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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


Shoogoo said:
I did three grotto's and the boss was always the same (

What the hell? :'(
There are only a dozen bosses (or so) for an near-infinite number of grottoes, so be prepared to fight them many times. As you get to higher level grottoes the field of possible bosses expands and changes.

Man, first I need to find a silver grotto (when out of 50 in my list I have zero) and now a water grotto... which I think I maybe have one of, but would have to dive into practically every grotto on my list to rediscover. I suppose I'm better off taking a few weeks to find a high-level water grotto (maybe named Silver!) for the normal quest as well.


I have 3 level 44s (Priest, Mage, Thief/Rogue) and a 36 Gladiator/33 Paladin. I'd like to get my Gladiator to 100 sword skill so I can use either the Miracle or Falcon Sword with him as a Paladin, but I still am 30 points off.. which will take a good while to get to I imagine.

Should I just try and beat the game with the Paladin using a Spear still? My rogue uses claws since he was initially a Martial Artist so his sword skill is not high enough to make it worthwhile I'm afraid. Am I too low level to even succeed?


Johnas said:
Do you happen to know if it's possible to half-inch the 2% drop off a grotto boss?

Yeah, I went to him fairly unprepared just to see what it would be like, and got slaughtered. I was really happy to see those lines he used lifted straight from DQIII.
I have heard it is possible from someone who has done a lot of grotto bosses.


Melhisedek said:
What level should I be for the first grotto boss? (the one given to me by sick Zere Rock guy)
I'd say about level 20-25; I think I attempted it at about level 15 first time, and died. 25 is definitely high enough; 20 might be a bit too low.
Wichu said:
I'd say about level 20-25; I think I attempted it at about level 15 first time, and died. 25 is definitely high enough; 20 might be a bit too low.

Good to know. Things were going good, kicking monster butt. Hit the boss and yeah, stupid AoE attack decimates my ranks.
Started playing today and I'm complete beginner, just going around doing main quest and sidequests if I'm close. Just beat white knight and went to zere. Many things are confusing to me and I don't really know what to do, any tips?
Party with me, thief, priest and mage. Should I spend all my money on buying gear, gear party, etc etc lost :p


Nolimit_SS said:
Started playing today and I'm complete beginner, just going around doing main quest and sidequests if I'm close. Just beat white knight and went to zere. Many things are confusing to me and I don't really know what to do, any tips?
Party with me, thief, priest and mage. Should I spend all my money on buying gear, gear party, etc etc lost :p
Welcome to the game! That was my exact party, if you get lost, press Y and it'll bring up a summary of what just happened and sometimes give you an idea of what to do next. Its really up to you to decide what you want to buy. You will end up getting some gear in dungeons, so its not always important to buy everything at a store. If you start having trouble with an area's monsters, its a good sign that you should upgrade.


Johnas said:
I can relate to a degree. I'm still playing though, and I'm actually really enjoying the quests now, for the most part. It just feels like my progress is so slow, since I work full-time and can only play for a couple of hours each night.

Here's one tip you might consider: If you have a thief in your party, their coup de grace is guaranteed loot after the battle ends, which just nabbed me a fire claw from Nemean a little while ago. I got really lucky on Equinox (didn't have a thief at that time though) and got his 10% and his 2% at the same time, but I think during that play session I had a red slime on the loading screen. I don't know if that method gives you a chance of getting the 2% drop, or just the 10%, but I'm thinking it could be either.

Have you tried any of the legacy maps though? I just fought
for the first time tonight.

I can't seem to get my DS online either.

No thieves other than
, who would never survive against the bosses I'm currently fighting. Just the thought of taking the time to build up a good one makes me want to give the game up.

I beat Baramos once and got nothing. I didn't give him the experience because I didn't know what it did at the time. But given the fact that I got one rare drop in over 50 grotto bosses means I'll probably have to beat Baramos about 50 times before he drops anything.
For you guys with 40 or 50 maps and such, did you get them canvassing or just post-game rewards? I'm 50 hours in, 5 Fyggs, and only have 2 maps (3 including the ones I'll get from gf who also has a DS and playing it).

I'm just wondering if I shouldn't expect many maps to drop until post game or are they rewards and drops from story-line quests and bosses mostly.

Thanks for any input. Still kind of lost and I'm 50+ hours in :lol


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So I'm playing in the end game. Me and a friend are doing the grottoes right now together. I was surprised that we finished a lvl 78 Grotto with just our lvl 50 guys. It was adventure to say the least. We were doing a lvl 58 grotto when my DSi XL suddenly went red. I didn't have a charger and we were in a race against time to get through the grotto. We got to the boss
Owl Guy
and kicked his ass. As I was clicking fast through after battle spoils the Power Light started flickering on and off. I didn't evac and just tried to quick save which you can't do in Multiplayer :( I then tried to evac and then Zoom. You don't realize how far away the church is in Stornway until you have to make a mad dash there. I got to the priest and it started saving which seemed like it took forever. If the DSi XL turns off right now I could have lost my whole game to a corrupted file. It finished right as the DSi XL turned off :D

I was surprised that you can get
Patty in your party. I see that you can also get Erinn and Aquila in your party later through DLC quests
I kind of wanted to use a cheat code to just get all of the DLC now but I think that would detract from my enjoyment of the game in the long run. I found out about the Hoimi calculator which I think is fine to use but I'm not sure I want to use the timer method to specifically get an item, it might take away some of the fun.

I picked up a Metal Slime Sword. Is it any good? How much more damage does it do to metal slimes?


Finally took the time today to go visit a local wifi spot to connect to the DQVC. Was getting a little jealous hearing you guys talk about the sunglasses and special costumes and other stuff you're getting. So I download the update and what do I find - they are running an alchemic special week; it's all a bunch of alchemy items I could already find in my game. ;____;

Even worse, no brighten rocks, which may have been useful.

At least I got a few famous visitors in the end and downloaded new quests to do. ~____~;


Raw64life said:
Every time you beat a grotto boss, you get another treasure map.

Ha - I'd presumed it was just one per grotto!

Will have to go back and party again to get more then - thanks!

Just near what must be the end of the game now as people keep talking about a big evil and I'm deep underground...


Post-game comments (I'll just spoiler them all for safety's sake):
I quit. I beat the game and was so psyched to do the grottoes but after I beat Corvus I just lost the drive. Plus, I don't know what I need to do in order to fly. I thought you could fly, where do I get that??

Also, what did Stella say before she left on the Starlight Express? It was like "I want to be... an... arr!"?


Stencil said:
Post-game comments (I'll just spoiler them all for safety's sake):
I quit. I beat the game and was so psyched to do the grottoes but after I beat Corvus I just lost the drive. Plus, I don't know what I need to do in order to fly. I thought you could fly, where do I get that??

Also, what did Stella say before she left on the Starlight Express? It was like "I want to be... an... arr!"?
In the ending cutscene you see another Fygg fall to earth over Port Laffan; go there and you should find a new quest waiting for you. When you finish that quest you'll get the ability to fly.
Stencil said:
Post-game comments (I'll just spoiler them all for safety's sake):
I quit. I beat the game and was so psyched to do the grottoes but after I beat Corvus I just lost the drive. Plus, I don't know what I need to do in order to fly. I thought you could fly, where do I get that??

Also, what did Stella say before she left on the Starlight Express? It was like "I want to be... an... arr!"?
It takes about 10 minutes to get the
Starflight Express back, Go to Porth Llaffan and talk to Jona to start a new quest. Finish it and you'll get the your final transportation vehicle.

As for Stella's secret, you'll find that out if you keep playing.

There is so much stuff to do in the post game, it's ridiculous. And with a new shop every day, a new quest added every week, cameo characters, a new class, new monsters and bosses, tons of grottos & extra areas to explore and
four secret characters to unlock
there should be lots to keep you engaged. Just finish quest #039 and the whole world of DQIX will open up to you.


Dot Hacked
Upon reaching Level 50 I decided to give the liquid metal slimes a break and move on. The Bowhole boss didn't stand a chance and after around and up a volcano nor did the next cranky boss! Some gits gave me a little scare from their critical hits but they went down before long. Sadly my ds battery was also down in the red so that was that for today!

Due to being thrifty I have about 90,000g saved up and was wondering if I should upgrade to Upover equipment or keep chugging along? I recognized some of the gear there as being end-gamish stuff from previous quests so that got me wondering if I oughta blow my load or not.

How come my characters are back to gaining 2-3 skill points? Prior to level 40-some they were getting up to 6-7 per gain. Will it go back up again? Now I'm doubting the possibility of getting every skill related accolade with the hero.
Lindsay said:
How come my characters are back to gaining 2-3 skill points? Prior to level 40-some they were getting up to 6-7 per gain. Will it go back up again? Now I'm doubting the possibility of getting every skill related accolade with the hero.
No, you'll be getting only 2 skill points per applicable level from now on until you max on the class at level 99.


Dot Hacked
Gunloc said:
No, you'll be getting only 2 skill points per applicable level from now on until you max on the class at level 99.

That succcccckks! Guess its a good thing I'm picky and use them sparingly ~_~ And it means it isn't possible to get every accolade in the game huh? Lame!
Lindsay said:
That succcccckks! Guess its a good thing I'm picky and use them sparingly ~_~ And it means it isn't possible to get every accolade in the game huh? Lame!
It isn't possible to get every accolade, but it is possible to get every skill through revocation.


Beat the game tonight and got the Starflight Express. What should be my order of priority from here on out?

Should I start tackling these 'extra' quests that seem to be accumulating from DQVC connections? The ones with a story icon are guaranteed cutscenes, right? Sucks that people without wifi will never see these, which seems dumb because I'm sure the data is already on the cart, just waiting for an unlock.

I'm sick of using crappy/midrange gear, and want to start sinking my teeth into at least somewhat cool stuff. I have over 60 hrs logged, still waiting to not feel like I suck. 1 percent alchemy touched, heh.
Docpan said:
Beat the game tonight and got the Starflight Express. What should be my order of priority from here on out?

Should I start tackling these 'extra' quests that seem to be accumulating from DQVC connections? The ones with a story icon are guaranteed cutscenes, right? Sucks that people without wifi will never see these, which seems dumb because I'm sure the data is already on the cart, just waiting for an unlock.

I'm sick of using crappy/midrange gear, and want to start sinking my teeth into at least somewhat cool stuff. I have over 60 hrs logged, still waiting to not feel like I suck. 1 percent alchemy touched, heh.

Only 60 hours? Most of the Extra Quests available now won't net you anything great, but some of them might be worth activating -- like Number 131, which will give you a completion upon clearing a certain type of grotto. If you want to proceed the story, then do the story ones in the extra section. Other than that, you can unlock the last class, or start gaining more ability points too -- cause you'll need it.


If your having problems connecting have you tried manually setting the internet up and have the IP address up 10 more than your computer's? The Nintendo website recommends that and after I set my DSi up like they recommend I haven't had anymore problems.


I'm liking the post-game DLC story quests so far. It's almost like a weekly tv show, can't wait to find out what's in the next episode. Just did the two related to Stornway
kinda interested to find out more about this mysterious book and how the princess relates to it. Plus that underground tomb and coffin has got to lead to something, maybe another boss fight? Once we got down there, I actually left once I saw the coffin so I could go and heal up thinking there was going to be a boss fight right there. Waiting is so hard; wanna pop that coffin lid!


Koomaster said:
I'm liking the post-game DLC story quests so far. It's almost like a weekly tv show, can't wait to find out what's in the next episode. Just did the two related to Stornway
kinda interested to find out more about this mysterious book and how the princess relates to it. Plus that underground tomb and coffin has got to lead to something, maybe another boss fight? Once we got down there, I actually left once I saw the coffin so I could go and heal up thinking there was going to be a boss fight right there. Waiting is so hard; wanna pop that coffin lid!
But this stuff isn't going to be ongoing for that long though, right? I mean, the Brady games guide seems to cover every dlc quest there is, meaning they aren't TRULY adding new content, only unlocking it, right?
ruby_onix said:
New special guest at the Inn. Mage class. She doesn't have pants.

Funny thing about what you said: She gave me her pants. As I guy, I'm ashamed to tell you that I didn't remember if she was wearing them before she gave them to me.
Alchemy has been kind of a point of frustration for me in IX. It's in a central location, rather than traveling with your party, and alchemy ingredients are so damned difficult to acquire. In VIII my alchemy pot was constantly on the go, it was my primary source for acquiring equipment. In IX it seems like I always farm enough gold to buy everything I need in the quest to acquire alchemy ingredients, be it farming spawn points or specific monsters for drops.


Docpan said:
But this stuff isn't going to be ongoing for that long though, right? I mean, the Brady games guide seems to cover every dlc quest there is, meaning they aren't TRULY adding new content, only unlocking it, right?
I guess it would only last a few months as there are 60 of the extra quests and we've already gotten 11 of them. And yeah, it is unlocking them.
Excellent game!

Finished the main quest in 58 hours, and been playing 30h+ after that! Unlocked all the vocations, grinded like crazy and discovered my firsts really nice grottoes ( level 82 with some MKS's in the 13+ floors )...

Still playing with warrior/thief/priest/mage, no real trouble till now... but those new monster tiers containing MKS's are stronger that's for sure.

I remember when I got my arse kicked by Nemean or whatever in a lv 4 grotto and then coming back post game wondering if it really was the same boss because he was hitting me for like 10 hp :lol

I believe I'll get a rare map in september as nintendo france is participating a fan-organised dq9 event. We've been told they would give everyone that map, plus a map containing Malroth ( from dragon quest 2 ).

Also, a friend is getting the game so we'll have some multiplayer!

And flap those fetching quests! We need an online shop with people selling me their flapping brighten rocks and evenclothes


I haven't really had the stomach for further adventure since I ran into three of those big pink gem slime things deep into a 40-something grotto. Only the third time I've been wiped out.


What do you guys have to say about comments that the battle system is simplistic and repetitive? True? Exaggerated? Other areas make up for it? Obviously you're all fans (otherwise you wouldn't be in here) of the game so you're going to give a positive response, but I'm curious as to why you still enjoy the game so much. I'm looking to pick it up, possibly today.

[edit] Also, you go around the overworld with a boat, right? Is there a good sense of exploration in that you may find secret islands if you look hard enough or is everything pretty direct?


Yeah, regular battles aren't particularly inspiring. They're probably about as strategic as you make them, though. If you spend enough time grinding you can get through the battles by just doing nothing but attacking, but there's certainly scope for mixing up a huge variety of skills, spells and techniques if you choose to.

I'll admit to being in the 'grinding' camp, but after 3000+ battles I can't say that the relative simplicity and repetition has really bothered me.


This is for those of us who can't get an all MKS map and/or don't want to play the grotto lotto indefinitely trying to get one.

If you're familiar with farming Liquid Metal Slimes in Bowhole B3, this works pretty much exactly the same way.

You'll need a ruins grotto with a north/south hallway that is at least 3 units long and deadends to the north. This isn't a rare formation so it shouldn't be too hard to find a ruins map that has it and PKJ once you're high enough level to get PKJ grottoes.


Your party waits at A, with vanish activated. You can run in place in this corner to recharge MP/HP if you're wearing gear that provides either of those features(goddess rings, happy hats, victorious armor, etc.)

Mobs drop in at position 1, 4-5 seconds later it will move to 2, etc. Since the mobs can only move south they always move south, which means you'll get a new spawn at position 1 every 5 seconds or so.

Just wait at A until a PKJ spawns, then follow the attack route to attack it from behind (better chance for initiative).

This sort of spot is even easier than bowhole because PKJs do not move on their own. If you look away from the DS for one reason or another and a PKJ spawns it will still be there when you come back.

You only need vanish if you want to run in place to recharge mp/hp and to make sure the PKJ doesn't see you coming and run away.

I equip all 4 party members with spears and their best agility gear and use thunder thrust to kill the PKJs. Sometimes the PKJ will spawn with AU-1000s or Void Droids. If you have low level characters in your party they will have a hard time hitting/doing damage to either of those. You can keep using thunder thrust to kill them or switch to stuff like Wolf Whistle, Solar Flair, Disco Stew, etc., which still do ok damage even on lower level characters.

This probably works in other types of grottoes for other types of mobs. The only thing that breaks it for sure is a mob type that doesn't move at all, except in this case where it is the mob you want in the first place. An example would be farming MKS in a water grotto or MKS in a fire grotto. In water a minstrel maoi will spawn and not move, breaking the sequence, in fire it would be a barrierearthenthingamabob, name of which I can't quite recall.
Koomaster said:
I guess it would only last a few months as there are 60 of the extra quests and we've already gotten 11 of them. And yeah, it is unlocking them.
Is the DLC release schedule for the US version the same as for the Japanese release?


Oxx said:
Yeah, regular battles aren't particularly inspiring. They're probably about as strategic as you make them, though. If you spend enough time grinding you can get through the battles by just doing nothing but attacking, but there's certainly scope for mixing up a huge variety of skills, spells and techniques if you choose to.
That said, the frequency with which stat buffs and debuffs fail, especially early in the game, make using them much less attractive. When Sap/Kasap only hit 25% of the time (it seems), why bother? When Sleep and Poison and whatever other effect spells hardly ever hit, why bother? All you need for the hardest main-game bosses is good equipment, Multiheal or Caduceus + healing equipment, and Oomph.

The difficulty spike with the panther dude was uncalled for. Maybe I was just fighting him wrong, but it's one of the most plain irritating boss fights I remember.

It also infuriates me that you can still skip skill points leveling up after level 40. 32K+ XP to level up and no skill points? Come on.


Dot Hacked
The main quest has been transgressed!

Time spent playing: 43:41
Time spent in multi-player: 00:00
Battle Victories: 1001
Times Alchemy Performed: 10
Accolades Earnt: 22
Quests Completed: 22
Grottoes Completed: 1
Guests Canvased: 0
Defeated Monster List Completion: 66%
Wardrobe Completion: 15%
Item List Completion: 40%
Alchenomicon Completion: 1%

Minstrel / Mage / Priest / Warrior

The last boss was my 1001st victory? Thats kinda cool! Being L50 was certainly enough since it only once brought me close to the brink of failure. Another cool thing was that the second to last boss got enraged at my warrior as it was nearing death any my hero falcon blade critical hitted it to death thus completing that ever so random Critical Appraisal quest for me ^.^

I was alil hard on & cautious about DQIX early on but despite many obvious flaws its still fun and gave better stories then expected. This games story was pretty depressing. There were some good endings for people here an there but mostly sadness and despair especially for my/the hero >.< Possibly even sadder then DQV!

I never put much time in post-game DQs and though this one is brimming with stuff to do its gonna be hard with PS:p2 on the way plus two other rpgs waiting ta be played in the meantime. An frankly I dunno if I even should put time into it cause with only 1 save slot if I ever wanna experience the story again I gotta delete my game, buy another copy, or wait many years for an eventual remake... -_-


jgkspsx said:
It also infuriates me that you can still skip skill points leveling up after level 40. 32K+ XP to level up and no skill points? Come on.

just change the class for each of your characters to something random and start back at lvl 1...

right now - ALL of my classes for ALL of my characters are at least at level 30 - but i have 6-7 skill trees maxed out for each of my characters

I have skill points in excess now that I dont know what to spend on now..

if you want to know how to level ...
bowhole + random liquid metal slime + thunderthrust + happy hat + goddess ring = fast leveling to 32 - then stop and repeat process with another class. good times


Gin said:
just change the class for each of your characters to something random and start back at lvl 1...

right now - ALL of my classes for ALL of my characters are at least at level 30 - but i have 6-7 skill trees maxed out for each of my characters

I have skill points in excess now that I dont know what to spend on now..

if you want to know how to level ...
bowhole + random liquid metal slime + thunderthrust + happy hat + goddess ring = fast leveling to 32 - then stop and repeat process with another class. good times
Yeah, I've done that (but I don't have thunderthrust or hatchetman). It still takes hours. What is your current playtime?

I long for a world where I can get through any main quest in 30 hours.


Okay, so I mistakenly hit "confirm" w/out spending any skill points after a level up, and now they're gone? I thought they'd just go to the 'unspent' category? WTH gives?


MrPliskin said:
Okay, so I mistakenly hit "confirm" w/out spending any skill points after a level up, and now they're gone? I thought they'd just go to the 'unspent' category? WTH gives?
They should be still there then.
You can spend them whenever you want, using a voice in a sub-menu ( not sure how is called in english ).


Celine said:
They should be still there then.
You can spend them whenever you want, using a voice in a sub-menu ( not sure how is called in english ).

It's under the Misc. menu as Allocate Skill Points.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Massive progress over the weekend. Found Fyggs 5-7 and even managed to wrap up some older quests that I had forgotten about. Quests 1-32 are now done, as well as many quests further down the list. However, now I've opened up a ton of new quests at the academy, and will likely be at least a few days this week at it.

On that note, does anyone know specifically where on the ocean the stenchurion is supposed to spawn? Like, what other enemies spawn in the stenchurion's zone?
Mejilan said:
On that note, does anyone know specifically where on the ocean the stenchurion is supposed to spawn? Like, what other enemies spawn in the stenchurion's zone?
According to the guide, the ocean is divided into 4 zones for enemy encounters, Stenchurions appear in "Ocean 2".

Ocean 2 is kind of in random spots, but one of them is the waters between the Djust Desert and the Urdus Marshland.

Edit: Another Ocean 2 location is right alongside the Lonely Coast (I just ran into one there), but I don't recall running into Stenchurions that often while sailing.

But they appear later on in the game in some required dungeons and you have to fight some as part of a story event battle so you can't miss them if your just looking to fill your monster book.


Huh, looks like NOE have another DQIX survey for me.

I don't even mind if it's the same as the last one they sent me, gotta get those 50 free stars!
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