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DriveClub Review Thread.


Last week, Alien Isolation gets bad reviews for being too long and having unpredictable AI.

Now, it's because Driveclub isn't open world, having 70 cars and not 100, and having "bland" menus.

Game reviewing y'all.

this post just doesn't make any sense


As expected, Sony really slacking with their output lately. I hope they take a long hard look at their first party studios and try taking a different route.

stop focusing and graphics.


Except they're clearly bothering when they have "Forza Killer" in the commercials of DRIVECLUB. I doubt it will sell better than Forza Horizon 2.

I could be wrong, but DRIVECLUB hasn't been very high on retailer charts and the fact that there is a free PS+ version doesn't help either. I'd expect Forza to sell better just off of brand strength and word of mouth alone even with the smaller install base.

Dat word of mouth®


I'm glad that reviewers have decided to hop out of their beds and actually use the entire grading scale. Almost 80-90% of games last generation had inflated scores. 72% isn't bad by any means. That's above average in my books.
As expected, Sony really slacking with their output lately. I hope they take a long hard look at their first party studios and try taking a different route.

stop focusing and graphics.

Their output has been fine. It's just been a relatively slow year for both new consoles (both of which aren't even a full year old yet). Honestly, I think next year will be a hell of a year for both systems.


Are you being sarcastic? The sun in your eyes vs dead of night driving by headlights is the same?

I never said day vs night. I was saying sunny vs cloudy.

Depends on the positioning of the sun and how gloomy the clouds are.

Sure, for a few minutes of the day when driving directly towards the sun it can be quite annoying. However to say it greatly affects gameplay is silly.
I'm surprised so many people are surprised.

I was under the impression this was what a majority was expecting? A solid, if underwhelming racing game with amazing visuals?

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Seriously though, gamespot giving this game a 5/10 is a fucking complete joke. I've put about 3 hours into this already. To give this game that low of a review score makes zero sense to me. It looks amazing, the races are tough, fast and completely exhilarating. Sense of speed might be the best I've ever seen in this type of racer. I haven't had a chance to try mp yet but from what I've played of the sp it's been a shit ton of fun. Loving the soundtrack too.


Well, look on the bright side. They built a pretty atmospheric engine, so hopefully they'll get some more use out of it in future games.
It's not the gimmick that's lowering scores.

Simply racing a car in pretty places is an age old staple of gaming.

If you're going to base your game solely on that, your implementation must be STELLAR and probably best in class to stand out, otherwise they fade into a pack of other racers that also did or do what your game is doing. Possibly better than your game and with a more rounded experience to boot.

Driveclub does accessible handling, it does pretty environments and it does social elements, but those are all things that already exist and in many a persons mind can be seen to have been done better too.

I'm repeating myself, but if you want a game to be a great game base on the bare minimum of what is expected from a racing game, then those bare minimum elements need to be a lot better than they are in Driveclub.

Well said, couldn't have said it better. Granted, currently on PS4 there aren't many alternatives, but even then that shouldn't mean higher default scores based on availability. We've all played masterpieces like Burnout Paradise, PGR4, Split Second and Blur. The immersion and fun bars have been set.

That being said, if they make a full WRC DLC pack with tracks and cars, that will change EVERYTHING though. :)


Reviews are much lower than I expected, but I'lll be downloading the PS+ version tonight so I'll be seeing for myself.


this post just doesn't make any sense

If you're not sure about the game, try it before you buy it.

Never mind, I'm out.

That's good enough for me. I guess in many ways DriveClub is sort of like a pseudo rural version of PGR. I wonder if both franchises will share the same fate? :S

It should be. If you're a fan of PGR, you'll find a lot more that appeals to you in DC than Horizon 2. I know some will disagree and try to paint Horizon 2 as just as much of a PGR experience as DC, but it's really not.

I have a feeling they will do well enough to survive the generation, not to mention that both Sony and MS need a racer to fill the gap between their mainline series and DC/Horizon fill that gap very nicely.

I'm deathly serious. When there's essentially a shareware version of the game available to the majority of the userbase. Reviews ultimately serve little meaning, especially when it's a racer. It's not going to fundamentally change from what you experience in that version.

This goes for everything in life.

Everything is meaningless.

You will all die.

That's some deep cutting truth right there, bruh.
Seriously though, gamespot giving this game a 5/10 is a fucking complete joke. I've put about 3 hours into this already. To give this game that low of a review score makes zero sense to me. It looks amazing, the races are tough, fast and completely exhilarating. Sense of speed might be the best I've ever seen in this type of racer. I haven't had a chance to try mp yet but from what I've played of the sp it's been a shit ton of fun. Loving the soundtrack too.
You should have seen their twitch stream a few days ago... That, was a compete joke. There score today is simply an extensions of their "journalism".


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Wow....reviews are all over the place. Was about to pre-order today, but will check the PS+ edition first.

23 positive and 10 mixed reviews. Seems like it is a good game with a solid foundation which will live or die by its post release support.
Ok you are right. I will give it a try.

I mean FM5 is the worst reviewed Forza(Lack of content), but the actual core is the best its ever been. The new physics model is top notch and playing it with a wheel is sublime. So while reviews can be a barometer you should always give it a shot yourself.
Why is sony calling it a Forza killer? You have GT, which is at the top of the racing game pantheon. That's like MS trying to create a Killzone killer.
So I guess you could say the reviews, good or bad, will ultimately serve no real purpose.

No. Review SCORES serve no purpose. A well-writen review can be very informative, pointing out clear pros and cons. Review scores one the other hand are just a tool for fanboys argument. It tells you nothing about whether the game is fun or what make it not fun. Imo, posting a review score without a context should be prohibited. It provide no information what so ever other than causing argument.


Expected, watched lots of gameplay videos but never understood the hype expect for the graphics. Then people complain when crytek talks about it. I love double standards.

You love double standards done by potentially two different groups of people? I hope you understand that makes no sense whatsoever.


I mean FM5 is the worst reviewed Forza(Lack of content), but the actual core is the best its ever been. The new physics model is top notch and playing it with a wheel is sublime. So while reviews can be a barometer you should always give it a shot yourself.

The thing to keep in mind with FM5 is that the reviews reflect the state of the game at launch. A LOT has changed since. I agree with most of the negative points in the FM5 reviews but having finally played the game for the first time 2 months ago I also agree that the game is amazing.


extra source of jiggaflops
I'm deathly serious. When there's essentially a shareware version of the game available to the majority of the userbase. Reviews ultimately serve little meaning, especially when it's a racer. It's not going to fundamentally change from what you experience in that version.
I've been saying that for months.

I was just posting a gif as a response to the the meaninglessness of reviews for this title. A large group of people with a PS4 can test the game themselves.
And even if you end up thinking this game is mediocre, there can be value to that exercise as you can then read KVO's review and see if you agree with reasoning why you two agree and then going forward weigh his opinion on upcoming titles more heavily.


This gen of games is doomed by incompetent reviews.

I'm *very* sorry for all that people who miss some good games because of a score or, of course, an incompetent review.

I know, videogames are not free, we pay too much for them, but there aren't only the review that may guide a choice. There are the impressions of the *real* gamers in tens of forums around the web ... There are your friends who bought a game and maybe can share his/her opinion, lend it, etc, etc


It's time for Evo to split their company into 4 teams and work on these projects:

  • Post launch lucrative (and possibly free) DLC beyond what's been officially shown as planned for DC
  • HD remaster (1080p@60fps) of MS Trilogy
  • Starting a PS4 Wipeout project
  • Starting a new Motorstorm project


Worked again, I knew it.
I'm becoming a magician or reviewers are incredibly predictable.
I read the post you linked to... holy shit, you're right. The more hype a game has, the more "reviewers" will act out on a game to try and look credible. Explains why the press at large look to have been far more lenient on H2 than DC.
Karma's a bitch

Why post the PC version of Grid Autosport Review. The PS3 version is in the picture and that has a meta of 75 with a User score of 6.4.

It seems unprofessional what he did to me personally but it looks like he wasn't alone being disappointed in the PS3 version of the game.
As expected, Sony really slacking with their output lately. I hope they take a long hard look at their first party studios and try taking a different route.

stop focusing and graphics.

Look, some of us like graphics, so I am very happy if they are focusing on that area. On the other hand, creative risks are good. I don't feel MS is any more open in this regard. In fact, Tomorrow's Children, Wild, and Rime, all look to be pointing to good things. We are only getting started this gen.
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