
me (warrior 4u+2sss // paladin)
tank --> stormbear +max (4u+2sss)
healer --> blackaria +max (4u+2sss)
mage (eirdan+max+4u, missing the 2sss bonus)
melee dps (punisher rar+max+4u, missing 2 sss bonus)
considering i already break in auto lab up to 72 (excluded).. total auto, with geared warrior or with ungeared paladin, so i suppose that if i didn't auto and use ress scroll/time helper i can basically reach 80 already..
what's my next deity?
eirdan into brightspark?
punisher rar into gaela?
I've got alternatively
archer (and enough stuff for max+ult)
rogue (and enough stuff for max+ult)
or something else?
for my monthly ruby income i'd say that the next for lab should be past floor 80, and i doubt i can achieve that via just one more deity (plus if memory serves, i think i'd need either ddc or frydark to go past 80 in order to remove invincibility)..
to achieve that, I think i'd need a new deity + sss gems//card committment..
conversely, my hydra//golem score are terribad, so there is a wide margin of improvement there

my understanding is that bloodwind would do wonder for my score there... but eh, if you have any suggestion feel free to..
OR i can aim for pvp, though pvp is more of a ticketfest then anything else, given that i can safely reach 2,1-2.3k point every week, but leader of the board are like 7k.. and that means that EVEN if you win every single game, assuming 30 points per game, we're looking at a 400 tickets commitment.. which means almost 5 days worth for a f2p like me :X So I think that in terms of investment//return, investing into pvp is fruitless at the moment, as i would have to commit a deity exclusively for pvp (like hellhawk??) and then spend 5 days worth of tickets on pvp alone...
in terms of essence i'm sitting on:
9 boden
23 dark
29 draco
so if i were to state a preference, it would be toward a draco, as i already have all the essence or a dark, as i have most of those required to "+max" him..
but! if you are going to suggest a boden, i'll take that into consideration as well..
now halp me, oh-mighty dragonblaze-gaf! (yes i'm looking at you, experienced dragonblazer reading this! provide input)
cpp, limit and michaelius (especially you michealius.. i mean, i abused you as a "friend" in the list to carry me in the beginning of the game XD), your view is welcome as usual!