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Dungeons of Dredmor |OT| it's roguelike, it has graphics, it's funny and it's $4.49

Learn something new every time you play - I just realized you can FEED your pets to let them regain health. Finally, a use for Deep Omelettes!
Wallach said:
Are you playing on Going Rogue? Things start to get serious as you get a bit deeper. Named Witchies, Magic Golems and Corrupto-blobbies (I don't remember what those are actually called) are really fucked up to have to engage in melee.

Ah no, I'm on dwarf mode.


platypotamus said:
Ah no, I'm on dwarf mode.

It should be a bit more manageable then, but watch out for Magic Golems and the Corruptoblobs still. They'll fuck up your gear permanently.

Are we going to start the contest today?


User33 said:
Unless you have Archaeology, in which case you can just re-roll.

Right, though that skill is a bit bugged and benefitting the player a bit too much right now (stuff is just stacking instead of actually fully rerolling).


Alright I will tally up entrants on this post

-Kitten Master
-Volodja (maybe)

-Every entrant designs a skill set
-Skill sets are then randomly distributed to the entrants
-Each entrant plays 3 games with the skill set and tallies up their score
-MAX 2 Weapon skills
-Difficulty Going Rogue
-The winner is the one with the most points after 3 games!

ALright sorry for the late response. Send me your skill sets and then I will distribute them by the end of the day and we can get gong! If I forgot anyone just let me know and I'll add ytou to the list.


Yay! Sent my entry in. Someone should have fun with that one, I think it actually has a decent shot. Or is horribly awful and you'll die miserably.

TheBez, maybe you should PM the remaining members to let them know we're starting? This thread can be difficult to notice once it's been buried past Page 1.


Sent mine in, also. I've played around with variations of it on DM and it worked pretty well. We'll see how it stacks up on GR~

I have a feeling I'm going to have a combined total of <500 points, LOL.


jayTOH said:
Sent mine in, also. I've played around with variations of it on DM and it worked pretty well. We'll see how it stacks up on GR~

I have a feeling I'm going to have a combined total of <500 points, LOL.

Oh, that's a good idea. I'm going to try the build I sent in on my macbook and see if it works at all. LOL.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Just bought this on a whim... it better be good, GAF! (Stealth-tag for when I actually have time to play)


posted in the steam thread but eh

anyone willing to trade me this for my copy of Magicka? everyone's raving about it and i wont have any moneys till next month

edit: nvm, got it!


Note for everyone doing the contest: You can't scroll the "High Scores" page to my knowledge, so if you already have a full list and your death score is lower than any of the ones listed, it won't show up on the gravestone. Make sure to hover over the face icon at the bottom at the time of death just in case, so you can record your score for that attempt.
TP17 said:
Hover over the face on the bottom bar (the one that goes all bruised when your damaged).
Thanks, apparently I'm up at just over 60k.

Played a bit more today, descended to level 4 and worked through that a bit... though I didn't scour every last corner of 3 like I did with the second floor I got most of it, the zoo, and all the quests. I'm feeling pretty confident with the crazy assortment of fungi in my belt, crossing my fingers I don't make some horrible mistake now


Sent my build.
It's the character I usually roll with, so I'm playing fair :p (can't wait to get repaid with the most crappy skill-set ever lol)
Argh, had a bug last night on my game where all keyboard and mouse input stopped even though the game was still simulating/rendering. Looks like autosave is only on staircase, too, so much lost time killing a monster zoo :(.

Game is obsession level now, so unhealthy.


Meh. I quit till 1.0.4 hits. Except our little contest.

The game is so broken. It was always broken but i kept playing. And i wanna play more too.

I usually stick to a melee build. But now i can see how much melee sucks in this game. I am on level 3. Smithy level 4 and i have items according to this. All items with at least 4-5 stars except the obvious amulet/ring/crossbow. Even have shield and armor skills. An Unfriendly AI comes and hits me for 8 DAMAGE! 4 if i block. Dodge chance is low because of heavy armor.
We know warrior skills get less HP too. So i have like 50HP at that point, clearing a zoo with 200 monsters with 10-20 Unfriendly AI in it. And they hit me for 8. As a rule of melee combat i find a narrow corridor and try to hold that point..
Let's enter regeneration. Food for a melee build? Sorry, no. Getting hit for 8dmg with 1hp regen is nothing. Vampirism? I still don't know how vampirism works. My last game, i have it, i hit a monster and gain 1 hp back. Then at some point (with berserk procs maybe) i am getting 4hp back. I can never be sure when i will get back high hp with vampirism. I know some people get vampirism ability with mushrooms. Or vampirism with potions. But you have to get the appropriate skills for these or it is all up to luck.

I rolled some mages too. I still don't see a useful spell school except promethean. Maybe fleshsmithing? The point is mages rock. But i died clearing a zoo and seeing RIHGT CLICKS make my character move instead of casting a spell. This is a known bug and will get fixed. But when all these add up i get bored. So i will wait till 1.0.4 except our little contest games which i don't have any hope to get a good result :D

I dare you to post me a working, non-dodge based, damage protection with high damage dealing warrior build with blacksmith skills, GAF.
Berksy said:
Meh. I quit till 1.0.4 hits. Except our little contest.

The game is so broken. It was always broken but i kept playing. And i wanna play more too.

I usually stick to a melee build. But now i can see how much melee sucks in this game. I am on level 3. Smithy level 4 and i have items according to this. All items with at least 4-5 stars except the obvious amulet/ring/crossbow. Even have shield and armor skills. An Unfriendly AI comes and hits me for 8 DAMAGE! 4 if i block. Dodge chance is low because of heavy armor.
We know warrior skills get less HP too. So i have like 50HP at that point, clearing a zoo with 200 monsters with 10-20 Unfriendly AI in it. And they hit me for 8. As a rule of melee combat i find a narrow corridor and try to hold that point..
Let's enter regeneration. Food for a melee build? Sorry, no. Getting hit for 8dmg with 1hp regen is nothing. Vampirism? I still don't know how vampirism works. My last game, i have it, i hit a monster and gain 1 hp back. Then at some point (with berserk procs maybe) i am getting 4hp back. I can never be sure when i will get back high hp with vampirism. I know some people get vampirism ability with mushrooms. Or vampirism with potions. But you have to get the appropriate skills for these or it is all up to luck.

I rolled some mages too. I still don't see a useful spell school except promethean. Maybe fleshsmithing? The point is mages rock. But i died clearing a zoo and seeing RIHGT CLICKS make my character move instead of casting a spell. This is a known bug and will get fixed. But when all these add up i get bored. So i will wait till 1.0.4 except our little contest games which i don't have any hope to get a good result :D

I dare you to post me a working, non-dodge based, damage protection with high damage dealing warrior build with blacksmith skills, GAF.

Swords or maces
Dual wielding
Master of arms
Berserker Rage
Fungal Arts

That's the build I was using when I got to floor 10, but I was using axes (weakest weapon skill of them all) and I had maxed out dual wielding which is currently bugged and hurt my character more than it improved them. First thing I did was get 4 smithing while saving all of my ores so I could smelt them at level 4 for more ingots. Level 5 smithing can be left until you have the materials and recipes for some good items that require it. Level 1 fungal arts can last you a long while and basically you should level up weapon skill, berserker rage, master of arms and assassination in whichever order you feel you need. I didn't know about the dual wielding bugs but I still think its worth it for the 1 point so that you can be proficient at using 2 weapons.
Berksy said:
Meh. I quit till 1.0.4 hits. Except our little contest.

The game is so broken. It was always broken but i kept playing. And i wanna play more too.

I usually stick to a melee build. But now i can see how much melee sucks in this game. I am on level 3. Smithy level 4 and i have items according to this. All items with at least 4-5 stars except the obvious amulet/ring/crossbow. Even have shield and armor skills. An Unfriendly AI comes and hits me for 8 DAMAGE! 4 if i block. Dodge chance is low because of heavy armor.
We know warrior skills get less HP too. So i have like 50HP at that point, clearing a zoo with 200 monsters with 10-20 Unfriendly AI in it. And they hit me for 8. As a rule of melee combat i find a narrow corridor and try to hold that point..
Let's enter regeneration. Food for a melee build? Sorry, no. Getting hit for 8dmg with 1hp regen is nothing. Vampirism? I still don't know how vampirism works. My last game, i have it, i hit a monster and gain 1 hp back. Then at some point (with berserk procs maybe) i am getting 4hp back. I can never be sure when i will get back high hp with vampirism. I know some people get vampirism ability with mushrooms. Or vampirism with potions. But you have to get the appropriate skills for these or it is all up to luck.

I rolled some mages too. I still don't see a useful spell school except promethean. Maybe fleshsmithing? The point is mages rock. But i died clearing a zoo and seeing RIHGT CLICKS make my character move instead of casting a spell. This is a known bug and will get fixed. But when all these add up i get bored. So i will wait till 1.0.4 except our little contest games which i don't have any hope to get a good result :D

I dare you to post me a working, non-dodge based, damage protection with high damage dealing warrior build with blacksmith skills, GAF.
If you're going to go the melee route you need something to keep you alive more than just armor. Fungal Arts is easily the best choice, the buffs from the fungus you'll eat will keep you up.

You'll have Fairywodger to heal with (3 HP per turn), Plumber's Agaric to increase your burliness, Prince for additional HP, Lobstermane Fungus to increase your armor and stubbornness, and Fel Truffle to increase your damage. On top of that Greedy Blungecap will give you Life Drain for 20 turns or so and, if you need to retreat, Inkly Hoglantern will allow you to turn invisible so you can run away and chow down for a few turns or just escape. The Slime you can summon will be invaluable to even if just used defensively to hold a hallway for a few turns before it dies.


Moobabe said:
You guys remember all the Killzone and Scribblenauts avatar nonsense when those games were coming out? In that vein can some photoshop genius put the Dredmor's main character's huge eyebrows on my avatar for me?

Another quick request :p


I prefer Alchemy to Fungal Arts. I'm too lazy to create spores then plant and wait for them to grow x_x Alchemy has instant health/mana restoration and longer lasting effects. The only downsides are having to dump a couple skill points into it if you want to maximize crafting and having some luck with loot. It works extremely well with Smithing, though.

Berksy said:
Vampirism? I still don't know how vampirism works. My last game, i have it, i hit a monster and gain 1 hp back. Then at some point (with berserk procs maybe) i am getting 4hp back. I can never be sure when i will get back high hp with vampirism. I know some people get vampirism ability with mushrooms. Or vampirism with potions. But you have to get the appropriate skills for these or it is all up to luck.

Vampirism is dependent on Magic Power, actually. 1+Magic Power/4, I think.


Alright we got some late entrants so here's our contestants


Not a bad haul! I will randomize the sets and send them out over the next hour or so!


TheBez said:
Alright we got some late entrants so here's our contestants


Not a bad haul! I will randomize the sets and send them out over the next hour or so!



Berksy said:
Meh. I quit till 1.0.4 hits. Except our little contest.

The game is so broken. It was always broken but i kept playing. And i wanna play more too.

The game really isn't broken at all. It has a few things that need some tweaking, and a skill fix here and there, but it is mostly the game that will be. What you posted was an unwinnable scenario. You were taking too much melee damage to win against a monster zoo with straight up melee. You would be better off closing the door and running. You should have softened up the room with some bolts of squid, mass destruction, or anything else that does area of effect. And if you noticed you were getting destroyed that much, you should have been looking for armor with high armor and absorption values. Also, weapon wise it shouldn't take more than two hits to down an AI by that point. I think you just had a run of bad items, skill choices and ran into a bad situation. Melee builds are just fine for the most part even with some screwed up stats, but you shouldn't be noticing any real difficulty until level 6 and beyond.

Also, not all builds are viable in the game. You pick the wrong skills over others and it can seal your doom. Some compliment others while others don't work well together. You have to pick wisely.



Here's what I got
stuck with

Dual Wielding
Berserker Rage
Master of Arms

This actually doesn't seem that bad, but I don't know if I actually have any buttons to press outside of Maces/Axes, lol.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I got my own setup. Had another one the same setup? Because I was sorta thinking I'd get a different one :p


Wallach said:

Here's what I got
stuck with

Dual Wielding
Berserker Rage
Master of Arms

This actually doesn't seem that bad, but I don't know if I actually have any buttons to press outside of Maces, lol.
Hey, look at that.
That's a variation of my favourite build right now, mainly because there are a lot of possible secondary skills after the first 5 are chosen. Hope you enjoy using it as much as I did.

I got

Dual Wield
Artful Dodger
Master of Arms
Viking Wizardry
Fungal Arts

I'm kinda dubious about this, I tend to specialize my character and this one seems to be kind of all over the place.
Not that it matters, with my luck I'll strike 3 stupid spawns in a row and finish this at cumulative 0 points.


Toma said:
I got my own setup. Had another one the same setup? Because I was sorta thinking I'd get a different one :p

I'll trade if you want! here is what I got

Fungal Arts
Viking Wizardry
Promethean Magic

I have never done unarmed so it may be interesting. I think I will go for dual shields in my arms.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hanzou said:
I'll trade if you want! here is what I got

Fungal Arts
Viking Wizardry
Promethean Magic

I have never done unarmed so it may be interesting. I think I will go for dual shields in my arms.

Nah, I already started, just surprising that I got the same :p


My first try ended at the 10th turn.
I opened the first door and 8 enemies were all over me.
As I said, sometimes these run-killing starts are a problem.


I wrote down the sets in the order I got them from pms then went up the list of entrants rolling a D20 to determine who got what. Sorry if you got your own set but I guess thats part of it. That way if you made a trash set to mess with people you got a taste of your own medicine :p!


Volodja said:
Hey, look at that.
That's a variation of my favourite build right now, mainly because there are a lot of possible secondary skills after the first 5 are chosen. Hope you enjoy using it as much as I did.

I got

Dual Wield
Artful Dodger
Master of Arms
Viking Wizardry
Fungal Arts

I'm kinda dubious about this, I tend to specialize my character and this one seems to be kind of all over the place.
Not that it matters, with my luck I'll strike 3 stupid spawns in a row and finish this at cumulative 0 points.

That was my build. I wasn't sure how it would work out since I haven't been playing the game that long. The Swords and Dual Wield were the main damage dealers with Viking Wizardry for support buffs. I usually run with Astrology but the idea of Dual Wielding + hit-based procs was enticing.

Defense is light so I went with Artful Dodger and Master of Arms with the hope that if you did get hit - the damage reduction would kick in.

Perception is in there to detect / disarm traps for easy experience and Fungal Arts was for the various buffs and healing shrooms. I also wanted something that was non-mana based since VM is somewhat mana-intensive.

Hope you have some good games with it!
Good luck!

Here is the build I received:

Dual Wield
Artful Dodger
Master of Arms

While the build itself wasn't that different from the one I made, it is very different from the build I tend to play. The biggest flaw for me was the lack of a healing source early on. Still, I was determined to give it a shot and so Dangermouse1 was born.

I wish I had something exciting to report but...

The powerful, tightly synched duo of a Little Batty and Diggle proved too much for Dangermouse1. I was careful to take them one at a time, but the damage input was too high and DM1 fell. :(


Well, this ended sooner than I expected ahah
The skillset was good, but I never played a mage and figured out too late what ability to get first ... and I also got a lutefisk as a starting health item. Great.

My build:

Master of Arms
Promethan Magic
Magic Training

1st run: 60
2nd run: 1124
3rd run: 900

Screenshots: I II III

Total: 2084

Better luck next time, I guess :p


Philthy said:

So true. I like roguelikes but i am not a good player. Maybe never will be one, i lose my concentration quick. And when suddenly die after a 4 hour run i get mad and start bitching :lol

Sarcasm said:
Whats broken??

I see nothing =p



And here is my contest build:
Dual Wielding
Berserker Rage
Viking Wizardry

Another melee vampirism build ;_; FML :lol


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Btw, which difficulty setting did we decide on? I forgot to ask earlier.
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