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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


The Everyman
Spooks said:
ok i was hating but the accuracy made it pretty awesome....

exactly, everyone here is going to enjoy this thing. just get on the hype train right now before you look stupid :lol


BruceLeeRoy said:
Can you be that precise though? The archery thing was pretty amazing
I thought the Nintendo conference had them do the exact same demo with their archery mini-game?


I would bang a hot farmer!
bottles said:
Except they didn’t.

This is just a blatant copy of Wii Motion Plus.
Wii Sports Resort Archery - Pulling back = push a button

PS Dildo Archery - Pulling back = actually pulling back.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Natal won't be able to do sword control like this... and I don't think Wii Motion Plus looks as accurate.


Nintendo shows archery on motion+. GAF : That sucks, old news, non game.
Sony shows archery with the PSDildo. GAF : WOW! Sony just won E3, how amazing!


Idk how this compares to M+ because we haven't seen an extensive demo of M+ yet. But it looks ACE though. Very nice. If they can fix that ugly ass dildo design and make some kick ass games for it, then awesome.
A Trackmania/LBP concept I think is a much better use of the concept than platforming (which requires more level design skill and results in a bunch of boring duds)


How is the Rockstar announcement a megaton? We already knew Sony had a Rockstar exclusive. All they did was reannounce it with a logo. Grasping at straws... pathetic. :lol


Fallout-NL said:
Don't think Natal allows for this degree of precision. But I could be wrong.
Natal maps to the person's body. Watch when the girl is playing breakout. When she moved up her avatar moved up too.


Junior Member
Naw, motion stuff wasn't so bad.

And it's here to stay. And they basically HAD to demo it now, or they'd be perceived to be behind the curve. This is a press exhibition, not Blizzcon :p

Model 500

Finally a pointer to PS3 (I just can't get myself that excited about FPS and other 3rd person games without pointer controls anymore), definitely interested! The motion tracking looked pretty good too, I wonder how they will include the movement of characters without a nunchuck style add on. I hope it's wireless when / if they include that to the package. And I hope they pack in two pointer controllers as a default. Good stuff :)
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