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Dragon's Dogma 2 |OT| Pawnworld


Just unlocked Mystic Spearhand!

I maxed this out last night. It's not my favorite. It think it would have been better to have at lower levels. I am switching now to trickster.

I had my pawn just max out fighter and as I was buying her skills I was noticing how fun I think that class looks to play. It will probably be my next move.

My favorite classes so far are Warrior and Thief.
I don't think there is one to send things to storage but you can send pawns to sell things and come back with the gold. It's the hawker specialization.
I had one experience with that, that will never bring me back to it. It's not a problem if you never make use of it though.
I said yes to the selling, at camp, and it proceeded to sell all the weapons and armor I collected on my journey. Never again. There's no choosing what they sell, so unless you have only things you want to sell in your pack, have at it. I would like to experiment to find out what they do and do not sell, but I'll leave that to other people and just search the info some day.


It is absolutly insane that the vast area of Battahl doesnt have a single rift crystal. I am all for sparse fast travel but this is a design error.


Gold Member
Yeah, welcome to your new pair of clown shoes. You deserved them.
"Now being free to create more than one player character is supposed to be "handholding".
Jesus Fucking Christ.

I can think of SEVERAL potential reasons even just on the top of my head:

- wanting to replay specific parts of the game without being forced to quit/rush your ongoing playthrough.
- wanting to create a different character WITHOUT getting rid of another you already have (because, you know, you'd like to keep playing with both at different times).
- wanting to experiment with things/doing throwaway "test runs" you wouldn't necessarily do in your main ongoing game.
- wanting to re-experience the progression curve "from zero to hero" from the start, without having to through artificial meanings AND without wanting to throw away all the progression unlocked in their first game.

You know, just a small portion of the COUNTLESS reasons people usually love to create multiple characters in their single player RPGs.

The main difference is that they usually don't need to beg for it or justify their preference as if they were caught red-handed in the middle of crime.
It's always been a given. But now we are entering unknown territory in the field of corporate cocksucking, where people like you would defend mandatory castration if if was a "design choice" part of the "original vision".

Are you on PC? You can mod in the capability to have an infinite amount of playthroughs.

I wish it was standard. I want to make a female archer but don't want to lose my first character that took me 8 hours to make. He looks just like me lol


I haven't messed with other voices and I'm curious what others here experience with their pawns.

My summoned pawns will remark something like "be careful, you're like to trip on something"

My pawn will say "oh, don't mind me, these things happen" It's my favorite thing she says and it makes me smile every time. Just the VO delivery.


Gold Member
I love when the game just throws stuff at you. I’ve walked this road numerous times. This time a griffon thought I would ruin my day.

Yeah, it's awesome. I remember seeing a thread on what we want Elden Ring to add in their DLC. Random encounters would be great in ER as well. More games need that.


Gold Member
I haven't messed with other voices and I'm curious what others here experience with their pawns.

My summoned pawns will remark something like "be careful, you're like to trip on something"

My pawn will say "oh, don't mind me, these things happen" It's my favorite thing she says and it makes me smile every time. Just the VO delivery.

I noticed that certain voices have their own personalities. I've seen pawns that don't get along and other who's voice lines support each other more. I can't remember the exact lines, but I thought that was neat and made it seem more like Baldur's Gate.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Please answer this though, according to you, what is the point of starting a new game in a game like DD 1/2, or having multiple characters? OR, concurrent playthroughs?
Game is designed like a early 2000's MMO akin to Everquest or FFXI just like DD1 was. Really no point in starting a new character as NG+ just serves for you to continue to increase the power of your character. In addition you and your pawns to hoard multiple sets of gear with different upgrades and level each Vocation/Job class and pick out which Augments to deck out your characters with.

Also no point from lore perspective given the universe revolves around endless cycles hence the iconic phrase "Another link in the Endless Chain".

A lot of people I think are gonna dislike that OG MMO feel but for me it's why I love the franchise.


Game is designed like a early 2000's MMO akin to Everquest or FFXI just like DD1 was.
Weird angle to even attempt, given that there's NO "MMO from the early 2000" (nor previous or successive ones, for all that matters) that didn't let you create alternate characters.


Gold Member
Really wish enemies would attack each other and not just NPCs and pawns. Had a Griffin swoop in while I was taking on a Chimera and I thought it would be really cool if those two would go at it. But instead even goblins are going to attack me over a griffin or chimera. Guess they are all on the same "side".


Really wish enemies would attack each other and not just NPCs and pawns. Had a Griffin swoop in while I was taking on a Chimera and I thought it would be really cool if those two would go at it. But instead even goblins are going to attack me over a griffin or chimera. Guess they are all on the same "side".
I've seen big monsters fight each other. The common mobs seem to always go for the player, though. I've even had a boar attack me whilst fighting goblins.

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
Really wish enemies would attack each other and not just NPCs and pawns. Had a Griffin swoop in while I was taking on a Chimera and I thought it would be really cool if those two would go at it. But instead even goblins are going to attack me over a griffin or chimera. Guess they are all on the same "side".

I've seen a Dragon vs Cyclops and a Griffin vs a Cyclops in my playthrough.
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Really wish enemies would attack each other and not just NPCs and pawns. Had a Griffin swoop in while I was taking on a Chimera and I thought it would be really cool if those two would go at it. But instead even goblins are going to attack me over a griffin or chimera. Guess they are all on the same "side".
Someone remarked earlier that a golem lost it's head. I had a Griffin swoop in on my golem fight and it knocked it's head off. I then proceeded to push the head further away, like a boulder. I'm not sure how the golem died after that, but it did. I remember it lumbering around and I didn't see any active medals. I'm not sure if taking it's head off is a killing blow or not.

I think you take target priority unless something else has done enough damage to gain agro. I'd wager if you have the augment that reduces agro, you might get ignored.

I have been playing just now, trying to learn the trickster. It's very different than anything else and I'm still confused. But, I was in Harve village for a quest and decided this is a good area to learn since it's low level stuff. 2 crashes in a row. My pawn is a newly converted sorcerer with Maelstrom that she is very liberal in using. I'm not sure if this is the problem or what. This is getting annoying.

First crash was right outside at the ruins where the drake likes to hang around. No drake, but there were bandits. Crash. I just banged out Ulrika a couple days ago and now her father is looking to get in my pants. I took him on a trip up the road a bit and crash.
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Really wish enemies would attack each other and not just NPCs and pawns. Had a Griffin swoop in while I was taking on a Chimera and I thought it would be really cool if those two would go at it. But instead even goblins are going to attack me over a griffin or chimera. Guess they are all on the same "side".
They aren't all on the same side, but some are allied with each other, like goblins and cyclopses; I've seen a 5 way battle between a bunch of enemies.


Gold Member
The Griffin and Chimera may view each other as kindred species. Apparently none of them like Cyclops. Probably because they're humanoids.

They aren't all on the same side, but some are allied with each other, like goblins and cyclopses; I've seen a 5 way battle between a bunch of enemies.

Some of the gang-ups in this game are absolutely brutal…literally stun-lock you to death.

Jesus......feel like I'm missing out now.


Gold Member
Yeah, I was thinking about trying out a one pawn playthrough some time, then I got chewed on by wolves for seemingly 2 minutes straight. No thanks lol
It’s doable later on; ‘Formless Feint’ skill for Thief, is invincibility mode. And from what it seems you can teach your pawns how to use it by using it yourself…not the skill itself (your pawn learns it when you do) but the situations they use it in.

My Thief pawn is practically mirroring my movements.
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Gold Member
I am like 20 hours in and the Tricksters Vocation tricked me. Its horrible.
Level Fighter to vocation level 6 for the weight reduction augment ‘Thew’. Then do what you want…it’s pretty much the single most useful augment in the game, especially early on.
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I am like 20 hours in and the Tricksters Vocation tricked me. Its horrible.
It's different, that's for sure... but it's easily the best tanking vocation in the game. Once you wrap your head around it, you and your pawns should rarely take any damage.

That said, the lack of damage output definitely feels weird for this type of game. As such, I wouldn't make it my main vocation but it's fun to play around with here and there. Also, as mentioned, some of the augments are pretty good (especially Detection if you're looking for Seeker's Tokens).

Oh and it's great for Remote Play. Sitting on the toilet and guiding my pawns to victory
Great Job Reaction GIF


I am like 20 hours in and the Tricksters Vocation tricked me. Its horrible.

So, I'm leveling this vocation too. I have been having the hardest time figuring it out. My pawns kill everything before I can get anything happening. I'm not getting any real knowledge on this class.

I fucked around a bit trying to learn the class and I then ferrystone to vernworth and as I'm running about I keep hearing this chime. Thinking it's a timer or something, I checked my quest list. I kept going about my business, finished a quest, ran out to walk to verne. I kept hearing the chime. Then I started reading the descriptions of all the new equipment I recently put on looking for something to do with this noise. Then the noise changed speakers. So I tried looking at the pawns in my party, were they wearing some noise making shit? Then one pointed out a token and it dawned on me. I just reached level 2 or 3 in the vocation and added the new skills and augments. One was the sound when you're near tokens and shards.

So then I go searching out more tokens with that sound. Found a couple, then as I'm trying to figure out how to get to a location I can't reach and the fighter won't use his damn launchboard. I move on, get that one later. It's now night time and as I'm looking for a path down from a mountain I fall down into a camp of bandits, barely surviving the fall damage, they begin to fuck me over at every turn. I run around forever trying to figure out how to kill shit and not die as a trickster. I had to use so much healing gear to survive. I used an all-heal potion at one point, that one heals you to 100%, including loss gauge FYI, my first time using. The only skills I have are the introductory skill and the inviso-wall, the other 2 were not of use for me. The rally skill and the out of body scouting thing.

This was the most aggravating thing I have ever done. As I'm waiting for my pawns to find me, forever, I paused and noticed everyone of them were gone. Not dead because I never heard the sound. They just got dismissed somehow. Maybe the distance I travelled was too far? I was on my own to manage this fight and it was hell, but probably the best lesson for this class. There was a big rock with some area I could climb to hide for a bit. I used that and the invisowall to recuperate.

So this fight consisted of two or three archers, a spellcaster, and two or three thieves. Stunlock city. I figured out the best skill for me in this situation was the invisowall. I used that to hide and cast the copy. Then I kept getting murdered if I kept the copy behind me. So I had to get to where I could posses them without them aiming at me first. Once you try to possess, the copy is behind you so they all aim there. You can get behind the invisowall and cast it there. If they are close. I managed to run and hide and possess down to one guy. Then I'm trying to figure out how to kill a guy with a class that does no damage. I had to find barrels to chuck. Then I just picked him up and threw him against a wall.


Now level 5 mystic spearhand and really not enjoying this vocation. It seems to be one of those all flash and no substance classes so far, everything takes too long to get going and there's little cohesion between the different weapon skills that I have available so far. I'm being carried by my pawns as it stands.

I'll give it it's due until I max it out, but right now I'm itching to move on to something different (or back to thief).


Gold Member
Now level 5 mystic spearhand and really not enjoying this vocation. It seems to be one of those all flash and no substance classes so far, everything takes too long to get going and there's little cohesion between the different weapon skills that I have available so far. I'm being carried by my pawns as it stands.

I'll give it it's due until I max it out, but right now I'm itching to move on to something different (or back to thief).
Yeah, I’m starting to feel this too. I’m more than halfway through the vocation, and it’s just not clicking. It feels way clunkier than it seems it should be. It feels like a weird middle ground between fighter and warrior, with odd magic.

I was hyping the class up to myself too. Just makes me want to go back to Thief, or try archer.
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Gold Member
I like sorceror a hell of a lot more than mage, but it probably helps a lot that I just now discovered that RB speeds up casting.

Randy Orton Reaction GIF by WWE

Why wouldn't that just be a passive upgrade though? Press two buttons to cast, press three button to cast faster?
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Gold Member
I think I have used every golden bug in the game and my dude can't walk three feet without a CPAP machine on blast.
Anyone know a way to fix this? I dont max out usually either just some regents etc.
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Gold Member
Sorry to say this, but you COMPLETELY miss the point of the game loop, that's not a bad thing though.

You're being, just stupid. :) :)

Your whiny ass point equals to, why aren't all the forms in Tetris square, so I can beat it more easily?!?!?!

Does my post gain more value if I also write "Jesus fucking christ?".

You are just being a asshat.
Anthony Anderson Abc GIF by HULU

I think I have used every golden bug in the game and my dude can't walk three feet without a CPAP machine on blast.
Anyone know a way to fix this? I dont max out usually either just some regents etc.

Was trying to find the post, but someone mentioned beefing up the Warrior vocation to level six and getting an augment (I think) that lightens the load, so to speak.

Edit: Found it....

Level Fighter to vocation level 6 for the weight reduction augment ‘Thew’. Then do what you want…it’s pretty much the single most useful augment in the game, especially early on.
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Gold Member
Now level 5 mystic spearhand and really not enjoying this vocation. It seems to be one of those all flash and no substance classes so far, everything takes too long to get going and there's little cohesion between the different weapon skills that I have available so far. I'm being carried by my pawns as it stands.

I'll give it it's due until I max it out, but right now I'm itching to move on to something different (or back to thief).
Thief is so fun and zippy plus does a ton of damage. I can get in and out of fights much easier than any other class. I need to start maxing others but I think Thief and Warrior are best classes.


Tears of Nintendo
I'm almost 30 hrs in, haven't even get out of the first huge region and not completed the 1st act and at this point it's INSANE to see and experience what they've done with this game in comparison to original, not just in terms of what they did better and which was in the first game already, but there's also so many other things and mechanics which are new, super unique and cool that you just can't help but to smile with joy and tears in your eyes, cuz you just didn't expect to see any of this at all, let alone on this level of attention to details and how it all works together.

Like, if someone told me back in 2013 that - "Hey, listen, Agent, this game may look, feel and play more like an unfinished and not fully realized concept right now, but just you wait 11 years and Capcom will blow your goddamn mind" I would believe it. I mean, just stop and think for a second guys, how many times have we seen a developer / publisher going back however many years, looking at something they did and right at this second saying to themselves - "You know what? Fuck it! We can do a lot better now!"? For a vast majority of publishers and developers it is like a done deal and they think that no one cares about something that was made 10-11 years ago, they don't see it as something they can improve, fully realize on a modern level etc. many years later. They've made it, sold it and that's the end of it.

I don't think RE remakes even come close to Dragon's Dogma "2" cuz even though they're way better than original games (maybe not RE3R, for reasons), but they're basically the same games with similar mechanics for the most part and they weren't just a concept back when they were released like original Dragon's Dogma was, which is clear as day now that you see what they really had in mind back in 2013. This gives me hope guys, cuz if Capcom decided to make a Dragon's Dogma for real 11 years later and give it a second chance, maybe someday we'll get to see and play MUCH better Lost Planet and even Remember Me (I believe Capcom owns this IP, but correct me if I'm wrong) - both of these games are more like a cool concept rather than a fully realized game in terms of gameplay mechanics and overall design.

From what I've played so far, Dragon's Dogma "2" is my GOTY right now, I love this game to death despite all of its flaws (there's really not that many), technical problems and I don't know what can honestly beat it this year. If anything, I don't think I'll end up choosing just one game as my GOTY this year, cuz at least 3 more have GOTY potential.


I am still trying wrap my head around trickster. The fake floor is useless. You can't move your simulacrum to a place that isn't your back. Like to video tutorial shows. That's bullshit. Unless there's some secret button that tells it to move to a certain place. I've hit another 1 or 2 levels but haven't been to town yet to see what is new.

Whoever said this is easy mode is fucking not playing the same game. I keep running into fucking idiot pawns that can't cross a bridge then I'm down to one pawn and myself. It's madening how hard it is like this. I'm also venturing into the last areas of the game. The 3rd level of harpies area. That's not even my destination, it's just on the way.

This class may not be for me. I'm going to try and max it out, but I really want to play something that can swing a weapon.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I am still trying wrap my head around trickster.
Summon ghost. Use Shroud 2-3 times. Use Aroma(can't give commands while they are buffed) to buff Pawns. Use Effigy in big fights to make a enemy fight for you. Dragon's Delusion to make enemies scatter, run in fear or trip/knock down boss monsters. You are also invincible during the dragon summon animation.

It's a great class if you want a Pet class. Super easy and simple to play. I don't even use the fake floors and walls.


I am still trying wrap my head around trickster. The fake floor is useless. You can't move your simulacrum to a place that isn't your back. Like to video tutorial shows. That's bullshit. Unless there's some secret button that tells it to move to a certain place. I've hit another 1 or 2 levels but haven't been to town yet to see what is new.

Whoever said this is easy mode is fucking not playing the same game. I keep running into fucking idiot pawns that can't cross a bridge then I'm down to one pawn and myself. It's madening how hard it is like this. I'm also venturing into the last areas of the game. The 3rd level of harpies area. That's not even my destination, it's just on the way.

This class may not be for me. I'm going to try and max it out, but I really want to play something that can swing a weapon.
I said it's easy mode because it is; everything attacks the clone while your pawns are free to deal damage. If you get used to it you don't even need a healer. The fake floor is nigh useless as is the scouting clone (unless you like using it to look for tokens I guess).

I'm not in game or in a position to swap back so I can't give exact names but here's the skills I used and how I used them.
- Before getting into a fight drop a clone. Aggro with the pot, using the area aggro ability when you get it. Consistently use it during a fight to grab stuff and keep it on the clone.
- Keep an eye on the clone's HP bar. When it gets low you can reposition with R1 and if you hold the button it'll stick to your back and heal itself so you don't have to resummon. Keep moving so enemies don't hit you and cause it to vanish. You can also play keep away with the really strong enemies by repositioning it during an attack so they just whiff.
- If the clone isn't out during combat for whatever reason drop a fog wall and stand inside it to resummon. Enemies ignore what's inside the wall (though area attacks still penetrate it). Your party members can attack from inside it as well.
- The party damage buff is really good. The HP loss isn't a big deal and if you bring a Mage it's irrelevant. I only used it on boss encounters or big fights.
- I liked to jump off ledges and reposition the clone midair. Most enemies have a hard time hitting it.
- Out of combat you can tap the R1 button every few seconds to keep bringing it along while traveling if you want.

I didn't have the master ability at the time so I can't speak for using it.
Almost collected the 220 Seeker Tokens for the final reward (Ring of Endeavor) but I'm close to maxing out all vocations already so bonus discipline points feel kinda pointless this far into the game. The ring should have been a much earlier unlock, and the corset the final reward IMO

But I suppose it's possible that Capcom will release DLC vocations, so maybe the ring will come in handy then? We shall see.


Yeah you guys assume you have 3 pawns in tow. I have had several incidents now, where my pawns keep getting killed or disappear. It's ramped up frequency ever since I chose trickster.

In those cases you have to rely on possessing to get anything killed. It's really annoying trying to latch the copy onto a monster so the others will kill him. The timing has to be perfect or one hit as you aim and the copy dies. Half the time it doesn't hit the target. Then you are getting blasted by 5 guys in a circle jerk as you try to get up.

I just killed one of the lesser dragons. On the way up had to choose 2 new pawns because of another bridge situation. My sorcerer got killed and then I was in the hobgoblin circle jerk trying to get back to her. They have extra long reach any time you get in trouble. Run a mile away and they are still hitting you with a leap or charge.
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Tears of Nintendo
So I had to switch a class cuz it was about time after ~30 hours to try something new since I finaly maxed out the Fighter class and aquired everything I needed....


Good god the Warrior class in this game if FUCKIN' ROOOOOOCKS!:goog_horns:

At first I thought man, I need to level up the class again and won't be doing good in combat since I'll only have basic skills for a while but then I got into fights and... a few hours later I can't get rid of the huge effin' smile from my face cuz it was SUCH a good time to play as a warrior and could't wait to get into fights. I mean, I love some fighter skills cuz they're very satisfying to pull off and it generally feels great to play with the sword and shield, but MAN the Warrior makes this class obsolete in almost every way but speed. To put it into perspective, I've killed 5 Cyclops (2 armored), 3 Ogres and 3 Griffins in just 3 hours and wiped out entire bars of HP in a matter of seconds while being at only class level 2! I can't effin' imagine what's in the store for me next let alone when I hit the max level of this class.

I mean, yeah, Warrior is slow af, but it feels amazing to play, the weight of each attack, the way your characters behave in combat and I effin' love the upper attack which lifts everything in the air, then you land on the ground, walk around the sword to get into the best position to pull it out off the ground... It's something else to behold, let alone see the impact of each attack you do. At one point I hit the ogre with the upper attack, staggered him, almost lifted him up and then he fell to the ground. Shit, I can't even put into words just how satisfying it is. Lords of the Fallen also has really cool and realistic character behaviour when you wield great / huge swords and hammers as well as environmental interaction during combat, but Warrior class in Dragon's Dogma "2" is just on the whole other level, not to mention that there's so much more I haven't even seen and unlocked and Lords of the Fallen don't even have unique weapon arts based on classes, where as Dragon's Dogma "2" is full of it literally for each class.

I mean, it's not fair to compare Lords of the Fallen combat to Dragon's Dogma "2", but the way I see it, these games have the best feeling combat with great / huge weapons... for different reasons. Anyway, love the fuck out the Warrior class👍
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The trickster class is def the easy mode class, you can pull aggro 100% of the time.
And the fake floor and ghost aren't useless, you can also move the clone while on ghost form, so you don't have to jump of a ledge or whatever.
You can just use the clone, draw aggro, go make a fake floor, use ghost, pull aggro over the fake floor = profit.
The dragon illusion is cool too and basically ends encounters when you use it, so it's useful if you are alone or simply don't want to fight.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
What makes you even think that they wrapped their heads so hard around figuring it out?

Umm, because they are professionals and have spent literally years working daily on the project!

It's pretty clear they didn't, because otherwise only extremely incompetence would have justified their failure to accomplish what ANY other developer did without too much of a struggle.

And of course every other developer tries to do what they're attempting in this game?

Maybe the very reason they didn't do it is because no matter how poorly they do their job, they have legions of people like you who defend the result as a "creative vision".

Creative vision is EVERYTHING you muppet!

Its about more than compiling a checklist of demands from every game that's come before and just chucking it all together!

The comedy part is that you sound like every idiot producer I ever encountered over my many years in the business! You are a perfect ambassador for the entire phenomenon of design-by-committee that invariably ends up shitting out bland copy-and-paste product no matter how much the team wants to create something different and unique in the space.
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