So this world boss
Im guessing you can only challenge it on Legend?
Im guessing you can only challenge it on Legend?
So this world boss
Im guessing you can only challenge it on Legend?
I crafted my own SS character this morning using two S's and got a nice archer, it's amazing how much of a difference they make to progression with their better attacks and skills.
I crafted my own SS character this morning using two S's and got a nice archer, it's amazing how much of a difference they make to progression with their better attacks and skills.
*edit* going by that tier list this character is an average one, doesn't feel like it
It is a slooooow grind to 50. Up to 47 today. Doing more progression. Got my SS red priest to +2. I can't even fathom how many rubies it is going to take to build an SSS team.
Yeah, biggest issue with SSS is that you need rubies to get them. Everything up to SS can be reasonably done with friend pulls and the monsters you find while playing.
It is a slooooow grind to 50. Up to 47 today. Doing more progression. Got my SS red priest to +2. I can't even fathom how many rubies it is going to take to build an SSS team.
It isn't so bad. Just get top 1% on every event and you get loads of rubies to use on fodder.
Good thing rubies are free!
I'm liking this overdrive thing. I got my S healer to MAX+2 to give her more legs. The only bad part is you have to combine in the same grade for overdrive.
This means if you want MAX+2 SSS you need to sacrifice 2 SSS units!
I was top 2% last LabyrinthSo sad.
Ooh, forgot about the limit break. I think I'll bump my S tank to +2. Have to use S ranks though? oh well. probably worth it.
I will be so happy when I get my first Provoke Tank!
Now that I have decided to continue playing this game, I need some GAF friends!
Character name is Bearel. I'm guessing you add people character name and not account name, right?
Edit: What's the gaf guild name?
I will be so happy when I get my first Provoke Tank!
Whoa, actually I take my statement back that I will keep using my SS non-taunt tank.
I compared the stats and my S rank Abyss King at MAX+2 will have almost the same stats as my SS tank+7. But the S will be better since he has taunt.
Time to start upgrading my S tank (to think I almost fused him away). I never knew stats could overlap like that. I guess I shouldn't discount S rank now that Limit Break is a thing.
guild is NeoGAF -case sensitive btw
and yea it seems all we need is character name to search, sent you a friend request mine is Yurisica.
How to join? I tried to join but it said the waiting list is full, yet it also says there's only 40/45 members.
Combined 6 SS between yesterday and today. Got 4 archers in a row at first, which sucked quite a bit... then got dark lance (pretty good even without taunt) and priest viri <3
At least now i have spare archers to fuse for my fist SSS lol
Should i level her up first, or use the enhances to bring up two archers and fuse my first SSS? Can't decide >_<
Viri is awsome. She's my all-star. I've got her to +2 so far.
When you guys say limit break..do you mean the Enhance? Or is this something new?
Limit break is something new they patched in today.
You can enhance you allies to the standard max for their grade.
But now you can go +2 past that grade by choosing the limit break option and fusing a character of the same rank. This makes a MAX+2.
Still the standard 10% bonus per +.
Can you do this with all tiers? I'm considering doing this with my S Abyss Lance since his defense totally rocks.
Yes. I would argue it holds the most value in the S tier.
I have done it to my healer and am doing it to a tank (both S tier)
Doing it to SSS tier is insane since you have to kill 2 other SSS characters.
Doing it to the SS tier is a bit crazy since you are losing out on a SSS
Doing it on an S tier is sane because it gives the stats of a mid-max SS but not wasting a whole lot of potential.
Ahh so since I currently have a full SS squad than it's not as worth to me than since I would lose out on SSS's units for now than.
Diskordia left the guild?
We need to do more battles. We didn't finish very high last week.
Would it be too much to ask for a raid party where I'm the only mage? I feel like going breeze mode with auto battle. -_-
I don't understand what you mean here...
Mages should time their Salamander's Curse (immobilize/def down/minor dmg) for maximized damage output/minimizing dmg received. If they are both on auto they both open with it, rendering the effects, besides damage, useless for one of them (if the first one is effective). Timing it will up the chance to get SS slightly.
Edit: Just got an SS from pulls. Not exacty what I wanted (Archer Veri), but still pretty satisfied since it was "free".
Made my first SS, Sorcerer Murit, a healer. Any good? No AOE heal though.
He is ok. Not a 100% healer though.
He is one of the single target healers that also does damage. Basically have him along with a strong AOE healer and it is a pretty good combo.
Wish i had another SS to fuse with this crappy archer, i have one of the low tier ones.
My kingdom for an AOE healer.
It depends on your SS squad.
I have an SS healer. But he is single target so a MAX+2 S AOE healer is way better.
I have an SS tank, but since she doesn't have taunt a MAX+2 S taunt tank is way better.
This also allows me to combine the SS healer and SS tank for another SSS unit.
Just dropped an S rank guy at the end of a hero level. Can you drop SS ones too? >_<