It's all bullshit. Yes there is aliasing and some shimmering, particularly in 3rd person at night, but in first person I have trouble seeing any aliasing at all.
Apparently "some aliasing" has become "there is no anti-aliasing at all" which has then become "dog shit"
Agreed, the game is very beautiful visually, yes there are some aliasing but man some people make it out to be far worse than it is..its not bad at all just some area's here and there and mostly the dense India tracks with so much foliage...I've spent about a hour so far with the game and im loving it, feels a lot like PGR games in a lot of ways, i guess that is why i am in love with the game so far.
All the BS comments coming from the usual suspects (look at their history posts) you will see they are just the nitpicking type people or stealth drive-by trolling...although to be fair, to those looking for high end PC quality AA...its not here, its good for a console game but it is BAR NONE the best looking racing game "overall" to date on any platform and this is coming from a PC gamer myself.
I think a lot of people are also over looking the huge amount of upcoming support this game will be getting with new tracks, cars and events along with the "Weather Add-on" pack which will all be free without having to buy the season pass, the season pass simply add's a ton more.
I think the game is very good, if you like Project Gothem Racing Games "YOU WILL" like DriveClub, simple as that.
And those of you that keep bringing up FH2, please stop it, its not even right to compare these two games to eachother..its just wrong and almost trollish material. those looking for a fun and exciting arcade/sim racer that plays a lot like PGR games...this is your game. REMEMBER...Evolution is gonna be supporting this game with a ton more free add-ons in the coming months! Why people keep forgetting this blows my mind...this game is going to "evolve".