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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Princess Skittles said:
I never got the shades from the summer sale. :\

But I did get all three (?) skull armor pieces.

I hope/expect there to be repeats... not to sound greedy but I got three shades but really wanted four.
flyinpiranha said:
Quick question: I just got done playing multiplayer for a couple hours (what a blast!) and when I came back into "my world" it said I had new quests from there ... where do I find these?

Note: Haven't opened up the DQVC yet.

Hate to quote myself, but anybody know the answer? I searched and couldn't really find anything.


Duane Cunningham said:
Thanks for the advice, everyone, I'm actually just a few points away from Have a Ball, so that's perfect.

Is there a Ranger weapon (Boomerang, Axe or Bow) that's clearly better than the others, or is it just a personal preference thing?
Preference really, before you invest points in a category, play around with each and see which suits your playstyle. Remember that you can change weapons mid-battle: Misc. -> Equipment

I have my sage switching back and forth between bow/boomerang all the time depending on the amount of enemies on screen.


zigg said:
I would, but I'm still six bloody skill points away, and I'm levelling so slowly and getting points so slowly now.

I hate how skill points slow down so much in the higher levels.

Just change classes. 1-40 goes quick on liquid metal slimes. Skill points can be spent on any skill tree from any class, just not the class you got them from.

If all you need is six points zoom to the abbey, change to a lvl 1 class, zoom to any of the higher levels on the overworld, couple combats later you'll have your skill points.


Woo-Fu said:
Just change classes.
Aw, I should have thought of that. Thanks!

BTW, all, Grand Rapids, MI meetup at the RiverTown Crossings food court again this week--this time, Friday from 5-9 p.m. Hopefully people who couldn't make Saturday find this more convenient.


Why hello Sailor Mars!...


My team is really starting to shape up now that I have access to more outfits and such. It's kind of hard juggling 9 girls, and there are a few I have been neglecting. But I'm committed to getting them all super powered and looking fabulous! :)


So I beat one of the legacy bosses,
. He wasn't too hard. He only gave me a mini medal though, and no treasure map. I did give him all of my experience though. Do I have to deny him experience in order to get better loot and maps?


zigg said:
I would, but I'm still six bloody skill points away, and I'm levelling so slowly and getting points so slowly now.

I hate how skill points slow down so much in the higher levels.

why dont you just change the character class temporarily and save the skill points?

i have six trees maxed on all of my characters and their "main" role is only at lvl 50


Forkball said:
So I beat one of the legacy bosses,
. He wasn't too hard. He only gave me a mini medal though, and no treasure map. I did give him all of my experience though. Do I have to deny him experience in order to get better loot and maps?
Legacy bosses drop certain things at different levels. IIRC
drops some rare boots at levels 1-8. So if you are a collectionist, you may want to hold off giving him exp till you steal those boots off of him as there isn't another way to receive them.

Thread on another forum which talks about this. Scroll down to see what all the different legacy bosses drop at different levels.


Forkball said:
So I beat one of the legacy bosses,
. He wasn't too hard. He only gave me a mini medal though, and no treasure map. I did give him all of my experience though. Do I have to deny him experience in order to get better loot and maps?
You have a chance of getting loot whether or not you level him up. Also, map drops are specific to certain legacy bosses and are only available after you level them high enough. Check the bestiary FAQ on GameFAQs about exactly how it works.


Got the Skull Cap today (and an opportunity to buy a second pair of slacks) so that does it for me this week. Unless I get more Reckless Necklaces.


Got the boat recently and the magic key so I've been exploring and going back to open chests/doors and doing smaller quests, not really following the story.

What class is best to uprade to Paladin?

I just got the quest, and I don't have anyone with Whipping Boy yet, although my main guy is a Warrior (put all points into swords), so thought it would be quicker to change my Priest temporarily to Warrior to get Whipping Boy (rise in levels quicker from 0 than 23 - current Warrior's level).


BitchTits said:
Got the boat recently and the magic key so I've been exploring and going back to open chests/doors and doing smaller quests, not really following the story.

What class is best to uprade to Paladin?

I just got the quest, and I don't have anyone with Whipping Boy yet, although my main guy is a Warrior (put all points into swords), so thought it would be quicker to change my Priest temporarily to Warrior to get Whipping Boy (rise in levels quicker from 0 than 23 - current Warrior's level).

I don't know if you can use Whipping Boy w/ Paladin, but it could work well since the Paladin has high defense and HP. Also Priest to Paladin is a good transition although you lose multiheal, but I never had to use multiheal anyway.

Edit: Also for LMS's I use the Uber Falcon Blade w/ metal slash, Spear w/ multithrust, Bow w/ rain of pain (I think that's what it's called). This will 9/10 kill an LMS in one round especially since I had my party boosted with martial arts agility.
BitchTits said:
Got the boat recently and the magic key so I've been exploring and going back to open chests/doors and doing smaller quests, not really following the story.

What class is best to uprade to Paladin?

I just got the quest, and I don't have anyone with Whipping Boy yet, although my main guy is a Warrior (put all points into swords), so thought it would be quicker to change my Priest temporarily to Warrior to get Whipping Boy (rise in levels quicker from 0 than 23 - current Warrior's level).

Thief-->Ranger--Martial Artist--> Paladin is what I did so I could get a bunch of Agility bonuses. Around level 38 you should have 100 skill points to max out a class' trait/skill tree. I also maxed out the Sage skills for -25% MP use.


I'd personally keep one warrior in the party since they have both high attack and high defense. For paladin, a support or weaker attack character like mage, martial artist, ranger, or thief can be good candidate for paladin. Once you have Forbearance, you won't need Whipping Boy, especially if you have a warrior to take care of that in emergency cases.


Re: Whipping Boy, IIRC it was needed for the quest that gives you the Paladin class, I didn't mean I wanted to have a Paladin with the Whipping Boy ability :)

At the moment I have Warrior, Thief, Priest, Mage. I was thinking of keeping the mage for another magic using class, so maybe I'll change Thief or Priest once I complete the quest.


Oh man, another day, another handful of Lucida Shards! Why must so many recipes call for these acursed things?!

Finally decided to dip into my savings account, spent a few hundred thousand gold going around the world buying a bunch of stuff so I could do some alchemy. I'm up to 54% completion in my alchenomicon; I'm also 50% in my wardrobe completion! \^___^/

I also realized I had 99 mini medals sitting around; I uh, hope that it doesn't max out there where any more you collect get sent off to the ether never to be seen again. Should have paid more attention to how many I had; but I collect so many in grottos now that they aren't even that special. I ended up spending most of them buying some orichalcum; although it would be useful if that guy sold some Lucida Shards instead. ¬___¬


I've been playing this on and off since it came out but I tried to pick it up today and could not for the life of me remember what to do next. I just got the ability to change classes (so I killed that boss and went to Celestia). Now what?


BitchTits said:
Got the boat recently and the magic key so I've been exploring and going back to open chests/doors and doing smaller quests, not really following the story.

What class is best to uprade to Paladin?

I just got the quest, and I don't have anyone with Whipping Boy yet, although my main guy is a Warrior (put all points into swords), so thought it would be quicker to change my Priest temporarily to Warrior to get Whipping Boy (rise in levels quicker from 0 than 23 - current Warrior's level).
BitchTits said:
Re: Whipping Boy, IIRC it was needed for the quest that gives you the Paladin class, I didn't mean I wanted to have a Paladin with the Whipping Boy ability :)

At the moment I have Warrior, Thief, Priest, Mage. I was thinking of keeping the mage for another magic using class, so maybe I'll change Thief or Priest once I complete the quest.
You don't really need to progress from class to class in this game. And points earned in one job can be spent in any other job.

Basically, you just decide what party balance you like. I prefer something that leans away from magical attacks towards physical attacks myself, but everyone is different. Some people really like magical attacks. Then, you stick with that party for the rest of the game. You temporarily change classes to whatever low-level classes you feel like toying around with, simply to farm skill points. Then you warp back to Alltrades, bounce though the entire job list looking for abilities to spend your points on, and then change back to your real setup.

So I think your question should be, "Ranger class is now available and I think I want one. How should I alter my main party balance (currently Warrior, Thief, Priest, Mage) to best fit one into my group."


eznark said:
I've been playing this on and off since it came out but I tried to pick it up today and could not for the life of me remember what to do next. I just got the ability to change classes (so I killed that boss and went to Celestia). Now what?
Once you get back to the observatory, talk to people then head back down to find the fyggs.


eznark said:
I've been playing this on and off since it came out but I tried to pick it up today and could not for the life of me remember what to do next. I just got the ability to change classes (so I killed that boss and went to Celestia). Now what?

Press "Y." It'll give you a brief description of the current story and probably remind you where to go next.


eznark said:
I've been playing this on and off since it came out but I tried to pick it up today and could not for the life of me remember what to do next. I just got the ability to change classes (so I killed that boss and went to Celestia). Now what?
And it might not always help, but you can press Y at any point to get an idea of where you are in the story.

Man, just saw a youtube vid from that crazy powerful guy (lv 99* gladiator) of him fighting a Platinum King. 240,000 exp! That's insane! Its at the end of this video.

PS I hate Darkonium Slimes.


Currently have 2 characters @ Lv99 and one at 90. Not sure if I wanna revocate yet. Damn, can't stop playing. Uber Falcon Sword is awesome.


Took on my first legacy boss this morning, surprisingly easy. Other than the occasional crit attack for 350, I wasn't ever really in danger of dying. Got his 20% drop on my first try, then fought him at level 1 a few more times before realizing that the super rare drop is the same forever, so I need to start giving him his exp back. But it's such good exp!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Koomaster said:
I also realized I had 99 mini medals sitting around; I uh, hope that it doesn't max out there where any more you collect get sent off to the ether never to be seen again. Should have paid more attention to how many I had; but I collect so many in grottos now that they aren't even that special. I ended up spending most of them buying some orichalcum; although it would be useful if that guy sold some Lucida Shards instead. ¬___¬
The bag caps at 99. If you already have 99 of something stashed there, and use the bag organization option to shift more of that item from character inventories, they'll effectively vanish.


Starting out/Beginner question: should I be conservative in spending points on anything? Level 8 and havent invested any yet, wondering which ones transfer over to other classes and which skills dont and whether the points are gone forever once spent/changed class.


ManeKast said:
Starting out/Beginner question: should I be conservative in spending points on anything? Level 8 and havent invested any yet, wondering which ones transfer over to other classes and which skills dont and whether the points are gone forever once spent/changed class.
Personally I'd start worrying about conserving points when you can change vocations.
ManeKast said:
Starting out/Beginner question: should I be conservative in spending points on anything? Level 8 and havent invested any yet, wondering which ones transfer over to other classes and which skills dont and whether the points are gone forever once spent/changed class.

Anything you learn via skill points transfers(Weapon skills of course require you to equip said weapons). What doesn't transfer over is anything you learn via leveling up(ex. Mage learns X spell at level Y).


ManeKast said:
Starting out/Beginner question: should I be conservative in spending points on anything? Level 8 and havent invested any yet, wondering which ones transfer over to other classes and which skills dont and whether the points are gone forever once spent/changed class.
Don't spread points into all of your available weapons recklessly. You get more bang for your buck by picking one unique weapon for each character, and focusing your points exclusively on that one, because weapon skills and bonuses only have an effect while you have that type of weapon equipped. You can't have two weapons equipped at the same time, so powering up two weapons is a waste. And your powered-up weapon can be equipped with other jobs once you finish investing 100 points in them. Your shield can be equipped at the same time as a weapon, so it's okay to power that one up if you'd like.

Each character can put points into four different weapons/shields (whatever they can normally equip), and the fifth slot is there for job abilities. Job abilities and bonuses are permanent and always carry over. You can throw as many points as you like into your #5 job-specific skill. It's always a good idea.

Points can be earned in any job, and spent in any other job (after you get the option to change jobs). And don't bother tossing your "loose change" points into a skill until you have enough points built up to actually get the next ability, because you might change your mind about where you want to spend them. But if you have the points, there's almost no wrong way to spend them.

For the Minstrel, I put all my points into Swords, but Fans or Whips may have been more interesting. I gave everyone Swords, but that got kind of boring. I initially gave my Priest some points for Wands because I wanted the MP absorption, but several people suggested that Spears are better for a Priest, and I think I would agree.
Man, I'm kind of bummed about the whole canvassing thing. I don't know many people with the game besides my girlfriend who we play co-op all the time but not being able to "canvass" for more maps is a little irritating.

I looked for meetups but both of us are pretty busy. I guess we'll just hope they show up in the DQVC as we're both checking that daily.


I'm starting to get burnt out on the post game again. Took me about 50 grottoes until I saw my first grotto exclusive regular enemy (not including the MKS map). It's also starting to get real frustrating when I complete a level 45 map and get rewarded with a level 31 map. Then I beat the level 31 map and I get a level 19 map. Fuck that. And in 50+ grottoes, a 10% fire claw drop from a Nemean I beat is the only rare drop I've ever scored.

I might try to do some more quests, but it seems like pretty much every quest I haven't done yet involves getting some rare item that involves tedious grinding and little exp reward, which I have no interest in.

It's also still really annoying that no matter what I do I can't connect on Wi-Fi with my DS anymore.


Raw64life said:
I'm starting to get burnt out on the post game again. Took me about 50 grottoes until I saw my first grotto exclusive regular enemy (not including the MKS map). It's also starting to get real frustrating when I complete a level 45 map and get rewarded with a level 31 map. Then I beat the level 31 map and I get a level 19 map. Fuck that. And in 50+ grottoes, a 10% fire claw drop from a Nemean I beat is the only rare drop I've ever scored.

I might try to do some more quests, but it seems like pretty much every quest I haven't done yet involves getting some rare item that involves tedious grinding and little exp reward, which I have no interest in.

It's also still really annoying that no matter what I do I can't connect on Wi-Fi with my DS anymore.

I can relate to a degree. I'm still playing though, and I'm actually really enjoying the quests now, for the most part. It just feels like my progress is so slow, since I work full-time and can only play for a couple of hours each night.

Here's one tip you might consider: If you have a thief in your party, their coup de grace is guaranteed loot after the battle ends, which just nabbed me a fire claw from Nemean a little while ago. I got really lucky on Equinox (didn't have a thief at that time though) and got his 10% and his 2% at the same time, but I think during that play session I had a red slime on the loading screen. I don't know if that method gives you a chance of getting the 2% drop, or just the 10%, but I'm thinking it could be either.

Have you tried any of the legacy maps though? I just fought
for the first time tonight.

I can't seem to get my DS online either.


Johnas said:
Have you tried any of the legacy maps though? I just fought
for the first time tonight.
Started farming him this morning - got up to level 5, with two of his first drop already. Aiming to get him up to level 9 or whatever it is for the next drop to start.


botticus said:
Started farming him this morning - got up to level 5, with two of his first drop already. Aiming to get him up to level 9 or whatever it is for the next drop to start.

Do you happen to know if it's possible to half-inch the 2% drop off a grotto boss?

Yeah, I went to him fairly unprepared just to see what it would be like, and got slaughtered. I was really happy to see those lines he used lifted straight from DQIII.


Johnas said:
Do you happen to know if it's possible to half-inch the 2% drop off a grotto boss?

Yeah, I went to him fairly unprepared just to see what it would be like, and got slaughtered. I was really happy to see those lines he used lifted straight from DQIII.
I don't believe it's possible to get the 2% drop by theft - just the common drop and a mini-medal.


Johnas said:
I had a feeling that was the case.
Haha, speaking of, I just got an orb as a drop and a post-battle steal at level 7. Here I figured I'd need to get him to level 99 for a chance at those.

But now he knows Disruptive Wave. :/


botticus said:
Haha, speaking of, I just got an orb as a drop and a post-battle steal at level 7. Here I figured I'd need to get him to level 99 for a chance at those.

But now he knows Disruptive Wave. :/


Oh, he gains abilities etc. as you level him up? That makes sense, I just wasn't aware of it.


Johnas said:

Oh, he gains abilities etc. as you level him up? That makes sense, I just wasn't aware of it.
Yeah, not sure how far it goes though, since that was the first it said he learned. Otherwise it was just attack/defense increases.


Johnas said:
Here's one tip you might consider: If you have a thief in your party, their coup de grace is guaranteed loot after the battle ends, which just nabbed me a fire claw from Nemean a little while ago.
I tried that on Equniox a few days ago and the Coup de Grace failed (which I didn't think was possible). I assumed they tried to make it impossible to force a grotto drop, which would suck since they say it's guaranteed.


I did three grotto's and the boss was always the same (

What the hell? :'(

Also, I killed
King Godwyn
with lvl around 33-35 and it was fucking easy. I just kept casting Forebearance with my buffed/insulated pally and he didn't do any damage.


ElFly said:
Jesus, Purrvis just kicked my ass througly. I didn't expect my characters to be OHKO by a boss this early.

Only story boss that killed my party, mainly because he cheats. :D

The key to beating him is understanding that if he can't crit you he can't do real damage.
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