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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


Koomaster said:
My game just royally messed up. :(
Then when the bottom sometimes reads 'attack does x amount of damage' it instead says 'attack does N@_% (and a bunch of other weird nonsense filling up the bottom part of the screen) damage'.

A similar thing happened to me yesterday around the 200 play hour mark. First and only bug, seems like a memory stomp.

I Slime Hill hunting for a while to respawn all the world materials. Then I flew all around the world collecting everything. Then after collecting almost everything the last stop were the Flurry Feathers north of Bloomingdale. On the last feather pick up the text box was garbled. Then I went for the Platinum Ore eastward and it registered as Flurry Feathers with more garbled text. I went to save the game but all the main bottom text box was complete garbled random characters. The Yes or No for saving would not pop up and there was no way to exit saving.

I had to power off as well and lost about an hour of play.


stolin said:
A similar thing happened to me yesterday around the 200 play hour mark. First and only bug, seems like a memory stomp.

I Slime Hill hunting for a while to respawn all the world materials. Then I flew all around the world collecting everything. Then after collecting almost everything the last stop were the Flurry Feathers north of Bloomingdale. On the last feather pick up the text box was garbled. Then I went for the Platinum Ore eastward and it registered as Flurry Feathers with more garbled text. I went to save the game but all the main bottom text box was complete garbled random characters. The Yes or No for saving would not pop up and there was no way to exit saving.

I had to power off as well and lost about an hour of play.
Weirdness, I was just around the 200 hour play mark earlier today when the glitch happened. I wonder if that is just a coincidence or the game just spazzes out whenever anyone is around that amount of play time?

If so, I wonder if there are any other suspicious times to look out for; like maybe it's some kind of weird programming bug, or like you mentioned a memory stomp?

Jedeye Sniv

brandonh83 said:
damn, I'm really digging armamentalist. they do seem pretty helpful. is there any specific armor or weapons that are particularly good for them that I could make or is most of it just stuff I'll find in grottos?

The armas do get some pretty snazzy specific armours, I have my guy rocking a neat feather hat and some swordsman's slacks at the moment, higher ratings than anything else I have for the character too.


Jedeye Sniv said:
The armas do get some pretty snazzy specific armours, I have my guy rocking a neat feather hat and some swordsman's slacks at the moment, higher ratings than anything else I have for the character too.
Yeah, they get some nice Red Mage-ish (and blue Red Mage-ish) armor. I recently upgraded him to some nice alchemized robe that I don't recall the name of (made from two other robes) and the Sun Crown, I think he's looking pretty good.

So previously I was under the impression that if you wanted higher level grotto maps you needed to replay the highest level grotto you have, but I'm thinking that's not really the case. I went back to a level 16 grotto to fight Nemean for a quest, and my resulting map was level 53, which I don't think is possible if you use the previous grotto level as the base for the calculation. So I'm wondering if the game does just store your highest level completed grotto and use that no matter what grotto you beat.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I've gotten the garbled text in towns too (twice, both very recently).... I noticed they both occured after coming out of sleep mode


I've had the garbled text glitch happen once (starting in battle); fortunately, I was able to save. After switching off then on again, everything was back to normal.


user-friendly man-cashews
This game is a blast! 105 hours finished the main game at 85h and have been exploring treasures maps and doing quest for a while. Just have a question, I found the Baramos map but where do I get the other legacy bosses maps? Is it from giving the exp back to the boss when I defeat it? Or is there just a quest for each leagacy boss?



My MC was a Minstrel, but now is a Gladiator. I'm pretty happy with him. My Martial Artist is now a Thief (to max her Thief-exclusive Skill Tree) but once I'm done with this she'll be back to being a MA (any other advice?). My Mage went the Sage route which is fantastic. What should I do with my Warrior? Have him go the Paladin route?


So those obsessive Japanese have figured out how to force grotto bosses to give up their rare/common items.

Only cheat if you like cheating or maybe just want to try it once. It's your own fault if you cheat and it sucks the fun out of the game for you.

1: Deliberately get your butt kicked until you're low on HP (you must be down more than five complete heal spells).

2: Make your way right up to the grotto boss.

3: Quicksave.

4: Turn off your DS (this is important).

5: Go to the online "Hoimi Table" here

6: Turn on your DS and load the quicksave.

7: Pick a character who knows the basic Heal spell, has some MP, and preferably has a low Magical Mending stat. Check what their Magical Mending stat is exactly by looking at their attributes and write that number in the first box of the page.

8: After entering your stat, click the button beside the first box, and the lower second box will tell you about how many HP that person's spell is expected to heal.

9: Find someone who is hurt a fair bit more than that amount, make a note of their HP (on paper or whatever), heal them once, and make another note of their new HP. Subtract one number from the other to see exactly how many HP they were healed.

10: Write the healing amount of your first heal spell in the box numbered 1 (the third box).

11: Repeat the healing and note-taking four more times (don't max out a character's HP, because you need to know exactly how many HP were healed). Write in the HP amounts in the boxes numbered 2-5. Don't bother healing any more or using boxes 6-10.

12: Click on the button at the bottom of the page. The calculator will read the "randomness" of your heal spell amounts to predict the variables in your game.

13: You should be taken to a page with links that say Javascript or CGI. If there's more than one link, you may have to heal a sixth or seventh time and enter the results to narrow the search. Click on one (I suggest opening it in a new tab in your browser). It should show you a chart.

14: If you used the heal spell five times, you should be on space number five (there isn't any obvious indicator for this). That means you're in space number five of the zero column. In order to get a rare drop, you must fight the grotto boss while you are in the space directly preceding a red square (blue is a common drop). Every time you heal (or even attempt to heal) with any character, you advance one square. So, manually count off how many squares you would need to advance, heal the appropriate number of times to get to that square, and then engage the grotto boss.

15: You can use heal or any other spell in the fight, but DO NOT use a Coup de Grace, should one become available.

16: Win the fight. Be rewarded with the rare drop if you did it right.

17: This apparently also works on rare alchemy success too, but I haven't tried it.

Edit: Youtube is also helpful.


I've read that Homni table calculation before. I'd rather just be surprised by what I manage to steal or the boss drops. Maybe I will change my opinion in another 200 hours when all I have left to do are a few alchemical items that I just can't make or steal. :lol

Also all this talk of everyone experiencing glitches like I described is a relief that I'm not the only one. Although it would be kind of bad/funny if every English DQ9 cart started to self destruct a month later.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Forkball said:
I keep getting crappy grotto maps. Also, I still can't beat that Atlas guy even with my extra training. I'm getting closer though, I think maybe if I fought smarter my last battle with him, I could have done it.

Seriously, I cruise through my level 46 grotto, then BAM, fight the end boss and get my ass kicked.

It feels pretty bad :(


Long as you have all of your passives from the other classes a party in its 50s can handle any of the normal grotto bosses.

Put minstrel and armamentalist scroll on your two characters with the highest agility, fource and gritty ditty first round, gritty ditty second, then just beat the boss to death in a couple turns.

If you don't have all the passives you'd probably be better off working on that instead of grinding grottos. Lv 40 on each job gave me enough points for each passive line + weapon + shield.


I decided I'd go knock out the level 15 Paladin quest this morning on my level 35 Paladin. Easy right? WRONG! Even completely naked the Infernal Armors only hit me for 1 point of damage which means Pincushion is doing nothing back. I'm going to have to change classes to something squishy so I'll take more damage just so I can finish this quest. Seems counter to logic but that's a small complaint with all the fun I've had out of the game so far.
Couldn't resist getting back into questing and a spot of alchemy before taking on
The Gittish Empire.
Forty hours in now, I love this game so, so much.

Also, slightly off topic, but about a month ago I introduced my younger sister to Dragon Quest IV. She was kind of interested since I was so excited for IX coming out. She loved it, and just finished it, getting the Happy Ending in forty hours. She started V today. I'll be getting buying a second copy of IX for her when she finishes that :D


My only complaint so far with the alchemy is that every recipe I go to make seems to need a lucida shard, which is 3 Brighten Rocks and 3 Evencloths. The cloths aren't so bad, but the spawn points for the brighten rocks are very stingy, and it seems to take a while to steal as many off of goodybags. Often the recipe will call for 2 lucida shards, which means having to steal 6 brighten rocks. Ugh!

For the majority of every other recipe, I seem to have an abundance of other basic ingredients and very very rarely do I have to go and farm them from the world map. But I run out of brighten rocks every day.

Actually just went to do a recipe that in the end required 18 brighten rocks. I thought I might cry, not just having to go rob all those goodybags, but then having to give up so many brighten rocks for one recipe. Plus had to spend 50k on another Chronocrystal for the recipe, and all the other ingredients I had to use. All for a pretty hat. ;____;


Yeah, that's why high level grottoes are timesavers. I haven't farmed for base ingredients of those items on the world map for a while now since I can get Enchanted/Ethereal Stones, Astral Plumes, Lucida Shards, Sages Elixirs, Gold Bars, and Sainted Somas on my grotto runs.


I ran into a grotto that had 0 monsters on the final floor (well, final floor before the boss). Pretty strange. Tried whistling and nothing showed up either.

Killed my first few plat king jewels the other day. Got my main character to 100 on all the class skills, now I gotta get him maxed on all the weapons as well. Sure would be nice if I had an all MKS floor to expedite the process. I've gone through moments of just wanting to delete my game and give it to someone else just because it's so damned addictive and easy to grind several hours away.


Raw64life said:
I've gone through about 40 grottoes now and I'm finally starting to fight some Trauminators and Elusids. Most of the grottoes I'm getting now are leveled in the 30's and 40's and I'm wondering when I'm going to start seeing some grotto exclusive regular enemies. I'm also wondering if the blue chests in these grottoes are ever going to start giving me anything useful other than the rare mini medal or two I've found.

Also, kind of off topic, but for whatever reason I can't connect via Wi-Fi anymore. Up to this point it's always been wonky but if I tried enough times it would eventually just magically connect, but not anymore. It's the same Wi-Fi that works flawlessly with my PC, PS3 and Wii so I'm not sure what the problem is and I don't know shit about routers.

Might as well throw these questions out again.


Koomaster said:
My only complaint so far with the alchemy is that every recipe I go to make seems to need a lucida shard, which is 3 Brighten Rocks and 3 Evencloths. The cloths aren't so bad, but the spawn points for the brighten rocks are very stingy, and it seems to take a while to steal as many off of goodybags. Often the recipe will call for 2 lucida shards, which means having to steal 6 brighten rocks. Ugh!

For the majority of every other recipe, I seem to have an abundance of other basic ingredients and very very rarely do I have to go and farm them from the world map. But I run out of brighten rocks every day.

Actually just went to do a recipe that in the end required 18 brighten rocks. I thought I might cry, not just having to go rob all those goodybags, but then having to give up so many brighten rocks for one recipe. Plus had to spend 50k on another Chronocrystal for the recipe, and all the other ingredients I had to use. All for a pretty hat. ;____;
There's a dirty cheat to multiply alchemy items if you know someone local with the game. Jump into their world via multiplayer. Give then all your alchemy stuff. Hard kill your game by turning off the power. You don't save getting rid of your alchemy stuff, while they can save getting it.

Let's say both of you have 5 evencloths. If you do this, he'll have 10 and you'll still have 5. If he cheats them back to you, he'll have 10 and you'll have 15. You cheat them back to him again, he gets 25 and you get 15. Back again gets you 25/40, and so on.

And thinking about multiplying what you put in, there's a trick to farming gold which isn't cheating. Warp to Port Llaffan and Bloomingdale, invest in some gold rings, gold bracers, and silver mail, and alchemize them into gold mail. It's slow going at first, but after investing 500,000g into it (which is tedious), you can get about 32,000 gold every six minutes.


I walked around for a few days in Chicago in canvas mode. Still not a single guest. Should have brought it with me to Lolla I guess.

I don't have to have wifi on also, do I?


Sorry if it's been asked before, but...

I've unlocked the final dungeon, and I'm looking for a good spot to grind (unlocked sage/gladiator, so...). I was using
the Glittingham palace room with the healing circle
, but now that I've beaten the bosses there it doesn't appear that enemies spawn anymore. I tried grinding liquid metal slimes, but after the fourth of fifth time that one fled I'm starting to think that there's a better place that would get me as much or more experience as I would playing slime grabass.

Any ideas?


The enemies in the final dungeon do give a lot of EXP, especially if four or so monsters appear at a time. But the easiest way may be the LMS in the bowhole. Annoying, yeah, but it's your only chance.

In one of my grotto maps, I found some LMS that weren't too infrequent. But then when I went back in, I couldn't find any. Ugh, just when I think I find an alternative to slime hill, it turns out it's not all it seems to be. I hope I get some MKS in a grotto map soon.


matmanx1 said:
I decided I'd go knock out the level 15 Paladin quest this morning on my level 35 Paladin. Easy right? WRONG! Even completely naked the Infernal Armors only hit me for 1 point of damage which means Pincushion is doing nothing back. I'm going to have to change classes to something squishy so I'll take more damage just so I can finish this quest. Seems counter to logic but that's a small complaint with all the fun I've had out of the game so far.
Give pincushion to your mage :D


Dot Hacked
I love grinding me some liquid metal slimies! 32 of 'em down and many more to go! My team is at L44 now which I'm sure is enough to power through to the final boss but I still feel compelled to GRIND HARDER ^_^


ARGHeakle;aiadkl;a!!! Went into a high level grotto map and found all sorts of enemies I have never seen before. Crazy insane powerful enemies which felt like they had to keep attacking 2x every turn dealing out 300HP of damage. One even got a critical attack on my paladin taking her from over 600HP to dead! ;______;

Had to put on Vanish and make a mad dash to the bottom floor to find the boss. There were some nice treasure chests along the way (along with a Pandoras box omg why is it casting whack over my party over and over why?!?!?!), got a bunch of mini medals, another hero spear, a wizardly whip, some reckless necklaces and some other nice items.

I want to go back for the nice chests, and the boss was one I have easily beaten several times before. But my god the enemies, huge enemies which take up the whole hallway, show up to fights with a bunch of friends, and want me dead. There was some gold robot thing which was like a boss fight it took me so long to beat him.


Duane Cunningham said:
So remind me again what everyone's preferred LMS/KMS killing methods are?
Here's what I do:

Gladiator: Metal Slash with Uber Falcon Sword. You can take out 3 or 4 HP each time.
Martial Artist: Flailing Nails with claws. It attacks four times and I can normally get anywhere from 2 to 4 HP of damage.
Priest/Sage: Multithrust with spears. The bad thing is that it attacks randomly, but if you only have one target it's better. If you have a Demon Spear equipped, you can randomly kill an enemy automatically, which can come in handy.
Mage: I just have her attack for 1 HP damage, but sometimes I make her cast Kaboom if I'm on slime hill and there are cure slimes coupled in.


Koomaster said:
ARGHeakle;aiadkl;a!!! Went into a high level grotto map and found all sorts of enemies I have never seen before. Crazy insane powerful enemies which felt like they had to keep attacking 2x every turn dealing out 300HP of damage. One even got a critical attack on my paladin taking her from over 600HP to dead! ;______;

Had to put on Vanish and make a mad dash to the bottom floor to find the boss. There were some nice treasure chests along the way (along with a Pandoras box omg why is it casting whack over my party over and over why?!?!?!), got a bunch of mini medals, another hero spear, a wizardly whip, some reckless necklaces and some other nice items.

I want to go back for the nice chests, and the boss was one I have easily beaten several times before. But my god the enemies, huge enemies which take up the whole hallway, show up to fights with a bunch of friends, and want me dead. There was some gold robot thing which was like a boss fight it took me so long to beat him.


what level grotto is it? right now i just beat a level 58 grotto - yours sound much much higher

atlas ogre guy almost killed me - but thank god i had a good priest.
oomph + life fource + uber falcon blade + falcon slash = crazy dmg on him

----- i am praying to find an mks level - getting tired of killing lms in bowhole


Heads up to anyone in the Chicago area:

Nintendo will be at Chicago Comic-Con (8/20-22) demoing Metroid: Other M and DQIX.
Plus they're giving out another (exclusive?) map called "Mortamor" via tag mode.

I'll be there on Friday! :D


Warrior: Metal Slash with Uber Falcon Blade; 2-4HP normally.

Thief: Flailing Nails; 1-4HP normally.

Sage: Metalicker with a boomerang. Does 1-2HP of damage across a row of LMS. Can be helpful in case the one you are focusing your attack on runs away, you've already got a head start on the rest.

Paladin: I use the spear, but the skill is where I vary a lot. If there is a group of 2 or 3, and I have surprised them, I'll focus on the second or third one and do thunderthrust. Misses 50% of the time, but the time it hits it's a critical hit so it will kill one right away. I focus on one I'm not attacking with the others since my paladin goes last. It wouldn't make sense for everyone to whittle down the health of 1 just for my paladin to critical hit on it and kill it. Helps spread out the killing.

If there are two left in the fight, sometimes I will multithrust to help spread out the damage with my sage's metalicker. A lot of the times my Warrior/Thief working on 1 can take it down in one turn if I get lucky, they can do a max of 8HP of damage. Even if they do a little less, the sage's metalicker will pick up 1-2HP.

Finally if there is one left in the battle and I have been working on whittling down it's health and I think it's close to death. Like if I know I've hit it for 5-6HP of damage already. I'll have my paladin do mecurial thrust. That attack isn't powerful, but it means she goes first before everyone, including the LMS. It will do 1HP of damage, hopefully enough to kill it. But if not, my thief has high agility and will get in there with flailing nails and hopefully do at least another 1HP if not more. Nothing more frustrating than whittling down their health, having the thief go and still be short of killing it, and they run away. Mecurial thrust gives me that extra bit of help in finishing one off before it has a chance to run.

The big daddies tho; the Metal King Slimes or Platinum Jewels, I mostly go for the instant kill shots.
Warrior: Still Metal Slash
Thief: Assassin's stab with knife, misses a lot, sometimes does 1HP, but will instantly kill if it hits the right spot.
Sage: Needle shot with the bow. Same as the above, chance to miss, chance of 1HP, chance of instant kill.
Paladin: Pressure pointer with the spear. Same as the other two; miss/1HP/kill.


Gin said:

what level grotto is it? right now i just beat a level 58 grotto - yours sound much much higher

atlas ogre guy almost killed me - but thank god i had a good priest.
oomph + life fource + uber falcon blade + falcon slash = crazy dmg on him

----- i am praying to find an mks level - getting tired of killing lms in bowhole
It was a level 89. I just finished going back in it and came out with a rare meteorang, it's the 4th best boomerang in the game, and can apparently be alchemized to make the other top ones - although I need a bunch of ingredients, including silver orbs (legacy boss drops) ;____;

This one has some NICE chests! Just very evil monsters, I was in vanish mode this whole 2nd trip through and waiting around for monsters to move out of my way. They are so deadly, I'm a-scurred. :p
Quick question: I just got done playing multiplayer for a couple hours (what a blast!) and when I came back into "my world" it said I had new quests from there ... where do I find these?

Note: Haven't opened up the DQVC yet.


Ok so I finally beat Atlas on a cool map called Steel Lair of Fear Lv. 49. It had gemslimes which drop a lot of cash, although they run pretty often. I had my priest heal every turn, but I admit I got lucky. He did his critical hit attack on my gladiator, which got me pretty low. The next turn he attacked before my gladiator, but luckily he attacked others. My priest also died, but I fortunately got a coup de grace on my gladiator, which brought my tension up to 100, and a Falcon Slash did 2700+ damage and I won. My reward? A map called Bronze Mine of Glee Lv. 38. He might as well have dropped Shit Hole of Shit Lv. 1.


I don't really have much of a special strategy for LMS.

Some combination of Thunder Thrust and Assassins Stab usually gets the job done within the first two rounds. If he flees, he flees.
Huzzah! Finally the last piece of the exclusive skull armor I needed popped up on my DQVC!

I was getting worried that I wouldn't get it. I've read that there is no guarantee that you'll get offered the DQVC only items during the theme weeks.


I'm still quite early into the game, just finished the Abbay quest, and farming some alchemy items after that, and I'm really enjoying the game, but I feel i'm missing some things with the class system, so I need some help.

From what I understood, when you change class :

- All your EXP / Skill Points / Spells are retired, and 'stored' by the game if you ever take that class again.

- The only things that you keep when you change your class are the Skill Points you spent in a weapon skill that is shared with your new class, OR a maxed-out Weapon skill.

is that all ?


no one has tried "have a ball" skill against LMS ?

great minstrel skill - hits eight times at max - usually hit for 5-6 dmg a turn against lms

otherwise - i just give my warrior a spear + thunderthrust

make sure to also give him/her a goddess ring or happy hat - extremely useful for making mp naturally as thunderthrust can get expensive (my warrior is low on mp)


Morokh said:
I'm still quite early into the game, just finished the Abbay quest, and farming some alchemy items after that, and I'm really enjoying the game, but I feel i'm missing some things with the class system, so I need some help.

From what I understood, when you change class :

- All your EXP / Skill Points / Spells are retired, and 'stored' by the game if you ever take that class again.

- The only things that you keep when you change your class are the Skill Points you spent in a weapon skill that is shared with your new class, OR a maxed-out Weapon skill.

is that all ?
You keep all skill points. You can get skill points in one class, and use them in a different class.

All skills are kept between classes (i.e. if you have the warrior's stat boosts, you keep them even if you're a priest). Weapon skills are only kept while you have that weapon equipped (if your class can't naturally use that weapon, if you have the omnivocational skill, you still get the boosts).

Exp and spells, however, are tied to the class.

EDIT: Oh, and my preferred MKS killing method is maxing everyone's spear skill and spamming Thunder Thrust. With the Sage's skill tree maxed, as well as auto-MP restoring equips, I don't have to worry about running out of MP.


Wichu said:
You keep all skill points. You can get skill points in one class, and use them in a different class.

All skills are kept between classes (i.e. if you have the warrior's stat boosts, you keep them even if you're a priest). Weapon skills are only kept while you have that weapon equipped (if your class can't naturally use that weapon, if you have the omnivocational skill, you still get the boosts).

Exp and spells, however, are tied to the class.

So you mean the +10 Strength / Agility or whatever are kept ?
are the other abilities from the class-trees kept too ?

now this sounds sweet :p


Morokh said:
So you mean the +10 Strength / Agility or whatever are kept ?
are the other abilities from the class-trees kept too ?

now this sounds sweet :p

Everything from a class-specific tree carries over. So if you have Half-Inch from the thief's tree, that character will always have access to it even if they're a warrior, mage, etc.


Gin said:
no one has tried "have a ball" skill against LMS ?

great minstrel skill - hits eight times at max - usually hit for 5-6 dmg a turn against lms

otherwise - i just give my warrior a spear + thunderthrust

make sure to also give him/her a goddess ring or happy hat - extremely useful for making mp naturally as thunderthrust can get expensive (my warrior is low on mp)
Yep, Have a Ball is one of the better skills for metal slimes. I just run my Warrior with Metal Slash, Ranger with Metalicker, Priest with... whatever (sometimes put claws on her for Flailing Nails) and Armamentalist with Have a Ball. Usually gets them in one round unless I'm unlucky.

Gunloc said:
Huzzah! Finally the last piece of the exclusive skull armor I needed popped up on my DQVC!

I was getting worried that I wouldn't get it. I've read that there is no guarantee that you'll get offered the DQVC only items during the theme weeks.
I've only gotten the shirt and pants so far. Just got duplicates of Muscle Belt and some other 15k item that I got earlier in the week today.


Gin said:
no one has tried "have a ball" skill against LMS ?

I would, but I'm still six bloody skill points away, and I'm levelling so slowly and getting points so slowly now.

I hate how skill points slow down so much in the higher levels.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
when I use a seed of strength, does the boost carry over to all classes for that character?
Thanks for the advice, everyone, I'm actually just a few points away from Have a Ball, so that's perfect.

Is there a Ranger weapon (Boomerang, Axe or Bow) that's clearly better than the others, or is it just a personal preference thing?


Gunloc said:
Huzzah! Finally the last piece of the exclusive skull armor I needed popped up on my DQVC!

I was getting worried that I wouldn't get it. I've read that there is no guarantee that you'll get offered the DQVC only items during the theme weeks.

What are all the pieces?

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
Gunloc said:
Huzzah! Finally the last piece of the exclusive skull armor I needed popped up on my DQVC!

I was getting worried that I wouldn't get it. I've read that there is no guarantee that you'll get offered the DQVC only items during the theme weeks.
I never got the shades from the summer sale. :\

But I did get all three (?) skull armor pieces.
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