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Dragon's Dogma 2 |OT| Pawnworld


Gold Member
Ok I've been playing this nonstop and despite a million issues I've had an amazing time and I hope there is more content planned as I will buy it day one.

BUT (no spoilers) the ending is completely shit imo even compared to the half finished Dragon's Dogma 1. I assumed I was like half way or two thirds through and it just kind of ends so don't rush the story (not that I did I've just been playing loads). Post game is also laughable compared to the Everfall.

I think as more people finish this there will be some spicy arguments online.
I heard that the real ending is much better.
I heard that the real ending is much better.
I think that's what I got to get into the post game stuff and it was really poor imo but honestly it doesn't really matter it's more a warning than me complaining. All I'm gonna say is if you get to a big set piece that feels like it's at the midgame point - it's not - you are really near the end so finish up any other business before going any further. Don't meet Hanako at Embers if you know what I mean as it doesn't force you to finish.

I had a great time and got my money's worth even with all the jank, poor graphics and poor performance so clearly the important stuff is great.


So I guess this Rodge kid is the secret final boss of the game eh
angry ace ventura GIF

Here's a story for y'all...I take a quest to find this kid who went out to tend to some flowers who then gets kidnapped by wolves,after talking to some concerned citizens about his whereabouts I go to the quest marker but it instead takes me to fight a Lich when i get there and a horde of skeletons at night,nice info assholes, I then press on following the flowerbeds the kid used to tend to until i lose my way, its now daytime and now I'm near some battlefield where a goddamn dragon and a cyclops are duking it out with some gryffin cassually strolling in the sky just for good measure,after the initial shock wears off,I turn back and turn to the internet to see where in the loving fuck this kid is cuz the timer is almost up and I have no idea where he is,I find that I took a wrong turn somewhere,so I double back and while I'm just about to reach the cave he's supposedly in,what do you know,another dragon just cassually walks towards me....

angry jim carrey GIF

Is this the origin story of Daimon? Now I'm stuck between fighting a dragon and potentially getting dragonplague on my pawn or giving this quest the finger and let Rodge rest in piss,direwolf piss to be more exact...

jim carrey GIF
I think that's what I got to get into the post game stuff and it was really poor imo but honestly it doesn't really matter it's more a warning than me complaining. All I'm gonna say is if you get to a big set piece that feels like it's at the midgame point - it's not - you are really near the end so finish up any other business before going any further. Don't meet Hanako at Embers if you know what I mean as it doesn't force you to finish.

I had a great time and got my money's worth even with all the jank, poor graphics and poor performance so clearly the important stuff is great.
The game is janky as all get out, but honestly some of the best gaming experience i've had in a long time. I'm 35 hours in and haven't went to the next area yet. It truly feels like I'm playing a LOTR adventure.


Just got this and been playing Ronin more, am only up to the Oxcart Courier quest, so I’m super super early. But like it so far.


Ok, so 16 hours in and I think I can give a fair assessment so far, at least of the early game

I do like it, its not a bad game at all I do however have some cons to it

  • The lack of the game telling you vital info, it likes to give you some but not the right ones sometimes
  • The healing system fucking sucks, I get what they're going for, the need to rest at inns/camps, but that early game is far too costly to start with, reduce it for new players and it'd be fine
    • Speaking of, can you ever recover the lost health part aside from resting?
  • The Fighter combat is fucking awful and clunky and feels like a game from 2012, you have no ranged options and a lot of flying enemies, so rely on Pawns to hopefully get them down, this may change of course as I play on
  • The quests are fun and I do like how they're laid out
  • The lack of Fast travel is bad game design in 2024, I do have a few of the stones now, but the early quests send you really far out and as mentioned in one of my earlier posts, does little to tell you you're gonna be unable to progress back somewhere, it does make me want to just buy a load of the stones, but I ain't supporting that
  • The world design and atmosphere reminds me a lot of Dark Souls 1
  • The larger enemies are very OP for the early game with far too much health, but I can imagine them being pushovers later, they're usually slow and clunky
Now I will say, I am considering switching to a Mage, so that could work out a bit better
What do you mean early quests send you far and you can’t go back? Are there early quests I should avoid so this doesn’t happen?


Gold Member
Mystic Spearhand gameplay be like:


I love it, it's like those japs just watched some Star Wars movie and thought "what if a Jedi, but in medieval times?".
When I saw gameplay of it I immediately thought of the twinblades in Elden Ring. There was even a buff you could apply to make the blades glow red Darth Maul style.


It gets even better....After just running past the dragon because I really am not in the mood at half health to fight a wyrm,It turns out there are two caves in that area pretty close to eachother,and with my luck ofc i took the wrong one 👍 so now to double back I find out the entrance to the cave I took is apparently the spawn point for that dragon i just ran past cuz he greeted me with his back as soon as i got out of the cave
Season 1 Punch GIF by Law & Order

After I had a panicattack, I run past him...again...and find the right cave with the dumb kid inside getting attacked by a couple wolves,I talk to him,he thanks me yadda yadda now I'm half tempted to grab him and go throw him to the dragon after all the shit this quest put me through...


I love when games don't hold your hand. It's been an absolute joy playing this game and NOT having to rely on nonstop way points and quest markers to guide me every single time. I said this before, but it's brought that sense of mystery and discovery factor that I've wanted in games since the 80's to the early 2000's.

The game reminds me a lot of Morrowind, but with much, much, much, MUCHHHHH better combat. Only thing I wish was the regular battles were more challenging.
If you limit it with only one pawn, i guess it will add difficulty(?) I bring full party, and sometimes my health running fast low 😂 im getting old. I guess


I got unlucky with start quest in big city, i rode the cart and got hit by gryphone and the funny thing is last night i see here a cart attacked by gryphone as well. Soon after that i got my first great sword, but in the way home, i got routed by goblins, died and repeat the same, and then running away while my friends at ny studio laughing my broken ass. Dang, will continue tomorrow, i guess my playthrough will be laughed again by tomorrow. Its fun random things happen, and this game bring people closer in my studio... (By laughing how poor im playing)


Out of curiosity I decided to look at the MTX and from what I can see in game, I can't find where you'd even spend/use them aside from the wakestones which would no doubt go into your inventory, for the amount of people complaining and causing uproar over them, they not only don't throw them in your face, they barely reference them in game, much like DMCV and RE


Gold Member
Out of curiosity I decided to look at the MTX and from what I can see in game, I can't find where you'd even spend/use them aside from the wakestones which would no doubt go into your inventory, for the amount of people complaining and causing uproar over them, they not only don't throw them in your face, they barely reference them in game, much like DMCV and RE
The entire MTX fiasco was blown way out of proportion. Tons of false information from people who have no idea what they were talking about.


I am starting to question if this is for me now, I seem to have gotten stuck again cause theres a massive bunch of rocks in my path stopping me from getting to the Nameless Village with no way around it, I went a different way and ended up walking into a Drake, then 2 Cyclops and a Ogre, like ffs death after death at this point as the game is pissing about not letting me get to where I'm supposed to be going



What am I missing here?
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I am starting to question if this is for me now, I seem to have gotten stuck again cause theres a massive bunch of rocks in my path stopping me from getting to the Nameless Village with no way around it, I went a different way and ended up walking into a Drake, then 2 Cyclops and a Ogre, like ffs death after death at this point as the game is pissing about not letting me get to where I'm supposed to be going
Gotta go around. You get there by going off the road to the right into the Eastern Forest to bypass the landslide. The path to places isn't always a linear line.


Last night I was planning a jaunt from vernworth to melve. On the way, some rando wanted me to escort him to a place. They don't tell you where before you accept. Turns out he wants to go to check point city. Fucking other end of the planet. So we go through a trek day and night, no big issues. Get to the town and some other quest I was putting off auto-starts because a guy initiates dialogue as soon as you get near. Escort quest failed. Fuck you.

probably the wildest spelling of griffin I've ever seen.
I think we have at least 5 dfferent spellings of griffin going in this thread.

I am starting to question if this is for me now, I seem to have gotten stuck again cause theres a massive bunch of rocks in my path stopping me from getting to the Nameless Village with no way around it, I went a different way and ended up walking into a Drake, then 2 Cyclops and a Ogre, like ffs death after death at this point as the game is pissing about not letting me get to where I'm supposed to be going
Maybe consult the map a little more diligently. I had no issues getting to the town. Run away from fights above your level.

Here's my suggestion to you specifically. I don't know you level of proficiency with the game, but I think maybe you're biting off too much, too soon.

Go exploring the map, try to reach the chests and things your pawns point out. Explore caves, try to climb mountains. Fuck the quest for a little bit, get used to the game's environs and monsters. You ought to find  aught of use.


Last night I was planning a jaunt from vernworth to melve. On the way, some rando wanted me to escort him to a place. They don't tell you where before you accept. Turns out he wants to go to check point city. Fucking other end of the planet. So we go through a trek day and night, no big issues. Get to the town and some other quest I was putting off auto-starts because a guy initiates dialogue as soon as you get near. Escort quest failed. Fuck you.

I think we have at least 5 dfferent spellings of griffin going in this thread.

Maybe consult the map a little more diligently. I had no issues getting to the town. Run away from fights above your level.

Here's my suggestion to you specifically. I don't know you level of proficiency with the game, but I think maybe you're biting off too much, too soon.

Go exploring the map, try to reach the chests and things your pawns point out. Explore caves, try to climb mountains. Fuck the quest for a little bit, get used to the game's environs and monsters. You ought to find  aught of use.
That map didn't show me that route, I did find it and a home to a Minotaur, a tough beast beat I did beat it, took a wakestone though.


That map didn't show me that route, I did find it and a home to a Minotaur, a tough beast beat I did beat it, took a wakestone though.
My trip there didn't give me any issues to remember. I don't remember anything about a landslide either. I travelled there and found a village. I was there at night though, so I didn't see terrain. Sounds like my experience was completely different.


My trip there didn't give me any issues to remember. I don't remember anything about a landslide either. I travelled there and found a village. I was there at night though, so I didn't see terrain. Sounds like my experience was completely different.
Yea that could've been true.

Anyway, I rested at the Inn there and realised I'd missed upgrading my Attacks and such for a bit, so had loads to upgrade to be stronger now


Yea that could've been true.

Anyway, I rested at the Inn there and realised I'd missed upgrading my Attacks and such for a bit, so had loads to upgrade to be stronger now
LOL I didn't see the pictures on my first reply, some reason my phone hadn't loaded them. I'm on my laptop now and see them. I have no idea how I got there, I definitely didn't encounter that blocked path.

Anyway, about to boot the game on my laptop and see how she handles.


Gold Member
This game is hilarious. I keep trying to draw my bow to shoot at bosses but my pawns keep launching me up in the air when I'm not even remotely close to be able to grab hold. It crazy, lol!


Ah this is much better, the skill upgrades have much improved the combat, I've been too used to Souls like combat with lock ons and not being able to block and attack at the same time, but this coupled with my Battle Mage pawn is a massive boost, Cyclops now take seconds rather than minutes


I am starting to question if this is for me now, I seem to have gotten stuck again cause theres a massive bunch of rocks in my path stopping me from getting to the Nameless Village with no way around it, I went a different way and ended up walking into a Drake, then 2 Cyclops and a Ogre, like ffs death after death at this point as the game is pissing about not letting me get to where I'm supposed to be going



What am I missing here?

That area will unlock by doing a quest for captain Brant. I think its called 'unnamed village'


Gold Member
Does the exploration get better in the second half of the game? So far it’s been caves, caves, and more caves. All with the same earthy brown aesthetic. I did stumble upon some castle ruins which was cool, but so far there doesn’t seem to be a ton of variety.


Gold Member
This is simultaneously my favorite game in forever and completely off-putting. Putting aside the horrendous performance issues... idk if these devs are trolls or just kinda dumb?

One save, that constantly overwrites.

Following is kind of a SPOILER:

I just switched to trickster (a class with zero damage when you first equip it) and the very next thing that happens is I get sucked into a quest that requires a 1v1 fight. I fail the quest and apparently aggro a main character NPC.

I want to say they're trolls, but I think it was just an oversight and this game was CLEARLY not finished. Pretty fuckin aggravating though. As is the quest spam, when I'm already in a quest. And they're timed. It's quite obnoxious at times. And also a really great game otherwise so... idk.

The one save thing is horseshit though.

OMG, I didn't even think about changing to trickster before that fight, LMFAO. Sorry, man.


Gold Member
57 is an high price, it's like 44 euros on instant gaming...

Hopefully you liked the first one because the sequel is extremely similar.

It is, but this one has the magic that has me hooked. 60 hours in since launch. I probably played part 1 that much after several years of trying it off and on. It just didn't hook me like this one. They nailed it this time.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Does the exploration get better in the second half of the game? So far it’s been caves, caves, and more caves. All with the same earthy brown aesthetic. I did stumble upon some castle ruins which was cool, but so far there doesn’t seem to be a ton of variety.
I'm still not out of Vermund but yeah I've encountered some cool areas, like some greek-looking ruins, a big castle near a battlefield, and a marsh. West Vermund is better imo, eastern part is mostly forests.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
One save, that constantly overwrites.

The one save thing is horseshit though.

I am starting to question if this is for me now, I seem to have gotten stuck again cause theres a massive bunch of rocks in my path stopping me from getting to the Nameless Village with no way around it, I went a different way and ended up walking into a Drake, then 2 Cyclops and a Ogre, like ffs death after death at this point as the game is pissing about not letting me get to where I'm supposed to be going



What am I missing here?

Go south east from there. You'll get into a forest and then get to the village. It's an amazing atmosphere this part of the game so I won't say more.


Gold Member
I'm still not out of Vermund but yeah I've encountered some cool areas, like some greek-looking ruins, a big castle near a battlefield, and a marsh. West Vermund is better imo, eastern part is mostly forests.

Yeah I know the castle and marsh you’re talking about. They’re easily the best places I’ve stumbled upon so far.


Gold Member
So, I played this at work. Since the monitors are 1080p, I am playing at that res. Why is my frame rate worse? I changed nothing else but now I see the 40fps people are talking about in Vermond. 50-70 in 1440p though. Weird.


This game is huge, unreal how much they packed into the map. I just unlocked magick archer at the hot spring, guess this is close to the end?


Gold Member
This game is huge, unreal how much they packed into the map. I just unlocked magick archer at the hot spring, guess this is close to the end?
Wait, weren't you complaining that you completed the game after 20 hours? Did you get a little Flex Seal "but wait there's more!"


Gold Member
This game is huge, unreal how much they packed into the map. I just unlocked magick archer at the hot spring, guess this is close to the end?

I just did too and I'm far from the end. I have to be, I feel like I barely touched the main story. So it depends.

Edit: and I'm 60 hours in lol. Milking her for all she's worth.
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Gold Member
Mystic Spearhand gameplay be like:


I love it, it's like those japs just watched some Star Wars movie and thought "what if a Jedi, but in medieval times?".
You guys do realize that your character doesn't have to be a self-portrait....right?

You can make your main character how you want, but the real point of the game is to whore your pawn out to the best of your ability 😜: Make them hot with skimpy clothes and give them a 10000 gold pawn quest with an easy goal like ’kill a cyclops‘.

Speaking of which look for those pawn quests when you hire pawns; the ones that pay out either cash or gems.

It costs quite a bit of gold but it also makes your pawn a juicy hire putting up the 10000 gold, and if you pay it forward others take up the habit (and wait a bit before you visit an inn again otherwise it resets but you get more RC by waiting). Camping is better anyways, unless you want the ‘hard‘ save.
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Gold Member
So, I played this at work. Since the monitors are 1080p, I am playing at that res. Why is my frame rate worse? I changed nothing else but now I see the 40fps people are talking about in Vermond. 50-70 in 1440p though. Weird.

Since the game is CPU bound the lower resolutions are going to put more pressure on the CPU rather than the GPU.

I read that somewhere. Someone correct me if I got it wrong.
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It gets even better....After just running past the dragon because I really am not in the mood at half health to fight a wyrm,It turns out there are two caves in that area pretty close to eachother,and with my luck ofc i took the wrong one 👍 so now to double back I find out the entrance to the cave I took is apparently the spawn point for that dragon i just ran past cuz he greeted me with his back as soon as i got out of the cave
Season 1 Punch GIF by Law & Order

After I had a panicattack, I run past him...again...and find the right cave with the dumb kid inside getting attacked by a couple wolves,I talk to him,he thanks me yadda yadda now I'm half tempted to grab him and go throw him to the dragon after all the shit this quest put me through...

I ran around in circles for awhile trying to find that kid, too. It was worth it for the nighttime lich fight, though.
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