its any consolation, top guilds have gb req and Nocturna has been getting top 50 lately with no gb req, up to you though ^^I hate to do it, but I might have to leave the Gaf guild. Will check out Nocturna, though I wanna see if I can get myself into any of the top guilds first.
Nah, I was just kinda inactive the past 3 weeks because of vacation, though I might leave the guild now. I took a look at the rewards for the #1 guild, and the top 10 contributors get 300 rubies! That's roughly what I get from all my weekly rankings combined.
Sakia, Yurisica, Gengai. I would've named one of my characters kimchi but someone got it and isnt even active with the name lol.Didn't even realize you were in Nocturna lol, who are you in there?
It's not 5%, but we only have 40 members. We're trying to fill the last 10 members with people who GB a lot, and if we do I have no doubt we'll be getting top 5%
Just apply you should be good.
I think we were top 9% last time. We're getting there. Only getting better.
So everyone's active and competitive in the Guild? If so, sounds like a winner to me. Do either of you guys know the Guild leader? Should I PM them beforehand or should I just apply?
Not everyone does GB, but I would say most people are very active. We got 9% last week with only 37 members. We've got a lot of people that get over 200 points per week, a few who get over 800 regularly.
Is the Guild leader on now? I need to burn my tickets.
Is the Guild leader on now? I need to burn my tickets.
Nope not now. But it cant take long til you get in.
They're on all the time. Request join and ill let him know when i see him
Another leaving? Maybe I'll join you guys too
Caberra's great to put in your back pocket in the Arena. She's great for Lab, too - timed right, she can be the difference between wiping and moving on.
Saving up for DBrightspark, I had a choice between deifying Turq or Caberra. I went with Turq.
FINALLY got an SSS healer. Now I don't know if I should work towards a Blackaria or save for Rio Angel like I was planningI got Konfi, aka the worst SSS healer, so she's no good to me in and of herself.
FINALLY got an SSS healer. Now I don't know if I should work towards a Blackaria or save for Rio Angel like I was planningI got Konfi, aka the worst SSS healer, so she's no good to me in and of herself.
FINALLY got an SSS healer. Now I don't know if I should work towards a Blackaria or save for Rio Angel like I was planningI got Konfi, aka the worst SSS healer, so she's no good to me in and of herself.
Yes, you should! Jigsaw, too. There are more active Gaf members in this Guild than in the official guild, lol.
The competition in GB has gotten way tougher. Only won a handful out of the 20 or so matches I did.
As someone who knew that pain for a long time, gratz !
Now it depends on your goals but both are great at almost everything. If you're more interested in improving your score on WB and arena go for Rio. For everything else, unless you seriously lack dps, go for Blackaria.
Also, depending on your essences and the amount of fooder you have, you could still make Blackaria first and Rio later on when you have farmed enough angel essences.
el rio is about 2.5 weeks away and thats before you start saving up 10+ angel essence, if you have enough to deify konfi tomorrow id say just go for it, you have plenty of time to make the angel archer in the future
I'd go for Blackaria, if only for the fact that you need an SSS healer and Konfi is kinda bad in that department.
Damn right it is, been getting murdered out there. Blackaria + Brightspark with a magnify priest is really, really hard to deal with. Although I did get killed in literally one second with an Ultimate Bloodwind crit...that was fun.
Are there any ascended characters in current Korean meta that match or surpass Draco Brightspark in terms of sheer OPness?
Gratz!!FINALLY got an SSS healer. Now I don't know if I should work towards a Blackaria or save for Rio Angel like I was planningI got Konfi, aka the worst SSS healer, so she's no good to me in and of herself.
FINALLY got an SSS healer. Now I don't know if I should work towards a Blackaria or save for Rio Angel like I was planningI got Konfi, aka the worst SSS healer, so she's no good to me in and of herself.
FINALLY got an SSS healer. Now I don't know if I should work towards a Blackaria or save for Rio Angel like I was planningI got Konfi, aka the worst SSS healer, so she's no good to me in and of herself.
so lucky, nice dude. I'll go cry in a corner with my 30 blackaria essence now
anyone else prepped for enhance fail bonus? 750rubies ready for premium summon, 500fp, 34B's waiting to be eaten, couple draco enhances ready, 1 SS and couple S to enhance. Hoping for maybe 2 SSS combines tonight if lucky.
I'm... not satisfied with Mercedes' performance. I think i'll make Blackaria once i have another 5 SSS to spare.
so lucky, nice dude. I'll go cry in a corner with my 30 blackaria essence now
anyone else prepped for enhance fail bonus? 750rubies ready for premium summon, 500fp, 34B's waiting to be eaten, couple draco enhances ready, 1 SS and couple S to enhance. Hoping for maybe 2 SSS combines tonight if lucky.
so lucky, nice dude. I'll go cry in a corner with my 30 blackaria essence now
anyone else prepped for enhance fail bonus? 750rubies ready for premium summon, 500fp, 34B's waiting to be eaten, couple draco enhances ready, 1 SS and couple S to enhance. Hoping for maybe 2 SSS combines tonight if lucky.
Yep, Mercedes is shit imo, i think she's only rated highly by people who don't have her
Oh nice, gl with the enhance. How are you stacking fp past 500 btw? just continue using friends in dungeons? past 500 it didn't seem to let me send or receive anymore fp.Got an Ultimate Mercedes with 19 essences and a ton of S units ready to go. Will buy any essences necessary to get Blackaria to at least +6. I also have 1000 friend points, hoping to get at least 2 more SS, so i guess you' could say I'm ready![]()
I guess you can look forward to her awaken form or w/e they are calling it if you keep her.ya i have mercedes and shes quite meh, i didnt use her for diefy though, just sit in the corner now just in case future content needs a 2nd healer lol, my guess is that she becomes better in the future when allies can wear full gear, can stay alive much longer and dual heals are good for story stuff
Oh nice, gl with the enhance. How are you stacking fp past 500 btw? just continue using friends in dungeons? past 500 it didn't seem to let me send or receive anymore fp.
I guess you can look forward to her awaken form or w/e they are calling it if you keep her.
Yep, Mercedes is shit imo, i think she's only rated highly by people who don't have her