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Dragon's Dogma Online revealed - PS3/PS4/PC, MMO-ish, F2P, 4-player parties


sputum-flecked apoplexy
without it, then there wont be any DD. So theres that.

Is there any evidence of this at all?

This shouldn't be on PC then, unless they really don't plan to bring it West, cause it won't matter in Japan anyway.

Weird decisions by Sony regarding those Capcom exclusives, unless PC ports sell less on average than I think they do.

TitanFall was on PC, and GAF has widely agreed that was a moneyhat; I don't see why it would preclude it here.


Moneyhats then, gotcha.

This shouldn't be on PC then, unless they really don't plan to bring it West, cause it won't matter in Japan anyway.

Weird decisions by Sony regarding those Capcom exclusives, unless PC ports sell less on average than I think they do.


I doubt Capcom can even afford creating something like this and keeping it in Japan. Pretty positive it will come over seas.


Gold Member
An advantage over you in co-op? Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of P2W or gameplay-affecting microtransactions in general, but they strike me as more of a "spoiling your own fun" sort of thing when they're not being used against other players.

It really depends on the type of F2P gameplay they make.

- A good F2P: Paying for skins and other aesthetic stuff. You will look cooler but that's about it

- Decent F2P: You can pay for an extra character slot or a bigger inventory. But if you just focus on 1 character you can level him up and get gear for him at the same rate as paying players

- Bad F2P: Upgrading you sword with this +1 damage bonus will take 72 hours. OR you can spend 20 capcom coins and upgrade it now!!

- Bad F2P: To unlock the next skill you need 2000 experience points. Every boss fight will give you around 10xp points. Have fun grinding!!!!. OR you can buy our xp boost pack for just $5.99 and level up NOW.

I guess "advantage" wasn't the right wording. But depending on how they make the game it could be very tedious for f2p players. A lot of F2P games are not designed around the idea of paying a specific amount of money to unlock everything but rather about making the game as tedious as possible with the option to make it all faster by paying. And they are designed so that if you want to constantly get things faster (as you would if it was a normal, $60, game) you will end up paying far more than $60.

So far we can't really know how it will be. But I wouldn't put much faith in the publisher known for constantly using on disc DLC and ending games on a "to be continued" so they can sell you the true ending as DLC


This shouldn't be on PC then, unless they really don't plan to bring it West, cause it won't matter in Japan anyway.

Weird decisions by Sony regarding those Capcom exclusives, unless PC ports sell less on average than I think they do.

Hopefully it's because Sony has a "don't be dicks" policy.

I'd like to believe that.
This shouldn't be on PC then, unless they really don't plan to bring it West, cause it won't matter in Japan anyway.

Weird decisions by Sony regarding those Capcom exclusives, unless PC ports sell less on average than I think they do.

PC has no effect on console sales so its irrelevant. They probably just don't care enough and it's a plus for Capcom so why not?

Is there any evidence of this at all?

TitanFall was on PC, and GAF has widely agreed that was a moneyhat; I don't see why it would preclude it here.

Probably because with TF there was pretty solid info saying it was timed coming to PS4 before MS made the second deal (an actual moneyhat).

Please do point me to anything even remotely talking about Xbox and this game Together.


"Free to Play" killed it for me...

I can no longer trust that payment model.

Like others have said, there are some games that do it "right".

...I just don't really trust the current Capcom to do that, lol.

I suppose the one saving grace about this announcement is that since Itsuno's name is nowhere near it, it should be obvious what he's working on instead...
Devil May Cry 5 hype intensifies
Disappointed, but if it has DD combat (I doubt it) and I can play by myself, I'll probably try it out.

It really depends on the type of F2P gameplay they make.

- A good F2P: Paying for skins and other aesthetic stuff. You will look cooler but that's about it

- Decent F2P: You can pay for an extra character slot or a bigger inventory. But if you just focus on 1 character you can level him up and get gear for him at the same rate as paying players

- Bad F2P: Upgrading you sword with this +1 damage bonus will take 72 hours. OR you can spend 20 capcom coins and upgrade it now!!

- Bad F2P: To unlock the next skill you need 2000 experience points. Every boss fight will give you around 10xp points. Have fun grinding!!!!. OR you can buy our xp boost pack for just $5.99 and level up NOW.
You could transform the third and fourth ones to 'Good F2P' by just unlocking stuff at a decent pace within the game. So microtransactions are just if you want to level up super fast.


Hopefully it's because Sony has a "don't be dicks" policy.

I'd like to believe that.

That's a wrong way of looking at things.

Sony has no gain from this game being on PC as well, only thing I can of is that it may prolong life of the product if it's cross play and some Playstation players potentially staying longer with the game. Other than that the paycheck would be smaller if we assume a moneyhat is in place of course.
You must have played a special version because both PS3 and 360 versions had black bars.

The only long load time was from boot up to loading your save file.

I'm seeing the bars in some screenshots I just looked up. My tv must be scaling up the image. They are definitely not there when I play it.


Sony might not have to throw money at a publisher to get an exclusivity deal.

They might charge less royalties for a title and allow them to develop the PC version (which pays no royalties to the platform holder).

The fact that it's an exclusive means more units sold, which makes up for the discount on the royalties charged.

I know little on the subject, but it does make sense to me.


I really like Warframe and its F2P model, so if this is anything like that but open world/large areas and with the combat of DD it could be fun!

Edit: read the interview and it sounds very promising indeed!

Edit2: Jap only? Oh well, at least there will be loads of other games to play. Shame though.


I'm seeing the bars in some screenshots I just looked up. My tv must be scaling up the image. They are definitely not there when I play it.

I bet you have some Overscan option enabled on your TV and so it's cutting off the bars and some graphics on the side of the game.


Well, I'm glad you've already played this one and know exactly how the F2P is going to work.

The rest of us who perhaps aren't as apprehensive to the idea of F2P, or even the idea of how F2P will function in this game, given the fact that it plays like Dragons Dogma, can continue to be excited.
Where did I say I've played this game? I was just explaining how these F2P systems *usually* work, since the person I responded to seemed to have this idea that it was done by 'paying to unlock the game'. Like you could pay $60 in microtransactions and suddenly have it be like it would be if it were a normal $60 game. Just doesn't work that way.

Not for me. You can play it, and in due time (when the grind ramps up) decide for yourself the kind of budget you want to allocate (spending in one solution or over time) depending on the kind of microtransaction management, and the appeal of the game.
Also, of all of Capcpom's properties, this seems like one of the most logical choices for a move like that. RAID mode and Mercenaries from RE would work too.
I don't want to 'allocate a budget' and have that lingering feeling of how to divvy it out over time and worrying about whether I'm going to go over it or anything. I just want to play a game and not concern myself with that sort of thing. Not to mention that you're usually having microtransactions being pushed at you in-game, constantly reminding you that you're playing a F2P game.

I just hate this sort of thing. I want to buy a product and then sit down and enjoy it without that nasty F2P haze that inevitably lingers over it.

I used to feel like you guys do. I was open-minded, defended its potential and whatnot. Pointed out how it might work ok. But since then, I've grown cold on it. Its not the way I want to play a video game.


Price: Free 2 Play (With microtransactions)


Thanks for ruining one of my favorite new IP's.
God, why does it have to be a Free to play online game when my internet sucks now? Well, I at least hope this game will be good. I'm quite wary of Capcom handling a f2p in their current situation.


Really gotta wonder where Microsoft is during these little talks Sony seems to be having or rather where is their initiative to help make games. Cross play seems bigger than I imagined. Here's hoping they wise up and start playing ball or at least offering to.


I really like Warframe and its F2P model, so if this is anything like that but open world/large areas and with the combat of DD it could be fun!

- Collect bullshit pieces that you have to wait 12 hours for to craft and then create the entire armor set with a 48 hour queue...

- Getting a max amount of revives before having to pay...

... Imho that's not free to play done right.


Holy shit. Please be good. Please do well. Please don't be extreme p2w crap. Please give me a non f2p sequel after that.

On that note, does this affect the chances of a paid sequel that is more single player oriented with optional online elements?
Dragon's Dogma was one of my favorite games last gen, but I have no clue if I should be excited for this. I'll wait to see gameplay.

At the very least we get to see for ourselves without having to pay anything

I cant imagine it will be overly pleasant on the whole though

Its hard not to have monetization poison the gamr design itself


TitanFall was on PC, and GAF has widely agreed that was a moneyhat; I don't see why it would preclude it here.

Because Titanfall already had EA as its publisher before the involvement of Microsoft (I guess it was some kind of co-publishing deal like for the Mass Effect), and I am pretty sure it would have been more than fine going multiplatform. The thing with Capcom is, as big as they used to be, they are not in their best financial condition. So they cannot afford losing too much on their ''new'' games (SFV and DDO) and engines (ie Panta Rhei). Hence why we saw Sony backing them up with those games. People could call for moneyhats on this or SFV, but I am pretty sure SCE financial and technical input on these projects (SFV and DDO) allowed them to be greenlit for production.


Damn. And I just bought Dragon's Dogma a couple of weeks ago thinking it wouldn't ever get a sequel. I'm glad it's getting one.
I'm incredibly excited for this. I'd love to play Dragon's Dogma with friends. I hope if they don't release it here people will create a translation pack like PSO2. The action combat might suffer heavily from latency though.


You could transform the third and fourth ones to 'Good F2P' by just unlocking stuff at a decent pace within the game. So microtransactions are just if you want to level up super fast.

I dunno, I feel like once the system is set up that way, the integrity of the system is inherently compromised.

Endo Punk

Glad Deep Down is still in development. I wonder what's going on with that panta engine if all Capcom IP's haven't transitioned to it this gen.


On that note, does this affect the chances of a paid sequel that is more single player oriented with optional online elements?
Yea, probably. This will probably take up considerable(and continued) development resources.

And then if it does well, they're just going to continue to expand on it. If it doesn't do well, they probably wont go, "Oh well lets just cut our losses and spend a whole shit load more on a single player Dragon's Dogma instead'.

I'm guessing that this will be it for the foreseeable future.


I don't want to 'allocate a budget' and have that lingering feeling of how to divvy it out over time and worrying about whether I'm going to go over it or anything. I just want to play a game and not concern myself with that sort of thing. Not to mention that you're usually having microtransactions being pushed at you in-game, constantly reminding you that you're playing a F2P game.

I just hate this sort of thing. I want to buy a product and then sit down and enjoy it without that nasty F2P haze that inevitably lingers over it.

I used to feel like you guys do. I was open-minded, defended its potential and whatnot. Pointed out how it might work ok. But since then, I've grown cold on it. Its not the way I want to play a video game.

Have you played Warframe? After that I can't really hate on F2P when it's done right. I was actually buying cosmetic items as a way of giving the devs some support since I was playing the sh*t out of that game literally for free. Yeah others could hand over cash for gameplay items that I would have to work for but I never felt at the short end of the stick. It was genuinely and honestly free to play.
Its not surprising tonsee it exclusive. Its was either going to be partnered with Sony or Nintendo for the simple fact that they are Japanese companies.

This is nothing new. Yes Capcom does a lot of Multiplatform stuff but thats for the more established IPs

Anything outside of that likely puts them into favoring partnerships to lighten the load and risk.


- Collect bullshit pieces that you have to wait 12 hours for to craft and then create the entire armor set with a 48 hour queue...

- Getting a max amount of revives before having to pay...

... Imho that's not free to play done right.

Oh, no it isn't a great system by any account but I'm doing just fine without crafting a lot of stuff or paying for anything and have had more fun with it than a lot of retail games because of the gameplay and balancing.
Playing with others negates having to use revives a lot.


I have no idea how I should feel about this but if there are plenty of monsters to kill, that same DD gameplay (which seems to be in) and even more moves to unleash then this may be the best route for Dragons Dogma...maybe.

I'm going to sit down and process my emotions. There a video?

EDIT: If the microtransactions are strictly for visual fluff and leveling up faster than I have no problem. If theres shit like "you can only revive x amount of times" or "you must wait x hours to complete x critical action" then god fucking dammit capcom.
Comments like these, lol. Was Bayonetta 2 a moneyhat? It wouldn't have been made if not for Nintendo.

Im not sure why xbox players dont already understand that Japanese companies are more likely to partner with other japanese companies.

Its how its been forever. Look at the spread of development across Ps3 and 360 las gen.

You guys know what you bought into


Yea, probably. This will probably take up considerable(and continued) development resources.

And then if it does well, they're just going to continue to expand on it. If it doesn't do well, they probably wont go, "Oh well lets just cut our losses and spend a whole shit load more on a single player Dragon's Dogma instead'.

I'm guessing that this will be it for the foreseeable future.
Well shit. Better make this good then.

Xaero Gravity

If there was a ever thread to show off the double standards around here for certain things, this would be the one.

On topic though, I find it hard to get excited about a Capcom f2p title, but the thought of playing DD with friends makes me moist. I don't know what to do. ;_;
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