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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine

added_time said:
Thanks for the tips guys. I came off sounding angrier about the grottos than I actually am. I'm not going to try to fill out the items and clothes or bestiary 100% or anything.
My goal with this game is just to do all the after the ending stuff and also beat all the side missions. Everything was going fine until they gave me side missions that you need to go into grottos for.
I'll just play it cool though and think of it differently from now on. I'll just beat any mission that doesn't need a grotto first. When that is done, I can just explore grottos for fun and just wait until I come across something I need for one of the remaining missions.
This is what killed me. I am just no good at Grottos. If the quest system didn't dead end me into these stupid grottos then I'd be playing this game regularly.


Oxx said:
Anything worthwhile in today's update?

I ignored last week's DQVC completely.
More legacy hero equipment. Nothing I don't already have.

The item from the quest has me up to 97% item completion, though!


botticus said:
More legacy hero equipment. Nothing I don't already have.

The item from the quest has me up to 97% item completion, though!
Interesting. I might give it a look.


At least I have had one item in this week's DQVC I didn't already own. That almost makes up for having to load it up every day.


Huh, am I missing something? Which vocation do I need to be when I talk to the latest guest (
) to get an item?

Also, the DQ9 font looks really bizarre after playing a lot of DQ6.


Oxx said:
Huh, am I missing something? Which vocation do I need to be when I talk to the latest guest (
) to get an item?

Also, the DQ9 font looks really bizarre after playing a lot of DQ6.
No class item this week.

But two new equipment pieces in DQVC for me, woo.


Yeah, three fresh items on DQVC today. Which did force me to go gem slime hunting for the first time in a while.


Oh I'm über annoyed, I hope GAF has a fix for me. My DQ9 is a legit US game, and I apparently canvassed a Japanese person whom I'm guessing hacked their save file to create a level 100 Zoma map. Whenever I select this map, my game freezes on the spot. I don't know how to delete it if I can't select it without the game locking up - of course I saved after talking to everyone so I can't just reset and lose the maps I acquired. Any suggestions from someone would be VERY much appreciated, thanks, and ugh.
NEO0MJ said:
Ok, so I never played a DQ game before, and was wondering which of the DS games is best start with.

I started with IV as my very first dragon quest game and got me hooked. Then I played V and then IX. I love them all! I can't wait to start VI next.

I actually liked V and IX better than IV in the end but I'm still glad I started with that one first.


added_time said:
I started with IV as my very first dragon quest game and got me hooked. Then I played V and then IX. I love them all! I can't wait to start VI next.

I actually liked V and IX better than IV in the end but I'm still glad I started with that one first.

Considering I only have time for one game and want a focus on the single player, I think I'll go with V. Thanks.


You can't really go wrong, but if you could see yourself playing multiple games in the series you might want to start with IV or IX.

IX gives you the most bang for your buck and a lot of the traditional RPG elements have been streamlined (visible enemies etc). V probably bests it in terms of story and characters, but I would argue that playing IV and IX before V might prevent the disappointment that the lack of party chat might provoke.


SS4Rob said:
Oh I'm über annoyed, I hope GAF has a fix for me. My DQ9 is a legit US game, and I apparently canvassed a Japanese person whom I'm guessing hacked their save file to create a level 100 Zoma map. Whenever I select this map, my game freezes on the spot. I don't know how to delete it if I can't select it without the game locking up - of course I saved after talking to everyone so I can't just reset and lose the maps I acquired. Any suggestions from someone would be VERY much appreciated, thanks, and ugh.
Damn, that bites... so just highlighting the map from the list crashes your game? Have you tried highlighting the map both with and without another map open? That would suck if maps could be hacked to crash other people's games, although that wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility.


I'm getting closer to wardrobe completion one DQVC item at a time!

Unfortunately checking the store every day has adversely affected my DQ6 play-through, so I'm hoping for a duff theme for next week.


There are so many Special Guests in the inn now. I can't tell which one is new.

I'm guessing it's Carver. It doesn't help that a lot of the names listed seem familiar because of playing DQIV, DQV and VI.


Oxx said:
There are so many Special Guests in the inn now. I can't tell which one is new.

I'm guessing it's Carver. It doesn't help that a lot of the names listed seem familiar because of playing DQIV, DQV and VI.
Yeah, I lost track a long time ago... I just avoid it for months and then I'll go back and visit every guest one at a time. If only that stupid elevator sequence could be skipped. :p
Picked this up from Best Buy's sale on Easter. Three hours in, and I'm enjoying it a lot. What I'm wondering though is how extensive the multiplayer is in the game. Is it essential to play with others to reach completion, or can I still be forever alone and have an equal amount of fulfillment?


ConradCervantes said:
Picked this up from Best Buy's sale on Easter. Three hours in, and I'm enjoying it a lot. What I'm wondering though is how extensive the multiplayer is in the game. Is it essential to play with others to reach completion, or can I still be forever alone and have an equal amount of fulfillment?

100% completion is a mammoth undertaking and I imagine that tagging friends and raiding their online shops would only make the process slightly easier.

I've never encountered anybody with the game and it's fair to say that I have had my money's worth out of the game.


ghibli99 said:
If only that stupid elevator sequence could be skipped. :p

There is no elevator. The camera moves up or down to simulate the "elevator" moving, but the room you're in doesn't actually move.
Still wish it could be skipped, though. :lol


SS4Rob said:
Oh I'm über annoyed, I hope GAF has a fix for me. My DQ9 is a legit US game, and I apparently canvassed a Japanese person whom I'm guessing hacked their save file to create a level 100 Zoma map. Whenever I select this map, my game freezes on the spot. I don't know how to delete it if I can't select it without the game locking up - of course I saved after talking to everyone so I can't just reset and lose the maps I acquired. Any suggestions from someone would be VERY much appreciated, thanks, and ugh.
The only thing I can think to do is just keep collecting maps. The max you can have is 108 iirc. Once you reach the max and Earn another map it asks if you want to keep it by deleting another from your collection. Though you would have to select the glitched map. Hopefully that will work.
ConradCervantes said:
Is it essential to play with others to reach completion, or can I still be forever alone and have an equal amount of fulfillment?
You should be able to have fun with single player only unless you're really, really OCD about completing everything. There are a few accolades that are tied into multiplayer but there's so many things to do that I doubt it'd bother you too much for the first 300+ hours of gameplay lol.


donny2112 said:
There is no elevator. The camera moves up or down to simulate the "elevator" moving, but the room you're in doesn't actually move.
Still wish it could be skipped, though. :lol
LOL... yeah, that always bugged me! I'm like, wow, they couldn't animate that? :D
Little Green Yoda said:
You should be able to have fun with single player only unless you're really, really OCD about completing everything. There are a few accolades that are tied into multiplayer but there's so many things to do that I doubt it'd bother you too much for the first 300+ hours of gameplay lol.
Cool, thanks. I'm not really the OCD type, I'm looking forward to the main quest and some side stuff. The Wiki entry claimed this game was the first in the series intended for co-op, so I wasn't sure how to interpret that. I'm pretty sure I won't be playing it for 300 hours though, hehe.


ConradCervantes said:
Cool, thanks. I'm not really the OCD type, I'm looking forward to the main quest and some side stuff. The Wiki entry claimed this game was the first in the series intended for co-op, so I wasn't sure how to interpret that. I'm pretty sure I won't be playing it for 300 hours though, hehe.
Haha... yes, you say that now. ;)

The co-op is fun, and beating bosses this way can be thrilling early on. It's great helping out lower-level players as well. Seeing their faces as they blast up levels w/ relative ease is really cool. It does mimic a lot of the hooks and addictions of your typical MMOs, so in that sense, completing quests and collecting gear can become a bit of an obsession. There are some really neat things you can exploit w/ the game's random number generator later as well.

If you're in it for the main storyline, you're looking at 30-40 hours. You may find yourself killing time hunting metal slimes and such, which eats up a lot of time as well.

So much of the game's content comes after you beat it, though. It's one of those criticisms that I agree with: I do wish they would have balanced those aspects out a bit better, since I'm sure there are many players who stop after the credits roll and miss out on the majority of the good stuff.

Anyway, whether you decide to do that or not depends on how much you enjoyed the main quest. After I was done, I was definitely thirsty for more, so the rest, as they say, is history. :)


I really should stop collecting all the ingredients for Agates of Evolution if I'm not going to bother to sit down and collect the money for Chronocrystals or collect the required orbs or work out which armour pieces I need to get.
I made the decision yesterday to finally walk away from DQ9. I had a great time and spent 200+ hours on it but I've beaten everything that I consider fun.
The only things left are missions that require grotto hunting which doesn't appeal to me because I don't like the randomization of it.
There is no point to play parts of the game that I find to be a chore because it will lead me to remember the game in a bad way.
This way I walk away happy because I only did fun stuff.

*me salutes DQ9*

...now on to VI!
You can only carry up 99 of any particular item in your bag, right? I've been grinding a lot of legacy bosses lately (mostly to get maps of other legacy bosses so I can fill out more of my bestiary) and my mini medal count has been going up rapidly. What's the best thing(s) to get for them?

I already have a Pixie/Tricksie Boot for each character but I haven't tried the Alchemiracles stuff yet so I don't know how many Reset stones I should be hoarding. I think I have enough Orichalchum (got all but one of the Metal King gear) and Saint's ashes.


Little Green Yoda said:
my mini medal count has been going up rapidly. What's the best thing(s) to get for them?

I usually just get Elfin Elixirs, but if you need Alchemy ingredients, too, go for those.

As for the grotto grinding, use Vanish if you don't want to actually fight your way to the bottom and just want to see what's there. It would also help to write down what bosses you found at the bottom of the grottos, so that you don't search a lot to find a particular boss. Finally, it really pays to understand how the game determines that you get higher level grottos. It takes a ton of the guesswork out of trying to get higher grottos.


The main "extra" thing that you wouldn't normally think about is having your hero be level 99 in a job that you're not going to revocate. That adds 99 points to your totalling effort, which is a real boon to your grotto results. If you're looking for a particular type of enemy, I'd suggest the website below.



Since quitting DQ9, I've been finishing and enjoying other games at an unbelievable pace. LOL Crazy to think back on all the time I put into this one. My wife's a patient person, but even this game was pushing her to the breaking point with how I was *always* playing it. To its credit, it's the only game in recent memory that has been this addictive.


Put 68+ hours into this game, been playing it as my primary game after work and chores for over two months and still haven't finished the main storyline. Getting similar complaints from the wife :).


I was on the fence, but finally picked up the game. Will start playing this after Pokemon White, which I just bought too.

Still not terribly excited, if only because all the main characters are silent, with no development at all, which hurts the story I imagine. After DQV's strong tale this is one thing that disappointed me about DQIX.


heringer said:
Still not terribly excited, if only because all the main characters are silent, with no development at all, which hurts the story I imagine. After DQV's strong tale this is one thing that disappointed me about DQIX.
It's been a long time since I played the DQ9 quest, but they do tie back a lot of story stuff into your main. The rest of your party is a different story, and yes, compared to DQ5, it's not even close. Content, though, can keep you going for years.


It's a shame that they go to the effort of modelling all these classic DQ characters for Inn guests and give you such a lousy camera angle with which to view them.


DQ6 is being annoying, so I'm back to 9 for a bit.

I have quite a few quests saved-up, and this week's DQVC might be worthwhile. It might be some of the same stuff that is dropped by the legacy bosses, but at this point I'd go for 10000 Gold instead of grinding a boss 20 times.


I might not get to DQIX again until after July, which is fine, since all the DLC will be out by then. :)

Kind of wish it was the game that never quit giving, though. Still hope DQX involves the rebuilt
100 years down the road or something. DQX info finally out by the time DQIX "ends"? Maybe a U.S. version of the DQ Collection in Japan with DQI-III only for the NES by then?


I'm playing it, but I'm not sure if my heart's in it anymore. There's just too much of a time investment required.

I did have fun dressing my party as DQ6 characters, though.


Oxx said:
I did have fun dressing my party as DQ6 characters, though.


It's not too much of a time investment, since for grottos, I still have my notes from before as to who is where and the enemies, too. Saddened by lack of story quests lately, though. :(


No vocation-specific item from this week's guest?

I don't even have a clue who she is. New name for an old character?

Next week is the penultimate Legacy Boss map. Inching closer to 100%

Dark Oni

i just started playing it and it's a good game but the text is horrible @_@ i wonder who came up with this nintendo era text


Dark Oni said:
i just started playing it and it's a good game but the text is horrible @_@ i wonder who came up with this nintendo era text

It's a bit of a shock to the system after playing a load of DQ6.

The text and menus just look so bizarre. And they're sloooowwwww too.


Oxx said:
No vocation-specific item from this week's guest?

I don't even have a clue who she is. New name for an old character?

Next week is the penultimate Legacy Boss map. Inching closer to 100%
It's the Princess of Moonbrooke. She didn't have a name, so they gave her a silly one. And yeah, not all guests have a vocation-specific item.

Sucks that my birthday was 3 weeks ago, I'll be waiting until 2012 to get my gift from the last 2 characters. No, I'm not going to fake it.


Oh. In the Japanese game, they called her Prin, so that makes sense. Although IIRC that was actually one of the random names she could get in the original.


Time for another Quest Log update since we are getting down to the wire.. only a few more weeks left. I've only been playing about an hour every Friday to get the latest quest & items.

Current Battle Records:
Time Spent Playing: 763:52
Time Spent In Multiplayer: 00:01

Battle Victories: 12080
Alchemy: 2368
Accolades: 363
Quests Completed: 178
Grottoes Completed: 629
Guests Canvassed: 30

Defeated Monster List: 99%
Wardrobe Completion: 99%
Item List Completion: 99%
Alchenomicon Completion: 100%

All classes level 99, all classes revocated x1, Gladiator revocation x10.

It's been an awesome journey. I will be sad but proud when I reach 100% for everything.
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