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Dragon's Dogma 2 |OT| Pawnworld


Creative vision is EVERYTHING you muppet!
Take a hike.

Imagine being so invested in the corporate cocksucking one has to come up with excuses to be righteously ANGRY against people who say "I'd like to have more than one character in my single player RPG".
Is this game spreading the brain rot among its user base?

What's supposed to be so "visionary" about giving you just one character slot, again?
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Level Fighter to vocation level 6 for the weight reduction augment ‘Thew’. Then do what you want…it’s pretty much the single most useful augment in the game, especially early on.
Only early on. Most of the Augments suck in this game. It's rather laughable.

Fextralife goes over it. I'll break it down for you here too. The ones in bold are what you should aim for.

Mettle - Increases Phys Defense+30%
Provocation - Doubles Enmity
Thew - Carry +10 weight.
Dominion - Unclear how it extends the duration
Diligence - Doesn't seem to be a difference
Ambuscade - +10% damage against enemies not in battle stance
Endurance - Increase Stamina by 150
Radiance - Lantern uses less Oil and bigger AoE of Illumination
Lethality - +5% Weakpoint damage
Avidity - +10% Climb Speed
Apotropaism - Increases Mag Defense +30%
Beatitude - Increases Healing Magic and Curative effectiveness by 10%
Intervention - Reduces Debilitations you are afflicted with to 70% effectiveness.
Perpetuation - Extends durations of Enchantments/Invigorations by 20%
Exaltation - Increases Stamina Recovery by 10%
Subtlety - Decreased chance of being targeted by 15%
Gratification - 4% heal every time you kill something
Poise - Reduce Stamina consumption when grabbed by 20%
Vigor - Reduce Stamina comsumption when climbing or pinning enemies by 15%
Verve - Adds 30 points to Strength
Vitality - +200 HP
Impact - Improves ability to push/pull enemies when grabbing by +100%
Pertinacity - Improves ability to break opponents guard. Unclear if it's against shields or armored creatures. Requires more testing.
Dominance - Increases Knockdown Power by 15%
Intrepidity - Reduces cumulation of HP loss damage by 5%
Asperity - Increased chance of applying Debilitations by 20%
Stasis - Reduced Item Deterioration by 25%
Constancy - Increases Knockdown Resistance +30%
Catalysis - Increases Elemental Weakness damage by 5%
Sagacity - Adds 30 points to Magick
Conveyance - Increases movement speed while carrying or lifting objects by 10%
Opulence - Increased Gold from coin pouches by 5%
Polarity - Increase Strength/Magick by 5% during Day/Night
Refulgence - Increases amount of Rift Crystals picked up by 5%
Athleticism - Reduces Stamina Consumption from Sprinting by 10%
Sustainment - Adds 30 points each to the Phys and Mag Defense of Pawns
Voracity - Restores 10% Stamina after you kill an enemy
Prolificity - Small Enemies will drop items 20% more often
Ascendancy - Add 30 points to Strength and Magick of Pawns
Amelioration - Reviving a Pawn is reduced by 1 second
Detection - Detects Seeker Tokens or Wakestone Shards with sounds and blinking lights
Enlightenment - 15% chance to get another item when combining items
Fugacity - Reduces the chance of being raided while camping/riding Ox Cart by 65%
Obfuscation - When not in battle stance you are harder to detect by 15%
Allure - Raise affinity more easily by +10%
Zeal - Reduces Stamina Consumption of any Weapon Skill by 5%
Dynamism - Reduces the amount Weight affects your movement speed. Example: If you are considered Heavy you move as if you were Average Weight. Light would be Very Light.
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its awesome when you click on a thread to see what kinds of things people are doing in a game and its mostly a bunch of comments from people arguing and calling names like bitches...:pie_raybans:(y)

Honestly I don't have too many good things to say about the game, either.
I'm frankly finding this sequel incredibly underwhelming on a good day and straight up disappointing any other one.

Incredibly sparse improvements from the first and even some regression here and there.
The writing is just ranging from dull to atrocious, the gameplay loop incredibly repetitive, challenge is almost non-existing after the first 2 hours, the enemy variety lackluster (with the aggravating factor that most of the creatures are borrowed almost unchanged from the first) and so on.

What people are doing? Probably walking around the map and hitting the same 8-10 enemies over and over until they die. That's what you do 90% of the time, anyway.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Incredibly sparse improvements from the first and even some regression here and there.
The writing is just ranging from dull to atrocious, the gameplay loop incredibly repetitive, challenge is almost non-existing after the first 2 hours, the enemy variety lackluster (with the aggravating factor that most of the creatures are borrowed almost unchanged from the first) and so on.

What people are doing? Probably walking around the map and hitting the same 8-10 enemies over and over until they die. That's what you do 90% of the time, anyway.
This is how I feel about any of Fromsoft's Souls series or Elden Ring so to each their own.

Garbage story. Poor Quest system. Repetitive Gameplay. Non-existent challenge after you frame trap and read attack patterns, lackluster enemy variety outside of bosses, game becomes easy after you grind a couple million souls, absolutely atrocious camera. Garbage Magic System.

Can't imagine how people have fun in a Souls game wandering the map hitting the same enemies with a long stick and engaging in PvP all day long with crap emotes.

Satire btw

Though I think we both know that the most interesting thing in both Dogma and Souls is the world itself and how it tells it's story through the world.

Though I feel if you and the other guy want to fight it out over Character Slots or multiple save games you can duke it out somewhere else.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Game has it's flaws but honestly, I don't mind the repetition when the combat is so damn fun.

I'm just sad that the game made the same mistake the first one did, which is having shit balance when it comes to vocations and the overall difficulty.

But aside from that, I'm having a very good time exploring the game and slaying beasts, because an easy game can be fun if the gameplay is done right.


Gold Member
All this game needs is to increase the number of town / village portals Ala Diablo and let us buy / find more travel tokens!

I get they are trying to tie those into DLC which is BS, but they need to make travel easier for us it's probably the biggest problem that and needing more enemy types in the wild.


Satire btw
Ah ok. i thought it was just massive delusion.

Though I feel if you and the other guy want to fight it out over Character Slots or multiple save games you can duke it out somewhere else.
I didn't "want to fight" about shit, to be honest.
I TALKED about my dislike for the character slot ONCE and a couple of users started HAUNTING and antagonizing me over and over because "I didn't get the game".

I don't need that bullshit, ok? You don't get to explain to me "how the game should work" and "Why I don't get it" only because I criticized an aspect of it.
Spare me the cultish gospel.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Take a hike.

Imagine being so invested in the corporate cocksucking one has to come up with excuses to be righteously ANGRY against people who say "I'd like to have more than one character in my single player RPG".
Is this game spreading the brain rot among its user base?

What's supposed to be so "visionary" about giving you just one character slot, again?

Its got nothing whatsoever to do with "corporate cocksucking", quite the reverse in fact.

What I'm defending is the right of developers to make the game they want to make, without being forced into diluting or compromising their vision to appeal the widest possible market.

In the simplest terms, they shouldn't have to defend their creative choices to anyone, for any reason.

I mean I'm sure you think your suggestions are "helpful" and for the betterment of the game. But by the same token, you'd have to agree that every blue-haired activist obsessed with representation is arguing on the exact same basis, with the same complete lack of actual "skin in the game" as you, to ensure their "vision" of what's best, gets implemented also!

You're no different in my eyes.
Who else thinks this suffers from Far Cry 5 disorder? That would be throwing constant enemy encounters at the player instead of giving us some down time to just explore and take in our surroundings


What's the consensus on the 30 fps cap the devs added in the last patch on console? Is this the better way to play now?
for me still fine.
Who else thinks this suffers from Far Cry 5 disorder? That would be throwing constant enemy encounters at the player instead of giving us some down time to just explore and take in our surroundings
it might be your luck, i mostly got balance percentage


What's the consensus on the 30 fps cap the devs added in the last patch on console? Is this the better way to play now?
Personally I prefer the uncapped fps when combined with disabled ray tracing. In a lot of areas you can get 60 fps, and since the frame rate runs all over the place when in towns and busy fights, I figured I might as well get higher fps when I can


This is as close to bi-polarity I've experienced with a game. Some moments I'm really absorbed and have a lot of fun, and then in others I absolutely hate the game and want to uninstall it.

I've played frustrating games before, but the amount of stupid bullshit this game has is staggering 😂
for me still fine.

it might be your luck, i mostly got balance percentage

Nah it's not my luck this game has a high rate of encounters. That's not great game design for an open world game. I'm not talking bosses but encounters in general including trash mobs. It's not the worst thing in the world but you don't get to ever really take in the world this way.

The other problem with this is that these trash mob encounters (you know the goblins, the bird things, skeletons) are piss easy. There's no challenge whatsoever so they become more of an annoyance than anything .. I don't remember the first game being this easy do you?

There's a very real trend amongst Japanese devs in recent years to make the majority of their games encounters devoid of challenge so that anyone who buys the game can finish, or at least get very far into it. Even Fromsoftware adopted this with Elden Ring to q degree with the majority of enemies and trash mobs you see in the open world section of Elden Ring. Don't get me wrong still challenge to be had in Elden Ring but the average low level enemy in Elden Ring is easier than every other Fromsoft game ive played.

This is not good game design but it might be good business as this appeals to casuals and the "modern sensibilities" we always hear about from the games media. Nintendo has adopted this trend wholesale just making their franchises the easiest they've ever been. Mario Wonder is the perfect example where they removed the last arcade trappings (that added to challenge) that existed in previous 2d Mario games, such as removing timers and adding the ability to hold a free power up item at all times. This stands in stark contrast to arcade sensibilities when games were built on the idea of mastery and replayability.

Now games are longer, wider, and easier with lots of padding. Sadly, that's what sells. It's not rewarding though. It's a shame that a game like DD2 is doing this for obvious reasons. DD was a niche, hardcore focused game just like Dark Souls series used to be.
The game has some kind of dynamic difficulty, so if you're doing great, it seems it will throw more shit at you.

Interesting.. well that's a testimony to the fact that they made this game easier because I'm not even good at it and the only time I've felt challenged is on large enemy types and bosses. My pawns are steamrolling enemies too.


What I'm defending is the right of developers to make the game they want to make, without being forced into diluting or compromising their vision to appeal the widest possible market.

In the simplest terms, they shouldn't have to defend their creative choices to anyone, for any reason.
But you are not defending a creative choice, you are defending an USABILITY issue.
It's not like the game is designed to be experienced only ONCE for some "strong, creative reason".
The game lets you restart over and over already. What it doesn't do, on the other hand, is giving you the freedom to play two characters (or more) concurrently.
Why? Because they couldn't be bothered to make it work with their Pawn system, apparently.

I mean I'm sure you think your suggestions are "helpful" and for the betterment of the game. But by the same token, you'd have to agree that every blue-haired activist obsessed with representation is arguing on the exact same basis, with the same complete lack of actual "skin in the game" as you, to ensure their "vision" of what's best, gets implemented also!

You're no different in my eyes.
Take a step back, lay down on the drugs and try to face reality, for a change.
Forget that you are now obsessed with defending THIS game in particular NO MATTER WHAT and TRY to apply the same logic to anything else.

If ANYONE attempted to defend this "feature" for any other game they would be considered mentally deranged and laughed out of the building.
We aren't talking about including a "convenient respec" here or cheaper fast travel here. THESE are design issue.
We are talking about the ability to open the game and start a new playthrough, from the beginning, without the need to WIPE the progression of your most advanced one.

Imagine if you couldn't have multiple characters/playthroughs in, say, Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring or Pathfinder.
And yet SOMEHOW Itsuno managed to bambooze half of you weirdos into DEFENDING this idea as the bravest design that ever was.

Also, for the sake of normal people' sanity, let's stop BLABBING randomly as if we were entering a brave new world and breaking new ground on game design here.
This is not a case of "not seeing far enough in what the long term implications may be". It's there already. It's called Dragon's Dogma 1.
The game that at some point I just ended up playing probably HALF of what I wanted to, because it simply didn't let me start a new games without NUKING all the endgame gear (all that tier 3 crap on Bitterblack Isle) I farmed for hours on my main character. To this day i still can't go back to that game, because the only options it offers me are "Wipe everything you already did" or "Continue this advanced playthrough where you have everything already farmed to death".

Fuck that.
I already know what my feelings on the long term will be: "It's shit".
It doesn't go away. gets worse over time. Spare me the gaslighting.
Now games are longer, wider, and easier with lots of padding. Sadly, that's what sells. It's not rewarding though. It's a shame that a game like DD2 is doing this for obvious reasons. DD was a niche, hardcore focused game just like Dark Souls series used to be...
very good post. 'rewarding' can mean different things to different people. if i'm being amused & entertained enough by a game, without necessarily being seriously challenged, i'd still consider that game rewarding. for example, i'm playing persona 3 reload right now, & tho the game on normal is noticeably easier
than it was in both its other incarnations, I'm still having a great time with it. there're lots of elements that go into making a game fun, imo. I'm not sure that being challenging is necessarily something that always has to be there in order for a game to be considered 'rewarding'...


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
DD was a niche, hardcore focused game just like Dark Souls series used to be.
I agree with the rest of your post, but lets not pretend base DD was hard or hardcore in any way. Saving that encounter with the bandits near witchwood, the game was easy as piss.

Dark Arisen made it a bit more challenging, but it could still be easy if you knew how to use periapts.


I just received hooker outfit from the seeker tokens. It just so happens to be way better than the sorcerer robe my pawn has on. Even though it replaces pants and top slots. It's still better.

So I'm forced to clad my very respectable and maidenly pawn in this whore costume. It's for the numbers only, guys. Don't get the wrong idea here. Nothing to see.
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Gold Member
I just received hooker outfit from the seeker tokens. It just so happens to be way better than the sorcerer robe my pawn has on. Even though it replaces pants and top slots. It's still better.

So I'm forced to clad my very respectable and maidenly pawn in this whore costume. It's for the numbers only, guys. Don't get the wrong idea here. Nothing to see.

How dare you make Phoebe look like a whore! Post pics please
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Gold Member
These type of things get rebalanced in a patch in a couple of months usually.
Hopefully they spread groups out a bit, but increase the amount of monsters per battle. The walk 10 feet fight 3 mobs loop gets tiring after a while.

Edit: pls nerf the frequency of goblin jump attacks. No bueno.
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Gold Member
Ended up in the post game by mistake

How are you supposed to figure out you need to open your inventory to use the blade on the dragon’s heart? Took me three tries to figure it out. An on-screen prompt would have sufficed.


Gold Member

It's weird, for some reaseon her cloak disappeared. She was hanging out with the monks, as she does. This was the stop and frisk moment.

I also noticed she has come down with a little bit of dragon plague. So now off to burn this whore.

Damn.....dragon plague is a STD?

Jennifer Lawrence Oops GIF


CliffyB's Cock Holster
But you are not defending a creative choice, you are defending an USABILITY issue.
It's not like the game is designed to be experienced only ONCE for some "strong, creative reason".
The game lets you restart over and over already. What it doesn't do, on the other hand, is giving you the freedom to play two characters (or more) concurrently.
Why? Because they couldn't be bothered to make it work with their Pawn system, apparently.

Show a tiny bit of intelligence, please.

Do you HONESTLY think that despite a huge staff, multiple years of development, focus tests, QA cycles, management reviews, etc. YOUI are the first person to notice this choice?

Do you not think the topic has almost certainly been discussed and a decision was made to proceed because they wanted it like that?

Oh, right. "They couldn't be bothered".

Do you not see how projecting this weirdly specific rationale (well, non-rationale), says more about YOU than the people who made the game!

Bad-faith complainers always project malintent or some sort of moral/character flaw on the creatives as to why things aren't just the way they want them... Taking a different view is simply inconceivable to them...

Funny that.


Show a tiny bit of intelligence, please.

Do you HONESTLY think that despite a huge staff, multiple years of development, focus tests, QA cycles, management reviews, etc. YOUI are the first person to notice this choice?

Do you not think the topic has almost certainly been discussed and a decision was made to proceed because they wanted it like that?

Oh, right. "They couldn't be bothered".
Your entire argument is that they made a deliberate decision.
Mine is that they made a poor one.

We are not so different in terms of starting point.
I simply chose to have an actual, independent, individual opinion on the quality of the result.
You know, rather than going out of my way to justify ANYTHING they would do, then bending over and spreading my asscheeks in submission.
Honestly I don't have too many good things to say about the game, either.
I'm frankly finding this sequel incredibly underwhelming on a good day and straight up disappointing any other one.

Incredibly sparse improvements from the first and even some regression here and there.
The writing is just ranging from dull to atrocious, the gameplay loop incredibly repetitive, challenge is almost non-existing after the first 2 hours, the enemy variety lackluster (with the aggravating factor that most of the creatures are borrowed almost unchanged from the first) and so on.

What people are doing? Probably walking around the map and hitting the same 8-10 enemies over and over until they die. That's what you do 90% of the time, anyway.
I bet youre fun at parties :messenger_neutral:


I bet youre fun at parties :messenger_neutral:
Thanks for asking.

...Back to the topic, there's this minor issue that is bugging me for hours at this point:
Can anyone tell me why the hell did I find a Dead Ringer in my inventory from the very moment I unlocked the Mystic Spearthing vocation twenty hours and levels ago?

I looked it up on Google and apparently it's more or less an END GAME weapon for that class, but I have no clue of where and when I supposedly got it, especially since it happened hours before I was even close to passing the border.


Thanks for asking.

...Back to the topic, there's this minor issue that is bugging me for hours at this point:
Can anyone tell me why the hell did I find a Dead Ringer in my inventory from the very moment I unlocked the Mystic Spearthing vocation twenty hours and levels ago?

I looked it up on Google and apparently it's more or less an END GAME weapon for that class, but I have no clue of where and when I supposedly got it, especially since it happened hours before I was even close to passing the border.

Were you a thief with steal/mug equipped when you fought the dragon in melve? Thats how i got mine


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I simply chose to have an actual, independent, individual opinion on the quality of the result.
You know, rather than going out of my way to justify ANYTHING they would do, then bending over and spreading my asscheeks in submission.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're such a special snowflake!

I've got plenty of criticisms of my own about the game thanks, which I'll probably post once I'm finished. But there being only one character-slot isn't one of them, because its totally in-line with the underlying design ethos of the game basically to setup decision points you can't take back, and make you live with the consequences of the choices you make for the duration of the run.

Having multiple save-slots or multiple characters, or a more liberal fast-travel system would change the experience. And DD2 is very much built with a mind to craft a certain experience through deliberately limiting options like that.

See, the point is adventures shouldn't be about convenience! Where's the thrill when its so low-stakes?


Gold Member
I'm in love with this game. I hope Capcom has a lot of content planned.

My hot take: DD2 > Elden Ring

Same. I'm a huge Souls ER fanboy, some of the best games ever. Definitely my favorite series, but I agree. I value combat above most everything else and it doesn't get better than this for me.
I agree with the rest of your post, but lets not pretend base DD was hard or hardcore in any way. Saving that encounter with the bandits near witchwood, the game was easy as piss.

Dark Arisen made it a bit more challenging, but it could still be easy if you knew how to use periapts.
DD1 is definitely harder and more unforgiving than DD2. DD2 is an absolute cakewalk in comparison.

Dynamic difficulty was a mistake for this type of game IMO
Were you a thief with steal/mug equipped when you fought the dragon in melve? Thats how i got mine
Yeah it's a random drop from dragons. I got two already lol

Kings Field

starting my PS5 run tonight as a fighter. Balls deep on Xbox as sorcerer. Figure I’ll start my PS5 run since it got somewhat of a patch.

This game has its hooks in deep.
Thanks for asking.

...Back to the topic, there's this minor issue that is bugging me for hours at this point:
Can anyone tell me why the hell did I find a Dead Ringer in my inventory from the very moment I unlocked the Mystic Spearthing vocation twenty hours and levels ago?

I looked it up on Google and apparently it's more or less an END GAME weapon for that class, but I have no clue of where and when I supposedly got it, especially since it happened hours before I was even close to passing the border.
It's a 12.35% drop from the dragon in Melve, according to Fextralife.


Gold Member
I hope Capcom has a lot of content planned.
Yeah, they need a meaty expansion or two for this game. Plus some balance/world tinkering so it feels better to play. They have a very good foundation.

Can’t really comment on if I’m satisfied with the amount of content in the base game. I missed a whole bunch of stuff when I reached the point of no return.


A lot of commentary about the sparseness of the open world in DD2 and also the repetitiveness of the combat and progression. Tbh, even LoZ: Tears of the Kingdom has the same problem but it's broken up with the whole build system mechanic in which you can make stuff. It's removes some of the redundancy. Dragon's Dogma I think needed something like this. Something to construct, put together, build and mess around with but at the same time add a dynamic gameplay element to the game. As an example the Mage/alchemist should be able to actually create beings to summon, follow, meld onto an object to tow it/move it, maybe create tiny little goblins to crawl up and open a locked gate, a being to lift a boulder, a blob type creature to stretch across a chasm (build a bridge) or between two trees to slingshot things and enemies. You'd study incantations, potions, need materials, progress quests in order to get to certain places. I guess in a sense, more physics based gameplay to fool around with. Each character should be able to do something in this regard to add to that mechanic. Whether construct using wood, stone, metal, ancient devices to reflect sun rays in order to harness heat/power. Idk, just some thoughts


Nah it's not my luck this game has a high rate of encounters. That's not great game design for an open world game. I'm not talking bosses but encounters in general including trash mobs. It's not the worst thing in the world but you don't get to ever really take in the world this way.

The other problem with this is that these trash mob encounters (you know the goblins, the bird things, skeletons) are piss easy. There's no challenge whatsoever so they become more of an annoyance than anything .. I don't remember the first game being this easy do you?

There's a very real trend amongst Japanese devs in recent years to make the majority of their games encounters devoid of challenge so that anyone who buys the game can finish, or at least get very far into it. Even Fromsoftware adopted this with Elden Ring to q degree with the majority of enemies and trash mobs you see in the open world section of Elden Ring. Don't get me wrong still challenge to be had in Elden Ring but the average low level enemy in Elden Ring is easier than every other Fromsoft game ive played.

This is not good game design but it might be good business as this appeals to casuals and the "modern sensibilities" we always hear about from the games media. Nintendo has adopted this trend wholesale just making their franchises the easiest they've ever been. Mario Wonder is the perfect example where they removed the last arcade trappings (that added to challenge) that existed in previous 2d Mario games, such as removing timers and adding the ability to hold a free power up item at all times. This stands in stark contrast to arcade sensibilities when games were built on the idea of mastery and replayability.

Now games are longer, wider, and easier with lots of padding. Sadly, that's what sells. It's not rewarding though. It's a shame that a game like DD2 is doing this for obvious reasons. DD was a niche, hardcore focused game just like Dark Souls series used to be.
How? This is best game this year for me, and i am game designer myself.

The design is balanced in my playthrough. Im playing twice, in my firsr i got a lot of encounter, in my second i got less. And like i said. It became different playthrough. And i was enjoying slaying goblins and such. Also the game it self have stories, why monster attacks rises suddenly because of dragons.

The challenge is fine, goblin can bully you if you are not careful. And dd1 goblin is only a small threat compared ro the two. The landscape and environment are more believable now. Not flat with ranges of mountain like other games.

Im not defending much. But lot of people aiming with laser scope for flaw of this game.

You see lot of people enjoyed the game here despite of the flaws. No games are perfect for all. If you dont like it, its fine.

Im not insulting you with your luck. Im also got ganged much. I choose to fight accordingly. Its immersive for me. The best open world beside zelda totk botw and mgs 5, for me.

This game might not for you then.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I discovered Thief. It's becoming difficult to want to play any other class. Formless Feint and high stamina makes you feel invincible. Makes encounters pretty trivial. Skillset pretty much has an answer for every situation. Mega fun too.

Mobility, Ensnare, ability to steal items, sneak attacks, invuln, pin into execute attacks. Lots of work went into DD2 Assassin class.

Between the Melees I think it's a toss up between Warrior and Thief. Spearhand has the cool factor and Bubble Shield but it seems underwhelming compared to others. Maybe I need to lab it some more but other then the Sith Lord novelty it wears off pretty quick.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

The Magick archer escort quest, at nearly the end of the trip somehow I think a damn harpy just grabbed her and off a cliff. Escort mission failed. I go back to the icon on the map, she's still there but does not give me the escort mission again?

Frustrated Ryan Gosling GIF

Capcom, goddamnit, I think I hate them as much as i love them.


Aright 30 plus hours in I can safely say this is a totally mediocre game. Its not terrible, there is some fun to be had, but the defense brigade trying to gaslight you into thinking this is something special is pretty weird. This game has some staunch defenders out there. But man, an action rpg without any real characters or story, its hard to invest in. The player character is a void, nothing there. Pawns you party with, same, just stat sticks that voice inane and repetitive dialogue. Story is a bare bones mindless coat rack to hang the action on. How are people ok with this? This is fine as a timewaster between better games, thats it.


Gold Member
Aright 30 plus hours in I can safely say this is a totally mediocre game. Its not terrible, there is some fun to be had, but the defense brigade trying to gaslight you into thinking this is something special is pretty weird. This game has some staunch defenders out there. But man, an action rpg without any real characters or story, its hard to invest in. The player character is a void, nothing there. Pawns you party with, same, just stat sticks that voice inane and repetitive dialogue. Story is a bare bones mindless coat rack to hang the action on. How are people ok with this? This is fine as a timewaster between better games, thats it.

It isn't new for some people to like a game more/less than other people. I'm having a blast. It's just opinions man.


Gold Member
Aright 30 plus hours in I can safely say this is a totally mediocre game. Its not terrible, there is some fun to be had, but the defense brigade trying to gaslight you into thinking this is something special is pretty weird. This game has some staunch defenders out there. But man, an action rpg without any real characters or story, its hard to invest in. The player character is a void, nothing there. Pawns you party with, same, just stat sticks that voice inane and repetitive dialogue. Story is a bare bones mindless coat rack to hang the action on. How are people ok with this? This is fine as a timewaster between better games, thats it.

Lame ass post lol, some people think OoT is the best game ever and it wouldn't make my top 1000. Like Topher said, opinions. We aren't trying to force others to like it as much as us. But saying "the defense brigade trying to gaslight you into thinking this is something special is pretty weird.", is stupid AF. No one is doing that lol. Your favorite game is probably my filler game. Who gives a shit?

Some people would call Dark Souls or Elden Ring the best game, but it's mostly because if the combat, atmosphere, etc. It isn't the characters or story. Not all games need to be Baldur's Gate to be amazing to people. They're just video games. If they are fun, that's all some of us care about. They don't need to have the depth to spawn some epic HBO show.
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