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Drinky Crow + Xenogears Best Friends Forever!! PROOF INSIDE!

"Sony/Square have passed on [Xenogears], what with its rather critical examination of the Judeo-Christian mythology. .. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Xenogears' content compromised to get it on these shores - it looks like an absolutely beautiful game."
- Douglas Erickson

...then again, I started a petition that garnered several thousand signatures to encourage Square to bring it to the U.S. -_-

Lord, what have I wrought?!

Doug,as soon as time machines are invented, you and I are gonna travel back in time together and tag-team the crap out of our 1997 selves. Pinky swear!


Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing _Xenogears'_ content compromised
to get it on these shores - it looks like an absolutely beautiful game.
Granted, I'd like to see it intact, with the religious issues fully explored,
but hey - the art alone is worth the purchase. If someone WAS to do either
a direct or an altered translation, I'd like to see WD do it, personally,
because the depth of the material deserves writing above junior-high caliber.
And, should it be altered, at LEAST the replacement text/story would be

He likes it, he really likes it!

"the art alone is worth the purchase." --> That says it all, no room to criticize story or gameplay after saying that!

You got 'em GOOD!


Not if I have anything to say about it!


Oh man, this is just too rich.

Drinky started a love homage thread to Xenogears as well:

Xenogears. Geez. Square rules.

After having seen screenshots of Square's latest RPG on a variety
of sites, I can honestly that this is, without a doubt, the title I'm most
excited for in the coming quarters.
Check out the hi-res hand-drawn art
in the character (not Gear) battle scenes - impressive. The overland map
looks even cleaner than FF7s, and the polygon Gear battle scenes look
downright amazing. I'm not one to get pumped over a game, but I'm even
more interested in this title than _Final Fantasy Tactics_ and _Parasite
Eve_. Damn.
With titles like this, the PS dominance in Japan can only

Now, here's my question - will it be translated for release here
in the States? I can only assume it will, seeing as _FF7_ is on the verge
of being this year's mega-title, but I'm always worried that Sony will
pull a Nintendo on us and axe potentially incredible titles like this with
the belief that "they aren't American enough." So, if anyone inside has
heard word from Square or Sony, let us know!


Unconfirmed Member
This and Fable 8/10 in one week? Sweet.

Is this why Drinky is a John Kerry supporter? *rimshot*
Actually, Alundra has a pretty heavy religious storyline. I'm not for
shying away from that unless the game is evil for evil's sake alone (i.e.
Shin Megamitensei series
, of which Devil Summoner was a member). I have
a stong belief in the power of "good" over "evil", and I'm not in any
hurry to do a game that promotes the reverse. There's enough of THAT
crap in everyday life. I play games to escape. :)

Don't Believe the Hype



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
wow, september 1997.... i'd say this was just about 10 months before i stole opa's saturn games. how totally nostalgic.
chespace said:
wow, september 1997.... i'd say this was just about 10 months before i stole opa's saturn games. how totally nostalgic.

Did you steal Opa's Saturn games before or after Axen ripped me off?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
JackFrost2012 said:
Did you steal Opa's Saturn games before or after Axen ripped me off?

you know what, that's a damn good question. i'm pretty sure i stole opa's saturn games before axen started selling dreamcasts on IRC -- and way before dubtech. all that shit happened in 1998 when dreamcast launched in japan, right?

and axen is justin "tokyopia/G4" keeling, right?
chespace said:
you know what, that's a damn good question. i'm pretty sure i stole opa's saturn games before axen started selling dreamcasts on IRC -- and way before dubtech. all that shit happened in 1998 when dreamcast launched in japan, right?

and axen is justin "tokyopia/G4" keeling, right?

Yeah. The problem was regarding a Final Fantasy Collection with clock that never arrived, so I guess that would be early 99. And, for the record, Justin paid me back - in cash - when I finally met him in person in Japan in October 2001. So Axen unripped me off!

User 406

Wow, Ms. PSX. I haven't seen that name in a long time. Remember how when disgruntled people would bitch about not getting their orders, and she'd follow up saying she was dumping their games in the harbor? Hong Kong is probably building new office buildings on reclaimed land made entirely from Ms. PSX bootlegs. :X

Oh, and her war with Lee4Deal! "I am crying today night."

Good times.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
That google search is great. :) Here's my classic "Silpheed is garbage" thread from 2000 that Vic Ireland was involved in, calling me "full of hot air" when I didn't respond to his question of why I didn't like the game after a few days (I had a lot of work to do and didn't bother with Usenet, so I had no idea this thread got so big). The best parts are the WD lapdogs kissing Vic's ass, and Vic himself listing the "improvements" the U.S. version was going to get. I pretty much lost all respect for Vic after this happened.

Silpheed Thread


this topic needs to be stickied for all time, and old xenohype quotes can be rotated as drinky's tag for the next year.


I'll never think of Drinky Cow the same way again. But then again, I guess we all have our dark secret pasts we'd like to hide. ;)

White Man

This was 7 years ago, duder. We were all foolish angels back then. I can only hope that some of my foolish ideas from that long ago stay hidden. 7 years ago, perhaps I worshipped this Vestal fellow to the extent that certain people deified Vic Ireland.
MAF will confirm my appalled reaction to Shenmue's, er, stuff you do with the controller. I didn't have enough epithets in my geek vocabulary to adequately insult that piece of shit.
JackFrost2012 said:
Doug,as soon as time machines are invented, you and I are gonna travel back in time together and tag-team the crap out of our 1997 selves. Pinky swear!
Hold on a moment. Do you really want to create a reality where Xenogears is looked upon longingly as something people missed out on, like Seiken Densetsu 3 and Final Fantasy V (pre-Anthology)?

JackFrost2012 said:
Shenmue has gameplay? Where?
That dart game was pretty fun.

For the record, I had good fun with both Xenogears and Shenmue. On that day. That day the snow turned to rain.

EDIT: I am, however, slightly frightened that Winamp just randomly played remixes of Shenmue and Xenogears music back to back while typing this message.
You can also find threads where I slam Halo before I ever actually played it.

I'm batting about .133 when it comes to predicting game quality.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Hold on a moment. Do you really want to create a reality where Xenogears is looked upon longingly as something people missed out on, like Seiken Densetsu 3 and Final Fantasy V (pre-Anthology)?

That's the problem, isn't it? Even worse, in this universe the only Xenogears fans are those who imported it and played through it without any Japanese knowledge, thus leaving them secure and unassailable in their feelings that it's the Best. Game. Ever.

The only solution is to travel further back in time and assassinate Takahashi before he comes up with the idea for Xenogears.
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