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Dragon Quest appreciation thread


Has problems recognising girls
Damn.. seeing that intro video again makes me pine to finally play DQIII using Scarlet's guide. I keep telling myself I'll do it one day.


ShmarthurShmooner said:
hm, which is the best snes dragon quest (including the remakes and non-us releases)?

I suppose it depends on what your requirements are.

DQ5 is my favorite, but it's a bit primitive compared to later games. DQ6 has better graphics and sound quality. DQ3r is DQ3 made pretty with tons of nice improvements.

I'd still say DQ5.
OK so here's the situation, people:

I love JRPG's. Odds are, I probably play and beat more than you, unless you're etherled, or something. Thing is, I never really had the opportunity to get myself into Dragon Quest. The only one that I played and beat was Dragon Quest VIII, and I really loved it. Thought it was a bit overrated but definitely great stuff. Anyway, I don't really know where to go from here. Should I wait for the DS remakes? Should I give DD7 a shot? Should I try and go for the ol' NES installments? Should I just skip it all and wait for DQ9?



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Aeana said:
I suppose it depends on what your requirements are.

DQ5 is my favorite, but it's a bit primitive compared to later games. DQ6 has better graphics and sound quality. DQ3r is DQ3 made pretty with tons of nice improvements.

I'd still say DQ5.
seriously did not expect that answer at all


Red Scarlet

Remake of 3 is my preferred SNES one. But I liked 3 the best out of the original four on NES too. So it's more of an already great thing. I played 5 and 6 late so those don't do much for me (prefer PS2 5).

john tv

Was thinking today how nice it'd be if they went ahead and remade all the DQs using the current DQ4/5/6 engine. Would love to play through 3 again -- probably my overall favorite in the series thus far.


Himuro said:
Currently going through Dragon Warrior/Quest VII. I'm having a blast, and if this pacing keeps up, it may be my favorite Dragon Quest thus far. I'm not entirely sure why folks feel the pacing is slow though. I've played so many games that start off much slower.

Within the past few months, I've been on a DQ high; I've beaten I, II, and V. I will be going through III GBC after VII, and will (probably) wait for IV and VI ds to be released, thus completing the entire series.

Fun games!

I'm always really excited to hear about people getting into the DQ series! I can't wait to hear more of your thoughts about DQ7 as you play through it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Timely bump.

DQVII is considered slow because it's riddled with fetch quests, you don't get to your first fight until 5 or 6 hours in, and won't get to the Dharma Temple (and the job system) until a good 20-30 hours in. As far as JRPGs that got released here, I'm pretty sure it's unprecedented.

Quick update on my DQVII-on-the-go process. I'm about 80 hours in, with Loto, Gabo, and Maribel on or around level 34 and with a good 8-10 job classes fully mastered. I'm currently in the Ultimate Magic scenario (1 of the set of 3 that opens up simultaneously in the story and can be taken in any order. In my game, this is the 3rd of 3.) Still no crashes, bugs, or fatal flaws to the experience.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE DQVII (and especially on-the-go). But the game requires massive patience to fully appreciate. It isn't even close to "very accessible" status, and I'm sure that contributed to it's relatively underwhelming performance and reception here in the West. Yeah, the insanely-dated presentation, late timing, and shoddy translation didn't help.

I'd argue that most DQs (save for perhaps select portable remakes) probably require more patience than the average Western JRPG gamer would have, but DQVII set that bar WAAAAAAY high! :)

I love the game quite a bit, but even to me, the time traveling aspect has worn thin and become something of a gimmick. The back-forth nature of some of the quest solving is also pretty redundant and unsatisfying. I'd never be able to finish this game on a console, but playing it on my PSP has completely salvaged the game, in my eyes, and I've come to appreciate it deeply. But I can see why many others would not.


Johnas said:
More colorful, better graphics (I realize that's somewhat subjective though), larger field of view in the NES games, playing on a TV versus a handheld.

A nitpick is that I hate the white battle backgrounds in the handheld games. I should also make it clear that I have not played the SFAM remakes of the first three games, I'm referring strictly to the GBC titles here.

I'm really hyped for the DS remakes, though.

Quoting myself here to say that I recently picked up a used DW I and II GBC cart on a whim, thinking immediately afterwards that I knew I liked the NES versions a lot more, why did I buy this. I owned it years ago but got rid of it.

Well I decided to go on a DQ/DW spree this year, and started playing DWI on GBC, and I have to retract some of my previous indifference/antagonism. I forgot about the remixed music, which I absolutely love. This version absolutely has the definitive music. I also like the little things they've done, like making the monument in the cave NW of Tantegel, adding a few new sprites, and the major improvement to the mountain cave west of Tantegel. A few things seem unnecessary though, why rename Brecconary town of Tantegel? Overall the color scheme is dull, but I realize it's on GBC so they did what they could. I also like the inclusion of pots/dressers, and stat-boosting items, forgot about those.

It's a lot easier, mainly due to signficantly less grinding required, but also individual enemies aren't as challenging. The fact that it's handheld makes this logical though, so it's not a problem. I actually never finished the GBC version of II, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's different there.

I think I might go ahead and buy III on GBC while I'm at it. I said it before, but I would really love to see DWI remade DQIV/VII style. I hope it happens.


Just wondering: what level did people beat the last boss of DQVIII with? I just got a look at my save file and apparently I beat him with the Hero at lvl 36.

I'm trying to convince a friend that DQ doesn't require grinding.


john tv said:
Was thinking today how nice it'd be if they went ahead and remade all the DQs using the current DQ4/5/6 engine. Would love to play through 3 again -- probably my overall favorite in the series thus far.

Totally agree! Someone should really pitch the idea to them. 3 definately needs a DS remake. The GBC version doesn't do it much justice.

himuro said:
It took me 3 hours to get into my first fight, and what people call "fetch quests" are actually unique adventure elements, which bring an interesting dynamic to the jrpg formula I'm used to.

And even then, who cares if it takes 20 hours for you to unlock the job system? Your characters essentially have jobs, or pre-defined roles, even before the Dharma Temple is unlocked. I'm enjoying and I haven't unlocked the DT. I guess I just have a godly amount of patience.

Amen. DQ7 is a friggin classic of EPIC proportions. I just beat it again recently, with a save clocked in at 116 hours, and I haven't even tackled the bonus dungeons yet. Easily the most accomplished 32-bit console RPG i've ever played.

And out of those 116 hours, I spent maybe 10 on grinding (enjoyed every bit of it too). And another 10 on leaving the console on overnight while I built up tokens in the slot machines. That leaves 96 hours of pure adventure.


I think I was closer to 45, but I didn't really grind. I may have for the fight against
but not for the final boss. I just got insanely lucky and ran into tons of liquid metal slimes while I was exploring, and managed to actually kill some of them!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Another bump, another unrelated update.

I'm about 84 hours into DQVII PSP (sorry, Mass Effect and now Knights of the Old Republic have been cutting into my home PSP time) and the game's a true blast when it's portable. I just finished the Ultimate Magic scenario and got Aira (who, sadly, is about 14 levels and 10 mastered classes below Maribel). Getting Melvin and Aira some levels and classes before I proceed too far into the next scenario. That, and grinding away for gold in order to purchase 3 Spirit Armors (I've got 1 already)!


Mejilan said:
Another bump, another unrelated update.

I'm about 84 hours into DQVII PSP (sorry, Mass Effect and now Knights of the Old Republic have been cutting into my home PSP time) and the game's a true blast when it's portable. I just finished the Ultimate Magic scenario and got Aira (who, sadly, is about 14 levels and 10 mastered classes below Maribel). Getting Melvin and Aira some levels and classes before I proceed too far into the next scenario. That, and grinding away for gold in order to purchase 3 Spirit Armors (I've got 1 already)!
I forgot how long that game is. I thought I was hardcore sinking 62 hours into SaGa Frontier on my PSP over the summer.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, not really sure how much I have to go. Not too much in the main game, I think, now that I've cleared all of the fire pedestals, and am in the middle of the last wind pedestal scenario. I can't help but think that this game, moreso than DQVIII, would have benefited from having one dedicated party of 4 characters, unchanging, however.


Running off of Custom Firmware
No idea. I know that you can convert ePSXe saves to PSP, and vice-versa, but that's the extent of my knowledge.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I could send you my ~80 hour file.

I might have a slightly older version of it backed up to my PC... early to mid 70s! ;p


Well I wrapped up DWI GBC a few minutes ago, that is one lightning fast remake. Easily finished it in two sittings, and could have done it in one if I had started earlier last night.

I really liked the remixed music in I, and prefer it, but so far in II (still early) I think the tunes are worse than the NES game. I'm interested in seeing how quickly this version goes, if they did like with I and cut out some of the extraneous grinding (which I actually enjoy in the NES versions, but don't particularly miss in these handheld DWs).

Again, some of the renaming is slightly jarring (prefer Midenhall over Lorasia, and Cantlin over Mercado and Hauksness over Domdara in DWI) but I'm guessing like with Loto, they reverted to Japanese titles.

Red Scarlet

Yeah, those are the Japanese names for the most part.
I've yet to 1-sit DQ1, but I did it with 2 on SNES not long ago. I still fought around in various parts for money or xp.

Stage On

I too have been playing the GBC remake of DW1+2 and I absoultely loved the fact that I was able to beat 1 in one weekend. It was very refreshing to have an rpg that didn't take forever simply becuse of the graphical presnetation slowing down the pace consideribly which is a big problem with a lot of more modren rpgs (I'm looking at you Final Fantasy!)

In only two days of playing I'm also at the tail end of the 2 which I should be able to beat in 1 more session depending on how long it'll take to level up. Still man I wouldn't want to even try the nes version considering how I hear it takes even longer to level up in that one.

I have precious little time these days to play games so having speeder leveling is in the remakes was one of the best things ever. Esepcially since leveling up dosn't break the game unlike alot of other rpgs.


Red Scarlet said:
Yeah, those are the Japanese names for the most part.
I've yet to 1-sit DQ1, but I did it with 2 on SNES not long ago. I still fought around in various parts for money or xp.

This will be my first time to actually finish the GBC version of II, I didn't realize it was that much faster. I might try to single-session I sometime soon, you've inspired me!

Stage On said:
In only two days of playing I'm also at the tail end of the 2 which I should be able to beat in 1 more session depending on how long it'll take to level up. Still man I wouldn't want to even try the nes version considering how I hear it takes even longer to level up in that one.

For me anyway, leveling seems to get more and more tedious in the NES II the closer you get to the end. I usually spend a considerable amount of time in the endgame area leveling.

I maxed my party's levels just for the heck of it on my last playthrough, even then, the very end of the game is still a decent challenge.

I actually thought GBC I's final battle seemed to drag on longer than on NES, despite everything else being faster. I was level 21.


I'm playing DQ5 at the moment, and I wondered if there were any tips or patterns for easy/quick money in the Casino (the first one you reach if there are more than one) - Like there were in DQ8 on the poker tables (I know there's no poker in this one).

It's a shame that DQ5r for PS2 never got translated as it looks really good, but I'm liking the SNES version all the same. :)

Red Scarlet

Aeana knows about a trick with the slime races. I'll direct her this way.
But if you have save states, you could probably win monster betting pretty easily.


BitchTits said:
I'm playing DQ5 at the moment, and I wondered if there were any tips or patterns for easy/quick money in the Casino (the first one you reach if there are more than one) - Like there were in DQ8 on the poker tables (I know there's no poker in this one).

It's a shame that DQ5r for PS2 never got translated as it looks really good, but I'm liking the SNES version all the same. :)

There's a trick with the slime races... but it involves a lot of weird timing.

Basically, what you do is... go to the monster fights, choose to bet (only bet 1 coin). Bet on ANYTHING. Once the fight starts, cancel out of the fight by holding down a button (B or X, I forget which). You'll lose your 1 coin. Cancel out of the monster fight menus completely, and hurry over to the slime race. 1-2 should be "x10" which means the trick worked. 1-2 will win about 90% of the time here.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I was playing the GBC remake of 1 the past few days on my lunch break... just got Garin's Harp and am heading down to Cantlin now. I'm loving this, it flows so nicely and battles go over so quick, I can't wait to see what they did with 2, my least favorite DQ as of now.


djtiesto said:
I was playing the GBC remake of 1 the past few days on my lunch break... just got Garin's Harp and am heading down to Cantlin now. I'm loving this, it flows so nicely and battles go over so quick, I can't wait to see what they did with 2, my least favorite DQ as of now.

I'm nearing the end of II GBC now (first time to actually finish the GBC version) and I like it a lot, but I also really like the NES version. I don't like it quite as much as I do the GBC version of DWI, but it's still good. The quick battles really are great.

Just won a really cheap III GBC on Ebay today also. Can't wait to dive into it, but gotta finish II first. I still prefer the NES DWs, but I like playing these to see the various differences, and especially to hear the remixed tunes. I've never even played the GBC III before.

Scarlet (or Aeana or anybody really), if you're reading this, is there any way to (spoilered for djtiesto just in case)
get the Staff of Thunder from Midenhall's jail if Magus killed me the first time I fought him? It makes perfect sense that he'd run away since I opened the door, but I'm pretty sure in the NES version you could go back and fight him again. I also found an Agility Seed in his cell, but I'm sure you knew about that
. Not a huge deal, but I was curious.


Junior Member
I really, really, really like the Dragon Quest series.

My favorite is V, but with the exception of II all have been extremely fun.


Pellham said:
Totally agree! Someone should really pitch the idea to them. 3 definately needs a DS remake. The GBC version doesn't do it much justice.

That was actually my first DQ game. I would love to see a remake.

Red Scarlet

Johnas said:
I'm nearing the end of II GBC now (first time to actually finish the GBC version) and I like it a lot, but I also really like the NES version. I don't like it quite as much as I do the GBC version of DWI, but it's still good. The quick battles really are great.

Just won a really cheap III GBC on Ebay today also. Can't wait to dive into it, but gotta finish II first. I still prefer the NES DWs, but I like playing these to see the various differences, and especially to hear the remixed tunes. I've never even played the GBC III before.

Scarlet (or Aeana or anybody really), if you're reading this, is there any way to (spoilered for djtiesto just in case)
get the Staff of Thunder from Midenhall's jail if Magus killed me the first time I fought him? It makes perfect sense that he'd run away since I opened the door, but I'm pretty sure in the NES version you could go back and fight him again. I also found an Agility Seed in his cell, but I'm sure you knew about that
. Not a huge deal, but I was curious.

No, I think if you talk to it, win or lose, then save, it never comes back, mainly because you could fight it and get as many Thunder Staves as you wanted in the NES version to abuse for easy money (they also fixed the 2 Water Cloths trick from the NES game..can't do that either). It never comes back after the battle, afaik. You can get another one later when you fight that type of badguy in the final dungeon. Didn't know about an Agility Seed that I can think of.

So many people hate DQ2 and FF2..they're like the black sheep or something. I like 'em both!


Mejilan said:
Started on 3.71 M33-3 (but using POPS 3.72 via single disc POPSLoader), and continuing on 3.71 M33-4 (but using POPS 3.72 via multi-disc POPSLoader)!

Are you using a different Game ID when you create the EBOOT, or just the one for DWVII? Curious as I'm about to start this one up and would like to be able to play through both discs without any hangups. :)

I'll have to start checking out this multi-disc Popsloader, as I've been playing through some of the multi-disc games (the Square games mostly, which allow you to save before swapping) on the PSP loading each disc to memory stick as I need to. Is it necessary to use that program for DWVII?

Thanks in advance!


Red Scarlet said:
No, I think if you talk to it, win or lose, then save, it never comes back, mainly because you could fight it and get as many Thunder Staves as you wanted in the NES version to abuse for easy money (they also fixed the 2 Water Cloths trick from the NES game..can't do that either). It never comes back after the battle, afaik. You can get another one later when you fight that type of badguy in the final dungeon. Didn't know about an Agility Seed that I can think of.

So many people hate DQ2 and FF2..they're like the black sheep or something. I like 'em both!

OK, I didn't think about that for some reason. Makes good sense.

I wonder if a lot of people don't like II for the difficulty. It's not really hard, but compared to DWI the difficulty sort of "spikes" in a couple of spots, and the increased dungeon size may have caused people trouble. If they've played the other games in the series though, that really wouldn't seem right. Maybe somebody will see this and actually say why.

Something I forgot to mention earlier, I really do like the simplified controls on the GBC games. Not that they were complex to begin with, but I like how you can search with just a single button press instead of choosing from a menu.

How does the
2 Water Flying Cloth trick work in the NES DWII
? I feel like I faintly remember that from back in the day, but not how to do it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Still going strong. Just finished the Blissrock scenario, and I've moved on to the next one. The town's called Lebras, IIRC, and supposedly it's been taken over by a monster posing as a priest. We'll see about that. Such an awesome, awesome game.

And for the record, DQII is way, way better than DQI, IMHO.

STG! said:
Are you using a different Game ID when you create the EBOOT, or just the one for DWVII? Curious as I'm about to start this one up and would like to be able to play through both discs without any hangups. :)

I'll have to start checking out this multi-disc Popsloader, as I've been playing through some of the multi-disc games (the Square games mostly, which allow you to save before swapping) on the PSP loading each disc to memory stick as I need to. Is it necessary to use that program for DWVII?

Thanks in advance!

I'm using the DQVII game ID. I've never had a need to do that trick yet.

I created my DQVII disc 1 eboot before the multi-disc popsloader came out, so I haven't bothered yet. That said, you'd NEVER truly need to use that if you don't want to. Even games that do not allow saving during the disc swap are doable with the right tools.

I'm getting VERY close to the end of disc 1 now, though, so we'll see.


Aeana said:
There's a trick with the slime races... but it involves a lot of weird timing.

Basically, what you do is... go to the monster fights, choose to bet (only bet 1 coin). Bet on ANYTHING. Once the fight starts, cancel out of the fight by holding down a button (B or X, I forget which). You'll lose your 1 coin. Cancel out of the monster fight menus completely, and hurry over to the slime race. 1-2 should be "x10" which means the trick worked. 1-2 will win about 90% of the time here.

:D I'll give it a go thanks!

Edit: Ha! It worked first time. :D


Running off of Custom Firmware

Botok goes down! Now to return to the present, check out the more modern Labres, then unlock the final elemental (aqua) pedestal. Woo! 88 hours on the clock, btw, and still no crashes or fatal bugs. I'm fairly confident, at this point, that the game is fully playable.

Red Scarlet

Johnas said:
How does the
2 Water Flying Cloth trick work in the NES DWII
? I feel like I faintly remember that from back in the day, but not how to do it.

I never knew about it until a year or two ago, but
you give the yarn and loom to the guy, then before you get the water cloth from the guy, you can go back and get another loom as well as another yarn. Then go get the first cloth and talk to him again and he'll make a second one.


If I hadn't already given it away for DQ4 on the DS I would give my left nut for Dragon Warrior the original on the DS. It's not fair that every japanese cell phone owner can play it but I can't play it on my DS.

I'd settle for a port even.


Has problems recognising girls
I'd bump the DQIV Japanese thread but I think john tv's stats at the end of the last update is a good closure for that thread. So instead I'll stick my musings in here.

Smacked through a few hours of this last night and earlier today after fiddling around with the hero's beginning area and grabbing the twin sisters. I had a save file saved previously and noticed that my little Night Light got wiped when I started Chapter 5, so I went back and made sure it was in one of the girls carry on inventory. I don't know why I wanted it but it just seemed helpful at the time. So far I got the ship with Torneko and did the whole razz-ma-tazz seed things for Alena I think her name is. Now I just have to go find Ragnar.

Every single hour just seems to get better with this game. I never played the NES version but now I can finally appreciate the music from the game so much more :lol Sea Breeze is so god damn majestic and I was close to tears when I was able to first hop on the ship with Torneko.

Such an amazing game.

P.S. Torneko has shot right up there as one of my favourite characters in the Dragon Quest series as a whole. At first I disliked his chapter because it seemed so silly - having to become a merchant and not having much power in the ways of battles.. but in the end it turned out very original, his character is excellent and I adore his wife and son :D


Well, wrapped up DWII GBC a little while ago. Lots of fun just like the NES version.

A few more changes I noticed in this version, at the inn in Beran the prince of Cannock gets sick and you have to cure him with a WorldLeaf to get him back. Seemed kind of random. I was also wondering what they'd name Malroth, and I don't think Sidoh sounds nearly as cool or malevolent, but I know they went back to the original Japanese names. I also thought using the Eye of Malroth to open up the Rhone cavern seemed more sensible than just using the Evil Statue in this one. No big deal either way.

DWIII GBC is in the mail, really ready to dive headfirst into it. I plan on plowing through all 4 NES games after it, then VII and VIII. It might be more awesome than I can handle for now. Never did finish VII, so I may jump straight over to it after finishing III GBC.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Nice bump.

Finally cracked 90 hours (actually at 90:58, IIRC) and I'm well into the Coastal scenario. The end is in sight! Or is it...?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Mejilan said:
Nice bump.

Finally cracked 90 hours (actually at 90:58, IIRC) and I'm well into the Coastal scenario. The end is in sight! Or is it...?
I think coastal is the last island.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I know it is. There are no more elemental pedestals left to complete. Just the Pedestal of Resurrection and the bonus ones beyond the game's end.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Well, I'm on my way to converting my single-disc / POPS 3.72 Dragon Quest VII portable experience into a multi-disc / POPS 3.80 experience.

I'm currently 92 hours in and about 75% done with the Coastal scenario.

I'll report back once I have everything ready to continue. Seriously hoping nothing breaks in 3.80 as compared to 3.72...


Running off of Custom Firmware
Well, the multi-disc thing works without a hitch. Very awesome.

Unfortunately, Dragon Quest VII is effectively broken with POPS 3.80. It'll load a save file only once in ten attempts, roughly, causing a strange hang to occur. It's not a complete lockup because the music keeps on going, and you can reset the game via the Home menu.

Sadly, since a version of POPSLoader that works with 3.80 M33 isn't yet available, the game's fundamentally unplayable on 3.80. And since I got caught with my pants down (stupidly updated BOTH PSPs), I can't revert to 3.71 M33-4. So in the meantime, my portable DQ adventures on the PSP are on a hiatus.



Running off of Custom Firmware
Probably this week. Either the UPMS Installer (or some other Pandora utility) will be updated to work with 3.80, or a 3.80-compatible POPSLoader will come out. Either would solve my problem.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Both of my PSPs are now back to 3.71 M33-4.

I did keep the multi-disc version of DQVII though, and dropped the single-disc version. Using the multi-disc POPSLoader to run it under POPS 3.72, everything is working like a charm again.

Just to test the disc switching and save game loading, I forced the game to boot up as disc 2, tried to load up my previously broken (under 3.80) saves, only to have the game prompt me to switch discs. I used POPS' new disc switching ability, and it changed discs on-the-fly, AND loaded my save game.

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