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EA up for Worst Company in America for 2nd year in a row


butthurt Heat fan
Activision doesn't kill franchises, fire people and close studios just because one game bombs, nor have they threatened to force people to start paying to do the most menial and necessary things in games, such as reloading.

But they shut down Bizarre Creations.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'd rather vote for a company that is actually screwing us over and didn't deserve a tax-payer bailout instead of a shitty game company. Then again I said the same thing last year.

Yup, as far as I'm concerned, instituting a financial meltdown damaging millions of peoples livelihoods and then seeking out bailouts funded by the US taxpayer is infinitely more heinous than making shitty games with DRM issues and bad endings. Like others said, Monsanto (who is surprisingly not on this list) and their GMO crops, energy monopolies (surprisingly no Exxon Mobil either), telecom monopolies, etc. are farrrrr more poisonous and affect WAY more people's lives than EA (whose games can be ignored with little trouble).

Well I view EA as the biggest cancer that's slowly killing my favorite and only big hobby that I've had almost my entire life. So I'm a little slanted towards voting for them to say the least. Maybe if my bank took my house away like some others then I'd feel differently there too.

Hmm, have you ever thought about broadening your horizons? I mean I love games as much as the next guy but it's not the end of the world if things are moving away from the direction I like... I'll just occupy my time with other hobbies.
Absolutely. But since we all agree this doesn't mean anything in the end then why not just vote for who you want? We're not choosing presidents or senators here.

Derrick, everyone here can look up your post history on this subject. Don't act like you don't actually think EA deserves this over BoA.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Huh, you know, I don't know where to put "gamers" in a position.

One one side they are very extreme enough to go for a kill towards EA and the like, but on the other hand they don't really seem to care enough about video games because they let stuff slide just to get their fix.


When I think about it: If we were to categorize it to just, say, entertainment companies, banks, tech companies, maybe some overlap where necessary... EA could definitely win within one of those categories, easily. Worst for entertainment by far unless I'm missing some serious bullshit in Hollywood/TV or amongst the book publishing world, and possibly Tech though Facebook IS pretty abhorrent at times, and Paypal is sort of a bank/tech company itself. If nothing else in the realm of JUST video games EA's probably been the worst for consumers easily, each of of the companies can have their moments, but EA has CHAINS of moments.
They deserve to go bankrupt tomorrow. I'll settle for what I can get though even if it's an internet poll.
I dont know about that since they imply thousands of people who are innocent in all of the terrible decisions EA has made and those employees have families, kids who havent done anything. I dont want them to go bankrupt. I want the corporate leaders to be forced out. For all of those who decide on te anticonsumerism to be forced out of decision making roles.


I dont know about that since they imply thousands of people who are innocent in all of the terrible decisions EA has made and those employees have families, kids who havent done anything. I dont want them to go bankrupt. I want the corporate leaders to be forced out. For all of those who decide on te anticonsumerism to be forced out of decision making roles.
I'd rather EA reform, but it does seem at times they may be a lost cause.

STILL, bankrupt =/= everyone loses their jobs. Just look at THQ, some of the studios did outright close, but a lot got sold off to the highest bidder, so a studio like Bioware might either be sold off to another company like Bethesda (oh great we'd be getting a Square Enix situation here), or maybe even the Doctors would buy them back just to let them have autonomy again even if they don't get heavily involved in their business.


I dont know about that since they imply thousands of people who are innocent in all of the terrible decisions EA has made and those employees have families, kids who havent done anything. I dont want them to go bankrupt. I want the corporate leaders to be forced out. For all of those who decide on te anticonsumerism to be forced out of decision making roles.

Most of those people would find other jobs instantly if that event happened. The industry is good like that at picking up fallen devs.

I just want to see the day where EA has to close up shop and sell their IPs off to the highest bidder THQ style. I want to see their entire legacy wiped away. I know it would hurt the industry for a little while but you gotta go through chemo to get rid of cancer, it would recover and balance out in the long run.
Most of those people would find other jobs instantly if that event happened. The industry is good like that at picking up fallen devs.

I just want to see the day where EA has to close up shop and sell their IPs off to the highest bidder THQ style. I want to see their entire legacy wiped away. I know it would hurt the industry for a little while but you gotta go through chemo to get rid of cancer, it would recover and balance out in the long run.


Now I know EA thinks it's the A #1 hotshot publisher, but here's the juice: if it goes down, ten more publishers will take its place tomorrow, they just won't come with anti-consumer and industry crashing practices, that's all.



EA didn't deserve to win it last year and they shouldn't win it this year especially against the competition.

I really hope they don't win


If it can bring awareness to the crap that banks like Chase (since it barely knocked out Wells Fargo) do it COULD be more worthwhile really. EA's probably gotten hit about as badly by SimCity as it's going to be hit, but last year showed a lot of people may've just stuck their heads in the ground about the banks and whatnot.

... I also keep missing those polls or dunno who I'd vote for. If I and others reliably followed them the results would probably be very different.


Seems to me that EA will be up against Bank of America in the final 2. BofA is the real-world right choice, but EA might have enough momentum from the SimCity debacle and copious mis-steps handling it to push through to the first ever two-timer for Worst Company in America.

Naked Lunch

I got no hate for EA because for the games I like to play (mainly Battlefield) they provide dedicated servers - even server browsers on consoles. I dont see many other companies that can say this. Halo and COD are basically trapped in the stone age with their weak as shit netplay. Unplayable in comparison.
I got no hate for EA because for the games I like to play (mainly Battlefield) they provide dedicated servers - even server browsers on consoles. I dont see many other companies that can say this. Halo and COD are basically trapped in the stone age with their weak as shit netplay. Unplayable in comparison.

Standards sure are low these days hah.

Too bad their dedis are garbage and the community doesn't get to choose their own server provider.
"I know that Bank of America is doing it's fine job on helping ruining the economy of a country, but EA made the sequel to a video game bad!"


Well they at least deserve a nomination this year for the Sim City fiasco.
If we were going with just entertainment companies they'd probably deserve it. But, well, I don't think Bank of America gave free homes to the people they unfairly foreclosed on, and that's probably easier to solve than server issues.


butthurt Heat fan
Activision doesn't kill franchises, fire people and close studios just because one game bombs, nor have they threatened to force people to start paying to do the most menial and necessary things in games, such as reloading.

Well, you do have a point, they did kill Bizzarre Creations after two of their games bombed.

Activision is a Call of Duty factory with the occasional bits of shovelware crapped out.
Probably why they're nominated. Lots of butthurt Christians on the internet.

People are really mad at JCPenney's for their "no coupons, no sales. everything is cheap as shit" mentality because dumb people feel angry that they cant cheat the system if they cant stack coupons in ridiculous ways


But they shut down Bizarre Creations.
To be fair, that took two games. Bloodstone and Blur both tanked hard, and Bizarre was already on a losing streak from Project Gotham 3 and the Club both selling horribly. If Acti hadn't bought them, they would have just ceased to exist.

EA is a terrible company, but no way do they deserve this.


Looking at the results...
I can't believe Fedex beat UPS. UPS does a lot of things right, but a lot of their policies are backwards and anti-consumer as shit. Fedex usually has cheaper prices and have always treated me right even if their service isn't quite as professional.
Wells Fargo should've beaten Chase. Chase is probably just more well-known. Never had a problem with them though unlike Wells Fargo. Terrible banking experience and I'm sad that they bought up my local bank.
Sallie Mae and Paypal should've tied. As scummy as Sallie Mae is, I would've personally given the edge to Paypal. POS company. It's unfortunate everyone's tied to it since I'd much rather use Amazon Payments.


Seems to me that EA will be up against Bank of America in the final 2. BofA is the real-world right choice, but EA might have enough momentum from the SimCity debacle and copious mis-steps handling it to push through to the first ever two-timer for Worst Company in America.
EA is not going to lose. It's my stone cold lock. EA is the Ron Paul of non-Ron Paul based internet polls.

InBev should have beat EA.
Facebook spread was too big.
BoA should definitely beat EA.

EA will win.
"I know that Bank of America is doing it's fine job on helping ruining the economy of a country, but EA made the sequel to a video game bad!"

Yep that's what it comes down to, banks who purposely ruined people's lives through what they knew were very risky decisions and unethical policies or EA because hey they make a video game I didn't like and didn't even buy! lol people who think video games anywhere approach people having their homes wrongfully foreclosed upon need to get a damn life.


"I know that Bank of America is doing it's fine job on helping ruining the economy of a country, but EA made the sequel to a video game bad!"

This bracket is clearly meant to convey to shine a light on corruption in the banking system. It isn't a stupid internet poll that customers using entertainment and luxury products can mock companies they believe create annoying products that keep people from enjoying the things they love.

People don't want to think about the banks screwing them over. EA's screwing over of their customer is easily apparent to any consumer that uses their products. It's easy to see why they win these polls.

It's meant to make you laugh at the company that loses. EA shouldn't look to BoA to make themselves look like a company that satisfies their customers. Maybe, just maybe they should look inside for reasons that they are the butt of every joke.

I look at the sheer dislike for EA out-shadowing Banks that ruined our economy and laugh. Laugh at the idea that EA is hated so much and the irony of this particular situation. The hate is real. The seriousness of this poll isn't.


EA is not going to lose. It's my stone cold lock. EA is the Ron Paul of non-Ron Paul based internet polls.

InBev should have beat EA.
Facebook spread was too big.
BoA should definitely beat EA.

EA will win.
InBev is probably the closest, and from what I'm seeing they can be summed up as "EA but worse and about beer." I'd lean towards voting EA due to having a more direct effect on me and InBev not being WAY more monstrous; we can live without beer or games, but I'll take games over beer. Facebook's having a lot of shitty effects that are admittedly somewhat out of their control, and banks in general we can't really avoid.
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