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Dragon Quest appreciation thread

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DW III on the GBC is one of the best portable games ever. I just went through it again the other day.

Nothing quite like having the Hero and three sages turned into fighters running around tearing everything up. Crits and spells. Crits and spells. Just finished getting all the wishes and doing the medal dungeon. Such fun.

Hell, it took me almost a month to actually start playing the game, I was having too much fun messing around with the personality generator at the beginning.


Mejilan said:
Edit 2 - No, it was the NES originals that had butchered localizations.

Absolutely not. The NES versions had incredibly polished translations. Better than just about anything you'll find for years after that. They even improved some of the versions (DQ1 and 2 got battery saves, and DQ2 got a whole new intro!).


Red Scarlet said:
Loto is the original name the creator chose. Erdrick was what Nintendo went with for a more westernized-sounding name.
I thought that his original name was Roto, but that Enix America (#2) opted to translate it as Loto to avoid toilet humor "Roto Rooter" jokes. Sort of like Square deliberately mistranslating Butz as Bartz.

Red Scarlet

I thought I read both before. IIRC I talked to someone that had the DQ2 strategy guide and it said one or the other in it.


I'm currently replaying DQ7. And i'm still amazed at just how good this game is and how well it's stood up to time. Yes it has really ugly graphics, but the overall game design, which can be compared to playing through a really long episodic anime, is fantastic. I really like the fact that this is basically the longest console RPG ever made, and beating it not just once but twice is a feat of dedication in itself.

Also, the first time I played DQ7, I barely used the talk to partymembers feature. I'm doing it obssessively now and it really adds to the game. Maribel is such a bitch that she's awesome.

Red Scarlet

I'd rate the US version much lower if that's what I had. I don't like the interface, controls, added load times, and the music gets repetitive to me.

john tv

Pellham said:
I'm currently replaying DQ7. And i'm still amazed at just how good this game is and how well it's stood up to time. Yes it has really ugly graphics, but the overall game design, which can be compared to playing through a really long episodic anime, is fantastic. I really like the fact that this is basically the longest console RPG ever made, and beating it not just once but twice is a feat of dedication in itself.

Also, the first time I played DQ7, I barely used the talk to partymembers feature. I'm doing it obssessively now and it really adds to the game. Maribel is such a bitch that she's awesome.
It's a shame the localization was so shitty. If the DQ8 team had localized DQ7, it'd be damn near perfect.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I've got an itch to play through DW1, gonna break out the SP and start the handheld version soon. Then follow it up with DW2, which I never did beat when it was on the NES.

Red Scarlet

You can toss Holy Water at badguys to do damage to them in the 1+2 remake! It's pretty cool. Please like DW2! Almost no one but I do here.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Red Scarlet said:
You can toss Holy Water at badguys to do damage to them in the 1+2 remake! It's pretty cool. Please like DW2! Almost no one but I do here.

Well, I didn't like the NES version much at all, I thought it to be too slow and require way too much grinding, I'm definitely willing to give the GB one a try though, and hopefully will like it much more this time around.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Red Scarlet said:
You can toss Holy Water at badguys to do damage to them in the 1+2 remake! It's pretty cool. Please like DW2! Almost no one but I do here.
I liked DQ2 and I think Aeana does too.


Man God said:
DW III on the GBC is one of the best portable games ever. I just went through it again the other day.

Nothing quite like having the Hero and three sages turned into fighters running around tearing everything up. Crits and spells. Crits and spells. Just finished getting all the wishes and doing the medal dungeon. Such fun.

Hell, it took me almost a month to actually start playing the game, I was having too much fun messing around with the personality generator at the beginning.

Don't die bro...


Man God

Non-Canon Member

Another fun time I had was when I learned that Sexy was the best personality. So I worked out exactly how to get it, only to lose it three minutes into the game because I wouldn't talk to the King. Oh well.


Tag of Excellence
Man God said:
DW III on the GBC is one of the best portable games ever. I just went through it again the other day.

In other news; I'm pretty damn excited for Dragon Quest 4. Portable remakes of DQ games are the best thing ever.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
I've only played DQVII, which I liked a lot but for some strange reason never finished (I'm about halfway through), and DQVIII, which I LOVED for the world, the characters, the quests, the visuals, the story, the music... but on the other hand HATED for that archaic combat system, boring as fuck. I think it wasn't so much the system in itself than the presentation and execution, which for some reason I can't put my finger on made killing things unsatisfying. It has the dubious honor to be the only jRPG were I was continuously hoping for the ending drew near (and to add insult to injury the game had a few "fake" endings), even though I was liking the cutscenes, the story twists and exploration A LOT.
So right now I'm not sure if I want to pay attention to this series... I suppose I'll rip my DQVII discs to my PSP and try to finish that.


TekunoRobby said:

In other news; I'm pretty damn excited for Dragon Quest 4. Portable remakes of DQ games are the best thing ever.
I remember after DQ3 came out wanting so bad for a GBA remake of Dragon Quest 4, then being disappointed when it came for PS1 instead (Though I enjoyed the remake all the same.)

Now give me a DS remake of Shining Force 2, the other GBA remake we never got.
john tv said:
It's a shame the localization was so shitty. If the DQ8 team had localized DQ7, it'd be damn near perfect.
What's wrong with it?

I'm playing through it, other then the occasional typo it seems OK to me.


PataHikari said:
What's wrong with it?

I'm playing through it, other then the occasional typo it seems OK to me.

From what I've played of the English version (not a lot), it seems pretty good to me... though it's obvious that it was worked on by different people, as the writing style is extremely inconsistent. It really just needed a better editing job. I was pretty surprised, though, since people said the translation was crappy... and it doesn't seem that way to me.


What are the chances DQ1-3 get remade into 2d on 3d like DQIVr/DQVII or full 3d like DQV/VIII sometime down the line?


Red Scarlet said:
You can toss Holy Water at badguys to do damage to them in the 1+2 remake! It's pretty cool. Please like DW2! Almost no one but I do here.

Why do people not like 2? Got nothing but love for that game.

I really haven't noticed any backlash against it, I have noticed people putting it near the bottom of their rankings but I thought they did so agreeing it was a matter of best to least best.

Bebpo said:
What are the chances DQ1-3 get remade into 2d on 3d like DQIVr/DQVII or full 3d like DQV/VIII sometime down the line?

No idea, but I'd love to see it happen. When the remakes were first accidentally announced, I hoped they'd do them first.


Red Scarlet said:
You can toss Holy Water at badguys to do damage to them in the 1+2 remake! It's pretty cool. Please like DW2! Almost no one but I do here.

I love 2. I've never understood why people don't like it.


john tv said:
It's a shame the localization was so shitty. If the DQ8 team had localized DQ7, it'd be damn near perfect.

Very true. Just have to hope DQ7 gets the DS/PSP relocalization/remake treatment at some point.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Edit - Speaking of DQVII, I'm about 5 hours into my PSP playthrough, and so far, no crashes, stalls, or bugs. Using 3.72 POPS. Actually, I've had the game on sleep mode ALL day during work, and resumed playing during my commute back home. Didn't get a chance to save before arriving at my stop, so uh... it's still sleeping. Woo!

Aeana said:
Absolutely not. The NES versions had incredibly polished translations. Better than just about anything you'll find for years after that. They even improved some of the versions (DQ1 and 2 got battery saves, and DQ2 got a whole new intro!).

Hell no. The cribbed old English style was horrifically implemented. I found it cumbersome and annoying as a kid, and as an adult, it reminded me of a janky high-school level attempt.

And yeah, I've got to echo the DQVII localization hate. Hell, I think I found like 5 or 6 nasty typos just in the FIRST FREAKIN' TOWN!


Red Scarlet said:
Please like DW2! Almost no one but I do here.
I love Dragon Warrior II. It was the first DW I ever played. I fondly remember the gripping opening, getting free lottery tickets for buying stuff, getting jerked around chasing that stupid prince, and finding out the princess was a lot closer than I expected. Also, cheating and getting two Water Flying Cloths. I think DW3 is when Enix entered the era of making fully-realized Dragon Quest games, but 1&2 are still aces. Especially when paired together.


Jirotrom said:
I'm assuming since no one answered my question the game is no good...

It's a good game, just not much alike to the game's main series. I never really enjoyed the Monster games because I have no intention on collecting anything, I just enjoy DQ's story.


Mejilan said:
Hell no. The cribbed old English style was horrifically implemented. I found it cumbersome and annoying as a kid, and as an adult, it reminded me of a janky high-school level attempt.

That style isn't used in 4, and is only really used for the kings and stuff in 3. Regardless of the writing style, all of the meaning remains intact, which is more than can be said for other RPG translations from the era.

And it's not even "old English." It's not even middle English. They just used "thou" and "hast" and stuff sometimes.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Jirotrom said:
I'm assuming since no one answered my question the game is no good...

I'm enjoying it, but it's a completely different kind of spin-off. The game irks me plenty, but the combat, breeding, and DQVIII-style exploration are all quite solid.

Aeana said:
That style isn't used in 4, and is only really used for the kings and stuff in 3. Regardless of the writing style, all of the meaning remains intact, which is more than can be said for other RPG translations from the era.

And it's not even "old English." It's not even middle English. They just used "thou" and "hast" and stuff sometimes.

Bah, had it been kept to just a couple of characters here and there, it would have been much more tolerable. The GBC games definitely read and flowed better.
Aeana said:
That style isn't used in 4, and is only really used for the kings and stuff in 3. Regardless of the writing style, all of the meaning remains intact, which is more than can be said for other RPG translations from the era.

And it's not even "old English." It's not even middle English. They just used "thou" and "hast" and stuff sometimes.

Old English would be AWESOME.

"Þa Sliman sliehþ,
And Erdrick þa sige geslogon."
In one fell swoop I completed the Chateau Felix sidequest, went and found Charmles, escorted him through two days of lizard hunting, came back and bought stuff in the Bazaar to finish the bunny suit for Jessica, and then decided it was time to go save. My power went out before I made it to the church =(


PataHikari said:
I don't think you got the joke of my post.
Reread the posts, I read too quickly last time.

Oh well, maybe you can ask that translation group if you can use their translation tools to start from. ;)

Red Scarlet

Johnas said:
Why do people not like 2? Got nothing but love for that game.

I really haven't noticed any backlash against it, I have noticed people putting it near the bottom of their rankings but I thought they did so agreeing it was a matter of best to least best.

I've seen some backlash but mostly it's from the generally bottom ranking of it or 2nd to bottom.

ruby_onix said:
I love Dragon Warrior II. It was the first DW I ever played. I fondly remember the gripping opening, getting free lottery tickets for buying stuff, getting jerked around chasing that stupid prince, and finding out the princess was a lot closer than I expected. Also, cheating and getting two Water Flying Cloths. I think DW3 is when Enix entered the era of making fully-realized Dragon Quest games, but 1&2 are still aces. Especially when paired together.

I knew about the multiple Thunder Staves, but not the two Water Flying Cloths until recently. Did the Japanese version or MSX version have some weird graphic of the Princess wearing that?  Ah, appears to be the MSX one.


Red Scarlet said:
I knew about the multiple Thunder Staves, but not the two Water Flying Cloths until recently. Did the Japanese version or MSX version have some weird graphic of the Princess wearing that?

The MSX version has a weird picture yeah.


I think it's the dangerous swimsuit, though.


Link1110 said:
Reread the posts, I read too quickly last time.

Oh well, maybe you can ask that translation group if you can use their translation tools to start from. ;)
I don't know if their tools would be able to understand Dragona's crazy moon language. I know I can't.

BTW, a quick Google turned up this toy, which I haven't tried playing with yet (and don't know if I ever will, but I figure some of you might enjoy it).
I was just trying to explain the appeal of DQ VIII to my friend, and I couldn't really put it in any explicit words. The story isn't anything extraordinary (but the character interaction is charming), the combat is very straightforward (but deep and strategic without being tedious)...I can't quite put my finger on it, I just love it though. Maybe it's the fact that while the game is as a whole linear in terms of progressing the storyline, it's extremely wide open with a vast overworld? For example, I know that once I got to the Western continent I hit up towns way out of order before eventually finding the right areas. Then I found the sabrecat place, which seems to be completely optional...I like that. It rewards people who want to explore and find something cool, while the people who don't find it won't feel bad since they dont know what they are missing. I don't know how they managed to fine tune the gameplay so much to make combat be engaging enough that it isn't a grind, but it just all comes together so nicely. Normally exploring a huge world in a game with random battles would annoy me, but I like being lost in this game.

Even at 30 hours in (almost half way done I presume?), I can safely put DQ VIII in the gaming hall of fame with the likes of Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, Mario 64, Yoshi's Island, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Starcraft, Team Fortress 2, etc.

Red Scarlet

Bonerville High said:
In one fell swoop I completed the Chateau Felix sidequest, went and found Charmles, escorted him through two days of lizard hunting, came back and bought stuff in the Bazaar to finish the bunny suit for Jessica, and then decided it was time to go save. My power went out before I made it to the church =(

Oooh, ouch. :(

Error said:

what is that? once you see it you cant unsee it i guess.

:lol yeah total wtf unsee.

Bonerville High said:
I was just trying to explain the appeal of DQ VIII to my friend, and I couldn't really put it in any explicit words. The story isn't anything extraordinary (but the character interaction is charming), the combat is very straightforward (but deep and strategic without being tedious)...I can't quite put my finger on it, I just love it though. Maybe it's the fact that while the game is as a whole linear in terms of progressing the storyline, it's extremely wide open with a vast overworld? For example, I know that once I got to the Western continent I hit up towns way out of order before eventually finding the right areas. Then I found the sabrecat place, which seems to be completely optional...I like that. It rewards people who want to explore and find something cool, while the people who don't find it won't feel bad since they dont know what they are missing. I don't know how they managed to fine tune the gameplay so much to make combat be engaging enough that it isn't a grind, but it just all comes together so nicely. Normally exploring a huge world in a game with random battles would annoy me, but I like being lost in this game.

Doesn't sound bad to me what you said up there. I'd have a hard time trying to explain it to most people too.


Has problems recognising girls
One thing I've noticed after going through a semi-DQ music listening over the past few days, almost all of the dungeon music in every Dragon Quest is not irritating in the least. In fact the music makes you want to search every nook and cranny, in other words the sound itself is promoting you to explore.

I really like that touch that Sugiyama does. It's as if he knows that the last thing players want to hear is loud thrashy music to try and force you into the mood of high anticipation and anxiety that other RPGs may try and do. Instead the dungeon music has that air of "what's around the corner..?" description.
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