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Dragon Quest 6 DS |OT| of Tax-Free 2DS Valentine's Slime Curling


Only had time to play the intro so far, but even at this point I'm very impressed by this remake. Sprite graphics and music are top notch.


OMG OMG it arrived! I dont have high school thumbs anymore I hope I can handle this game lol. What a long time coming!


I decided to give Dragon Quest IX a chance due to all the GAF-love and ended up absolutely loving it. I'm not a big JRPG guy, but I found the leveling up of the various jobs to be a lot of fun. For me game mechanics tend to come before story elements - story is generally just icing on the cake for me, so to speak.

I bought V afterward because I knew it would be hard to get should I change my mind later, and my copy of VI comes in today. My copy of DQ V is unplayed at this point.

Given the above, are their any others in the series I should be getting? The rest seem very old school, and I'm not sure they'd be my cup of tea.


Risible said:
I decided to give Dragon Quest IX a chance due to all the GAF-love and ended up absolutely loving it. I'm not a big JRPG guy, but I found the leveling up of the various jobs to be a lot of fun. For me game mechanics tend to come before story elements - story is generally just icing on the cake for me, so to speak.

I bought V afterward because I knew it would be hard to get should I change my mind later, and my copy of VI comes in today. My copy of DQ V is unplayed at this point.

Given the above, are their any others in the series I should be getting? The rest seem very old school, and I'm not sure they'd be my cup of tea.

Not an expert in DQ, and I have not played IX, but I share with you the "not a big JRPG guy" (and I love Mario Sunshine).

My opinion of what I played in the series:

- Dragon Quest IVr (DS): loved it
- Dragon Quest Vr (DS): loved it even more (though I thought it was too easy)
- Dragon Quest VIII (PS2): liked it in a different way, a bit too long
- Dragon Quest IIIr (SNES): loved it


Risible said:
Given the above, are their any others in the series I should be getting? The rest seem very old school, and I'm not sure they'd be my cup of tea.
I wouldn't call the DS remake of DQIV more old-school than the ones of V and VI. It's a great game, give it a go. As someone who loved DQIX you'd probably love DQIII too, it shares the focus on the job system (and there's a nice fan-translation of the SNES version out there).


9 was weakest in the series for me. So definitely grab 4-6 on DS. I am sure DQ remakes will continue on 3DS for the rest.
madara said:
9 was weakest in the series for me. So definitely grab 4-6 on DS. I am sure DQ remakes will continue on 3DS for the rest.
I was very impressed with 9 at first, and then became much less so. But I played it as a single player, and I feel like multiplayer is where its at.

I'm about to play 5 and 6 for the first time, I have already played 1 - 4.


multiplayer and the NFC support made DQ IX my favorite one so far. I love 3 though. Just a heads up, DQ IV has no class changing system, though it does have very unique characters with different abilities and fun personalities.

DQ6: Any trick to passing the slime minigame for slime jumping stage? Do you just have to get lucky with the pepper layout?

BS! I just posted that and I missed one pepper and got 299. Its 300 to pass! :-(

2nd EDIT: never mind, I did it! Just have to rub the whole way, get all peppers that you can.
I'm having a hard time getting a hold of this game. I recently changed phone numbers so I wasn't expecting a call from GS about my preorder, but I just walked down to the store on release day and of course they hadn't gotten it in yet. Yesterday I was sure they'd have it so I made another trip. The guy working told me that their store was closing in two weeks so they probably wouldn't be receiving the game. He gave me a refund and my slime which was the only reason I chose to buy the game at GS anyway. So I guess I'll be placing an order on Amazon soon.

Several hours later I remembered that this is the location my 3DS preorder is at. Ughhh... Looks like I'm back to the end of the line on that now. I'd better go get my refund for that too.


I think anybody that really enjoyed IX would still have a great time with the remakes.

Unless they really, really valued the visible monster encounters in IX.


Oxx said:
I think anybody that really enjoyed IX would still have a great time with the remakes.

Unless they really, really valued the visible monster encounters in IX.
And visible party members during battle.

I love the older games because I grew up on games like them. I can see how people would find IV-VI archaic, though.


wrowa said:
Which only makes battles longer and more tiresome, though.
Its true, but some people enjoyed it. I enjoy both. I like the quick pace of IV-VI, and I like seeing animations for the different abilities.


wrowa said:
Which only makes battles longer and more tiresome, though.
They're still so much shorter than a lot of other RPG series, but yeah, in the DQ realm, 8 and 9 are slugs... 8 in particular. I enjoyed the anticipation of seeing whether Hatchet Man or Thunder Thrust would connect with MKSs and Gem Slimes in 9. After thousands and thousands of battles, that never got old, which is incredible to think back on.


Chairhome said:
Only battle text

Edit: Beaten
I just checked to see if you can press B to page through dialogue (especially when NPCs start repeating themselves, telling their long stories), but no such luck!


Went ahead and imported it from ebay. It will probably never come to Europe. But it doesn't matter. It was cheaper than what it'd cost here. Now I will have both DQ9 and 6 to play :)


Maffis said:
Went ahead and imported it from ebay. It will probably never come to Europe. But it doesn't matter. It was cheaper than what it'd cost here. Now I will have both DQ9 and 6 to play :)
Haven't the other two made it to EU?


Word of note from someone who spent a good half hour or more on the slime mini game: apparently, you don't get anything from completing all courses. :-(


Public Service Announcement:

Don't forget that like DQV, this game has the party talk feature. Definitely adds to the overall experience.

Got myself a
last night. Still very impressed with the game overall.
Just started this after playing it on SNES years ago. Did the SNES version have such a "bassy" guitar riff at the start of the battle theme? I don't remember it being like that.
12 hours in, and I'm starting to sour on this again......the moment to moment gameplay with the little stories in the towns is good, but the characters are just awfully cardboard even by dragon quest standards, and I feel like I'm randomly meandering around the world with no pressing goals or sense of urgency.........


Finally recieved my pre-ordered copy from Gamestop today (shipped out two days late) but didn't come with the pre-order plushie bonus unfortunately - order page says it was "cancelled". I emailed asking about it, but not holding out much hope - a bit annoyed, because I could have saved on shipping charges if I'd bought the game from someplace else like Amazon.

In any case, looking forward to the game - I played through the DS versions of IV and V around the same time I was going through IX a couple of months ago, and I really enjoyed them. This and VII are the only mainline DQ games I haven't played and finished.


Loto said:
I love the little nods to other Dragon Quest games.
Same here... I exclaimed to my wife in excitement the other day when I saw a funny DQ5 reference, to which she replied dryly, "That's nice, hun." LOL After all the creatures, bosses, and gear in DQ9, seeing the names in this game is really cool... now I understand the references and context of a lot of that stuff.

I'm close to 10 hours in, but hit a minor wall with the
2nd form of Murdaw
. Difficulty shot up like crazy in there, and I was about level 20 average.

Really enjoying it, but I kind of get annoyed when party members switch out and give you no choice in the matter. I really miss my ability to double-Sap.
Johnas said:
Public Service Announcement:

Don't forget that like DQV, this game has the party talk feature. Definitely adds to the overall experience.

Got myself a
last night. Still very impressed with the game overall.
Definitely, the party chat in this game is amazing since you always can have a human party. Party chat was awesome in Dragon Quest 5, too, but you only had a human party for like half of the game, and a much smaller selection of humans to choose from. Makes me really wish party chat wasn't cut from Dragon Quest IV DS. :(

11 hours in, and I am seriously loving this game. The music, the townspeople, the books in the shelves, and everything else! As much as I love Dragon Quest IX, I really hope Dragon Quest X is a more traditional DQ with pre-made characters.


Easystride said:
As much as I love Dragon Quest IX, I really hope Dragon Quest X is a more traditional DQ with pre-made characters.
Totally agree! And if they want to spin off another series that is more like DQ9 in terms of character creation, quests, and sheer content, a separate Dragon Quest Online series would actually make me take a bite of the MMO pie. :)
ghibli99 said:
Same here... I exclaimed to my wife in excitement the other day when I saw a funny DQ5 reference, to which she replied dryly, "That's nice, hun." LOL After all the creatures, bosses, and gear in DQ9, seeing the names in this game is really cool... now I understand the references and context of a lot of that stuff.

I'm close to 10 hours in, but hit a minor wall with the
2nd form of Murdaw
. Difficulty shot up like crazy in there, and I was about level 20 average.

Really enjoying it, but I kind of get annoyed when party members switch out and give you no choice in the matter. I really miss my ability to double-Sap.

I just got past the 2nd form of Murdaw. I ended up having to level my team to around 22, and even then it required a bit of luck to beat him. I dedicated Nevan and Kiryl just to healing while Hero and Carver focused on offense. If you get unlucky and he keeps using his breath attack followed by his lightning spell you're pretty much fucked and have to start the fight over. The difficulty spike reminded me of the Dhoulmagus fight in DQ 8.

Loving the game so far. I'm about 10 hours in and have less than a 3rd of the map revealed.
I just got free reign of the ship, so I've got a lot of exploring to do. Hoping that I unlock Alltrades Abbey soon so that I can unlock the job system. The job system was my favorite part of DQ7 and I read that its very similar in DQ6.
malboroking said:
I just got past the 2nd form of Murdaw. I ended up having to level my team to around 22, and even then it required a bit of luck to beat him. I dedicated Nevan and Kiryl just to healing while Hero and Carver focused on offense. If you get unlucky and he keeps using his breath attack followed by his lightning spell you're pretty much fucked and have to start the fight over. The difficulty spike reminded me of the Dhoulmagus fight in DQ 8.

Loving the game so far. I'm about 10 hours in and have less than a 3rd of the map revealed.
I just got free reign of the ship, so I've got a lot of exploring to do. Hoping that I unlock Alltrades Abbey soon so that I can unlock the job system. The job system was my favorite part of DQ7 and I read that its very similar in DQ6.
One thing I found very helpful for Murdaw is
there is a fire claw in the castle. You just have to kill some of those statues that are standing around, revealing a staircase. Using the fire claw in battle as an item does really good damage to Murdaw. Also, use Kabuff with Milly if she has it yet.


ghibli99 said:
Totally agree! And if they want to spin off another series that is more like DQ9 in terms of character creation, quests, and sheer content, a separate Dragon Quest Online series would actually make me take a bite of the MMO pie. :)
I know Horii and friends aren't affected by most of the Square Enix decision-making, but I could go for a Dragon Quest IX 2.

If only to let my investment in Foster, Haze, Bella, and Jessie transfer to new games Pokemon-style.


I got Carver and mostly I've been doing is doing party chat in the various villages after each and every minor progression in the story. I can't imagine how much more time I will sink in party chat once I get more teammates. D:
rpmurphy said:
I got Carver and mostly I've been doing is doing party chat in the various villages after each and every minor progression in the story. I can't imagine how much more time I will sink in party chat once I get more teammates. D:
I talk to every NPC and party chat twice after each NPC. Good stuff.


Beat the boss I mentioned above! :) Just took some careful item/spell management, and yes, the weapon in that dungeon does help you a bit, although it's not ridiculously overpowered so as to make the fight easy. There were still times where I was close to death. I spent more time leveling up, though, so Hero/Carver were at 22 by the time I went in for the fight.

Oxx said:
I know Horii and friends aren't affected by most of the Square Enix decision-making, but I could go for a Dragon Quest IX 2.

If only to let my investment in Foster, Haze, Bella, and Jessie transfer to new games Pokemon-style.
That'd be pretty cool, although to be honest, even after all that time I put into the game, I don't have any attachment to the characters themselves. In fact, after I realized just how much time I had already spent with them, in hindsight I would've put some extra time at the beginning designing them. As it stands, they're all default/random, like the ones churned out in DQ3. Plus, I've maxxed out every vocation/skill for all 4 characters, so they're basically carbon copies of each other.

In traditional DQs, though, I definitely get attached and have my favorites. :)
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