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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Gold Member
Looks like he is winning.


He's getting a lot of unmonetized attention. Not sure if that's winning.
I think a lot of people who dont watch the DOC dont realize that the blue haired 'Twitch streamer saftey team' was after DOC since they were formed, due to the guy he is. He's not PC or exactly a streamer that fits in with the brainwashing agenda drivel filled planet we currently live on.

I for one believe what he's said, he's speaking from the heart. The main thingh DOC did wrong is publicly lambasting Twitch for the last 4 years. The blue haired brigade didnt like it and thought they would get their own back.

People can have their pitchforks at the ready but i believe him.
Are you really going to believe a guy who cheated on his wife, then admitted to inappropriately texting a "minor" (his own words in his initial statement) and now he has deleted the tweet and trying to reframe the story?
He’s too afraid to. If he releases them, and it’s with a young boy, he could lose his small audience.

Why in the world would he release ANY private messages to the public? Would you? He is a famous streamer with sponsors and personal branding. No company or person would release something liek that, stop the cap. You are not entitled to anything.


He’s too afraid to. If he releases them, and it’s with a young boy, he could lose his small audience.

Therrs a high chance that it being revealed that he has interests in other ppl than just women will actually do more damage to his fanbase than his admitting to innaproporately messaging a minor, which is incredibly ironic for the discourse here.

I never hated the guy but as i said last time the public sentiment towards interacting with minors in this fashion, in this manner, has taken a hard swing towards zero tolerance policy in the last few years. It just has, the way things are now and its the responsibilty of everyone to act accordingly with that knowledge or face scrutiny that comes with it. as one of the biggest names of twitch I dont believe for a second he was not cognizant of that.


Gold Member
Why in the world would he release ANY private messages to the public? Would you? He is a famous streamer with sponsors and personal branding. No company or person would release something liek that, stop the cap. You are not entitled to anything.
Yeah, if it cleared public perception of me being a little boy toucher, I would release my private messages. I’d give out my kids names and social security number.


Why in the world would he release ANY private messages to the public? Would you? He is a famous streamer with sponsors and personal branding. No company or person would release something liek that, stop the cap. You are not entitled to anything.

The accusations hes facing are very serious and damaging to his reputation and his name. If there was even a chance the logs would exonerate me of inappropriately interacting with a minor, you'd best believe I would send those out to the public regardless of what else is in there. In any case scenario why would he admit to this charge before doing so? He's not just doing this out of some macho act of rebellion. He's got nothing to lose here that isnt lesser than what he's currently being grilled for. For whatever reason he doesn't want us to see those messages to the point where the chance they'd clear him isnt enough to justify releasing them.
My position on this situation until anything else comes out is…
I think he clearly sent inappropriate messages to someone under the age of 18, likely a 17 year old. Whether a male or female, we don’t know but there are reasons to believe it could be either. The gender doesn’t matter legally but will in the court of public opinion, obviously.

According to the things Doc said on stream today about how thoroughly this incident has been investigated by Twitch and their LER team, and all parties admitted that there was no “sexting”, I do not believe that the messages were sexually directed at the person, but there is certainly a possibility that there was a sexual “element” to the messages (be it a sexual/raunchy joke or something to that effect) which would qualify as inappropriate.

If those things I said above are true, then I don’t think Doc is a “piece of shit” for this nor do I think he’s a “pedophile” as the internet has tripped over themselves to label him.

I do still want to see the messages to make a final opinion, but I suspect there’s a chance that we won’t. If he is telling the truth about everything he said today, he should absolutely sue his accusers for defamation because legally, they lied and it’s been legally proven that they’ve lied.

I find it suspicious that we haven’t seen the messages, nor have we found out the gender of the person he messaged, which gives credence to the potential fact that the person is a male, and Doc might not want his audience to find that out - although of course there are a lot of legal factors at play here which might be preventing the messages from getting released.

Again, I do not see him as a “piece of shit” based on all the information we currently have available, nor a “pedophile” - a word that has completely lost its meaning in the Twitter retard era we live in. Regardless, you should not be messaging a minor in an “inappropriate” manner as a 35 year old man. We haven’t seen the messages so I can’t say how much of a creep he is or is not - however I think everyone can agree what he did is stupid and flat out wrong.

If anything, Doc is a “piece of shit” for something else he did back in those days - cheating on his wife, although she obviously ended up forgiving him for that.

Unlike everyone who has already made up their minds that the guy is a pedophile, I actually am willing to change my stance on what I think - and condemn and label him a “piece of shit” if & when information comes out that actually supports that label.

That’s all - and I think that’s a pretty reasonable stance to take on the matter until more information is uncovered, namely the messages themselves.
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Gold Member
Why in the world would he release ANY private messages to the public? Would you? He is a famous streamer with sponsors and personal branding. No company or person would release something liek that, stop the cap. You are not entitled to anything.

He has made the case that these messages were cherry picked and taken completely out of context. If true then that should be pretty easy to show. Are we entitled to see these messages? No, of course not. But clearly he funded this expensive, overproduced campaign to try and sway public opinion about himself. He isn't entitled to that either. So for a lot of people.....it is an impasse.
The accusations hes facing are very serious and damaging to his reputation and his name. If there was even a chance the logs would exonerate me of inappropriately interacting with a minor, you'd best believe I would send those out to the public regardless of what else is in there. In any case scenario why would he admit to this charge before doing so? He's not just doing this out of some macho act of rebellion. He's got nothing to lose here that isnt lesser than what he's currently being grilled for. For whatever reason he doesn't want us to see those messages to the point where the chance they'd clear him isnt enough to justify releasing them.

Even if he did something illegal, again, why would he show anyone anything? Boeing didnt release anything until they finally got to court. They have their brand to protect, they not going to just show stuff to a bunch of nobodies if they dont have to. Im not saying he is innocent but no, he doesnt need to show anyone anything. You think his lawyer would advise him to do it, lol.
Yeah…it’s pretty comical how dumb the rhetoric is from some of the posters here who think they’re the ones sitting on the “moral high groud"
Id love for all of them to show us their chat history. Im "sure" they never texted anyone at any point below the age of 17 in their life while they were at the age of 18 and above. First of all a minor is someone below 18, yet this guy went to the extreme making it sound like he was talking to a 4 year old, sharing dick pics, meeting up with him and fiddling with the 4yr old boy's anus. Its disgusting. And his argument is because he already cheated on his wife with an adult girl...can we get any more delusional?
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Gold Member
I believe Disrespect. He had to stay silent because that was the order from the courts.
Meanwhile, Twitch happily sells softcore to minors.

It was not an order from a court. It was agreed to in arbitration. Regardless, let's not pretend DrD is happy this came to light so he can finally talk about it.
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Twitch looks worse than anyone in all of this and that’s really not up for debate.

They’re a begrudging, woke, selectively hypocritical, ass-backwards company that doesn’t even have the professionalism at the highest level of their ranks to do basic due diligence.
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Twitch looks worse than anyone in all of this and that’s really not up for debate.

They’re a begrudging, woke, selectively hypocritical, ass-backwards company that doesn’t even have the professionalism at the highest level of their ranks to do basic due diligence.

And nobody is going to settle a dispute with them ever again.


And what if the "inappropriate" messages weren't sexual in nature?
Yeah with how this has all played out, everyone thinks DOC sent sexual messages to a minor. If this was me and it didn't happen I would show the proof immediately. If he is so innocent show the messages at this point. His whole career is on the line.

The fact he hasn't done this screams that the messages were fucked up.

So at this point unless I see the messages I'm gonna assume DOC is a pedo weirdo


Simps for Amouranth
Why do people keep bandying around this "Pedo" accusation, it wasnt an actual fucking child, it was a teenager, isn't the term annoying cunt young adult more suitable in this case? A child to me is 12 and under and if he had any underhanded goings on with an actual child he'd be arrested, keep the Pedo term you know for actual fucking Pedos who need burnt at the stake otherwise the winners here are the Pedos as the word just encompasses everything diluting its meaning/impact, smacks of the shit that went down during the whole me-too movement where someone who got a slap on the arse suddenly became a sexual assault survivor ffs


Neo Member
Why do people keep bandying around this "Pedo" accusation, it wasnt an actual fucking child, it was a teenager, isn't the term annoying cunt young adult more suitable in this case? A child to me is 12 and under and if he had any underhanded goings on with an actual child he'd be arrested, keep the Pedo term you know for actual fucking Pedos who need burnt at the stake otherwise the winners here are the Pedos as the word just encompasses everything diluting its meaning/impact, smacks of the shit that went down during the whole me-too movement where someone who got a slap on the arse suddenly became a sexual assault survivor ffs
Once you get into the semantics of if a person is a sex offender or qualifies as a pedophile I think it's safe to just write that person off. I messaged a child or I messaged a young adult to meet as a married 40-year-old man. People tend to stop caring at that point.


Simps for Amouranth
Once you get into the semantics of if a person is a sex offender or qualifies as a pedophile I think it's safe to just write that person off. I messaged a child or I messaged a young adult to meet as a married 40-year-old man. People tend to stop caring at that point.
No you end up putting someone who raped an 8y.o. into the same category as someone who sent inappropriate texts to a 16y.o. there is a MASSIVE fucking difference and the only winners here are the actual Pedos cause now the term has no real meaning
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It's hard not to believe Doc with all we know about how twitch favours certain streamers behind the scenes. It's easy to believe that they rushed through his ban at a time when Ninja, and shroud, were cut loose from mixer.
If the courts say there was nothing illegal shouldn't that be enough? It's weird as fuck talking to someone who is half your age but it's certainly not illegal. Look at dicaprio, he has that shit mastered.
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thing is... haters gonna hate

no matter what "proof" or positive evidence will surface, haters gonna hate and virtue signaling mob will not accept to be wrong in ANY case and on anything



There's no doubt abut the fact that the Doc has made some questionable decisions in his life but man... just sad to see the bois throw him under the bus publicly like that. Obviously they're in their right to do so and I also understand it but I just want to go back to a time when Zlaner, Doc and Tim were shooting the shit. :lollipop_crying:
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Neo Member
No you end up putting someone who raped an 8y.o. into the same category as someone who sent inappropriate texts to a 16y.o. there is a MASSIVE fucking difference and the only winners here are the actual Pedos cause now the term has no real meaning
A pedophile is a person sexually attracted to a person under the age of 13 (prepubescent). Then there is a clear distinction between offences beyond the definition in this case the offense of rape vs sexting. You used the most extreme examples to derail the conversation. Yes raping a 8 year old is undeniably worse then sexting a 16 year old. That's plainly obvious. Only that's not what people are angry about and it's also irrelevant. A middle aged man attempted to meet and have sex with a minor and your mad they have been incorrectly using the term pedophile. So therefore it's a nonissue he's only a sex offender and so people have done much worse crimes. That's mental. You claim to care for sexual assault victims (which I am one of) and yet label young adults as "annoying cunts". You're just happy to use strawman arguments to defend a sexual predator and angry others don't agree with you.


Gold Member
Ahh yes, we went from "talking" to a minor IN A DISCORD to touching little boys. Stop making shit up.
If the Doc gets to make shit up, why can’t the rest of us? And it wasn’t just talking. It was inappropriate talks with a minor. For all we know, those talks could be him asking a little 6 year old boy to do weird things. If PDF wanted to clear his name, he’d release the chats. He doesn’t, so he could keep what fans he has left.

But you do you. Let the liar lie to you and keep eating it up.


Simps for Amouranth
A pedophile is a person sexually attracted to a person under the age of 13 (prepubescent). Then there is a clear distinction between offences beyond the definition in this case the offense of rape vs sexting. You used the most extreme examples to derail the conversation. Yes raping a 8 year old is undeniably worse then sexting a 16 year old. That's plainly obvious. Only that's not what people are angry about and it's also irrelevant. A middle aged man attempted to meet and have sex with a minor and your mad they have been incorrectly using the term pedophile. So therefore it's a nonissue he's only a sex offender and so people have done much worse crimes. That's mental. You claim to care for sexual assault victims (which I am one of) and yet label young adults as "annoying cunts". You're just happy to use strawman arguments to defend a sexual predator and angry others don't agree with you.
For starters I was addressing people throwing the term Pedo around in relation to this particular case and secondly we only have the testimony from fucking Twitch employees of all people in which to base this witch-hunt, he's refuted all the allegations and I haven't seen the actual texts so I can't really decide either way and I'm sure as shit not gonna condemn a guy based on the sort of cunts that work for twitch


Gold Member
If the Doc gets to make shit up, why can’t the rest of us? And it wasn’t just talking. It was inappropriate talks with a minor. For all we know, those talks could be him asking a little 6 year old boy to do weird things. If PDF wanted to clear his name, he’d release the chats. He doesn’t, so he could keep what fans he has left.

But you do you. Let the liar lie to you and keep eating it up.
Because the truth matters. You assume Doc to be a liar, but you don't hold Cody Connors or Rod Breslau to the same standard. Cody has not seen the chat logs, neither has Rod Breslau who wrote the Rolling Stones article. The only things that they have said that Doc corroborated is the reason Twitch banned him, which we know became a legal matter. No one who wrote articles about this whole issue has been able to validate the content of the accusations, beyond 'sources'. I'm not defending Doc, but I think the discussion surrounding it all should be fair, when you mix truth with falsehood it's very easy to be deceived.


Because the truth matters. You assume Doc to be a liar, but you don't hold Cody Connors or Rod Breslau to the same standard. Cody has not seen the chat logs, neither has Rod Breslau who wrote the Rolling Stones article. The only things that they have said that Doc corroborated is the reason Twitch banned him, which we know became a legal matter. No one who wrote articles about this whole issue has been able to validate the content of the accusations, beyond 'sources'. I'm not defending Doc, but I think the discussion surrounding it all should be fair, when you mix truth with falsehood it's very easy to be deceived.
too much common sense

i see a lot of people going BSOD trying to read this


Neo Member
If the Doc gets to make shit up, why can’t the rest of us? And it wasn’t just talking. It was inappropriate talks with a minor. For all we know, those talks could be him asking a little 6 year old boy to do weird things. If PDF wanted to clear his name, he’d release the chats. He doesn’t, so he could keep what fans he has left.

But you do you. Let the liar lie to you and keep eating it up.
Why don't you release your chats? Along with your browsing history? Let us have a look...

Your obsession with him being guilty contrary to all the evidence is suspicious. Projecting maybe?
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If the Doc gets to make shit up, why can’t the rest of us? And it wasn’t just talking. It was inappropriate talks with a minor. For all we know, those talks could be him asking a little 6 year old boy to do weird things. If PDF wanted to clear his name, he’d release the chats. He doesn’t, so he could keep what fans he has left.

But you do you. Let the liar lie to you and keep eating it up.
For all we know? What! You obviously hate on this guy and have written so many negative things that you have imagined he must have done, it's really bizarre.

We all have opinions on such things by these people in the public eye but some of yours are ridiculous.


Simps for Amouranth
For all we know? What! You obviously hate on this guy and have written so many negative things that you have imagined he must have done, it's really bizarre.

We all have opinions on such things by these people in the public eye but some of yours are ridiculous.
Some people have a real hard on to burn the guy to the ground based on the allegations of questionable people working for a company that peddles softcore porn to minors...
If the Doc gets to make shit up, why can’t the rest of us? And it wasn’t just talking. It was inappropriate talks with a minor. For all we know, those talks could be him asking a little 6 year old boy to do weird things. If PDF wanted to clear his name, he’d release the chats. He doesn’t, so he could keep what fans he has left.

But you do you. Let the liar lie to you and keep eating it up.

One thing is clear. Nothing he was saying was made up in the stream yesterday. It was clearly legalise.

Move one. Get over it. I've never seen him encourage his followers to abuse women or message minors. So why does it matter what he has/hasn't done in his private life? Especially if there was no legal issue.

I don't have a horse in this race and really couldn't care less. But I find it bizarre how upset parasocial weirdos get online about this. I guess they just resent people who make millions and are famous when they are unhappy with their own lives.


Move one. Get over it. I've never seen him encourage his followers to abuse women or message minors.
And the funny thing is, so many streamers on twitch or elsewhere do exactly just that and get away scott free. I'm referring to all of the soft core porn that's literally on the home page or in the "just chatting" category where all they do is sit in a suggestive pose, barely wearing anything, to try and get simps or minors to buy into their OF content. It's actually quite sick.

Then you've got people like Nickmercs who promote gambling to minors.

It's a clown show out there.
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There's no doubt abut the fact that the Doc has made some questionable decisions in his life but man... just sad to see the bois throw him under the bus publicly like that. Obviously they're in their right to do so and I also understand it but I just want to go back to a time when Zlaner, Doc and Tim were shooting the shit. :lollipop_crying:
Didn’t the doc support this guy when activision dropped his cod skin? Now he out there in a public forum calling him a retard? Regardless of your opinion on the doc, just goes to show what kind of person nick mercs is. A fuckin absolutely helmet! 😂
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