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DriveClub Review Thread.

Hardly surprising.

The elephant in the room, when it came to the games media over DC is that there's an impression that DC is not that exciting. However, the previews have praised its controls and overall mechanics, so it's not about the gameplay, so it comes down to one thing.

The 'identity,personality' aka 'gimmick.'

DC, for what it's worth, have a very tame gimmick that doesn't sell well in trailers. No NFS chases. No Burnout insanity. No FH open-world. The Club aspect is real, but it's not built into the gameplay in a way that creates an extremely distinct gameplay experience.

And from a design standpoint, it's somewhat like Destiny too, in a way, where the devs have made some design decisions that feel contrary to the norms and checklist expected in the genre. The return to track, the penalties, the club limits, etc... all of them make sense for the type of experience DC is aiming for, but it's not necessarily a design decision that will be embraced by everyone.

And there's the content aspect.

It's not the gimmick that's lowering scores.

Simply racing a car in pretty places is an age old staple of gaming.

If you're going to base your game solely on that, your implementation must be STELLAR and probably best in class to stand out, otherwise they fade into a pack of other racers that also did or do what your game is doing. Possibly better than your game and with a more rounded experience to boot.

Driveclub does accessible handling, it does pretty environments and it does social elements, but those are all things that already exist and in many a persons mind can be seen to have been done better too.

I'm repeating myself, but if you want a game to be a great game base on the bare minimum of what is expected from a racing game, then those bare minimum elements need to be a lot better than they are in Driveclub.


Is it just me or does Gamespots Kevin Vanord seem super salty the last year(s).

He pretty much always give the lowest scores for very undefined reasons.

Bland menu's??? Are you kidding me?

I normally love his reviews, but here he seems disappointed that this is not more than a driving game. Well, that is what it is supposed to be. Why does it have to set some new standard in order to qualify as being simply good?

I mean, he praises the pacing, visuals, challenge and the handling, but still comes away underwhelmed? If it succeeds at that, then it is doing it's job for what it is. Of course I still need to play it, but the score is way too harsh for what it seems to be, in my opinion.


This is a problem with a lot of things. Products will be docked for not innovating, but I'll never understand how being good... is bad.

Being 'good' is not bad, being 'good' is AVERAGE... the review scores pretty much say this. Just because the game is 'good' doesnt make it GREAT. You can't expect great review scores for a game thats just 'good'

The scores range from 50% to 90% (average to great) which makes sense since it doesnt innovate or try to give you a NEW driving experience. Games that attempt to innovate and execute it well should score higher because they go above and beyond the call of duty. There is greater risk for games that try to give you more than just a "solid racing experience" so those games get greater rewards when done right.

There is nothing wrong with this game getting these scores. Its an average racing game with above average visuals, some will like it, some will love and few will hate it. High scores should be reserved for games that are unanimously GREAT not games that are unanimously GOOD.


Previews have definitely not been the kindest for that game, so it would be quite surprising if there was a big change from that when it does come out. Not that it will matter much for Sony, since Bloodborne seems to be the real deal and will likely be their big critical darling for the first quarter of 2015.

FromSoft is bringing their A team for Bloodborne, I have on that game, plus the vids for it looks great. Can't really say that about The Order though, looks pretty though.


Wow, even lower than expected.

Good thing the PS+ version is free. I would never buy it based on those scores, so maaaaaybe the PS+ version can change my mind. I'm not counting on it though.

Also, this could've been a fucking awesome Motorstorm game goddammit!
Woudn't be surprised if Driveclub sold more than FH2. So Sony won't be bother, I guess.

Except they're clearly bothering when they have "Forza Killer" in the commercials of DRIVECLUB. I doubt it will sell better than Forza Horizon 2.

I could be wrong, but DRIVECLUB hasn't been very high on retailer charts and the fact that there is a free PS+ version doesn't help either. I'd expect Forza to sell better just off of brand strength and word of mouth alone even with the smaller install base.


FromSoft is bringing their A team for Bloodborne, I have on that game, plus the vids for it looks great. Can't really say that about The Order though, looks pretty though.
I played the Alpha and if Bloodborne isn't GOTY next year then there's going to be some extremely stiff competition.
Will LittleBigFloatyControls or The Order break the 80 MetaCritic ceiling!?







I doubt The Order will.

Bloodborne will be the first great PS4 exclusive.
I made this comment on the Eurogamer review page:

Maybe it's sour grapes, I dunno... but that review is REALLY poorly written. A driving game fan who complains when he's penalised for cutting corners? Ugh.

It's really not worth it and you're probably taking it too personally.

Ignore the review and carry on. You know the game is great, that's the only thing that matters. Tell any friends who might pay attention to the review that it's garbage and to focus on your impressions instead or just check out the plus demo, which I'm sure everyone will do.

So I guess you could say the reviews, good or bad, will ultimately serve no real purpose.


The game is a a fun racing game that is all I expected from it and I am having a blast. Not sure why every game needs to reinvent the wheel but it seems if a game is not openworld with destructible environments, explosions or if the cars dont turn into jets and let you race in the air it just isnt enough now days. I really wonder how long some reviewers have been gaming as I would have hated to see their scores on some of my favorite sega genesis or snes games.

That is the Call of Duty age we living in, sadly
It may or may not be a good game or deserve that score, but their snippet summed up my thoughts on this game. Do we really need another generic racer? I can't help but think how awesome MortorStorm could be on the ps4.

does that make it a bad game?

let people who wants that kind of game buy it.

docking points because it's "not innovative" whatever the hell that means relative to a racing game.

it wouldn't have been a problem had the complaints been about the gameplay or something.

but no, we get the same "innovate" bullshit yet again. now look at titanfall and how reviewers scored that game for being "innovative". it's a ghost town now and it's not even on everyone's goty list.


Last week, Alien Isolation gets bad reviews for being too long and having unpredictable AI.

Now, it's because Driveclub isn't open world, having 70 cars and not 100, and having "bland" menus.

Game reviewing y'all.


Yup. Horizon 2 is great, but it's not the core PGR experience some are trying pretty damn hard to label it as.

You could never really rely on others to play the game for you and give you a proper, detailed review that doesn't include some of their own bias.

That's why reviews should only be taken as an opinion piece and nothing more. To pretend otherwise is ridiculous. Unless you happen to trust the reviewer completely, in which case, I guess you could argue their opinion carries more weight, but only for you...

Driveclub is for all intents and purposes, PGR5. The project lead on both PGR3 and 4 works for Evo. Prior to those games, he worked on the driving/physics modelling for the first two games. If you're eschewing from positivity purely because you think those other three devs have closer ties to Bizarre and PGR than Evo, think again. Having played it for an hour (it only unlocked an hour ago in Australia) it's more PGR than any other title since PGR4, and I have a number of hours on both Horizon titles.

That's good enough for me. I guess in many ways DriveClub is sort of like a pseudo rural version of PGR. I wonder if both franchises will share the same fate? :S


"GAF's biggest wanker"
So lets take a look at the racing games of 2014:

Well, that doesn't look good for Sony.
That says more about the health of the genre in general when the highest rated title is a kart racer and it's not even breaking 90%.


tagged by Blackace
This new restaurant serves Italian pizza in the classic fashion, and it does it well. The food, location and mood are all authentic. It could however have benefited from a more varied menu, offering perhaps American pizza. Combined with some TVs for sports as is the new fashion it would be great.

2.5/5 for lack of options and innovation.
Issue here is that "does it well" is highly contentious, especially considering dumb as nails AI is a frequent complaint. Let's say all the servers are terrible.


Its too hard and not open world.

Those are the main reasons why I love the DC so much. The only difference is that game is not hard, it's challenging, intense and rewarding and it has a learning curve. I'm glad it turned out like that; it's been a while since I played a game like this. I don't need reviewers to tell me whether the game is good or bad, I can form my own opinion. There's no other game out there that looks and plays that good, has a great attention to details and keeps you on the edge of your seat. If people can't fucking drive , it's their problem, go play some easy accessible casual racing game, but don't shit on the game because it doesn't suit your tastes.
Well anyway, you guys enjoy arguing about pointless reviews while I'm enjoying that fantastic game.


Being 'good' is not bad, being 'good' is AVERAGE... the review scores pretty much say this. Just because the game is 'good' doesnt make it GREAT. You can't expect great review scores for a game thats just 'good'

The scores range from 50% to 90% (average to great) which makes sense since it doesnt innovate or try to give you a NEW driving experience. Games that attempt to innovate and execute it well should score higher because they go above and beyond the call of duty. There is greater risk for games that try to give you more than just a "solid racing experience" so those games get greater rewards when done right.

There is nothing wrong with this game getting these scores. Its an average racing game with above average visuals, some will like it, some will love and few will hate it. High scores should be reserved for games that are unanimously GREAT not games that are unanimously GOOD.

I don't disagree conceptually but this is the first gen where reviewers are using the FULL 100 (or 10 or 5) point scale, rather than calling anything < 80 a flop. It's really just a pretty drastic departure...although in the long run I think it's better.
Last week, Alien Isolation gets bad reviews for being too long and having unpredictable AI.

Now, it's because Driveclub isn't open world, having 70 cars and not 100, and having "bland" menus.

Game reviewing y'all.

How are those things at all related or indicative of an overall trend in game reviewing?
It looks great and handles really well, judging from what little exposure I have had with the game. I am not surprised in the slightest by the reception : DC being track based (not open world), offering less options and not including weather condemned it in the eyes of many,,,
Go out and try the demo for yourselves, and make your own judgement...
Its kind of Hilarius all of the negative comments about not being able to leave the track. This is suppose to be a realistic driving game, You leave the track on a real race and you are DQ'd . You try to drive through a field in a sports car and see how far you get. I enjoyed NFSR and the ability to do just about anything I wanted but it was a different type of game.

I'll be giving it a better lookover this afternoon but I am seeing alot more comments about what it isn't then what it is.


This game is going to have 3 million disappointed customers. I can see it now:

"I thought I was buying a 9/10, but this is only a 5/10."

"There's no room for 6/10 in my living room."

"There ain't no game
Can hold my body down
There ain't no game
Can hold my body down

When I hear that PS4 launching sound
I'm gonna rise right out of the couch
Ain't no game
Can hold my body down"
I normally love his reviews, but here he seems disappointed that this is not more than a driving game. Well, that is what it is supposed to be. Why does it have to set some new standard in order to qualify as being simply good?

I mean, he praises the pacing, visuals, challenge and the handling, but still comes away underwhelmed? If it succeeds at that, then it is doing it's job for what it is. Of course I still need to play it, but the score is way too harsh for what it seems to be, in my opinion.

Exactly my thoughts. I don't understand people downvoting a game because it isn't innovative.


How are those things at all related or indicative of an overall trend in game reviewing?

Try the game first and then, considering if it's worth getting.

Hell, Disney Infinity 2.0s free weekend on PC convinced me to get the game later on and playing Resogun convinced me to get the Heroes pack.


really disappointed in the review score but least i get to try it out in the free ps+ version and if its not that good just keep it around and play when im bored
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