All part of the plan when Capcom announces Dragon's Dogma 2! Everyone gets excited!
Dragon's Dogma 2, coming next summer!
iOS exclusive
All part of the plan when Capcom announces Dragon's Dogma 2! Everyone gets excited!
Dragon's Dogma 2, coming next summer!iOS exclusive
Hey, thanks for that! I also carried your pawn for a while![]()
what are some of the easily obtainable stamina recovery items? either shop or farming.
While I was doing the Lost and Found quest and going to Witchwood for the first time, both pawns I was using kept running way ahead of me. Is that something they normally do for places you haven't visited or was it just for that quest? I ended up having to give priority to another quest because the damn healer kept committing suicide by just running headfirst into groups of enemies.
While I was doing the Lost and Found quest and going to Witchwood for the first time, both pawns I was using kept running way ahead of me. Is that something they normally do for places you haven't visited or was it just for that quest? I ended up having to give priority to another quest because the damn healer kept committing suicide by just running headfirst into groups of enemies.
Read up on Pawn Inclination, it defines how your pawns behave
If your pawn has Pioneer then it will run far ahead to scout and stuff. If you want your pawn to heavily focus on healing you and staying by your side, set your pawn inclination to Medicant as primary and Guardian as secondary.
While I was doing the Lost and Found quest and going to Witchwood for the first time, both pawns I was using kept running way ahead of me. Is that something they normally do for places you haven't visited or was it just for that quest? I ended up having to give priority to another quest because the damn healer kept committing suicide by just running headfirst into groups of enemies.
just found the black cat merch. are these outfit sets a good or bad idea to buy?
and holy crap xan, 300k rc lol. thanks.
How does level scaling work for the DLC? Are the enemies and bosses adjusted to your Arisen's level when s/he enters the Black Isle place the first time?
There's no enemy level scaling in Dark Arisen.
It's not so much about level but more about weapons and armor. BBI is balanced for people with gear from the end of the main game, so if you can finish that then you are OK.Okay, so what's the recommended level to be for BBI? I beat it so I'm obviously okay, but if I ever make a new build I'd be curious to know when would be a good time to enter BBI.
Hey, what's the current status of your pawn? Want to gift him something but I was afraid my gift is outdated right now, hahaha.
I fell asleep last night accidentally while I was lazing around my bed intending to just have a fast shut-eye, bahhhh.
What's your pawn's name? Mage is exactly what I need. So long as he/she has Anodyne/Halidom or their High version (better) I'll be happy to carry him/her for you. Oh and Fire Boon/Affinity too, if possible
Alright, I'll add you
I am using Claudia right now, hahaha. What's the latest status of her? In my file she's still level 12 currently.
Do I have your permission to equip her with better equipment than what she has right now?
Too long to bother. Game isn't hard enough that you really need all that anyway.
Okay, so what's the recommended level to be for BBI? I beat it so I'm obviously okay, but if I ever make a new build I'd be curious to know when would be a good time to enter BBI.
Kaine Lvl 40 or something like that Mage. Knows high anodyne and I've put holy affinity instead cause I always go out in the nights.
PSN: Xx_Birdman_xX101
I'll change it to fire tomorrow![]()
But... I want it ALL.
I can't remember the last time I played a game and got this distracted by the technical shortcomings. Even stuff like auto-saving makes the game feel like it wants to implode on itself. I'm enjoying it too, but man...So having bought this game used cheap from Gamefly sometime ago, and never getting into it and selling it again as I just wouldn't bother with it.. I d/l'ed it on Plus.. and started up the other day.
Holy shit 2 things:
1 -The game looks like rancid dog shit smeared all front window as you're driving through a snowstorm in Jersey.
2 - It's fucking great.
I can't remember the last time I played a game and got this distracted by the technical shortcomings. Even stuff like auto-saving makes the game feel like it wants to implode on itself. I'm enjoying it too, but man...
I tried playing it today for the first time, and I kept wondering if the fact that my 360 is hooked up through composite cables was the problem. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the game is a murky mess. One of the worst looking games I've played this generation.So having bought this game used cheap from Gamefly sometime ago, and never getting into it and selling it again as I just wouldn't bother with it.. I d/l'ed it on Plus.. and started up the other day.
Holy shit 2 things:
1 -The game looks like rancid dog shit smeared all front window as you're driving through a snowstorm in Jersey.
2 - It's fucking great.
I don't know if we're playing the same game...yeah,the framerate is awful and a couple of areas are a bit uninspired but the lightning is pretty great,walking at night outside the walls of Gran Soren is beautiful with all the walls only lighted by torches.
I tried playing it today for the first time, and I kept wondering if the fact that my 360 is hooked up through composite cables was the problem. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the game is a murky mess. One of the worst looking games I've played this generation.
I didn't find the combat enjoyable, though. Watered down Monster Hunter, it felt like. I gave it 3 hours and quit. Back to my sister's house it goes.
Many of them require you to conquer truly awful drop rate, fyi.
Like this. You clearly have no recollection of what PS1 games look like. Like, no recollection whatsoever if you'd say anything like this.shit like grass and tree textures that look from a PS1 as they are just flat textures of ugly.
Probably? Why wouldn't you use HDMI? It's included with the damn 360. (Or at least it was when we got ours, but even if it's not the case anymore, these things are cheap.)I tried playing it today for the first time, and I kept wondering if the fact that my 360 is hooked up through composite cables was the problem.
lol @ more ridiculous hyperbole. Completely bogus. Unless the 360 version is really that bad, but I doubt it.I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the game is a murky mess. One of the worst looking games I've played this generation.
Ouch. Sounds like such a boring, tedious, awful pain in the ass, but whatever's fun for you, I guess... :SYeah I know. I have been playing since the release of vanilla DD. I'm just curious as to how long it will take. I'm planning to grind out every level of the Everfall until I get them all.
it's much easier, but then again i switched to warrior. haven't touched strider since i first got to gran soren. warrior is amazing defensively despite having no shield. long reach, doesn't stagger himself while easily staggering enemies, gets a move that is invincible from frame 1 to finish that you can use as a counter. way better than roll imo. i've read he's the worst class end-game, but i think maybe that just might be efficiency and not for just merely beating things because i rarely die now.I'm playing hard mode and also started as a strider. You REALLY need to rely on the bow until you at least get the dodge roll. I'm at level 25 and goblins can still kill in two or three hits.
I was considering going back to normal, but I kept hearing how much easier the game gets later on.
it's much easier, but then again i switched to warrior. haven't touched strider since i first got to gran soren. warrior is amazing defensively despite having no shield. long reach, doesn't stagger himself while easily staggering enemies, gets a move that is invincible from frame 1 to finish that you can use as a counter. way better than roll imo. i've read he's the worst class end-game, but i think maybe that just might be efficiency and not for just merely beating things because i rarely die now.
arc of might seems underwhelming. reading up about it, people say it can 1-hit bosses. only does ~30% off only 1 bar on a cyclops in hardmode for me with my equips/stats.
Damned, my PS3 kinda of busted and can't even boot up :/
Anybody played on Hard Mode? My main character is a Strider and I a swear, anything that scratched him will put him into a coffin.
Yeah I know. I have been playing since the release of vanilla DD. I'm just curious as to how long it will take. I'm planning to grind out every level of the Everfall until I get them all.
So I've been playing this a bit since getting it off PS+ - and I have a question.
I seem to have accepted an escort quest from the starting city without realizing that would initiate it immediately and suddenly I have this guy following me around wanting to go to the Shadow Fort. Unfortunately, I must be under-leveled or geared because I get my butt kicked by a horde of bandits after immediately going west after the Encampment.
Is there anyway I can abandon this quest, because I'm really getting annoyed feeling I'm not able to finish it but still have this guy following me around?
So I've been playing this a bit since getting it off PS+ - and I have a question.
I seem to have accepted an escort quest from the starting city without realizing that would initiate it immediately and suddenly I have this guy following me around wanting to go to the Shadow Fort. Unfortunately, I must be under-leveled or geared because I get my butt kicked by a horde of bandits after immediately going west after the Encampment.
Is there anyway I can abandon this quest, because I'm really getting annoyed feeling I'm not able to finish it but still have this guy following me around? can clear the quarry (north-west grand soren) and you'll have a passage directly to Shadow Fort, the bad news...there are three trolls inside the quarry,but I did with the guy following me too so it's doable.
I'm a sorcerer.
Went up against my first golem today.
So dumb. So so dumb.
The only magic capable to damage their disks somewhat noticablyare Bolide/High Bolide.
Also High Exequy, although for this you are required to pause the menu to consume stamina curatives. Sorcerer can pretty reliably kill Golems with this, if you don't know.
Metal golems, on the other hand...
Ah okay. It's still a terrible design decision to make an enemy resistant to an entire least the battle feels kinda epic?
Warrior is, bar none, the worst class to play if you wish to conquer Blackbitter Isle *comfortably.* It is possible, but you have to do that much work to accomplish it.
And don't get me started on fighting enemies like Ur-Dragon. Or Golems. Or Wyverns. Or Drakes. Or anything with wings. Or Death. Or things that move fast... like the final boss of Dark Arisen.
Anyways, Arc of Might/Deliverence is the most powerful physical attack in the game, bar none. Do you know that you can greatly up the damage if you swing as soon as the move's charge is completed and the Arisen swings his/her weapon over his/her shoulder? As soon as it flashes. The same mechanic with Ranger's Dire Arrow.
Just wait until you get to Bitterblack Isle, eheheheheh. Anything's so much as grazing your Arisen's hair and he/she's dead, hahaha. Leveling up levels in fighters and Bastion are pretty much required just to up your chances from one-hit-kill to two or three-hit kill.
They're underpowered when compared to BBI's gear... I would suggest you invest time in farming BBI's equipment instead--that is, if your point is to pursue the best equipment possible in the game.
Well this sounds fun![]()
What was your pawn called again?