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DriveClub Review Thread.


Wonder how The Order will score, have a feeling it's going to be another disappointment.

Thankfully playing the game has nothing to do with the score or metacritic value.

Great game.

Not sure how one plays a metacritic score.

As for Sony worrying about the score, if it sells plenty and makes money, they won't give a toss, its not like a slightly lower score is hurting console sales.
So lets take a look at the racing games of 2014:


Well, that doesn't look good for Sony.

Woudn't be surprised if Driveclub sold more than FH2. So Sony won't be bother, I guess.
When this was first tweeted I remember thinking you'd have to be uber-confident in your own product before even thinking about criticising one from a fellow developer, especially one that's in direct competiton with you. It did seem very brash at the time, not to mention just a tad disrespectful.

More specifically, he was talking about how poorly it felt with the wheel.
I'd agree with him. GRID Autosport is very squirrely with my T500.


Dude I'm going to enjoy 'em both with a side-helping of The Crew and Project Cars. It's a great time for racing fans right now.

Project Cars has me super excited! I tried the Crew Beta and didn't like it at all so I know I'm staying away from that one, but Project Cars seems like a great game for Racing Sim fans. Forza Horizon 2 looks pretty good, but I don't own any Microsoft systems, but I always enjoyed Forza 1 and 2 (only ones I played, don't know if the series is different now lol) so I'm sure it's pretty great. All we need now is for GT7 to be announced while all these other awesome racers are coming out. GT7 and Bloodborne will make me a happy PS4 owner haha.

Sad to see that GT6 sold much lower than the rest of the series, I might be part of the problem there also since I didn't pick it up yet either myself since it came out around the time PS4 did so I was pretty broke then. Plus I heard it had microtransactions :(


So lets take a look at the racing games of 2014:


Well, that doesn't look good for Sony.

I think Evolution doesn't really care about reviews.

Speaking with a couple of the devs last night, they fully expect to not review well... but... turns out they don't really care. They're looking at the bigger picture, the long game (so to speak). Driveclub after a few months will be a different beast. They're focusing on constant support and development post-release.

A lot of the features were never intended for the original release but the 12 months delay allowed Evo to make a start on these features. Maybe being so open and transparent about this stuff is going to bite them in the arse. Maybe if they'd kept quiet about photo mode/weather/replays then such concerns about the title being "unfinished" would have been avoided.

I dunno about anyone else but I'm happy with the approach Evo have taken. They are being totally open about what's coming. That's something that should be applauded and appreciated rather than the constant bashing they're getting about an unfinished product.

Driveclub isn't going to be a "fire and forget" game for Evo. It was clear last night it's been a labour of love and something that they're going to support going forwards with equal amounts of love.

On a separate note, imagine a new Motorstorm in these amazing environments. Imagine each location, Scotland for example, being more of an open-world style map rather than a series of dedicated circuits/routes.

Just imagine...


According to Polygon Horizon 2 can be lucky it got a one week head start. LOL Video game reviews today are all over the place, seems like you can't rely on other people playing it for you anymore.

It's almost as if there's no exact science to reviewing a video game, and that some people might find one game good, that others find terrible. It's crazy isn't it? Not like the good old days, when review scores never varied.


Oh so he is not allow to buy a game and give his honest view on it?

Absolutely he's allowed.
Discretion, however, is often the better part of valour.

I don't see how that follows. He's a consumer and racing gamer himself. He's perfectly well within his rights to have felt disappointed by GRID. Does his status as a game director mean he can never comment publicly about another game?

See above.

I don't understand people being bitchy about his tweet. He's a driving game fan isn't he? If it's disappointing then he is very free to say that, even if his game is just as disappointing. I fucking hate U2, but I bet you I couldn't create anything as good as them.

And again.
When this was first tweeted I remember thinking you'd have to be uber-confident in your own product before even thinking about criticising one from a fellow developer, especially one that's in direct competiton with you. It did seem very brash at the time, not to mention just a tad disrespectful.

So Driveclub is a great looking game with great driving, so why the negativity?

Are reviewers going in to this with their expectations heightened due to open world games like FH2 and therefore marking this game down because it is not FH2?

I always intended to use the PS+ version as a trial to see whether I should buy the full game, and this is still the case.

It seems a competent but so far unremarkable game. Releasing with almost only European cars and no weather was a bit short sighted, since they could have at least had inter regional challenges and races in different driving conditions. I really don't know what they were thinking to release it the way it is. Maybe they just lacked the manpower or resources but that doesn't explain why there are almost no US/Jp cars.


Gold Member
The reviews docking points for the game not being open world I will happily ignore. While I can appreciate the openness and freedom of such games, I've never played one where the actual racing is as good as in a "corridor racer" (lol) with well-designed circuits.

Other than that, we'll see. I was gonna give the PS+ version a go before deciding anyway, still doing that.
Driveclub is for all intents and purposes, PGR5. The project lead on both PGR3 and 4 works for Evo. Prior to those games, he worked on the driving/physics modelling for the first two games. If you're eschewing from positivity purely because you think those other three devs have closer ties to Bizarre and PGR than Evo, think again. Having played it for an hour (it only unlocked an hour ago in Australia) it's more PGR than any other title since PGR4, and I have a number of hours on both Horizon titles.

Yup. Horizon 2 is great, but it's not the core PGR experience some are trying pretty damn hard to label it as.

According to Polygon Horizon 2 can be lucky it got a one week head start. LOL Video game reviews today are all over the place, seems like you can't rely on other people playing it for you anymore. Youtube Let's Play's might be better suited (aside from graphics for obvious reasons).

You could never really rely on others to play the game for you and give you a proper, detailed review that doesn't include some of their own bias.

That's why reviews should only be taken as an opinion piece and nothing more. To pretend otherwise is ridiculous. Unless you happen to trust the reviewer completely, in which case, I guess you could argue their opinion carries more weight, but only for you...


tagged by Blackace
Unfortunate to see all of my gameplay/content/structure/car selection concerns verified by reviews.

Will probably pick up during a sale.
I don't understand people being bitchy about his tweet. He's a driving game fan isn't he? If it's disappointing then he is very free to say that, even if his game is just as disappointing. I fucking hate U2, but I bet you I couldn't create anything as good as them.
This new restaurant serves Italian pizza in the classic fashion, and it does it well. The food, location and mood are all authentic. It could however have benefited from a more varied menu, offering perhaps American pizza. Combined with some TVs for sports as is the new fashion it would be great.

2.5/5 for lack of options and innovation.


So we are talking about new racing IPs?

Forza Motorsport: 93.05%
Project Gotham Racing: 87.32%
Forza Horizon: 86.19%
Dirt: 84.36%
GRID: 87.87%

You seem really involved in trying to show Driveclub is a bad game, maybe you should play what you like and let others form their own opinion.


I made this comment on the Eurogamer review page:

Maybe it's sour grapes, I dunno... but that review is REALLY poorly written. A driving game fan who complains when he's penalised for cutting corners? Ugh.


Wow at the Gamespot review.
It may or may not be a good game or deserve that score, but their snippet summed up my thoughts on this game. Do we really need another generic racer? I can't help but think how awesome MortorStorm could be on the ps4.


More specifically, he was talking about how poorly it felt with the wheel.
I'd agree with him. GRID Autosport is very squirrely with my T500.

How does one deduce all of that from a picture of him holding the game with the text "I couldn't be more disappointed :("?

Just because his wheel is in the shot?


This new restaurant serves Italian pizza in the classic fashion, and it does it well. The food, location and mood are all authentic. It could however have benefited from a more varied menu, offering perhaps American pizza. Combined with some TVs for sports as is the new fashion it would be great.

2.5/5 for lack of options and innovation.

You must be hungry


I expected these reviews honestly, these days you need a game that has 700 cars, 500 tracks and more useless content to review well, but anyway, to each his own i guess, i'm in love with the game personally.

Played Driveclub this morning and my god those graphics are AMAZING !!! Best looking racer ever easily, no question ! the Canada and Norway stages are gorgeous !!! and that is without any rain, snow...

Gameplay is right up my alley, feels like PGR with the sense of speed of Ridge Racer. I like the simplicity of the game, no bullshit, just pure racing and beating times.

I really love it and i'm happy i bought the game, can't wait to go back home and play more...

And, did i say the graphics are amazing ? holly hell, i can't wait for the weather patch and more stuff to come from this game.

I dont really agree with the comment about 700 cars or 500 tracks...though the 500 tracks would be pretty awesome, not very realistic though. The Forza series really pisses me off with its abundance of US centric tracks, they are just so boring. Even a lot of tracks out of The Uk bore me to tears. There are tonnes of good tracks around the world, I just wish they would start looking at tracks outside of the usual suspects which we've seen in many racers now, they are starting to get old. Though this isnt a comment levelled at Driveclub. Just a general comment on what you posted.

The cars comment is Driveclub related: I dont think its the number of cars, its the diversity of the types of cars. Driveclub is mostly a stable of the most predictable Euro sports cars you could possible imagine. Theres nothing really interesting there. You have your usual array of super cars, some super sedans, hatchbacks and a couple of the open wheeler track cars. Some of the most fun races I have had in racing games online is with old cars or even shit boxes (well, cars that werent really fast to begin with). I think thats what hurts. Driveclubs roster of cars is fairly typical of what I would expect in a NFS title if it only focussed on the Euro brands. They could have had cars like the original Beetle or the older Alpinas and Fiats, the BMW M1 etc, just interesting stuff that isnt 'here is all the latest Euro sports cars doing the rounds the past 2 or 3 years'


I'm not a PlayStation 4 gamer (yet) and have had an Xbox One since launch (actually swapped my preorder to Xbox because I wanted an exclusive raving game at launch and ended up having to go with Forza 5) and these Driveclub reviews seem reasonably promising to me and about what I expected.

It's not the sort of game that has made me want to go out and get a PS4 right now, but I'll add it to my list of games to play when I pick one up sometime in 2015.
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