Try mine, name is chloe23.
I hope mor Arena costumes come soon. Current ones are weak.
So just pulled another SSS the other day, got Fulson this time. That means I have to gear Myself (rogue), Loki, and Fulson with all Dex/atk speed/crit gear. Not fun.
Hell of a team in arena though.
Korea got them kinda late (3 march 2015)
I hope we will get them sooner.
Source :
I've the same problem with my priest, I've to equip Porin and Dark Yarl, lol.
I'm never going to get double daggers. Sigh. So many tickets used, so little daggers lol
I can't even get a Death Emperors Dagger. Does it even exist? I don't think I've ever seen one
Anyone else who uses Andy have their DB stop working? It just crashes on load up now.
The curse continue, my priest combined her 5th priests : 2 dark breath, 1 murit, 1 Porin and now Viri
‾͟͟͞(((ꎤ ✧曲✧̳̂͟͞͞o
Is this game telling me to drop my priest or what ?!
I was able to get past Shabelle, but now I'm stuck on Pata. Can't even get to him. The groups of mages before him pretty much just wipe my team out.
Those mages have crap accuracy. If your allies have at least 20% evasion, they can dodge 2-3 of the AOE shots. It is the archers that you want to finish off ASAP.
Against the mages, see if you can call in lvl 55 Meteor mages for support. Make sure that they have at least 3K ATK to one-hit all of them.
My healer is the only one that has EVA below 20%. Healer Unity is such a weak link in my team. Bad defence, health and evasion means she dies pretty quickly. I'll have to hope that I can get a good armor for her a little later when farming Shadowcrag.
Looking through my ally list, I see a lot of people with poor gear. Like, level 55 and under 1K damage. Like, wtf?
Edit: Swapped Unity's armor and now she has 20% EVA, but her health is now 10.5K, lol. Though she was dying anyways, so EVA is probably more useful to her.
Edit 2: Nope. Not getting past them, lol. Even Aura Windlune with 50% EVA is dying almost immediately against those mages.
My healer is the only one that has EVA below 20%. Healer Unity is such a weak link in my team. Bad defence, health and evasion means she dies pretty quickly. I'll have to hope that I can get a good armor for her a little later when farming Shadowcrag.
Looking through my ally list, I see a lot of people with poor gear. Like, level 55 and under 1K damage. Like, wtf?
Edit: Swapped Unity's armor and now she has 20% EVA, but her health is now 10.5K, lol. Though she was dying anyways, so EVA is probably more useful to her.
Edit 2: Nope. Not getting past them, lol. Even Aura Windlune with 50% EVA is dying almost immediately against those mages.
Make a mental note of those who actually have strong characters vs those who only have shit characters.
Also make a note of how long they've been away from the game and purge them if they aren't lvl 50 and have been away for 3 days.
Because I meticulously go through my list every day, I typically have at least 40 people I can summon when I want to burn through my shoes for any reason. When I log off, I'm usually logging off on my Mag Priest so people who are pure DPS typically love me. Lately, I've also been logging off on my Sheep Mage because I wanted to defend my arena position though that is a really tough proposition because of how weak my SSS units currently are.
I just saw your update.
Who are the members in your party and are they all using Myth-raid gear from either Fury or Shadowcrag?
Farm stamina amulets and skill cards, and spam tickets during 100% raid item bonus to level up your gear. You should be using all +MAX gear, lv 53 or higher, SS or SSS, on every character.
Farm stamina amulets and skill cards, and spam tickets during 100% raid item bonus to level up your gear. You should be using all +MAX gear, lv 53 or higher, SS or SSS, on every character.
My part consists of
Rogue (Main)
Commander Urk
Belle Snow
Aura Windlune
Healer Unity
All lv 55 and maxed. Half their gear is from Shadowcrag. Other half is from Legend Deathcrown that are currently better than whatever I've farmed so far from Shadowcrag. All maxed gear. But even if I give them complete Shadowcrag gear, the difference isn't much.
I also have SSS Percy and Ur, SS Vurch and S Ranran. Would any of these guys be better than my current team?
Regarding this, I just want to make sure; The Fortress stage 4 on Legend drops them, right? Or is that Myth only?
He also needs more defense. All of my SSS units have at least 1k defense. The only one that is still running at 500 defense is my Ranran.
Hmm, maybe your party needs a tank. See if you can switch out Urk for Ranran and Windlune for a tank.
Keep Belle Snow on your team for her random ally summons. She seems to summon only SSS units that are MAXED out. If anything, keep Belle Snow alive at all costs.
Also, fill all your item slots with revive scrolls and use them judiciously (just after enemy AOE attacks).
Alright, I'll try swapping Vurch in, but isn't Healer Unity better than Ranran? Even with AOE healing, would she be healing enough?
You'll want to see what I added above.
Anyway, you need to deck Ranran in Myth-raid gear. My Ranran+MAX+3 is running around with a maxed out Sovereign set. She's the only one who is running around with 550 DEF but she has 20K HP, which really doesn't help much. I have a Roq with 1K DEF and 15K HP and he did just fine against Gram and the other bosses. Only time he ever gets killed is when either my Tyran didn't taunt or Tyran had already died.
Yeah, I ended up using rogues against Pata on the other difficulties. Killing him fast was the key. But the problem is I can't even get to him. With the exception of Healer Unity, all my guys have 1K+ defence and 15K+ health and they're still getting 1-2 shotted. Maybe I'm just having bad luck.
Anyways, I'll suit up Ranran and give her a go, but I probably won't have her ready tonight as I don't have nearly enough C units.
That is weird. Your team should not be getting 1-2 shot in Fortress. Especially not by mages. The fucking lightning lizards, I can understand, but most of the random mobs in Fortress aren't dangerous enough to 1-2 shot your whole team.
And they all have 20%+ Defence rating and evasion (Main, Belle and Aura are 40%+). What happens is most of my guys die or barely survive the first round, forcing me to use a revive and a heal, and I pretty much die in the second round. If I get lucky, I'll make it to the third round. And I'm focusing down the archers, but it's the mages that are killing me, and there's usually 2-3 of them. The only easy round I had was when it was all tanks.
Edit: Btw, so is it best to use my roses on brooches? Wanna use them up tonight since tomorrow is the last day.
The notice in the shop says you can redeem until the 27th. In any case, if you have 20 red ones, roll the die and use it on a brooch. I have 3-4 orange, 5-6 purple, and 1 red, and I can't say that any of them were really that worth it, so I don't know. Your call there.
And they all have 20%+ Defence rating and evasion (Main, Belle and Aura are 40%+). What happens is most of my guys die or barely survive the first round, forcing me to use a revive and a heal, and I pretty much die in the second round. If I get lucky, I'll make it to the third round. And I'm focusing down the archers, but it's the mages that are killing me, and there's usually 2-3 of them. The only easy round I had was when it was all tanks.
Edit: Btw, so is it best to use my roses on brooches? Wanna use them up tonight since tomorrow is the last day.
What server are you on? I'm on NA and it says it ends 7/21 12:00
You can equip the Roses to use them as Potions.
Roses will only drop until the 07/20 maintenance PDT.
The Event Shop will be open until 07/27. Don't forget to trade in your roses by then!
We cannot recover sold Roses, so please handle with care!
We will also not be able to recover any Rose transaction that was done by mistake.
Sorry, it's not in game that it says 7/27, it's on the website.
Edit: It just occurred to me that these notes mention a 7/20 maintenance. So... putting 2 and 2 together... Season 2 begins tomorrow?
What does everyone do with their C rank summons? I have about 40? Just sell? What's the point of spending thousands on enhancing an S with C's.
Getting ultimate units is a ton of gold, over a million for one unit.To get SS units? Gold is pretty worthless late game as it's so easy to get. C units, not so much.
Getting ultimate units is a ton of gold, over a million for one unit.
That's 2 days worth of gold grinding the labyrinth. 1 day if that's all you spend your tickets on. Unless you're pumping out an Ultimate unit daily, you're not gonna be low on gold ever. It is very easy to get.
I'm constantly low on gold. Labyrinth is boring as FUCK because it takes forever to go from round 1 to round 28. If you optimize your enhances for long run efficiency and conserving rubies, then you should never B's enhancing an S, and you should never use A's enhancing an SS. Because you will need those for enhancing your SSS. So it will take a lot of fodder and gold to enhance units for combine. On the flip side, when you do finally get an SSS, you will have a whole stockpile of fresh S's and A's waiting for you so you can instantly max it.
Another big source of expenses is equipment enhancement cost. For an SSS equipment it costs like 200k to get it to max level. 3 slots x 4 allies + 6 slots x 1 main character = 18 pieces of SSS equipment to max.
So idk, but I have cleared all the way to the end of Myth and I can spend almost any amount of gold as fast as I can earn it.
I follow the same enhancing methods, so I know it costs a lot, but I dunno, my goldpile has just been constantly increasing. But I do lab runs when I'm doing something else, so I don't pay attention to it, and it's my default method to spend tickets, especially at work. I get at least 30 runs/day.
Hmm, my default ticket spender is raids. But I guess it makes sense if you do only labyrinth runs (which also explains the other post from earlier about not having any myth-level raid gear).
Yeah, I ended up using rogues against Pata on the other difficulties. Killing him fast was the key. But the problem is I can't even get to him. With the exception of Healer Unity, all my guys have 1K+ defence and 15K+ health and they're still getting 1-2 shotted. Maybe I'm just having bad luck.
I usually sell my Cs if I need more space
Ah the choices, chance this red rose into a decent accessory or just take it for 2 summons. Already decided to make the yellow/purple ones summons.
I would go with the accessory. Even though it may end up shit, as did mine, 4 stat accessories are coveted, and 2 premium summons is basically 2 As, no big deal