Did you get my response? I'm not sure if it even worked because of the weird UI
What time do the combine rewards reset? Is it midnight on 7/13?
Nope. I didn't notice any responses. The UI is weird and I think long messages don't go through.
Ahh well, anyway i beat him the other day, used you as a helper even. So thanks!
Just working on my rogue now. It's hilarious how far you can get with no tank if you have strong allies. I'm up to Fog Region Myth, literally nothing resembling a tank. Most times I don't even bring a helper.
So it seems like Turq is pretty good. I'm thinking to max Turq and stick her in my main party instead of Freyd, and ascend Freyd into something once we find out the details of how Ascension works. If Freyd's ascension ends up being garbage though, that could change my plans.
Another option is to ascend Deathcrown, but I feel like Freyd is my weakest link at the moment.
How many SSS units do you have at the moment?
Turq+MAX (see my edit above)
Huh, would you recommend that I max my Gram first or should I try to get another SSS unit?
I would do both. When i max an SS, i only use Bs, period. When i max an SSS, i use a combination of Ss and As. As only until +4, then 1 S follwed by As up to 20% bonus, then Bs, although most of the time i get the skillup before resorting to Bs.
But the point is, there's very little overlap in the fodder, so your SS and SSS are only competing over gold, which you can spam labyrinth for.
Right, my problem at the moment is rubies. I'm barely in the top 5% for arena and labyrinth so I want to focus on one thing at a time since my ruby income is extremely limited at the moment. I haven't been maxing the rapport of the B and C fodders so that is something that I kind of want to do as a last resort when everything else has failed.
Well even if you focus on one thing at a time, if you use A's to skillup an SS you're someday going to wish you had them for your SSS. On the other hand, if you're short on S and A and no more rubies to get some, then the decision is clear, because you can't really work on your SSS anyway.
Have you done all the raid quests? That's a good 400 rubies right there.
Personally i would just start maxing rapport and trying to get some formation rewards, although it might be worth waiting to see if we get the guaranteed SSS thing on the 21st
I'll be doing raid quests for my Rogue once I get him up to level 50 because that's where all his equipment are. >_>
I got the rubies for the basic formations but the ones that require specific characters are pretty much impossible because I don't either don't have them (SS and up characters). This would be easier if I hadn't gotten 3 SS Archer Veris in a row followed by an SS Dark Arrow Tarq duplicate.
There was also the duplicate SS Archer Uk. >_>
You can do the raid quests once per class, so if you have another character at 55, do them there too
Wait why is everyone getting SSS units or have you just saved it for the gm event?
Wait why is everyone getting SSS units or have you just saved the combining for the gm event?
That's the thing, I already did the raid quests for my other characters already. None of my characters have been able to break the roadblock of bullshit that is Myth Fortress. At least not yet.
This is why I'm debating on whether I should focus on maxing the only SSS I currently have (Gram) or try to fill my squad/party with nothing but SSS units.
Think my patience is finally starting to wear thin with DB after all of my SS an SSS combines (~10 in total) so far have been low tier. I guess thats RNG though so I can't really moan.
Funny thing is I would quite happily throw some money at the game if the ruby return was even close to worth while but I'm slowly being pushed away by bad luck.
Does anyone know what the deal is with this?
I keep seeing people acquiring these items with nonsensical names from daily dungeons. What is it?
Meh. Dark Arrow Farq for my SSS. My SS were Ger (bleh, I have SSS Gar), and Sorcer Muir. Muir is actually good for me. I've been using a S MAX single target healer for so long. Maybe with a SS rank single target healer I'll have a fighting chance of beating Myth Gram.
Still no Tier 1 units for me. Oh well. We make do with what we have.
What's the consensus on spending rubies now? Keep abusing the 10+2 bonus or are we thinking the guaranteed SSS is coming soon?
Isn't there going to be another pre-registration thing today? Anyone remember what time?
I don't think a time was given, but they run their streams and such at the same time, most of the time. In about 9 hours I'd expect that registration to go up.
I don't think a time was given, but they run their streams and such at the same time, most of the time. In about 9 hours I'd expect that registration to go up.
BTW, is it confirmed that you need to have a similar type of unit (Priest for example), for the ascension? If I want to have a priest, I need to use a priest? Or was that for the Angels?
I'll start upgrading a unit because I want to have one ready as soon as possible. 30 S units sounds like a lot but I'll probably go through them rather quickly when going for Ultimate on these SSS's.
Ugh, it's 8:30 PM here, that means I have to be up at like 5:30.
The things I have to do for this game...
I don't think a time was given, but they run their streams and such at the same time, most of the time. In about 9 hours I'd expect that registration to go up.
BTW, is it confirmed that you need to have a similar type of unit (Priest for example), for the ascension? If I want to have a priest, I need to use a priest? Or was that for the Angels?
Time to start that PvP grind. Might have started too late this time![]()
In other news, sheep mages are OP in GB. We were regularly beating Ultimate level teams with our non-maxed team last night simply because I could sheep 1+ at the start of each fight.
Yeah, I'm thinking I might respec my mage to a sheep build. Just hesitant because it's 100 rubies and I don't want to switch again if it turns out I want meteor.
How do I finish the quest to get Legendary Conquistador title? Says to finish raid season 1 on legend. Just beat DDC and got the ruby reward for it, which isn't even possible unless ive cleared every raid, but the quest didn't complete
Hmm, Belle Snow doesn't seem to do well in Labyrinth. Having her in my main team, I can only make it to floor 20, when I can usually make it to 23. I guess I'll stick to my old core team for Labyrinth.
Could have just glitched or delayed a bit. It's happened to me before. I just exit the tavern and re-enter. Or even restart the game.
Did all that, done some other raids as well. Maybe I'll try another on legend
That's the thing, I already did the raid quests for my other characters already. None of my characters have been able to break the roadblock of bullshit that is Myth Fortress. At least not yet.
This is why I'm debating on whether I should focus on maxing the only SSS I currently have (Gram) or try to fill my squad/party with nothing but SSS units.