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Dragon Quest X |OT| Import Solution Found


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I feel like my comment at the tavern is resulting in me getting fewer hires than usual. I'm curious to find exactly how much that affects my hire rate. My old one just used to say "I'm a priest, nice to meetya" but now it mentions that I have the MP recovery after battle skill learned, because I thought people would like to know that since it doesn't tell you in the search. Maybe people preferred the old one!

Right now clerics are all rented out lol. Tavern is just left with the generic NPC ones. I for one appreciate more detailed info on the character from the small desc rather than having to use time searching through their profiles, raising the chance of someone else hiring them first.

Today made around 3.4k EXP from being hired out. Gold was around 500ish. Since am a fighter I just listed how much def 187 and attack power 156 I have.


Seems like the amount of support gold received is based upon the amount of fame points you have. Since I had 624 or something thats how much gold I received. The concierge said that also. Not exactly the most useful thing for having to wait a whole week... but free money is free money!


Yeah, I remember the concierge saying that, which is why I'm not really that excited about support gold since my fame is pretty low. I need to work on that.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Do agree with the guy saying its a sad situation to see other player characters treated more as items. Though yeah can imagine this will be a difficult problem to solve balance wise.

But there should at least be some sort of minimum exp / gold gained vs how long you have been with said player regardless of having partaken in battle or not.


Thanks to Aena and Parakeetman for your write-ups! I'd really like to try this game, hopefully there'll be a Wii-U version in the west.

I'm not the crazy about the races perhaps. Is there a reasonably happy-looking face for the dwarf? :p


Added you, John TV.

Aeana, where did you get the screenshots in that resolution? I take mine from the hiroba site and they're a bit smaller...

john tv

So I'm playing with Jonnyram right now and we're fighting ねこまどうs to help him level up a bit; I'm a Lv11 warrior and he's a Lv7 thief, but I get 4 EXP per kill and he only gets 3 EXP per kill. Any idea why this is? I haven't quite figured out how the EXP system works in this game yet...


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
So I'm playing with Jonnyram right now and we're fighting ねこまどうs to help him level up a bit; I'm a Lv11 warrior and he's a Lv7 thief, but I get 4 EXP per kill and he only gets 3 EXP per kill. Any idea why this is? I haven't quite figured out how the EXP system works in this game yet...

Generally EXP seems to scale depending on your level. Though for more exact workings cant really comment on that unfortunately. Thats about right though since the monster gives 5 exp if you solo it. Am guessing hes getting less due to him being 4 levels lower than you?

john tv

Generally EXP seems to scale depending on your level. Though for more exact workings cant really comment on that unfortunately.
Nod, that would make sense if he were getting more EXP than me, but in this case, I was getting more. Seems kinda backwards...

Or maybe the Story Leader gets more, or something?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Nod, that would make sense if he were getting more EXP than me, but in this case, I was getting more. Seems kinda backwards...

Or maybe the Story Leader gets more, or something?

Not quite too sure actually. Perhaps its to discourage folks from partying with others out of their level range? Though the added speed of 2 on a single target should make up for that with how fast can move on to the next target I suppose.


Can't say for X, but for DQIX the lower your level, the less experience you received. It was to discourage quick leveling with people on high levels.


I'm surprised I'm the only GAFer who rolled a Puliko. :p I can't come to you guys for help since I'm so far away. Is there any way to run (aggro dodge) to the elf starter town w/o needing a train pass?

I haven't played in like 2 days since I'm finding it so hard to do quests and find people to do specific tasks, such as boss fights.


I went to the pupliko place and the city is really unappealing. The sweets theme and the circus = nooo. The field to the south is really neat though.


Added you, John TV.

Aeana, where did you get the screenshots in that resolution? I take mine from the hiroba site and they're a bit smaller...
Sorry, missed this. I didn't do anything special. I just clicked the image on the site, it zooms in, then I saved the image and uploaded it to a host.
Maybe I copied the URL and put it into the address bar and saved the resulting image instead, but I can't imagine there would be a big difference.


I just opened a single picture from your post and noticed it wasn't higher res after all. The forum layout stretches them to fit the window width for some reason.

john tv

Finally got to a big town last night. Jonny and I got directions from a friend and followed them by basically hauling ass through two huge areas of powerful (for our level) monsters to get there. Do you have to do a quest to get the item code stuff working at the post office? I took a quick peek yesterday but didn't see the option to put codes in, but then I realized maybe it's something you have to unlock?

BTW, if you're playing on a big HDTV (mine is 55 inch, for example), my advice is...don't. :) When the basketball finals were on, I switched to PIP so I could watch while playing DQX, and the game looked way better on a smaller screen. Full-screen on my TV just really makes the ugliness stand out...


Don't you put item codes in on the main menu of the game? On the screen where you can choose to add a credit card and all of that.
I dunno, I haven't really paid any attention to that stuff.

john tv

Don't you put item codes in on the main menu of the game? On the screen where you can choose to add a credit card and all of that.
I dunno, I haven't really paid any attention to that stuff.
Hmm, maybe? I'll read the instructions again when I play in a bit.

john tv

Yeah I just looked at again - you have to put the code in on the website, then pick it up at the post office. I thought it was saying you could do it on the website OR the post office first time I looked. Whoops. :) Gonna go get my drakee hat now, lol.


And even i am moderately surprised
I have a soccer match tonight until about 9:45pm - home around 10:45 - i can never sleep after a game so i'll be on from then for a couple of hours (more likely of note for JohnTV and Jonnyram but hey...)

john tv

I have a soccer match tonight until about 9:45pm - home around 10:45 - i can never sleep after a game so i'll be on from then for a couple of hours (more likely of note for JohnTV and Jonnyram but hey...)
I've got plans tonight sadly but I'll be around all day tomorrow if you're around and still up for playing!


I'm so... amazed and embarrassed right now.

I was on my genki time (2x exp/gold!) and got into a battle with a pink momon and a metal slime. I was SO focused on beating the metal slime that I totally ignored my health. We beat the metal slime and then I died! Fortunately, my AI party members finished the fight.


omg! 2564 exp! And also fortunately, you get experience points even if you're dead in DQ10! But you don't level up. So...


The game literally showed me with 0 exp left until level! I had to go fight a slimebeth to level up.

I just can't believe I managed to kill my first metal slime during genki time!


BTW, if you're playing on a big HDTV (mine is 55 inch, for example), my advice is...don't. :) When the basketball finals were on, I switched to PIP so I could watch while playing DQX, and the game looked way better on a smaller screen. Full-screen on my TV just really makes the ugliness stand out...
I really seem to have very different aethetic sensibilities than most players. Granted, I only have a 40 inch HDTV but I think the colorful world looks fantastic on a big screen. Cutscenes also look nice, if there were voices it would be pretty close to a real time rendered anime. I'm a sucker for Toriyama chara designs too.

I found low frame rates to be a bigger problem, gives me headaches.


The framerate is a huge problem for me. I tend to play on the lowest populated server I can find at any given time, because I get sick really easily with awful framerates. If the WiiU version looks exactly the same but has a smooth framerate, I will be ecstatic.


Not planning to buy a Wii U anytime soon but yeah, fixing the frame rate should be the priority for that version. Though I expect them to upgrade the rest of the graphics too.


I don't really expect major upgrades. I expect the game to look the same as the live cam on the player site. It's pretty much the Wii game with tons and tons and tons of AA.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Finally hit lv40 will continue on with the standard story quests. Others seems like Ill need to be lv 50 to do.


I tried the story boss I'm stuck on again, 5 levels later. We did better - got him down to orange HP, anyway - but my party members were still getting killed by the bombs since they won't move out of the way. I just wish there was some way to get them to move. There's not enough time to try to push the boss and have them follow or anything.


Looked at the live cam and while it is still 480p it does look a lot cleaner. Now up the res, frame rate and have other players visible from far away without much popup and this will be really impressive looking.

Can't log in though atm. My friend in Japan says servers are extremely crowded because of obon.


I tried the story boss I'm stuck on again, 5 levels later. We did better - got him down to orange HP, anyway - but my party members were still getting killed by the bombs since they won't move out of the way. I just wish there was some way to get them to move. There's not enough time to try to push the boss and have them follow or anything.

well you can't have perfect AI mates or no one'd ever party with one another...

Not sure what boss you're talking about, but if bunching up and getting hit by AoE is the problem maybe you need to try a manaburn PT. Mage classes by default will keep a distance from enemies, coming in only when necessary to melee. This is also the reason why spear priests are nearly useless as AI.

Finally hit lv40 will continue on with the standard story quests. Others seems like Ill need to be lv 50 to do.

Is it just me or does leveling really start becoming a drag from 30 on? Reading up on the mage threads I've done the どくろあらい marathon (one イオ and you fry a group of them for ~80exp each, rinse lather repeat) and have done some of the Flame ones as well (pt of 3-4 mages, ice spell once each for 90exp). I can probably get 10K~15K/hr depending on how efficient I am, but goddamn it feels like being a factory worker or something, least the money's pretty good.


Looked at the live cam and while it is still 480p it does look a lot cleaner. Now up the res, frame rate and have other players visible from far away without much popup and this will be really impressive looking.

Can't log in though atm. My friend in Japan says servers are extremely crowded because of obon.

Even with 40 servers? Wow.

Managed to get the monk class up to lv 17 still progressing.

So there are other classes? Nice.


well you can't have perfect AI mates or no one'd ever party with one another...

Nobody will party with me anyway. I've put a lot of effort toward trying to get a group and the best I can find is people who are like 10 levels lower than me.

And the boss I'm talking about is the one at the top of Sui Tower.

So there are other classes? Nice.
What do you mean? There's only the classes listed in the OP. He's most likely talking about martial artist.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Is it just me or does leveling really start becoming a drag from 30 on? Reading up on the mage threads I've done the どくろあらい marathon (one イオ and you fry a group of them for ~80exp each, rinse lather repeat) and have done some of the Flame ones as well (pt of 3-4 mages, ice spell once each for 90exp). I can probably get 10K~15K/hr depending on how efficient I am, but goddamn it feels like being a factory worker or something, least the money's pretty good.

Leveling is a drag in any MMO so this really isnt any different Id say. Though would be nice if they spread out the options a bit more since generally folks are staying in the same areas due to how monsters and risk vs. reward isnt as balanced out. Have tried out different zones and such. Right now everyone is just on the elf continent for the most part. Least populated would be the dwarves, but thats due to the monsters there are a lot more dangerous.

You want to talk about factory worker lets return back to FFXI now that was some uninteresting factory worker bullshit right there not to mention for a low amount of return. With WoW the world was large enough so this wasnt as noticeable and quests gave exp too. Which is another downside of this game, that they did not include that in. Besides having to unlock new features and such for the most part quests are pretty meaningless. Oh and gaining the fame points.


Leveling is a drag in any MMO so this really isnt any different Id say. Though would be nice if they spread out the options a bit more. Since currently the best place is the pink momons, due to how little damage they deal out and exp / money back.

Where can I find these Momons?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Even with 40 servers? Wow.

Not sure about that, didnt feel all that crowded last night. Ive yet to see a day where all 40 servers are in crowded status. Usually its from the top 10 which are and a few from the 11-20 category.

Where can I find these Momons?

Elf capitol city. 王都カミハルムイ unless you are above 20 I dont suggest fighting them.


I don't know how you're standing fighting the pink momons at your level, Parakeetman! At level 25, they're already getting kinda slow.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I don't know how you're standing fighting the pink momons at your level, Parakeetman! At level 25, they're already getting kinda slow.

Its anything but slow considering I went from 30-40 there solo. Before then was beating up on those rope dolls at least they gave dropped string which can sell. Until I find another area will just stay around there for the time being. Plus with it being right outside a town with all the necessities its not that bad when put into relation with other locations. Using the genkidama also and fighting 3 at once gave me around 1k exp after battle.

Only real downside is they dont drop anything all that useful (まんげつそう) unless its the rare drop of a small medal, but those come from anything with luck. The pink pearls which is their rare drop in particular, isnt all that useful either. Since it only sells for 200 to the merchants / bazaar.

Other enemies that are around the same level as them in different continents can actually kill me depending on the type of skills they use. Which is bad considering I have higher than the average player in regards to DEF this is from physical attacks and not magic which is just a whole nother problem in itself with how crazy higher level spell damage is. Orcs would be a good example of this with the 乱れ突き skill and the worst part about it is those enemies dont even give that much exp in comparison. Its why the pink momon zone is a mess during busy hours. Most of how am judging if an area is of worth is fighting the mobs there solo and seeing how much exp they give.

Going to do a bit of exploring and looking at different zones though, since Id prefer to have useful drops also. Having 2 stacks of 99 まんげつそう which I sold to the vendor just is plain stupid. Due to the flood of people having them it doesnt sell for any more in the bazaar than the vendors which is 6GP a piece.

Overall though the thing is too since Im playing as a fighter it makes it a lot easier just to go around whacking things left and right. So with a cleric you might have to go look for a zone that works for you with using a party. Though since I do believe your class can wear silver armor, Id suggest looking for real good parts of it. Since thats what most of my kit is made up of. And Im still using now at lv 40, just due to how hard it is for most other pieces to beat my set at the moment. Though am saving up $$$ for the higher end of the banded armor set. Even if it does look like ass and has slightly less weight to it. :/


Oh, well, if you're doing it without AI party members, I guess it would be faster. But maybe still not optimal.

I can't solo very effectively, in honesty. My damage with spears hasn't been scaling much because I haven't been putting points into spears. I pretty much need at least one party member with me, but I've been using a full party because it's just so much faster, and helps me hang onto my MP better.


I did the level 25 zoomstone quest. It was quite a rush at 25, for me, because I ended up in a battle with not only the armored knight, but also two bomb crags! Very fun. Now I have 3 zoomstones, yay.


Leveling is a drag in any MMO so this really isnt any different Id say. Though would be nice if they spread out the options a bit more since generally folks are staying in the same areas due to how monsters and risk vs. reward isnt as balanced out. Have tried out different zones and such. Right now everyone is just on the elf continent for the most part. Least populated would be the dwarves, but thats due to the monsters there are a lot more dangerous.

You want to talk about factory worker lets return back to FFXI now that was some uninteresting factory worker bullshit right there not to mention for a low amount of return. With WoW the world was large enough so this wasnt as noticeable and quests gave exp too. Which is another downside of this game, that they did not include that in. Besides having to unlock new features and such for the most part quests are pretty meaningless. Oh and gaining the fame points.

My first 75 was a BST (got tired of the pt'ing bullshit and decided I was going to play a solo class @ BRD53 or so), so incidentally I avoided quite a bit of the extraneous grinding w/o thinking -- got to see parts of Vana'diel that most people don't bother to venture to and level with odd creatures in unconventional ways. Enemies scale much better to each other so you could almost feel like you (well, your pet) was getting stronger, too!

but yeah, any mmo it's a drag going through the grinding process. I'll probably just slow down and start finding random shit around the world to kill...


Beat that boss thanks to Parakeetman. It was critting even him for 100, so that's pretty interesting. Also, it never used the bombs in our fight at all, which is pretty weird too.

john tv

Would love to play together but you all are way ahead of me. Lv. 12 warrior (almost 13) logging in now from ジュレットの町 if anyone is interested in teaming up... :)


Would love to play together but you all are way ahead of me. Lv. 12 warrior (almost 13) logging in now from ジュレットの町 if anyone is interested in teaming up... :)

I'm probably gonna get behind here soon, since once Darksiders 2 unlocks in about 3 hours, I'm gonna be playing that pretty much exclusively until I finish. Will probably take a couple of days!

But after that, we could team up if you're close to my level, or I can change jobs and catch up to you with something else. Since job change works just like FF11, not a problem at all.
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