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Dragon Quest 9 |OT| Last chance* to shine


Atreides said:
I'll have to try it. I thought that you could get a critical hit but still miss.
Yeah, you can also use Hatchet Man, but the animation is longer, so over the long run, Thunder Thrust wins. I believe they're both 50/50 on crit hit/miss, so they're pretty much equals. I like the rate at which they connect, though, and DQ9's metal family of slimes don't seem to run away as often or quickly like past games.


I've been grinding my MKS for quite some time now. I don't know what it is about this game that prevents me from getting bored. First I got all my characters to level 99 in their main class, and now I'm working on getting them all to level 45 in every class. I'm about halfway done.

After that I'll probably start tackling quests. This is easily the most I've played one game since I was hooked on WoW from 2005-2007.


As soon as you can get your entire party outfitted with spears and Thunder Thrust you'll be set. Might not be an easy option in the beginning of the game, though.


added_time said:
Is there an easy way to find these guys? I feel like I never see them. Maybe if I find them, I could get more pumped about the game again.
Just need to get a decent water grotto. Most of us have a favorite water grotto map with large rooms you can run around to avoid the other monsters on those floors. MKSs drop rather frequently on those floors, making grinding 'em pretty easy, and tend to show up in groups of 2 more often than not. Sometimes you'll get lucky and run into 3... and kill all of them. :)

You can also get some of the famous Japanese maps floating around there that have the MKS glitch where 1 floor is populated by nothing but MKS spawns. They can have other monsters in their attack mob, but you're guaranteed to at least see 1 MKS per battle. Same with Gem Slimes for money farming.


ghibli99 said:
You can also get some of the famous Japanese maps floating around there that have the MKS glitch where 1 floor is populated by nothing but MKS spawns. They can have other monsters in their attack mob, but you're guaranteed to at least see 1 MKS per battle. Same with Gem Slimes for money farming.
Is it really a glitch?


creid said:
Is it really a glitch?
I don't know... I didn't discover it or code the game. :p The Masayuki map is the most famous (and I have that one), although since then there are any number of better ones with all-MKS spawns on higher floors.
It's not a glitch.

There are 8 million possible dungeons that can be created by the grotto system.

Statistically, one that has all of a single enemy on a floor is quite possible.


PataHikari said:
It's not a glitch.

There are 8 million possible dungeons that can be created by the grotto system.

Statistically, one that has all of a single enemy on a floor is quite possible.
Yeah, makes sense... I stand corrected, and sorry for using the word "glitch".

As an aside, besides the Gem Slime floors, have folks run into any other single-monster floors? The MKS and GS floors obviously get talked about a lot (as well as the empty ones), but I'd be curious how often it happens with other less significant monsters.


Which maps have been given out at the various US BB and GS events? I got the orgodermir (sp?) one this past weekend, but I've never gone to any of the other events.

Is there any way to get those past ones without trading?


Oxx said:
I think all the legacy boss maps will be available as quest rewards by the time the dlc finishes.
Correct, tag mode is good for getting rare maps like Masayuki or Locker. Technically you could still get similar maps on your own. The unique perk with tag mode is fully expanding your inn


I made a rare trip into a grotto today and on one of the floors the first three enemies to spawn were Platinum King Slimes. I thought I had hit the jackpot...

But after the first battle I didn't see another one.
Went to the Best Buy event today. Good to see Nintendo still marketing this game, as well as Dragon Quest 6. The Dragon Quest 6 poster they gave out was surprisingly high quality.


Easystride said:
Went to the Best Buy event today. Good to see Nintendo still marketing this game, as well as Dragon Quest 6. The Dragon Quest 6 poster they gave out was surprisingly high quality.
Nice! Cool that they were giving those out. :)
So I thought I was going to abandon this game pretty early on, but I just needed to do a bit of grinding with my earlier party members before fighting Wight Knight. It's surprising that you need to stop following the progression of the game and slaughter enemies that early on in the game, so I figured I was doing something wrong.

Once I got past that part, the progression seems more straight forward.

Oddly enough, after I defeated the boss of the dungeon associated with Coffinwell, The dungeon was full of 3 or 4 metal slimes. I ran around the place and was able to kill 3 of them which leveled my entire party up 3 times. That has to be some sort of fluke, right?!?! I was properly using my main character's (minstrel, but maybe all main characters are minstrels) Metal Slash sword skill. The slimes usually stuck around long enough to kill them. I guess it will put me ahead of the leveling curve.


Class_A_Ninja said:
Oddly enough, after I defeated the boss of the dungeon associated with Coffinwell, The dungeon was full of 3 or 4 metal slimes. I ran around the place and was able to kill 3 of them which leveled my entire party up 3 times. That has to be some sort of fluke, right?!?! I was properly using my main character's (minstrel, but maybe all main characters are minstrels) Metal Slash sword skill. The slimes usually stuck around long enough to kill them. I guess it will put me ahead of the leveling curve.
Not a fluke. You can actually stand just south of the first crossing in that dungeon and wait for them to spawn in without drawing aggro from any other enemies. It's a great place to level until you get to some more advanced areas where you can hunt the other metal varieties. And then when you get a higher level water grotto, that's when the real power-leveling begins w/ MKS hunts.


When do the dlc quests stop? Or have they done so already? I am planning to buy another copy, If I can get one cheap and just leave it saved in Stornway with all the dlc unlocked.
I want to do another run through of the game at some point, But I don't want to be deleting my save game on the copy I have.


I was talking to one of my friends today and we got to discussing DQ9 gear and such. I took a shot of my main w/ some of the gear I alchemized during the last 10 hours or so of gameplay:


Hypernova Sword (although I tend to still prefer the Falcon Blade), Soul Sucker, Heavenly Helm, Legendary Armour, MKS Gloves/Boots, and Santa's Slacks. I never got around to making my Godly Gloves, Infinity Trousers, and Sentient Sandals, but maybe someday.

Hope folks are still enjoying this game. I put it to rest a while ago, but it's funny how the itch will strike you from time to time!


ghibli99 said:
but it's funny how the itch will strike you from time to time!

Caught up with the quests and then started on Bowser's Inside Story. After a few more weeks go by, will probably go back to catch up on the quests again. :)


donny2112 said:
Caught up with the quests and then started on Bowser's Inside Story. After a few more weeks go by, will probably go back to catch up on the quests again. :)
I need to get caught up with the quests myself... I ran into some that were just such a pain that it turned me off almost completely to moving on with them, but I think those wounds have healed. ;) I'm really into Chrono Trigger DS at the moment, but once I'm done w/ that, I'm going to jump back into DQ9.


ghibli99 said:
Cool... thanks for the insight. I'm really happy that DQ9 has exposed a lot of new folks to the series outside of Japan.

I can say that I totally turned into a DQ fan after playing the 4 remake, and then 9. I told my sister to jump into it, and from the time she blindly turned on the game in her DS having no idea what it was, she became, like, the biggest DQ fan ever. She's currently playing 8 and bought 6 on release day. So right here are two new DQ fans :)

I still haven't bought 6, but I plan to do so. I must do my part! :p


^^^ Thanks. I decided to give it a shot and go for all the orbs I need. Man, after you've been out of the routine of playing for so long, it takes a bit of practice again. Out of 3 Hoimi attempts, I only did one successfully so far. Haha!

Pyrokai said:
I can say that I totally turned into a DQ fan after playing the 4 remake, and then 9. I told my sister to jump into it, and from the time she blindly turned on the game in her DS having no idea what it was, she became, like, the biggest DQ fan ever. She's currently playing 8 and bought 6 on release day. So right here are two new DQ fans :)
That's great! :)


Hmm. This week's DQVC could potentially be useful for picking-up Quester's Rest Guest items I'm unable to get. Shame I'm away the rest of the week.


It took a while, but I got all the additional gear from the inn's special guests. Didn't know they had so much extra stuff up their sleeves!


I'll probably never get to that point. But at least I have all the completion percentages over 90% now.

Maybe it's time to let go...
Wow, the 12th grotto boss is a real prick with his stupid roar. Half the time he freezes my healer in consecutive turns and wipes my team shortly after. Perhaps grinding for that 5% drop with my mid-70s team so I can make use of the EXP gains is a bad idea...

Link Man

So I started replaying this for the third time recently, seeing how well I could manage with only a 2-person party. So far, up to Gleeba. It's been a bit tough, but I'm enjoying it.
I've put 165 hours into this game and I still have no idea what anybody is talking about when I read this thread...

I would have an easier time learning 4 languages than figuring out the stupid grottos. I hope the next game doesn't have them... just *this cave* which is located *right here*


added_time said:
I've put 165 hours into this game and I still have no idea what anybody is talking about when I read this thread...

I would have an easier time learning 4 languages than figuring out the stupid grottos. I hope the next game doesn't have them... just *this cave* which is located *right here*

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the grotto names. just explore them. Fill out bestiary, get loot and maybe you will get a rare map. Boss can drop rare gear as well. Just go explore them.
added_time said:
I've put 165 hours into this game and I still have no idea what anybody is talking about when I read this thread...

I would have an easier time learning 4 languages than figuring out the stupid grottos. I hope the next game doesn't have them... just *this cave* which is located *right here*
You don't need to understand every little detail to play through them though. The basic gist is: beat a high level grotto to get better grottoes (having a high level Main Character + revocations helps). There really isn't any strategy to them aside from this. Most of the time you're grinding your highest level grotto over and over until you get a good map anyhow.
unless you can manipulate that with the Hoimi table but that's a whole 'nother can of worms

http://www.yabd.org/apps/dq9/grottosearch.php is an excellent resource if you really want to decipher the meaning behind the name. The Grotto Mechanics guide on GameFAQs is also informative but it's a lot of reading. The grotto program above is good to check if a grotto is worth keeping before looking for it, playing through it, and then deciding.


It has been 5 days since I last played DQ9. I'm cured!

But I have replaced my DQ9 addiction with a DQ6 one...


Oxx said:
It has been 5 days since I last played DQ9. I'm cured!

Haven't played it in a couple of weeks. Will pick it up again at some point to catch up on the DLC, though. :) Been playing Mario & Luigi 3. Have DQVI in the queue somewhere after that. :lol
Thanks for the tips guys. I came off sounding angrier about the grottos than I actually am. I'm not going to try to fill out the items and clothes or bestiary 100% or anything.
My goal with this game is just to do all the after the ending stuff and also beat all the side missions. Everything was going fine until they gave me side missions that you need to go into grottos for.
I'll just play it cool though and think of it differently from now on. I'll just beat any mission that doesn't need a grotto first. When that is done, I can just explore grottos for fun and just wait until I come across something I need for one of the remaining missions.


They really need to make a game almost exactly like this for 360 or PC. If I could have this much character, content, and DLC support in a game on a machine that makes for a better multiplayer platform...I'd be in heaven.


donny2112 said:
Haven't played it in a couple of weeks. Will pick it up again at some point to catch up on the DLC, though. :) Been playing Mario & Luigi 3. Have DQVI in the queue somewhere after that. :lol

M&L3 is so good. 2009 was a pretty sweet year for DS RPGs with that and DQV.

Lanbeast said:
They really need to make a game almost exactly like this for 360 or PC. If I could have this much character, content, and DLC support in a game on a machine that makes for a better multiplayer platform...I'd be in heaven.

At this rate DQIX might be remade by 2025!
I saw DQIX for $20 on Monday and passed it up. Went to a few stores today and saw the price at $34.99. Going to grab it for $20 at the store I saw it at Monday. Should have grabbed it when I had the chance.
With the release of the 3DS I decided to grab a second copy of the game so I can complete the stupid Quester's Rest.

So far I'm at 8 out of 30 required guests.
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