the first word of this came from filings within Europe so i really doubt it wont come out in the west
That could just be them protecting their IP though. Not a real sign of a western release.
the first word of this came from filings within Europe so i really doubt it wont come out in the west
you know we are talking about an mmo here right? what mmo isnt grind city? as destiny has proven, if the grind is fun the game is fun
Okay, I looked at all the details.
Title: Dragon's Dogma Online
Platforms: PS3/PS4/PC
Genre: Action
Price: Free 2 Play (With microtransactions)
Producer: Minae Matsukawa
Director: Kento Kinoshita
Executive Producer: Hiroyuki Kobayashi
The game is an online game with a full open world, a lobby area supporting up to 100 players, and feature ongoing content updates, timed events, etc. Players can form parties of up to 4 players or pawns, and engage on quests. There will also be raid-like events which support up to 8 players at once. There will be quick matching as well.
Sounds pretty much like an online only MMO type game without the full MMO gameplay. Similar to stuff like PSO and Guild Wars.
Damn, Capcom is getting pretty cozy with Sony.
don't forget to make them a child too because ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
on the other hand, my pawn was a big buff lady named archer who was actually a warrior who got hired a ton
Is this using panty raid?
Damn, Capcom is getting pretty cozy with Sony.
For those people complaining about F2P:
I for one am going to probably drop around $60 in Microtransactions on this game, if it's fun enough. If that's what it takes to "unlock" the game, i am completely fine with it, since that's what i would have (happily) paid if they went with a traditional model.
Except that's not how these F2P games typically work. There is no 'pay this much money to unlock specific % of game' system in these usually. They are designed to incentivize continued spending. Like, the whole game is already 'unlocked', but perhaps certain resources are purposefully made scarce. You can grind and 'earn' those resources or you can pay money to skip that and save time. That's more along the lines of how these work. They make it more frustrating or difficult than necessary so you ultimately pay cash to alleviate these entirely purposefully placed flaws.For those people complaining about F2P:
I for one am going to probably drop around $60 in Microtransactions on this game, if it's fun enough. If that's what it takes to "unlock" the game, i am completely fine with it, since that's what i would have (happily) paid if they went with a traditional model.
Oh wow, they're actually having some kind of deal with Sony XD
Next is DMC5 exclusive...!
Except that's not how these F2P games typically work. There is no 'pay this much money to unlock specific % of game' system in these usually. They are designed to incentivize continued spending.
Dayum Sony's on a roll
I for one am going to probably drop around $60 in Microtransactions on this game, if it's fun enough. If that's what it takes to "unlock" the game, i am completely fine with it, since that's what i would have (happily) paid if they went with a traditional model.
Except that's not how these F2P games typically work. There is no 'pay this much money to unlock specific % of game' system in these usually. They are designed to incentivize continued spending. Like, the whole game is already 'unlocked', but perhaps certain resources are purposefully made scarce. You can grind and 'earn' those resources or you can pay money to skip that and save time. That's more along the lines of how these work. They make it more frustrating or difficult than necessary so you ultimately pay cash to alleviate these entirely purposefully placed flaws.
Its bullshit.
So, is this replacing Deep Down?
Except that's not how these F2P games typically work. There is no 'pay this much money to unlock specific % of game' system in these usually. They are designed to incentivize continued spending. Like, the whole game is already 'unlocked', but perhaps certain resources are purposefully made scarce. You can grind and 'earn' those resources or you can pay money to skip that and save time. That's more along the lines of how these work. They make it more frustrating or difficult than necessary so you ultimately pay cash to alleviate these entirely purposefully placed flaws.
Its bullshit.
Except that's not how these F2P games typically work. There is no 'pay this much money to unlock specific % of game' system in these usually. They are designed to incentivize continued spending. Like, the whole game is already 'unlocked', but perhaps certain resources are purposefully made scarce. You can grind and 'earn' those resources or you can pay money to skip that and save time. That's more along the lines of how these work. They make it more frustrating or difficult than necessary so you ultimately pay cash to alleviate these entirely purposefully placed flaws.
Its bullshit.
That doesn't work on last gen to my understanding.Is this using panty raid?
Assuming that's how the game is parceled out. If they had structured this specific game to be that way though, the f2p model makes even less sense and would be more distracting. It's a likelier scenario that they look to monetize this out in ways that every other game does.
I wonder if this is skipping XB1 because of moneyhats, F2P, MMO, or a combination of all of them.
I'm interested as long as Capcom treats the microtransactions like GW, DAI, or Warframe. I'm afraid, though, that they'll put serious roadblocks in the game that can only be defeated by money.
Also, of all of Capcpom's properties, this seems like one of the most logical choices for a move like that. RAID mode and Mercenaries from RE would work too.
Damn, Capcom is getting pretty cozy with Sony.
Oh? PlayStation/PC only again? In that case I request they bring over/port Monster Hunter Online to PS4/PC with cross play to the west since Capcom seems to be with Sony so far and they ported Monster Hunter Frontier to PS Vita why not hive us Monster Hunter Online too?
fuck this f2p, give me DD remastered on PS4 or the pc version.
In an interview with Famitsu, producer Matsukawa and director Kinoshita share the following comments:
-Development started with the basic desire of taking Dragon’s Dogma and making it playable in an online environment.
-The game couldn’t be made in tandem with Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen and was therefore pushed back.
-Capcom contemplated a monthly fee, but chose freeo-to-play in the end in an attempt to get more players to try it out.
-Though paid items are present, the game will still feel like a proper Dragon’s Dogma game.
-The story is completely new and there are no character connections. (Editor’s note: We take it this means no character connections to the previous game.)
-The game world will initially be the size of what players have come to expect from -previous games, but will expand over time to be three times larger in scope.
-Parties are formed in the lobby, after which players depart for the field.
-An effort has been made to emphasize the strengths and traits of individual classes, but -it’s not balanced so strictly that players need to be super meticulous about party makeup.
Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono also adds that the game’s development is benefiting from the cooperation of Sony Computer Entertainment.
I am a big fan of Mass Effect Co-Op and that game allows me to spend $60 in boosters to unlock almost every class and most of the guns.
This gives me the full "shooting experience" but after that i can grind my face of to get every gun to level X.
Spending more time/money would only make my game marginally more efficient, which is a pretty solid model.
Based on DD's previous MT scheme, it will probably work about the same.
You can either grind Rift Crystals to transmute gear, or buy them from the online store.
Some people have disposable hours, some people have disposable income....
I wonder if this is skipping XB1 because of moneyhats, F2P, MMO, cross platform(?), or a combination of all of them.
I'm interested as long as Capcom treats the microtransactions like GW, DAI, or Warframe. I'm afraid, though, that they'll put serious roadblocks in the game that can only be defeated by money.
some developer interviews from gematsu